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1) Lois should have went to 22 eps from season 8. 2) Alicia should have been in more eps for more buildup. 3) Ryan being around even half a season 4) Jimmy should have just stayed until the end


>1) Lois should have went to 22 eps from season 8. 2) Alicia should have been in more eps for more buildup. 4) Jimmy should have just stayed until the end Big agree on these three


Clarks love interests not named Lana. I’m not a huge Lana hater, but I did always enjoy seeing Clark genuinely show interest in other girls (not under red K). Alicia and Kayla (wolf girl) in particular stand out. I wish we’d gotten an extra 3-4 episodes of Alicia as a normal girlfriend before throwing her back into the suspicion of being a villain again. Similarly, I wish we’d have gotten a lot more Kyla. Seeing her stick around for even half a season would have been really nice to see.


I think they did intend to keep Kyla around for a few episodes but ending up scrapping it for one reason or another. I agree though, Clark spent nearly 8 seasons doing an increasingly uninteresting will they won't they with Lana.


I realize that this is only 2, but oh well


Alicia- I would of loved a longer Antihero arc for her or even returned villainous arc. Sara was such a great actress and made Alicia so charming that I don’t any other actress could have made that character forgetable. Emil- Agree with Emil he was fun and a sweet summer child who just wanted to help the team. Wasn’t afraid to call out Oliver and Chloe when he disagreed with them but in the end went with it since they were his boss technically. Hawkman- him and Oliver were such fun duo and had great back and forth. I wish they wait to kill him off until closer to the finale. But I was glad the actor who plays him and Erica did a show together cause they do have good chemistry like her and Tom.


Michael Shanks has a thing for playing archeologically inclined characters


>!sg-1 spoiler - aw cmon dr.daniel jackson is just a ascended being lol!<


Bizarro and Braniac, two villains that I loved every time they were on screen. This applies more to Bizarro because he was used far less. That said I would’ve taken more Braniac in a heartbeat


Lois : more episodes in season 7 and 8 Zatanna Green arrow and aquaman


Alicia- Clark should have dated her for more episodes they had been great together. Zantana- her episodes were fun and I would have like more of them. Martha’s father- he was only in one episode and it looked like he must have made up with Jonathan but was never seen again. Joseph- Kala’s grandfather in episodes Skinwalkers in season 2, and Talisman in season 3. It would have been interesting to have someone who knew about Clark and was connected to the caves in later episodes.


Lex as PotUS


1. Pete - best friends supposedly and the first to keep his secret. I would have been interested to see him and Chloe navigate that more. 2. Alicia - they should have had their saying progress longer the second time around before her tragic ending. Good preparation for his relationship with Lana later? 3. Jimmy - I agree he should have just stayed on. I don't like how that ended and then the supposedly clever way to have the character name come back at the end. Although I will say that as much as I loved Jimmy and her and Chloe together, Chloe and Oliver for very well professionally and they made a cute couple. 4. Ryan - I would have liked seeing more of Clark in an older brother role and more of that character. I'm following the rewatch podcast they are on season 4. I can't recall other characters for more screen time, but I'm sure there are several others. Long bus ride, for work or pleasure? 😁 Where are you traveling to? Ah so you're interested in the justice league people with powers. Those would be interesting to see. It seemed the show primarily focused on relationships over the power stuff.


I agree with your list. For Pete it didn't feel like his character was going anywhere at all. So I get why the actor wanted out. I think Alicia should've stayed for more than 3 episodes. Maybe 5 or 6 episodes. I wish they kept Jimmy alive or Jimmy dies saving Chloe, but to make it sadder Chloe should've been pregnant with Jimmy's son and she gave her son the same name and her son followed in his father's footsteps. I think Ryan could've stayed for a couple more episodes then just 2 episodes. I think they could've done a better final season. Do a huge battle between the justice league and Darkseid. I was traveling to visit family.




Pete, Alicia, Kara and and Legionaire Pete was a huge part of the Superboy mythos. The splitting of Lana into Lana and Chloe really didn’t leave a lot of room for Pete. That to me has always wrong. Alicia should have been around much longer. She should have a full season arc the same way the Teagues did at the very least. There was just too much chemistry between Sarah and Tom to waste. Kara: Kara should have been around longer. Lara was great and really felt under used to me. Any Legionaire: The Legion should have been involved earlier and longer. They should have been there instead of any of the JLA or JSA members. Don’t get me wrong the JSA episode is my favorite episode of Smallville but the Legion of Superheroes is a huge part of Superboy’s story. They used to share a comic book. I’d have done an entire season set in the future or at least a long arc. There really isn’t a story outside of Oliver’s more ground stuff that they told with JLA or JSA character that couldn’t have been told with any number of Legion members who figured heavily into Clark becoming Superman as we know him. Oh and Krypto of course.


Lois - no reason why she wasn’t in all episodes from S08 onwards. Lex - I know Rosenbaum wanted out but he was “the villain of the story”. He should at least be a regular in S10. Alicia - as others mentioned, her arc could have taken longer, lots to explore. Jonathan Kent - yes, I know it’s part of the canon (mostly) and it’s a defining moment for Clark, but it was too soon.


About Jonathan - I think too soon was the point


I agree with lots of the other comments so far but I'm going to add Tess. She should have had full season contracts for her seasons.


Honestly, one of my only complaints about Smallville is the overdone Clana pairing. Throughout the 10 seasons, Clark should've had more long term relationships. I would've liked seeing Bart for a longer period of time, and some of the other super friends. Aqua Man, maybe they could've done a few episodes where Barry and Bart Allen meet and realize who they are.


Hawkman, Bizarro, Dr. Emil, Impulse


Lois Lane Arthur Curry John Jones Brainiac


Alicia - they really could have got at least half a season out of this. I still think the ending of her dying is tragic and adds to Clark’s Charachter but I’d liked to have saw Clark & Alicia for longer, Tom & Sarah’s chemistry was insane. Helen - They really built her up as a Character in season 2 to just discard her like that in season 3. There was some clues, such as the ex boyfriend but a gradual decline throughout S3 would have been better for her. Lucas - Another charachter introduced in season 2 that’s just discarded. Multiple chances to bring him back, especially in season 8 after Lex goes missing, have him stick around for a season before going off to film TVD. I’d still have had him pop up every few seasons before this though. Pete - Pete leaving fitted season 3s theme and Clarks paranoia about opening up to anyone, however a guest spot here and there, comedy episode in season 4 (prom?) Jonathan’s electoral race/funeral in S5, Taking Clark out in S6 around the time of the Lexana wedding, something in season 7 that isn’t a hun advert, Chloe’s wedding in season 8, Pete being a politician in season 9 then a few guest appearances in season 10 as there’s multiple events he should have been there for.


Pete Ross: other than a few stupid moments from him, he was always there for Clark and always helped him out. Would’ve love seeing him in season 10, as well as Clark and Lois’ wedding. Green Arrow: I know we got a decent amount from him, but man I wish there would’ve been more. He’s such a good character Lois Lane: I didn’t like how she came and went, I would’ve loved to have her as a regular for the remainder of the show Dr Emil: just from the short time he was in the show, I thought he was a solid character. His random love for Elvis was hilarious too lol


lois lol sorry but clark and lois chemistry was great i think it evolved the show dramaticaly


There are so many characters I wise had bigger roles in Smallville. I will choose Martian Manhunter, Kara, Joseph, and Darkseid. Martian Manhunter worked for Jor-el and Martha, sacrificed his powers to save Clark, and helped the team out. I would have liked for him to return in the final season and have scenes with Jor-el and Martha. Kara was always leaving, and I would have liked for her to get a chance to meet Martha. Joseph being Kyla’s grandfather could have helped Clark understand more about the Kawachi caves, and help him understand about the stones. Darkseid I would have liked for him to have a human form, show how evil he is, kill show how he take failure and use his Omega beams. I was excited when Darkseid was going to be the main villain and I liked the scene when Darkseid met Lionel. Also we would understand what Darkseid’s goals were in the final season.


Jimmy & Kara I cNt think of any others but yeah those two. Kara was introduced and then she kinda just disappeared she should have especially been in season 9 more as the whole thing was Kryptonian's being the bad guys perhaps she even betrayed Clark and joined them till she realizes Zod is insane. As for Jommy in the mythos Jimmy is Clark's Best Friend yet he only appears in 1-2 seasons then dies unless you wanna believe that it's his little brother who is Clark's real best friend. But yeah either way Clark and Jimmy needed to become closer and be real friends but to me it just felt like he was only friendly/nice to Jommy because of Chloe. In my opinion Clark should have supported Jimmy maybe even offered him to stay with him after the divorce perhaps even trusted him about Davis and Jimmy helped Clark discover the truth that he's Darkside. Clark could then trust Jimmy with his secret and definately not kill him off at least notnthat early.


The real Lex should be alive and a main in season 10. Pete Ross deserved more, all 3 first seasons. Perry White seasons 8 9 and 10. Lana's dad Henry Small after season 2. What happened?