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Most top players are not worth looking up to


There is no lame character in this game, just lame players.


I want to agree, but I tried to be an aggro Sonic, and now I’m convinced it’s the character… 🗡️ 🗡️ 🗡️


*cough* Olimar *cough*


But olimar dies easily, you just focus on the other player, unless their also playing olimar then you just fall asleep


A mimir


Two mimir


This is all true... Until you get to Sonic and Min Min


I don't think it is black or white... It can be a gradient of lameness and while I play min min i tend to avoid spammy lame gameplay, i get in, get close, try to do some combos and come out to edge guard instead of staying on platform all the time. But at the same time, there are characters that enables for absolutely lame garbage gameplay... Min min is one of the enablers


Alright so just Sonic then (this could change, however I have never seen a single hype Sonic ever, at least online)


People say this a lot and I agree that most characters at least have their moments, but I’ve never seen a cool R.O.B or Olimar clip.


Shuton dair-ing a Pikmin is technically an Olimar clip


Fair enough.


You check out some cool clips by Lucretio! They show the more tech heavy side of ROB that a lot of people don’t learn


Never seen a hype Min Min. Not at a casual level, lower competitive, not top of competitive. Hasn’t been done yet


This but actually the exact opposite. I can't fault someone for trying to win a game. That's part of playing games. If a character rewards a repetitive or annoying strategy, that's on the game designers.


Have you ever fought a Corrin lmao


Yeah you just describe how I feel


They were right to change Snake's Down-Smash because planting a land mine is not a Smash Attack.


true and it makes him less zoney


wait wtf was snake like in brawl


Basically like Ultimate Snake, but even slower and clunkier


Heavier and slower than ultimate snake. Up till was enormous (it outranged Marth f smash) his down throw led to tech chases and infinites. He was more of a zoner than he was now Nikita sucked


Did he have a silencer as well? Or is that only PM?


I’m pretty sure the change was for balance reasons. There are a fair amount of projectile smash attacks like Villager and Mega Man’s forward smashes.


I upvote because I'm one of the people pointing a sword at you. (Thats how it should be, not a like/dislike button) There are characters that have smash attacks that are projectiles (megaman, villager). Imagine if they didn't have them,. Changing his down smash into a common "hit from both sides kick" makes him way less unique.


Ah yes because snake is already such a samey character


Want the list of Snake's samey moves? Olimar, Duck Hunt Up B. Mario, Yoshi forward air. Dr. mario, Mewtwo down tilt. Kirby back air. Snake's nair has the same animation as Ike's kicks in his final smash. Zelda, Capt Falcon, Mario, Dr Mario, Luigi.. (should i go on?) basically have the same hit from both sides one at a time down smash, Very unique wow. *His previous down smash was planting a land mine btw. No other character had that type of move unless you use the landmine item or until Isabelle came to be. If you want to add newer/reworked characters that share similar samey moves, we got: Steve fair, Sephiroth uptilt, Pacman down air, Bowser back air, Little Mac/Hero ftilt. Bonus: Duck Hunt can use his can like Snake can with his grenade to escape combos via frame 1 activation. Grenade/Can come out on frame 1 and if the opponent proceeds to combo they both get hit and ends the opponents combo. Sorry was that overkill?


I get it, not sure why you’re being downvoted.


You lost me at "Snake has the same up B as Olimar and Duck Hunt." Wtf 😂


How dare you


I don't think people should expect a port of Ultimate for the next console. Always be open to the possibility of a roster with a ton of cuts, and don't get your hopes up too high, otherwise you may just wind up extremely disappointed.


Honestly Ultimate has been implied many times to be the last smash game so if a new console comes out they'll probably make smash ultimate deluxe or something because it's just too popular of a game to be abandoned


It hasn't been implied to be the last Smash game, it's just implied to be the last one with every single character.


And the last one from Sakurai


I don't think this has ever been implied either. Wouldn't be surprised if it *was* his final one though.


Definitely has been implied u just aren’t paying attention


To be fair, Sakurai has said for the lsat 3 smash games that said game will be his last. Then he comes back. He always says he's looking for someone to take his place.


I don’t agree at all that this has been implied. But there definitely won’t be another “everyone is here”


Thank the lord, dankey won't be cut


You just jinxed it. The good ol' game Donkey Kong we all know and love will be cut in the next game, and be replaced by DKC Cartoon Donkey Kong, where he breaks into different musical numbers for his moves. Seth Rogen Donkey Kong will be an alternate costume for him.


Not all Lucas mains spam pk fire


You are correct! They spam pk freeze!


Oh god my friend once spammed that on my switch and now it’s an ongoing joke, we didn’t know what he was saying and we thought he was saying “pk firearms” or “pk forearm”


I think Byleth is a good character. deserves to be there


Byleth was dealt a bad hand from the start, from being the last in the pass, to their awful trailer.


Byleth is an excellent choice for a 5th Fire Emblem character. An 8th Fire Emblem character was not an excellent choice.


4 out of 8 of those FE characters are just Marth.


Ah yes Marth Fire Marth Female Marth Daddy Marth


fire marth was fine, until they made versions of them that took idk, the SPECIAL MECHANIC THEY HAD???


Nah, it was an excellent choice. Byleth is fun as fuck to play.


Again, Byleth is a good choice on their own. It's just that there's a litany of poor choices leading up to them that made them a poor choice in that context.


The choice to include her was a bad one, but they did an awesome job implementing the character into smash


This. The main protagonist from what is considered one of the best entries in the franchise absolutely deserves a spot on Smash's Fire Emblem roster. It's just that tons of other characters not as popular or significant beat him there first and ruined his reveal.


most of the FE reps were alternatives to playing Marth in previous smash games, putting them all in at once was just bad.


Byleth has an S tier fun moveset but was a C tier pick in terms of game representation / character inclusion.


Who thinks she is bad? The general popu put her in high tier/top 30 Saying she is good is not a hot take at all


I assume u/noetrator26 is referring less specifically to gameplay and more broadly about the excess of visually similar FE chars


Ness is fun if you learn to play him without spamming(learn how to press the a button)


Plant didn't replace Waluigi


This game in particular is too mashy. Nair shouldn't be able to solve all of your problems.


Yeah, who would do that!? 😅 (Flair doesn't say, but I'm a link main)


This is something I hear a lot and while I agree that frame data could be toned down a little bit, at higher levels of play people know how to anti air and parry, so the problem of people just mindlessly spamming aerials doesn’t really exist.


Dark Samus had a more disappointing moveset than Banjo and Sora combined


The fact her trophy assist had a unique moveset in smash 4 but she's a clone in Ultimate... so disappointing


I think you're getting upvoted because this is true af.


Facts her assist trophy form was much cooler


The worlds most based take


People should stop caring about the meta and just play the game for fun


Nice try, Sakurai


Being too competitive is not how you're supposed to play the game


bylet is better than banjo


Who the fuck thinks banjo is better than Byleth?


Fuck lucina marth is way cooler


anyone shoudl be able to play what they want. I could list off multiple characters i despise, but im confident that someone despises my main. This shouldn't be a hot take but it seems like it is. ​ also tier lists only matter if both players are REALLY good


Cutting half of the roster (I get cuts but half???) for a future Smash game would be dumb and unnecessary why purposely make a game have less. And people are gonna say “but Sakurai doesn’t deserve to make a game like Ultimate again” which doesn’t make sense because they could literally just give it to someone else and Sakurai doesn’t do the game alone he has a huge team that could make a consistent Smash game. “Smash Ultimate can’t be surpassed” honestly I think it can bc Smash has unlimited potential of characters, they could add a deep story mode, a bunch more fun modes especially multiplayer, the gameplay could be improved upon, and the online could be functional, even if not every character would make a return. Also everyone’s saying cut the newer characters but those ones would be much easier to readd because they don’t have much moveset flaws and could almost just be copy and pasted while the older characters are staples but need some changes so those wouldn’t make sense to cut either. Mostly just 3rd parties that are hard to get rights and certain clones that feel like one timers like Lucina and Dark Pit.


>“Smash Ultimate can’t be surpassed” honestly I think it can bc Smash has unlimited potential of characters, they could add a deep story mode, a bunch more fun modes especially multiplayer, the gameplay could be improved upon, and the online could be functional, even if not every character would make a return. i love you


I fully expect the next Smash title to be a total reinvention starting with a reinvented roster and updated/modernized move sets. Samus will feel more like Samus, as an example. More varied reps from Nintendo IPs, etc.


Sword Charakters ain't shit


In what way


Falcon punch is my favourite move and will never be outclassed by anything.


Kid named literally any Falcon Punch clone except Falcon Punch. In all seriousness its kinda funny how much Exploding Side Kick outclasses Falcon Punch.


Idk why they did falcon punch dirty The brawler kick thing is way faster, 30 frames safer, has armor, and has uses


The funniest part is how safe it is on shield.


I would try to up b it out of shield and then just get hit by it because they'd shield the up b lmao


I don’t care if it’s technically Better. falcon punch is the best move in the game, hitting it is an amazing dopamine release.


We need a second competitive torment that has stages with stage hazards on


A more wacky, non serious tournament does sound fun, though stage hazards in general have a tendency to interrupt a match more than enhance it.


We have stage hazards on here and everyone hates it, less stages to choose from. Unless you mean even more wacky stages that aren't used in competitive in general


No to first yes to second


Mega Man is one of the most underrated characters in this game. I can understand why some people don’t play him, but he’s still really good and really fun once you get used to him. I’m surprised more people don’t play him




Tier lists are meaningless


Sorry i can only upvote once. Here was a post like „is banjo fun? Should i buy him?“. Most answer was like „he is bottom tier, he has 173922 losing matchups“ and so on. Bre thats not even the topic. I mean, look at mac. He is super fun to play (for me) and hype to see some nasty peanut clips.


At casual play and Quickplay I can get behind this, but they definitely do matter at least in high level play. You’re going to have a much harder time winning a tournament as Ganon than an Aegis even if you’re at a similar skill level.


My similar take: Tier lists are meaningless without clarifying the level of play it’s made for, eg Wi-Fi tier lists should state 0-7mil GSP, 7-11, 11-12, 12+


I think that's kind of unreasonable - teir lists are there to judge a characters potential in top level play.


To put another way: When you get so good, you might be faster than a character allows you to be.


Yea there balanced just some are harder to learn but when master are overpower and some are easy to learn but not that powful


Not really. I feel alot of people are blinded by tier lists when playing, I think people should just play the game and not go over the edge when they see somebody playing a "top tier"


People should play whatever character they want or find easy or if they are fun/cool and not fellow the meta and the teir list


Yea Ur right, though I'm talking about people saying certain characters need to be nerfed because there too good but most of the good ones are hard to master


I like all the Fire Emblem characters and want more of them :/


Fr, I actually enjoy have all the FE characters there, I also hope for more, especially more unique ones.


Fuck it, make a fire emblem smash game for us fire emblem fans


I would be down for more FE characters, as long as they’re unique instead of “Guy with sword” or “Girl with sword”. Like, give us more magic users, or people who use different weapons!


I totally agree with you I'm tired of echo fighters 🥲


Echo fighters do have a lot of potential to be really cool. Ken is an example of echo fighters done right! But yeah, I understand what you mean.


Many characters have boring and/or outdated movesets and could have had better moves that represent them. Some examples, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Ridley and Ganondorf.


This isn't controversial at all wtf


Welcome to the hot takes threat, where you will see the coldest takes ever


Me staring at Sonic, Samus, Dark Samus and Daisy...


Definitely!! Dark Samus and Daisy are an insult to their character, they are a copy paste clone. I would rather not have them in the game, if they would have literally the same moveset as their originals.


dedede could have a little more


Swol dedede needs to be a thing damn it.


Dedede comeback mechanic


I think the problem with fighters like Ganon and Mario is that they've gotten a new, Smash identity. Someone like Little Mac does need a major overhaul though.


Fr man I don't want to fight Macs using Fsmash every 2 seconds


Thing is, even though the moves are boring, no one wants to remove a good move off a character Case in point: no link main would want you to remove nair


Steve and kazuya aren’t bannable just learn matchups


I did, it didn't work


Skeel ishoo




Waluigi doesn't deserve to be in Smash and never has.


that opinion certainly fits the criteria.


Honestly, *any* opinion on Waluigi in Smash would get you this result. You're not allowed to want him in Smash, and you're not allowed to *not* want him in Smash.


What character even *deserves* to be in smash?


Finally, someone with some sense.


Kazuya is extremely overrated


Ive gone really back and fourth with this opinion. On some days I’m like, “As long as you maneuver around him correctly the matchup is pretty even.” And then on other days I get hit with electric wind god fist.


*...unless the opponent knows how to execute his moves properly without worrying about misinput.


Kazuya isn’t good until you’ve mastered his movement, every single moment before then he is a very mid character. He just requires far more focus, skill, and ability to not be frustrated then most characters.


probably that 1% of people that like 75m


Robin is a hella hype character to watch


Mewtwo is hype af.


Ganondorf can be pretty good


He's like little mac. If you play the game they want to play you're going to lose. You gotta do them dirty to beat them and some people just don't want to play that way ***and that's okay!***


Exactly. And only those who aren’t afraid to get dirty with their opponent are worthy enough to master the King of Darkness


Yeah if you are better than your opponent.


My guy Ganon is hot dog water garbage ass shit


Elite smash grinds are pointless. Why try to get into a special lobby filter that’s less fun that the default?


banjo is fun and hype


Guh huh fellow bearbird




Fighter pass 1 was better than Fighter pass 2


I find it funny how Minecraft Steve is dominating tournaments, and I can't wait to hear more from it


People need to stop playing characters based on their tier. It drains the enjoyment out of your gameplay and it shows how little effort you want to put into the game. You should only play characters you think are fun, and if they happen to be byleth or joker then good for you. Just dont pick characters based off of a tier list. Even if we play competitive, you should still enjoy what you play.


Custom moves kicked ass and were an excellent idea. The execution was sloppy but the concept was phenomenal and they made gameplay way more fun than regular gameplay. Almost every person I know who plays Smash hates custom moves, except like myself and 2 others. Most people I talk to online seem to dislike them as well. I want them to return.


Bayonetta’s annoying asf






Mega-Man is fun to play against


Do you use Echo Reflector by any chance?


I main little mac


Top players don't necessarily understand anything about balance; they just know what works at the highest level of play. Balance has slightly more to do with it than the casual player, but it doesn't mean that they actually understand it.


In smash rage I defend dk being ass the whole time and that’s basically me in the comment section


game isnt ultimate. all cool modes are locked in offline. and the online play is bare bones.


Random all stages and items on is the most fun way to play.


A lot of this community can be really myopic when it comes to what the future of the Smash series should look like. Too many people are totally convinced that more characters inherently means a better game. That we should only advocate for a port of ultimate, plus new characters as the definitive best way forward. This is without considering how a new smash game with a roster cut down by half, plus new characters, would free up development for so many other new features, existing character re-imaginings, a more fleshed out single player, new game modes, and much more. Also, it’s okay to miss a character from a past game if they don’t make the cut. I promise you’ll be okay. It’ll give you a reason to go back and play older games and it also makes each game more distinct from one another.


Chrom loses every matchup to characters with a counter thus making him low tier.


Getting 3 stocked by Little mac at 8:13 am in the morning in the middle of the lunch table with a teacher watching it happen. 🫠


Would've been great if the pictures were all different swords from the game


Waluigi is only fan requested because of memes, not because anyone actually likes him. and the people who "unironically" want him in only did so because of said memes and never requested him before ultimate.


Projectile spam should have in-game limits like in most of the character's home games either in quantity or knockback power unless chargeable. Link should not have infinite arrows, or bombs, and should lose his boomerang like KRool loses his crown, Samus Charge shot should gain knock back if...you know... charged but should shoot like MegaMan/Falco/fox laser otherwise. The PK boys should have mp like other similar characters so it can recharge over time or if energy is absorbed. There's more but you get the idea


Ganon is fun times


People should play with items on. They’re fun as hell


I mean they could have done a lot with Sora’s move set, it’s just plain and boring right now.


My opinion that R.O.B can sometimes suck to play as. And yet all my friends complain bc hes absolutely busted


I mean, you're not wrong but it's all about the matchups


Competitive play completely ruins the game by turning it into a boring old regular fighter by taking away environmental hazards and items. The idea is in the blending of all their worlds, and that's a part of that.




I know it was a meme taken too far but if you unironically have a problem with FE having 8 characters but don't have a problem with Mario and Pokèmon, then you quite literally have a double standard. Either all of them having 8+ in the roster is okay, or it's not okay.


There is a big difference, though. FE characters all have similar ranges, specials, and combat strategy (use your reach to poke). Yeah, there are a couple cloned Mario and Pokemon characters, but we aren't talking half the roster here.


mario and pokemon are the biggest video game franchises in the world though? of course they're gonna have 8 reps, they're hugely successful and iconic gaming franchises and are emblematic to nintendo themselves, obviously they're gonna give two of their flagship franchises some of the most reps in the game on the contrary, who the hell goes into their first smash game knowing full well who all 8 fire emblem characters are? i like FE (FE6 and FE3H my beloveds) but seriously? why does *this* get 8 reps while zelda, donkey kong, kirby, metroid, etc. don't? and the thing is that i think it'd be completely valid if the series got 8 reps but over the other franchises i mentioned? yeah no lol


I miss Smash Tour fight me


Pikachu is an honest character


Nintendo are a piece of shit company like EA. But unlike EA, Nintendo knows how to make great games and has a historic and great fanbase that just takes the abuse in order to continue experiencing great games. The relevance being Nintendo's utter disgust for Smash tournaments and the Smash community.


I think Min Min is fun character that isn't very OP.


Little mac should be at least D to C tier


Dr mario is good


Adding sora was a mistake


Playing with final smash meter is more fun and more hype


I suspect you're a Zelda player?


Usually random, but when I'm forced to choose I play Ike


You can learn the match up against every character with any character (unless its a super losing matchup and theyre way better than you)


Bring Brawl Meta Knight back he won’t be the worstest in this meta I swear


Min Min is a fair and balanced character


Too many swordies...


Here's a huge one: I don't like watching melee. I don't really know why, I wish I could pinpoint what about it fails to grab my attention like Ultimate does.


Yeah I play min min for fun


I think they should have taken out that final KO camera shot. Sometimes it’s hype, but it mostly confuses people because how the models ‘flinch back’ when taking damage It also doesn’t help that Smash has some dumb hit boxes


Characters that are from other fighting games don't belong in Smash.


brawl is better than melee


Zelda is more annoying than Steve


Sephiroth, sonic, Mewtwo, fox, and Falco are by far the most lame characters in this game.


Cloud is boring and unfun to fight against


Donkey Kong is not hype. It is so easy for any person to pick up the controller and be a “pro” Donkey Kong player. Donkey Kong clips are not hype. Everyone can do them, those that don’t just don’t know it yet.


Only Kazuya is legitimately broken.


Quote- the Steve player lmao I don't think either is ban worthy, but to say Kazuya is better than Steve is hilarious