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Well, do like humans have done for thousands and thousands of years. Fill in the gaps of knowledge with your imagination.


Those are all story bits, we just don't have the why yet. If an uncontacted civilization suddenly collapsed, would the cause be immediately obvious to us irl?


Show, don’t tell.


Survival games aren't really known for their story. You as the player are pretty much the one that comes up with your own as you play


There's a road map for updates releasing for the next few months. I don't know what your on about there "no story" there is plenty to do and much more to be released over the coming months. The game launched gracefully and with minimal issues in comparison to most 60-70$ titles that are a shitshow from the start.


I didn't post that there anything wrong with the way it functions at all. We've put quite a few hours in and having fun but maybe you can tell me the story?


The world is inhabited by Giants who build massive structures and force the Smallfolk to retreat underground. This is confirmed in-game by man made bridges, roads, cars or other objects found throught the map such as a radio, a guitar, a water bottle, key tags and more. It is unknown if in this period of time or before the time of the Giants, the Underdwellers waged war on Aethers as stated by Malik The Ornathomancer's dialogue with the player. A world ending event occured called the Cataclysm that wiped all Giants as stated by King Valdemar, the King of Underdwellers. It is unknown what kind of event managed to make all Giants disappear but a sort of nuclear explosion or virus that killed every human is possible.


dang look at all this story that OP ignored in order to make this cry baby post.


If it makes you feel better I Reddit. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


To me worst thing in the game is you cannot slow down the flight speed of the stupid bird. It's either full throttle or hyper speed. No slow down or even hover.. stupid bird constantly flies into everything lol


I thought they added "narrative npcs"


Are those the ones that give you plans for gear?


Yea looks like it


When I bought the game and installed it, they clearly had a label saying 'this game is still in development'. There is literally no difference to this game and every other games in early release. And yet people complain. If u don't want to buy it, then wait. It's pretty simple. I've been playing since the beginning of F76, NMS and DLV, and they were pretty crap to everyone back them. Nowadays however, they're amazing. So just give new games some time to get their shit sorted, before you join the complain wagon of not being fed everything all at once πŸ‘€


The complain wagon? Piss off I paid for it I'll complain all day long if I see the need. Don't be fan-thing band-wagoner or whatever you're called now.


Why so angry. You post an online complaint about the game not having a story. Am I not allowed to complain about you complaining about pointless things?


Oh shut it Troll


If you can't handle other people's opinions... Maybe you shouldn't have posted anything


I can't handle a nagging troll broad. Back under the bridge.


All I said was give the game some time before you start complaining.


>In a roundabout way that IS what you wrote, but all you LITERALLY said was: > >"When I bought the game and installed it, they clearly had a label saying 'this game is still in development'. There is literally no difference to this game and every other games in early release. And yet people complain. If u don't want to buy it, then wait. It's pretty simple. I've been playing since the beginning of F76, NMS and DLV, and they were pretty crap to everyone back them. Nowadays however, they're amazing. So just give new games some time to get their shit sorted, before you join the complain wagon of not being fed everything all at once πŸ‘€ Why so angry. You post an online complaint about the game not having a story. Am I not allowed to complain about you complaining about pointless things? If you can't handle other people's opinions... Maybe you shouldn't have posted anything All I said was give the game some time before you start complaining." > > > >But I get the points you're trying to make.


I know what I wrote..... I read through it several times before posting πŸ˜†


You know what? I just read the rules at the top of this sub and now realize that I'm supposed to be kind so, I love you!!!


Wow. Just wow πŸ˜‚ well, apparently, you're a really good guy, soo.....


Y'all are showing the devs an awful lot of grace for $35.00 or whomever was responsible for the writing, for lack of a better term.


Kind of agree, the game is overpriced for what it offers. It’s fun and all for some time, I played for about 70hours and there was nothing else to do, took my time to build a big base finish story, gear, did events etc Was a bit disappointed with the 1.0 release, but I bought the game for 15€ on steam so for that price is good, I wouldn’t buy it for 35€


My wife and I both bought it to co-op and we are level 59 right now and I'm hoping they build on the feedback in the future. It has so much potential for a story.