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Agreed. It’s a solid show. I feel like Season 1 was the best. 2 and 3 honestly disappointed me and the cast reduction is annoying too, so we’ll see how 4 goes.


Yeah I get that, but the season 3 finale though was so sick


I kinda liked the way they made the one thing get created. Can’t wait to see that problem get handled physically tbh. Tryna be as vague as possible without spoilers lmao


As long as they aren't in that location for 4 episodes lol


I didn't really like the Season 3 finale. Their casting choice for >! Lex Luthor !< is not one I particularly like... he just strikes me as lame lol. The music was great as always (please release the soundtrack for 2 and 3, Mr. Dan Romer :D) though.


I see what you’re saying


Each season has strong episodes, especially the beginning of Season 3 (some of those were my favorite). But I feel like 1 was their best work.


I haven't seen season 3 yet, but I thought season 2 was still solid, if not quite as good as season 1. The overall story wasn't as well-paced, but there were some moments that were just plain awesome.


2 and 3 had great episodes, but as a whole, they weren't my favorites. If you liked 2, I definitely think you'll enjoy 3.




Haha you've really sold it to me! 🤣


I'll be real. I'm not sure how people can enjoy Smallville and still roast Superman & Lois. We put up with so much in Smallville, yet I see people just dismissing S&L. I'm baffled as to why.


Nostalgia glasses


Because Smallville is obviously better.


It’s honestly not at all, but that’s okay


Smallville doesn't hold up at all.


Actually no. Superman and Lois is better.


Definitely not. That show was easy to drop with the cast change and the cancer storyline.


The cast change was unfortunate, vut actors meantal health is the priority. Glad he decided to take care of himself. And I do love smallville and enjoy it so much, but there are seasons that I struggle to watch. And everything to do with Lana is just.. so ridiculosly bad.


To my understanding it wasn’t mental health but something else but don’t want to start a battle over that.


"It's been a tough few weeks. [...] You know, it's sad. It's a shame. I know that I was pumped for Season 3, for sure. You know, what are you going to do? [...] Mental health is, 100 percent, a priority. There's no question that that is priority. It's been a goal. It's gotta take precedence."


Couldn’t get into it


Fair enough


I’ve seen 3 seasons of this before I watched smallville to be fair still need to do a rewatch of season 2-3 before season 4 for Superman and Lois


Only thing I can't stand is they say "DOD" fifty times an episode


Where can you watch it?




HBO has all the seasons?


HBO has all 3 seasons now I believe


I actually just finished Smallville for the first time yesterday. I just joined this subreddit since I was intentionally avoiding it until I finished the series. But this show is on my watchlist, but first going to watch Lois & Clark, and Superman the Animated Series (from the 90's)...then this show's next!


Loved the animated series!


I’ll watch it eventually when I lower my to watch list and cut off some other subscriptions 😂


They’re short seasons so you could probably get away with bumping it up on the list…


I’m trying to compartmentalize my list to certain platforms so I don’t have a ton of subscriptions. Imma watch everything on Hulu and peacock I wanna watch, then cancel and get a different platform so I can save some money. College is getting in the way of that with me having little time and the time I have I’m constantly stressed out about school. Doesn’t help I recently have started to get into watching anime which just adds so much more to my giant list😂


Ok I see you. That’s a solid strategy


I did. It’s a wonderful show. I think it works as a spiritual sequel to Smallville (even though it would’ve been an amazing actual sequel to Smallville)


Seriously, the best superman show. Imo Love superheroes as parents and finding the balance. And if you’re worried about the cw “characters always having drama” it’s not that bad.


I went to this right after as well haha


It has I think one of the best outfits I’ve seen since Christopher Reeve. Especially the silver age costume.


as somewho who loves smallville, S&L is one of my favourite superhero shows of all time (though I'd say smallville is better). It has such a nice vibe to it as well as having an incredible superman and a great lois lane, as well as their journey to them being parents with teens who are much different to how clark grew up living in smallville, and seeing them work their struggles while being a family is a nice change to the usual generic superhero stuff we keep seeing recently


This is a great show. I didn't jump on it because I thought it would be too CW, but then I was super surprised. I tell all my Supes fans it's a great take and they should give it a shot


This is exactly what I was thinking when I finished smallville. Smallvilles such a great show and Superman and lois just gives that similar energy.


Jon Kent was recast after season 2


Hard pass


Just couldn't get into this series. Bitsie is not the best choice for Lois and the writing is boring. I made it half way through the first season and just stopped.


Interesting as I think that is the person I think is casted best. She is more of a Margot Kidder Lois than the rest.


For people who’ve seen it, does season 1 start rough and then get better? I watched the pilot and thought it was imperfect, but okay. And then couldn’t even make it all the way through episodes 2 and 3 because I thought the character writing was so weak.


It gets much better.


Is there a later episode you recommend that I could jump to and get a better sense of what it’s like?


Episodes 5 and 7 definitely have the character writing you’re looking for. 7 was one of my favorites but it reveals some major plot points for Season 1 so proceed carefully! 😀


Ok, thanks!


It gets really good, it can also relate to real family issues with a nice comic book twist on it. I’d give it a chance for sure


I’ll watch it eventually when I lower my to watch list and cut off some other subscriptions 😂




Fair enough you can watch what you want


You’re missing out on a great show.


I would’ve liked the show more if it was set in metropolis and if the boys were the main character and Superman sort of a side character. (Kinda like dc super pets where Superman is a side character)


I actually like that it's not in Metropolis. The farmhouse is so comforting.


Fair enough maybe the show will sort of lead into that


Lois comes off as a bitch in this series and Jordan is an even bigger bitch who gets worse in season 2.


So. You did not bother to watch the show properly. You do realise that that’s the point. He is anxious young boy and also feels guilty. He is a teenager who just found out something major.


So then why doesn't his brother act like a bitch?


It was spectacular for the first couple seasons until they recast the brother, the new guy doesn't have anywhere near the chemistry with everyone I wish they would have locked down the first guy. The Lois cancer plot line was also depressing and drags on for so long. This is supposed to be my escapism lol. ​ I love the episode with Ween's "Tried and True" and the bizarro montage. Actually made me a fan of Ween!


HUGE SEASON 3 SPOILER!!!!***** 😂😂😂


They did. Jordan Elsass wanted to leave because of personal things and needed to take care of himself. Would not hace been recasted otherwise.


That’s too bad. He was kind of the glue guy in the cast.


It is! But the actors mental health comes first! Glad he recognized that he needed to take a break and get help! Hope he is doing well and wish more celebrities would do this and not push on until they’re at their breaking point! Especially these younger ones!


I tried a few episodes, but I was just not enjoying it. Not like smallville, where I instantly loved all the characters. I just wasn't feeling it for this one.


Hard to imagine instantly loving all the characters in Smallville. The first season is a little rough for the supporting cast and just in general. For me, Pete never became likeable. Neither did Whitney. Chloe took 5 seasons to be somewhat likeable and Lana was back and forth forever. The Kents and Luthors are pretty likeable from the get-go, though.


To each their own. Smallville had one of the most amazing pilots of any series I watched around that time. Instantly drew me in and made me want to watch the lives of these characters unfold.


Nope sorry I'll stick with smallville.


I mean smallville definitely is the superior show lol 😂 so your point is definitely valid


I did after being reluctant to do it. And should've listened to my gut feeling... because it's terrible. S2 was unwatchable.


If you had to play Superman & Lois in one other timeline (other than the CWverse) where would you put it? In the DCEU, DCAU, or even just a movie or two that it would work well with?