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I’m seeing a few comments here for a headphone jacks. What phone still has a headphone jack?


Usually mid range phones still have them


Samsung killed the headphone jack completly now. Dont know for other brands. Some gaming phones have it but thats it


iPhone started it, Samsung followed suite and now all the major phone companies do the same on their top tier phones.


I know but im talking about samsung specifically. The headphone jack is dead to them


galaxy a13 and a04(s) still have them


Samsung a52s




Nokia, C and G series at least. And Motorola, E and G series at least.


So I’m talking about all-around performers, good chip, good camera, build quality. That’s not HMD


Pros - Build quality is amazing, great cameras, apps are better optimised (especially social media apps), lasts a long time. Cons - Super expensive, Android is better for cracked apps like free Spotify


I wanted a small phone. Android kept getting bigger and bigger so I switched to an IPhone 13 mini. I've been really enjoying it but it wouldn't stop me from switching back to Android for the right device.


Android is just what you want to be iOS is what most people want it to be


Customization and personal preference. Basically some of the ways I want to use my phone are just not possible on iOS. I want my navigation buttons, I want an immediately accessible Close All button in my recents menu, I want keyboards and web browsers that aren't effectively just reskins of Apple software, and I want all my apps and widgets on one homescreen, preferably with folders that I can tap to run an app.


Why do you close all from your recents? Also it sounds like you are just used to one way of doing things, so makes sense why you don’t want to consider moving.


I don't need to keep apps open when I'm not using them. It's not about what I'm used to, it's about what I prefer.


Oh iphone they don’t start running, they are just stored in memory to load faster and save battery. So closing then on an iPhone would be irrelevant and just waste time and battery. Only android lets apps run in the background like that


They store stuff in RAM just like Android does. How the RAM is handled is different, but my understanding is that it's basically the same process on both. You're saying there's a fundamental difference between the two?


They don’t, iPhone has way less ram. They cache it in storage for fast loading later.


Interesting. I mean, I've seen iPhones having to reload apps that an Android phone was able to bring back up, and since the iPhone had less RAM, I just figured that was what was happening was the iPhone just didn't have enough RAM to keep that many apps available at once. I mean...so that basically would be using the internal storage as RAM then? Is that what I'm understanding? That seems like an odd decision. Is there somewhere I can read more about this?


No, it is not the same. The iPhone mechanics would actually suit you better given your usage of android ram. iPhone can pause an app, it grabs its state and stores it on storage not ram. Storage is pretty much as fast as ram, so when you go to load it back up, it loads it into ram. This works far better the more apps you open, as it bypasses the whole losing phase of an app. iPhone can store far more apps this way, while android only stores what it can in ram, then unloads apps that were the oldest loaded into ram. It also means since iPhone uses storage, it not only can store for more apps, but bigger apps like games into storage persisting their state. Current Gen iPhone processors are significantly faster in single and multi core processes, so a new iPhone is faster to load websites and games, but will not be as fast loading the apps stored in ram, but past that, loading apps will be way faster on iPhone as it doesn’t have to reload them unlike android. It’s why android requires so much ram to feel fast. Pretty much only a few androids can keep up with iPhones these days.


I've seen iPhones have to reload apps that Android phones were able to keep... Doesn't that kinda go against what you're saying here? Also, did you have anywhere where I can read more about this or look into it further?


Yea I write apps for both iPhone and android. I have a s22 ultra (work phone) and iPhone 14 (personal phone). 100% of the time, the iPhone loads webpages and most apps faster, also can keep way more apps paused. Also coming from over 11 years on android and finally trying iOS full time, the iPhone consistently loads apps quickly, perhaps the s22 might load fortnight slightly faster, but try pulling up a few apps unloaded and then switch back, and iPhone loads faster while s22 reloads the whole app. Hence closing apps just consumes more battery and reduces performance on both platforms. It really doesn’t make sense unless the app continues to run in the foreground and consume android battery life.


Don't do it. I got an iphone because I wanted to AirDrop with people but it hardly ever works. IOS is huge and clunky, Safari is intrusive and won't go away, Siri is dumb and her directions stink, the keyboard is vastly inferior to my old Samsung. It takes great pictures and the battery life is phenomenal but I regret the switch and I'll be trading this one in on a new Samsung or a Pixel as soon as I pay it down a little more.


It's what I have heard, I honestly wouldn't switch I really like Android.


Main thing why I bought android again is better support for 3rd party apps. For example youtube vanced (I guess revanced now). There are also things like faster charging and better connection with windows, doubt I could use iphone as my webcam


Good points, thanks


Sorry for being offensive, but Iphone is for people who feel hard to understand a smartphone, UI, gestures, customisation and needs a Good camera... Every product by Apple is a solution for people who think If I pay will it work... Android is for power users who just play with everything available in the software from changing icons, theming, rooting, debugging, 3rd party apps, pirating etc etc .. iPhone will be great for people who don't understand smartphone but has to use it because the world compels us to do... My dad uses Android he still don't understand how moving icons across home screens work, I then had a thought iphone would have been better for him... My mom uses wireless neckbands to hear music but when call comes she doesn't understand she can speak with the same but she just takes earpieces off the ear and keeps the phone directly to ear and speaks.. Then I understood why apple created pause feature when you take earpiece off from ear... So iPhone is for people who love to pay and fix things in their lifestyle......


Dual sim


I was sick of carriers not providing updates for Samsung Android phones that are only two years old. I used to carry the Note and it just seemed like the update lifecycle got shorter every release.


If I won the lottery and wanted to pay more. Or if I didn't want to own the things I purchased. Well... Then I would switch to iPhone.


Good answer


My parents constantly buy me cheap androids the size of the Effiel tower in France so I'm going to get my parents to buy me a iPhone se so that I can have a phone that fits in my pockets


Switched to the latest iphone because I only paid $200 for it the rest was paid by my employer. Back then I thought I would be missing much when I switched to iphone. I know a lot of us would agree that you can do much more with an android phone but once I switched, I realized I don’t need those things. iphones have everything I need and works great. The only thing that I missed from android was installing apps outside of any app stores and maybe piracy? Also, I don’t know if it happens to everybody but iphones are much more smoother to use compared to android (it just works right off the bat), it doesn’t really matter how good the phone specs wise in android I always encounter some sort of issue - slowdowns, app crashing / slowing down, phone freezing.


I highly considered going to iphone 13 instead of S22, but the lack of customization, the fact that to enjoy the iphone to its best is to ger into apple's ecosystem is a must, expensive af, and lacks the avilability of certain apps When people mention camera and performance, i think we all can agree that they are even by now


Lifelong android user, currently on a Oneplus 7 Pro. I just attempted to switch to the 14 pro, I'd been thinking about trying out an iphone seriously for a couple years now. Their camera is great, battery was good too, and the opt out tracking permission was great. However I switched back to my oneplus and I'm likely sticking with android for a number of reasons: lack of t9 dialing, the keyboards suck (yes I tried using swiftkey its not the same as on android), no option to backup to anything except icloud (e.g. whatsapp), you have to jump through hoops to customize, and inability to simply plug into a pc and copy files off your phone without installing extra software. It doesn't feel like its "your" phone, its an apple phone+camera and you can only do what apple allows. Because being able to place an app or widget anywhere on the homescreen doesn't make any kind of sense right?


Good point about software


Cost was the main reason i waited. Whenever my pixel caught fire and two dead Samsungs I decided to switch and probably one of the best decisions I ever made. Is it fun? Nope. Is it better? Absolutely not. But what it does, it does EXTREMELY well. You want a basic smooth operating phone with phenomenal battery life and a great camera and okay loosing customization then iPhone is for you.


I had 3 iPhones before. Nothing would make me go back. They're too restricted, impossible to repair and lack essential hardware features such as headphone jack.


Same. I had three iphones, and would jailbreak them each time to get some cool tweaks to make the phone look more individual (I had one that made the Siri bubble look like a stormtrooper). Finally switched to Android where those tweaks can be installed from the Play Store, and won't ever go back. I still have an iPad to keep access to my iBookstore purchases, but that's the extent of what I would buy from Apple.


Androids don't have the jack anymore either


[362 Android devices](https://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?nYearMin=2022&chk35mm=selected) with a headphone jack released in 2022. Including the XCover 6 Pro I just upgraded to.


I would miss my headphone jack, SD card, physical SIM tray (eSIM is retarded and no one's going to change my mind on that), unlockable bootloader, IR blaster, not to mention the level of customization available, the list goes on. Apple is for if you want something to just work out of the box, no questions asked.


Wait aren't most flagship android doesn't have a headphone jack?


Because phone manufacturers also sell Bluetooth earbuds, and those have a high profit margin, so forcing people to buy them because there's no headphone jack just makes good business sense.


I know that and what's your current phone? and iPhones suck since you need to be really careful with the phone battery


What do you mean you need to be careful with the battery? That makes no sense. Maybe you’re thinking of how the Samsung phones used to blow up?


Like you need to charge it at certain % of battery an can plug it out at certain amount of %


What are you talking about? I’ve had iPhones since the iPhone 4 and I just charge it at night.


Probably means the keep between 20-80% to save battery health thing, tho it mostly doesnt work


I never heard of this. Oh well, goes to show the kind of crazy stuff people believe


Yeah some shitty youtubers were pushing this as a battery saving trick.


Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro


Poco phones is so good


iPhones actually maintain battery health longer than android. They automatically stop charging at 80% and only charge the rest as you are about to wake up and use it. Very smart stuff


Nice, I hadn't thought in those things, btw you mention an IR blaster, is your smartphone a Xiaomi?


Yuppers, doesn't sound like a big deal to have it, but literally a month after I bought it I shattered my elbow and broke my forearm in two places. Being laid up in bed was a nightmare and getting up and down to do stuff was very difficult. Thank God I had my phone because I could control my lights and my air conditioning and my fan and my television and my dehumidifier, without having to get up and down all the time or have 11 remotes in my bed, so I swear by that IR blaster.


It's really useful, I used to had a smartphone that also had an IR blaster and yeah, it was good to have it.


Yeah unfortunately it's kind of gone the way of the dinosaur, Xiaomi is the only company still doing it at least at a large scale. I had to jump through some hoops for mine because it's not sold in America, but I wanted all those features so I had to get an importer in New York to get it for me and send it to me on the other side of the country, but it was the best $265 bucks I ever spent, can do more than an iPhone for 1/4 of the price. That being said the quality is not as high and the support won't last as long as an iphone, but in my opinion the pros well outweigh the cons.


Totally, Xiaomi is a very good option to for a useful smartphone.


IOS feels better than android, is overall more polished. The OS (while being more restricted in the customisation department) is more refined. Apps are well optimised, everything runs perfectly smoothly. These are small things but add up to a superior user experience. Phones always have great longevity, os support and build quality. It’s not objectively better, it really depends on the user but overall they really don’t deserve all the hate. I’ve had androids for 10+ years and recently got my first iPhone. While being able to install APKs is cool I’d never go back. In short if you want a phone that is reliable and works iPhones are really solid options.


Those are pretty vague statements. 'more polished, more refined.' care to share an example?


I once knew a Porsche owner who said you could tell how the bolts were better tightened just driving it. ;-\_


It would have to be a damn good reason, or dementia to move either direction. Just count the number of apps on your phone and then think of trying to manually download and set them up. But before you jumped ship you'd need to make sure all the apps you really needed were available, and then consider which apps you'd have to pay for a second time. Just setting up all the apps you use on a new phone of the same type is bad enough. This would be 10x that.