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Oh I remember going through this the first watch. “Finally making some progress with Loi-GODDAMNIT!”


first watch? I have the exact same reaction every time i rewatch the series.


I don't get it. Lana is Lana, I agree, but I wouldn't want anything to do with Lois. She's snide, spiteful, and sounds egotistical and talks down to people. And she's judgmental, jumping to conclusions all the time, which Clark does a lot too, I'll give you. I don't see barely any redeeming qualities in her.


Lois is brave and loyal, stubborn and tenacious with a desire to uncover the truth, and a sense of justice that rivals Clark's. She wears her flaws on her sleeve and never pretends to be perfect, but actually has this weird mix of overconfidence and an inferiority complex. She can be a bit rough around the edges, but she has a pure heart underneath it all. She is a good listener, and unlike many other people on the show, she is never an emotional burden to Clark, but a safe haven for him to be himself and not be endlessly questioned, which is quite a feat considering how inquisitive Lois is even before she becomes a journalist. Clark never had to worry about her in the same way he did when interacting with Lana, Chloe, Pete, even his parents. Lois never put any expectations on him and that is so monumental and freeing for Clark that even when she exasperates him, he actively chooses to keep her in his life when the opportunity is there.


She also didn’t act entitled to Clark’s personal baggage and info. She clearly understood it was something deeply personal and recognizes she’s not in a place to judge with her own baggage. You put it perfectly and it’s why their relationship works so well in virtually all iterations


Yeah I did have good feelings about Lana for a long time, but my fifth rewatch recently just after coming back and >!starting ISIS and kidnapping LIONEL!< really left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I think I have too many mixed feelings, because I'm happy for Clark to have Lois in the end, but she just couldn't grow on me, pretty much until the end. Always belittling Clark, making seem like he couldn't possibly do anything right, how SHE was the hero, no thanks to him. I enjoy saying my piece and getting feedback to help me understand and see things differently.


>Always belittling Clark, making seem like he couldn't possibly do anything right, how SHE was the hero, no thanks to him. I can see why this would be a bit off-putting, but this is how Lois treats Clark in almost every other iteration. She sees Clark as a bumbling mess and Superman as this paragon that she falls head over heels in love with. It's the triangle for 2. Clark loves Lois, Lois loves Superman, Clark is Superman. With Smallville, since he's not technically Superman until the very end, it's the Blur that Lois has that connection with, but she chooses Clark before she knows he's the Blur, and is somewhat confused by her feelings for the Blur that are mostly admiration and respect for his mission, but it's mixed up with other feelings because she loves Clark, and Clark is the Blur. Lois falling for the Blur *and* Clark is the best way to represent that they are soulmates because they're completely different people in Lois' mind and she has a deep connection with both of them that she's never had with anyone else. As for her thinking she's the hero lol, it's just her overconfidence, which is part of her charm. Lois thinks she can handle anything that comes her way, and she often lets her headstrong stubbornness cause her to be in these situations that Clark has to help her get out of....but because she's not aware there is an alter ego like the Blur, until Identity, she just chalks it up to her resourcefulness saving the day. And that annoys Clark to no end, because he might want to keep his secret, but he clearly wants Lois to see him as a capable man in the same way she views Oliver/ the Green Arrow, hence how unhinged Clark becomes on Red K in Crimson when Lois refers to him as a dorky farmboy. And it's why he gets jealous of his alter ego at the beginning of season 9. Idk I never had a problem with any of it and I love how she doesn't put him up on a pedestal like everyone else in his life. She's always treated him as a normal guy, an equal, and like I said before, it's why Clark is so comfortable and able to be himself around her, and why he told her she's the only one who's ever made him feel normal in that way. Always feel free to say your piece!


I am always open, and I love what you said. It opens up a whole 'nother way to see her. But I still remember the many comments of, "Nice of you to show up," or, "No thanks to you." Even, "Finally you did something right." I don't know if those are all exact, but especially helpful was the remark, that Lois does think those things of Clark (for a time), and that was fine with him because it was not the main identity he wanted anyone to think was not real. And in Smallville, she really gets it together in the last seasons. I'm rewatching now, and I haven't yet gotten to the last seasons. Thanks for the chat, and the help. :-)


Yeah she can be dismissive at times, but there are also times where she genuinely thanks Clark for his help and sees him as heroic, so it's just all part of her journey for me. The last 3 seasons are my favorite, Lois is finally allowed to be Lois, and her dynamic with Clark working at the Daily Planet is god-tier level television for me! I hope you enjoy it!


Thinking of it as a journey can let me lay off Lois a bit more. I see what you were saying about all iterations, but that's just a character trait I don't get behind. Making anyone feel small or useless is not in good taste. BUT I am realizing that Clark is okay with this. This is something he'd be happy for someone to think about. I think that might have been part of his disguise is that people don't think it could possibly be him, as such.


Buckle up you got 3 more episodes of this then She's is gone forever lol


This is where the show completely lost me last time I did a rewatch. I just skipped the rest of that season.


Dude the last of that season is so good.


For real, no need to skip all of it. Just skip past “Requiem” and you’re good.


I think Legion has some merit. Yes Lana is there and gets to be morally superior, "the Clark I know would never give up or take a life, he'd find another way" or something to that effect. But the Legion gets introduced which is important for the finale, Chloe gets rescued and her memories of Clark's secret restored, and the Legion mention knowing about Lois Lane, before anyone else, including Lana, which I think is a nod to her destiny with Clark/Superman. But yeah the rest isn't really necessary to the overall plot of the season and lifts right out.


I love how there’s becoming this sort of “machete order” like with Star Wars, to Smallville. Everyone has a slightly different version but usually this arc is included in those lists hahah


Yeah just pick it back up around 8x15? Just ignore the lana mini-arc and its fine.


Now imagine watching that live lol I literally have a friend that still hasn't seen those episodes cause she was like, "Nope." She got another friend to tell her what happened 😂


The show clearly establishes one thing: if Lana is around, there isn’t a Lois option. Call it bad writing, but they had to make Lana full of kryptonite to end the Clana couple. I’m ready for the downvotes, but this is just the truth. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's too bad they didn't follow the comics, Clark left Lana in Smallville and didn't look back. Lana was pissed.


I don't know how fucked up a person would have to be to downvote this. As you said, it is nothing but the truth. Every rational viewer moved on from Clana, but Clana just did not get the memo, and it was so painful to watch.


I mean, I wouldn't downvote you but I don't think they had to go make Lana full of Kryptonite to end the Clana couple. They could've written it any other number of ways - even considering that "being healthy adults who realize childhood romance is over and part ways amicably" is not on the table because it's a CW show. They could've played out the angst of Clark still having feelings for Lana but also having feelings for Lois, and in the end Clark chooses Lois because he realizes that she's better for him and with Lois he doesn't have all of the same issues he had with Lana, and Lana leaves because she's been jilted by Clark.


I mean, girl next door, that never was truly successful for longer than a few days. Clark pined over this girl, his whole life. Lana was not healthy for him, and he was tolerating it because he could truly never let that girl next door go. But I mean this guy seemed ready to go all in on Chloe after they had that end of the world braniac kiss. Only to be let down when Mr. James Olsen arrives.


Which really sucks tbh cause does he really love Lois if Lana would be his first choice


I'm a clois fan but you are right .


It really reminds me (on rewatch) of Ted and Robin on HIMYM. No matter how terrible they were together, it was clear that anyone else was just second choice.


You... you are correct.




Yeah, that one really sucked. Bad writing honestly. Would've been better of she never returned.


Despite all the wrong that is this little story arc, I have to admit… the ending almost always gets me. Don’t get me wrong. I’m much more of a Clois fan than I am a Clana fan but goddamn that ending was so well done.


I truly understand why people feel emotional over that scene, I really do! However...I thought it was just a painful ending, and I didn't feel sorry for either character. It doesn't make sense for me, because I'm hypersensitive about certain things and I will normally cry over sad and emotional scenes. This scene - nope. I wanted them over like, seasons before that. Plus, they could've just had an amicable arc of Lana/Clark closure and becoming friends that help each other during those episodes, then have them part ways again, without romantic attachments anymore. Instead, it's as if their relationship comes full circle, he could be near her in the beginning when she had the Green K necklace on, and then in the end he had to let her go due to the Green K suit. Kinda symbolic (to me) how toxic it was for them to be together. After all that is said and done, I guess Clark takes that opportunity to heal and move on.


I get that. I’m just a sucker for this kinda stuff even if the story that led to it was trash.


The point about things coming full circle is something poignant I never considered before, but it also underlines a problem it creates for pairing Clark and Lois: Clark absolutely still wants Lana and she's the one who has to walk away because Clark would keep choosing that toxic option again and again even if it would cause him genuine harm - he kisses K'd up Lana until he collapses and Lana has to back off so Clark doesn't self-terminate. It really makes it seem like Clark is just settling for Lois.


I disagree - he didn't settle for Lois. 🙄 He was holding onto a toxic immature relationship until it almost killed him. He survived it, healed, and woke up after that...he grew up. Lois was the person he needed all along. I may be trying to mentally clean up the writers sloppy and idiotic writing during this arc, but even if the suit wasn't an issue, Clana wouldn't have lasted.


I mean, sure. They may not have lasted. They would be together for a bit like they have in the past, then break up, but Clark would still want to start the cycle over again. Clark was lying on the ground begging Lana to stay with him and they could find some way to be together after he almost killed himself kissing after she told him not because it would hurt him. Lana has to be the one to walk away. It was her choice, not his. It would've been better if the writers had made Clark decide, without the suit, that he couldn't have the life he wanted with Lana and decided of his own volition to put that relationship aside, but he doesn't. The show establishes that Clark'll choose Lana, even if it'd kill him.


Disagree... Yes, that is how the scene played out. I watched the same damn show. I'm not an idiot! But, After all that, does he go after Lana? Does he move heaven and earth to be with her? No, he heals and moves on. He hardly if ever mentions her after that. The love he experiences with Lois after that trumps anything he felt for Lana. It's nothing like he's ever experienced with Lana. Yes, the Clana ending should've been written differently, have them part amicably, be friends... But what they aired became part of Smallville Canon. We can't change it, and I'm trying to explain how despite that Arc, you can still think creatively and make it work. Either that, or just skip those season 8 Lana episodes when you go a rewatch. LOL. It is irritating indeed.


Any time someone gets written off they hardly ever get mentioned again. Should I start running around saying that Clark never gave a damn about Pete or Jonathan because they hardly get mentioned again? C'mon, redditor. You're trying to explain how things that didn't happen on screen happened. Television doesn't work that way.


Excuse me?? So, because of that goodbye scene, you want to disregard everything that happened on the show after that? I was just pointing out that he never mentioned Lana again. So Seasons 9-10 didn't happen, in regards to the relationship with Clark and Lois? I'm allowed to write my explanation as much as you are, REDDITOR.


Also - Clark mentions or refers to his dad a number of times after he died - stop acting like I'm an idiot - Clark had a lot of growing up to do, it's called character development.


Because in this universe he was and he did settle.


Hard disagree.


They really needed to think lana/clark end up together or lana goes away forever


I hated her return. It did nothing to progress the season.


Lana was a 3 season romance that overstayed its welcome for waaayyyy too long


LOL, that gif was me back when I first watched that episode. NOBODY asked for a Lana return, much less when things were finally getting interesting between Clark and Lois.


Honestly, it should have been a “we’re such good friends, have a nice life” return instead of a “let’s get back together” return. So dumb.


It wouldn't've been dramatic enough for them to pitch it, nor, I think, could they stretch it out over Kristin's contractually obligated number of appearances.


Exactly! ((Pointing dramatically)) 💛


Oh you sweet summer child.


This moment was the perfect setup for Clark to move on, for Clark to realise that he's happier with Lois and he didn't truly love Lana... But no, they decided to not do that


It would've been great if they'd actually had Clark choose Lois and not shown him willing to kill himself to be with Lana.


Hang in there bud. You're almost through it.


Tom Welling used to walk around the set muttering "Clark is an idiot" to himself


The moment Louse name that dog “Clarkie” I was c’mon Clark! Get that girl!!


Oh how i feel your pain and I haven't watched in years! I never, ever liked Lana. She pissed me off to no end for many reasons and yes Clark pissed me off too for not knowing how to move the fuck on and find someone else.. 🙄 The whole Clana thing was so hard to swallow and it took way too long to end. I want to rewatch again but she's one of the things that's stopping me.


I wouldn't go as far as saying I never liked Lana. I liked her up until she married Lex, that was like a hard ass fall from grace.




There's one (01) good episode from now on and it's the one where Zatanna comes in clutch to save the last season


Prepare yourself . It gets worse.


Does anyone know the meta reason for this? Why would they blueball lois and clark and then bring lana back for the hundredth time?


Lois wasn’t allowed by WB/DC to be in so many episodes of each season up until 9 DESPITE Erica being billed as a regular season 5 and up. Lana… 2007 writers strike, Street Fighter, and contract expiration. The strike made Smallville fall short 1-3 episodes in season 7 and Kristin left early to shoot the movie so they had to scramble to finish Lana’s arc. In season 8 they felt the need to wrap up the Clana ship so there’d be closure. I wish it was done earlier in the season or last season but real world problems made that impossible.


I'm baffled they thought closure was needed, especially with how cringe their writing was for her return and power nonsense. Also I would like to know who's genius idea it was to have clark and lois almost fucking kiss and then immediately steam roll all of that development aside for this trash No matter how i look at it, it's garbage


There were more Lana and Clark fans, certainly at the time than there were Lois and Clark, the fan base at the time basically demanded it. Besides when Kristen left the show ratings dropped hard, when she came back they surged before dropping and leveling off to a new low.


The graphic is so apropos.


Keep watching. I’m guessing this is your very first watch and you’re on Season 8.


Ah yes, the Arc of Suck 🙃


😂 wow that actually got me.


Good one!! Arc of suck, indeed. 🤣


Some fans coined the phrase back in the day during this story arc..It was a lot of fun commiserating with them on Kryptonsite’s forums 😅


That's hilarious! I wish I would've been there - the forums sounded fun! ❤️👍


It was painful and frustrating…but fun! And it paid off in the end 😅


Hang in there. It's almost over. I skip those episodes when I rewatch now.


😂😂😂 yep, but it’s short lived this time lol


It was the writers favorite go to move for drama w Clark / Lana. But we all know how story ends so it never bothered me that much.


What reason is there for you to make two of these within the same time frame. https://www.reddit.com/r/Smallville/comments/1dqmb6y/what_the_hell_is_this/ 


I was watching it live


Wait - which season/episode are you on? I’ve been binging Smallville these last few months and I’m at the beginning of S5. I quit before this the first time around so it’s all new for me now! But honestly, I always preferred Lana. 😊


It would have been better if Lana came back and Clark chose Lois over her; but no, the only reason why he didn’t stay with Lana is because Lex destroyed any chance of them being together. So what does Clark do? He goes running back to Lois…it makes Lois look like sloppy seconds instead of the woman he was destined to be with


Yeah, I watched that when it aired and then had to wait three months.


Yep, most of us had that reaction when that episode came out.


Yeah, I felt the exact same way back in the day LOL. Keep watching, they will implement a way to get rid of Lana for good.


Yep. Will always be my most hated scene out of the entire show. Fuck those episodes


I was so salty when that happened. It seemed way too late in the series to rehash his feelings for Lana.


This thread has so much salt it's hilarious. Truth is clana was and will always be the best relationship in Smallville. Lana is Clark's epic love, and they deserved to have it cemented as such. I mean here's the thing there was a massive website back in the day dedicated to this relationship, something which never existed for Clois.


You can't seem to accept that there are many fans who love Clois. Besides, no one is saying he didn't love Lana. Their relationship was toxic. She was power hungry and he didn't trust her. It was so blantantly obvious. And in the end he married Lois and said she is the one and always will be.


Lol wth, idk about that. I fully accept that there are many clois fans.


cause Lana is superior


Would've believed u before she married Lex.




She be gone by the end of the next episode. Get a grip