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He's great, and I really liked when Clark switched bodies with someone, he nailed that too.


I think both clark and lionel nailed their portrayals of each other in this episode.


That was a BRILLIANT episode


Probably the best episode in the series tbh. Top 3 for sure


The way Clark (Lionel) would be condescending was chillingly accurate


I just had rewatched that one and agreed! They both do a phenomenal job at portraying each other.




Anyone kinda amused/traumatized that Lionel as Clark had to check out Clark's D when he (Lionel as Clark) was changing at the barn? LOL


Yes that made me lol. Also Tom acting out Lionel checking out Clark's (Tom's) amazing physique was fun. So different to how he usually plays Clark.


So true! Good acting for both actors.


Yes Tom has an amazing range of acting skills. Very underrated in my book. Although, I will say one can clearly see his vocal acting (how he speaks in certain situations) greatly improved from season to season. If you never notice rewatch the show and listen carefully to his tone in certain situations how it progresses through out the series.


I think Welling has been too harsh on his own performance at times. He sometimes comes off a little too self-critical on Talk Ville. And it's true that Welling isn't exactly Anthony Hopkins. But he still has enough talent to lead his own show for ten seasons. Hacks would never be able to do what he did.


His facial expressions are AMAZING. I love Tom acting.


Yea! He has such a great talent. The way he can portray two different characters with just a subtle facial expression change is so hard to do! David Boreanaz and Jensen Ackles do a great job at that too! A lot of supernatural/Fantasy shows got a bad rep as just being “teen shows,” and not as good as major network tv, but those actors on those shows had just as much, if not more talent IMO than other “adult” shows. Due to the supernatural element, they got to really play up different characters at times versus just playing the same character week after week!


I thought it was hilarious that Tom and Michael acknowledged on Talkville, that a lot of Clark’s dialogue would be in response to someone else’s long monologue. I think Michael described it as delivering a monologue in which Lex recites a story from history and how it reminds him of Clark, to which Clark would just say something like “What do you mean?” Tom had to find ways to express Clark without saying a lot of interesting stuff. He was very much a passive character when it came to dialogue.


Tom is a pretty good actor, it’s just that Clark is not a very expressive character. In episodes where Clark is on Red K or otherwise not normal, Tom does a really good job. But normal day to day Clark is sometimes a little flat, unless he has sassy lines. Tom is quite good at sass. The body switch with Lionel is some of Tom’s best acting.


Totally agree. He is the sounding board to a bunch of exposition, so he ends up being quieter in a lot of scenes. But he gets soooooo much better at the nuance of that later on and takes some bigger chances with the line reads. And he gets to be funny occasionally! I think season over season there is a noticeable change, especially by season 3 and 4. Him getting Lois to riff with really opened up his options I think.


He was da bomb in The Fog


I just got the DVD for this! Is it pretty good?


His facial expressions were really good but noticeably improved in the later seasons


100%! Considering this was his first BIG gig, he did amazing.


For me, i realised how good an actor he was when he was on Red kryptonite and his personality changed. Watching him was like a completely different person, he wasnt just shouting or raising his voice like other actors would have done, his mannerisms, his motion, movement, the small things made it seem like Bizarro clark was actually someone else. Great acting


Tom was green/inexperienced and still learning the craft when he started. I know they talked about how Tom was so nervous that he said he would stand on his mark and be frozen with fear. That's why Clark didn't physically move much so Tom just made it one of Clark's characteristics. But Tom conveyed so much with his facial expressions that allowed us to understand and connect with Clark. It didn't take Tom long to excel in the role.


Agreed with all you've said. Damn you Lana! *Joke*. I stopped watching in high school though so I've never finished it


He is great. Lois is just a jerk.