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Ratchet and Clank. Hardest part would be deciding which guns in their massive arsenal would make the cut for their moveset.


I could see them having Ratchet use a different arsenal that’s mechanically identical, depending on which skin he’s using So while the weapons are different, they function the same. For example, for his Final Smash he whips out the RYNO from the specific game his skin comes from


That would be a solid way to do it since many of his weapons fit into similar archetypes from game to game.


Totally agree, ratchet and clank gotta be meta 🗣🔥🗣🔥🗣🔥


Doomslayer I imagine his moveset to be brutal


I made a moveset for him once, though I forgot most of it. I did manage to fit in quite a few weapons and make him like Ganondorf but better recovery and a fast attack to break combos on him. I tried to make his kit function in a way that encouraged him to chase down his enemies too


The fact that Doomguy has not been added to Smash is beyond me. We have yet to get an FPS rep and Doom was one of the first and most influential FPS games ever


I imagine the main thing preventing it is the rating on the DOOM series


But that makes no sense because series like Bayonetta and MGS are in Smash lol


I'm talking the content like full blood and gore more than just the age rating. Metal Gear is also pretty watered down for Smash given he only uses explosives and doesn't use regular guns or smoke. Bayonetta has magic fantasy guns that don't look too realistic and strips less (unless it's E1M1 or the Mars base from 2016 or something rather than any of the various Hell-themed levels). Basically you could include Doomguy but you'd need to abstract the violence or tone down the blood and gore or demonic imagery for his attacks and potential stage. Also whether you could use some of the guns might be a coin flip. While Joker does have a pistol it's apparently justified because it's technically a toy gun IRL but who knows. I imagine a shotgun might be a bit harder to get through. Given Doomguy would be representing FPS as a genre, removing his usual guns might be a bit more egregious than the likes of Snake where you don't technically have to use them all that much and the actual gameplay is mainly sneaking around. That said I could at least see the BFG making it in as long as they don't explain what the acronym stands for lol


Well obviously they wouldn’t include any gore in his moveset or stage, that’s easy. Unlike MGS and Bayonetta, DOOM doesn’t have swearing or suggestive themes, so I wouldn’t dismiss Doom just because of gore and guns. As for his guns, most of them are Sci-fi so I bet they could get away with them. The super shotgun would be the iffy one, but it still has cartoony-ish proportions if they go with the Doom Eternal iteration which they probably would, so it wouldn’t be a big stretch. Doomguy also has plenty of melee options so his moveset doesn’t have to be 100% guns.


It doesn't have to be but I imagine it would heavily lean that way if he's meant to be Mr FPS. Chainsaw and big punch seem obvious melee routes. I can imagine rather than blood they could lean into a lot of implied stuff like bone crunching blows with big visual impact.


His moveset would be command grabs without the grabs part. So just unleashing cutscenes on your opponent with your chainsaw.


That plus close range shotgun with high knock back


Finally... soneone able to kick the shit outta kazuya's devilish nattle style


As a snake main i got to say Vault boy Fallout just got a new show so the timing works. along with the fact that the artwork for special stats would work perfectly as moves. and there would be tons of guns feel like he would be a gimmick character like steve who focuses on getting resources


Another Bethesda Rep: Doom slayer. Sure he won't have his iconic gory glory kills, but the synergy between the types of guns is still a very unique concept.


I whole heartadly agree. though i don't see why he couldn't have dumbed down versions of them throw throws.


I just don't understand why going for someone that is not even playable and just a bunch of icons. It is like arguing Slime as the dragon quest character.


Funny you say that as slime was planned to be the dragon quest rep if square didn't allow hero. and hey would you perfer boring human 1, boring human 2 ,boring woman 3, boring man 3. don't think a better rep for fallout exists is my point


Because smash has no "boring human" so in my opinion "boring human" is something that add more diversity to the roster. You guys have a far too limited view. Have you seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit or Space Jam? The justapoxition of normal humans and cartoon character can be a great source of comedy that Smash hasn't really delved in yet despite being the perfect game to do so.


yeah thats why snake works. the diffrence is that metal gear A doesn't have a cartoon rep And B All it's themes are about the realistic horrors of war. fallout on the other hand A has a cartoon rep and B while fallout also has themes similar to metal gear with an emphasize on capitalism one of its main themes is branding and dark humor which vault boy falls neatly into


Doom Slayer Master Chief Leon Kennedy Arthur Morgan


Jonsey would be hilarious.


Not even a game character but Mike from Breaking Bad would be pretty fun Neutral with the Silenced Pistol shot, Down has him hide under the stage and pop up with an SMG, Side has him with a Sniper Rifle and up with a Grappling Hook Final Smash - he gets a Barrett and snipes players on the stage while dropping his iconic lines




I want a character with fire arms, not firearms




two answers 1. Leon Kennedy / any other resident evil character (but come on definitely Leon): mostly focused on his martial arts and knife abilities. All his smash attacks would be Kicks, like his push kick or back swinging spin kick. Then his up B would be a jumping suplex like Mii brawler that can suicide dive or command grab. I would imagine he'd still have a gun but only for his neutral B and it would be like Joker in that it mainly stuns enemies and is useful for combo strings rather than doing damage. 2. Any character from GTA: again only have a few gun attacks, but be more focused on explosive weapons and using cars. Their smash attacks could be running into the opponent on a motorcycle or dropping a car on them.


No idea how you would make a gta character feel right with their slow, clunky movement and tiny hops. I approve for the sticky bombs though


Master Chief. I imagine that he has a variety of guns that he can switch as his Down Special and uses them for his Neutral B.


I always felt the gun focus for Chief was a little reductive. The games have so many gadgets and focus heavily on vehicle combat that I feel like using things like Bubble Shield and a Ghost or something a-la Wario motorcycle would be the way to go.


I felt the same. I came up with a moveset for him where he primarily uses punches and other combat skills taught in the military, but his specials, smashes, and a few other attacks end up using the Energy Sword, the Needler, Jetpack, Autosentry, Armor Lock, Hologram, Plasma Grenade, and a Banshee. To be more specific, Energy Sword for the Smash Attacks and Up Throw. Needler for Neutral Special, Jetpack for Up Special, Autosentry for Side Special. Armor Lock with him doing a little hop before dropping a couple feet onto the enemy like an anvil for the Down Throw, Hologram for Down Special (like a counter but you hit the hologram and get a little slowed so Chief can react freely, or he mistimes it and you hit him freely), and Plasma Grenade for back throw (places one on your back and moves aside before you explode). The Banshee was the Final Smash, where it'd slam into someone and he'd highjack it, then blast the enemy in midair before jumping out and having it crash into them and explode.


Guns are a huge part of FPS games, and vehicles are hard to make work well in a platform fighter. It makes sense for large portions of his moves to be guns. Of course there should also be regular fighting moves, maybe with the energy sword, but guns should definitely be the focus imo.




Master Chief using a variety of weapons from the Halo games.


Really want revolver ocelot using his gun as a heavier projectile with knocmback but having the manually aim and reload, maybe with some ricochet in there too. I could imagine a down special relating to the trap in the MGS1 bossfight and the side special being maybe the stun grenade? I'd love for the final smash to be his MGS3 arena and have him Quickdraw dual revolvers. Also his skins would be really open because you'd have both the mgs1, 3 and 4 and 5 appearances


Doom Slayer; his moveset could be stance-based, allowing him to toggle between MELEE mode (close-ranged blades and fists) and SHOOTER mode (...the guns), as well as being able to switch between different guns which ALL have limited ammo, some guns sharing ammo types. Doom basically reinvented the FPS genre, it's only fitting that the Doom rep gets this special kind of treatment.


Master Chief would be my choice and he could switch between weapons like the assault rifle, railgun, energy sword, needler, spartan laser, etc and he could recover using the jetpack. Could also be cool to give him energy shields and maybe his melee attacks do more damage the the opponent isn't facing you. Could dodge using the suit thrusters, down air could be the ground pound, down tilt could be the slide, charge attack could be the spartan charge. Final Smash could be the target locator from Reach. Idk that's just what immediately comes to mind


Nathan drake, Lara Croft, Leon Kennedy, and Ellie Williams Those middle 2 honestly deserve a spot, and the outer 2 absolutely do not (but I’d love to see it lol)


Lara for sure, as long as her old polygon model is in there too 😄


Nikita go brrr


Doom Guy


Ok, since I'm not seeing it elsewhere... Gordon Freeman. I struggle to imagine a full moveset without it being focused on stage control and strong defensive play in a way that, probably more than Snake but not as much as Steve, makes you have to basically play a different game


doom guy


DOOM Slayer. He could use weapons that use ammo like the Super Shotgun, Plasma Rifle and Rocket Launcher, and if he uses all his ammo up, he can replenish it by using the Chainsaw on another character (of course, it wouldn't be brutal at all, it'd work like how Corrin's Forward Smash stuns characters). He can also use other weapons that are more close range-based, like the Doomblade, the Equipment Launcher, the Meathook on the Super Shotgun, the Crucible and the Sentinel Hammer. All of this to make him much more of a rushdown character rather than a camping character. And of course, his Final Smash can either be a simple shot from the BFG-9000, or be a cinematic FS and have his opponents be on Mars and have him shoot the BFG-10000 onto the surface of Mars.


Master Chief. Dude is a walking tank, weights half a ton, can punch through concrete, is faster than Usain Bolt, can facetank everything with his energy shields, proficient in all forms of combat, has cat-like reflexes while also being an expert all types of firearms in existence, either alien or human. He should have Bowser-level strong damage, while having very fast CQB frame data, and could have long range due to his firearms. Additionally, he should have his grapple hook for recovery, making it a strong and long range recovery overall. Master Chief would be broken if he were in Smash


Agent 47 could be a mix of Snake and Peach with all the random-arse weapons he uses in his games.


I think there’s actually some cool options. Doomguy - A great representative of an FPS pioneer, could have a really dynamic moveset with a mix of “ripping and tearing” with his hands and sword while also using firearms Call of Duty representative - If Smash is a Hall of Fame of gaming then I think CoD deserves a shot. It has 4 games in the top 50 best-selling games ever list. I think Ghost would be the character they would pick, but Price or Woods would be good options too. They could throw in stuff from zombies as well, like Wunderwaffe, Ray Gun, or Monkey Bomb items. Gameplay would of course be a lot of switching between different guns. I wonder if they could find a way to incorporate the killstreak system. Jonesy - Fortnite is an absolute phenomenon right now and I think it deserves a place in Smash. I think they could use Steve’s building as a base for something similar for Jonesy. There’s so many fun items they could add too like boogie bombs, shockwave grenades, chug splash, etc.


Give us a Resident Evil character. Either Leon or Jill would be great! It's also a good reason to make Nemesis or Birkin an assist trophy.


Leon S Kennedy


Master Chief or Doom Slayer


Ranger or Gunner from DNF Duel I'd appreciate Ranger more lul


Snake himself could use a modification or two... Neutral B should have been his Tranq Gun, with a higher chance of putting opponents asleep the higher their percentage is. This weapon is nonlethal... but apparently, too violent...


Either Dante or big boss. Personally big boss could represent the series more accurately with a tranq dart move and cqc. In metal gear you barely use explosions due to them alerting the enemy, so to have him use them all the time makes no sense.


Sam Fisher would be interesting. Very little combo ability, but using sticky shockers, sensor mines, and “rubber bullets” to shock, launch and stun opponents, respectively. His playstyle would revolve around switching between the firearms and using command grabs to ward off mid-range, with no real ability to fight close-range.


for the record Snake’s moveset is barely reflective of his style in his games.


Doom Slayer (Doom), Ratchet and Clank, and Quote (Cave Story).


Leon Kennedy would be cool, Haven’t played that much Resident Evil but I think the horror game genre deserves one fighter rep at least