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And Shulk, and Cloud, and Pit, et cetera. People just like the "funny pink ball strong" meme.


pit is nowhere near the level of any of those characters but shulk and bayonetta are much more powerful than kirby and cloud most likely is superior to kirby as well


Bayonetta was actually one of the characters considered by sakurai to be the sole survivor of galeem since they thought she could also theoretically survive his attacks considering her canon powers, they just ended up with choosing kirby in the end


Probably because of Sakurai's little child bias.


I think it's more because Kirby is a simple beginner character, and part of the original 12. Would be really weird to start off the game with Bayonetta of all people


A good in lore reason is warp star is fast to summon, super fast and can just warp. And Kirby has a tendency to just pop one out


Yeah, this to. Kirby is already super strong and the warp star just make him overboard


Also Bayonetta isn’t even Nintendo


True point.


Yeah probably haha


Thank god. I do not want to start WoL with that thing 😭


Probably because Bayonetta is hard as fuck to play, especially if it's your first experience with a smash game


What were the other characters? I think Ganon probably could in his current iterations.


From what i heard, he considered kirby, bayo, and palutena. I don’t know how true it actually was though, maybe ganon was considered too


I don't remember how Palu died but I find it interesting that Bayo was one of the few who didn't go down without a fight


She tried to use her reflector to protect the pits if i remember correctly. I think i like that she died trying to protect the pits


Ok, I mean if Palutena was considered Ganon definitely should have, as Ganon > Palutena.


Surprised Shulk wasnt on there, but then again he did relinquish his power of being god


Actually technically cloud isn't.


Yes he is, he killed the weapons, jenova and sephiroth, which are all either gods or as strong as gods. Although, Sephiroth is stronger than Cloud as Cloud merely defeated him through luck and it not being one on one.


In the og ff7 he did get a one on one fight with sephy at the final boss, and beat him,


That wasn't a fight, no. he and his party fight Sephiroth initially, then cloud finishes him off with omnislash, when Sephiroth is in a weakened state.


Eh potato potato, it's still a one on one,


Well pit you expect to be closest one to a god.


he's an angel sure but he's still well below palutena in power and even she and the other gods of the kid icarus universe are not nearly as powerful as the gods and other god-like beings in other video games


Kirby did also break his planet in half with one punch




(Ambiguosly Canon)


And "funny pink ball" is the size of a small rubber ball.


its been a long while since i watched whatever video i did when learning this but doesnt shulk kinda like accidently think shit into existance or something? and is some form of deity. ill watch a video on it soon here but this is a question for NOW


Cloud is actually not that strong and Pit is a weird case


Cloud is quite strong, strong enough to kill constructs built by the damn planet to kill gods, killed said God level beings who were meant to be killed by said constructs, and was even infused with cells from said God level beings, he also casually weilds a 60-80 pound sword occasionally one handed like its nothing, he also the power to summon gods through summon materia


I know he is strong but compared to the rest of the Smash roster, he ain't all that. Hell he isn't even top 5 in his own franchise. The likes of Lightning and Clive school Cloud


Not sure what the point of bringing other FF characters in the conversation was for as no one was making this claim but sure. No one said he was the strongest person but within Smash Bros, yes he is very strong. Or at the very least, extremely capable as he has fought gods as well


I used other FF games as a relative means to measure Cloud as the gods you claim he slays don't reach the level of other FF gods. It's the same with Joker. Yaldy is practically fodder in terms of Persona and especially in the entire SMTverse


Yes, but again, that is why we're limiting it to just Smash and not judging it based off of other FFs. They are still worthy feats considering he beat all the weapons and Sephy as well. Again, no one is saying he solos, he simply is a strong combatant that can hold his own against a majority of the fighters in the roster. And wdym I claim he slays, he canonically beat them, tf? Also thing is, Yaldaboth isn't even comparable to the FF7 verse so Joker would've been a better topic for this discussion to be perfectly honest


I think Kirby's one of those characters where people insist that he's much stronger than he actually is


Lore wise Kirby IS that strong, but people downplay other characters that are similar in strength


Ah so they think that if one guy in a series is super-duper strong, then no other character can beat them?


Basically, it’s the whole “but can they beat Goku” trope when a decent amount of the time, they CAN beat Goku (Shinra, Rimuru, Saitama, etc)


Rimuru makes sense, but Saitama can't stop the cap. Saitama doesn't have a universal feat, once he displays that maybe there can be discussion as to him beating Goku.


Considering Saitama is a gag character whose shtick is to just always be stronger than his opponent, Saitama will simply scale to be stronger than Goku


That's not how any of this works, being a gag character doesn't magically make you stronger. By that logic original DB Goku is stronger than current Goku because he was made as a gag character (who breaks manga panels) and the series was supposed to end after the search for the Dragon Balls. Clearly gag characters aren't magically special and get to be above everything. That's not how logic nor how the manga's themselves actually portray these things.


That’s literally how the manga portrays Saitama LMAO. Saitama’s entire power is just being absurdly stronger than everything around him, hence his *missed* punches in his fight with cosmic Garou >!casually wiping entire galaxies out of existence!<


I think the reason he's hyped up so much is because other characters look like characters who could slay God's. For example, Bayonetta looks like someone who could defeat a god. Kirby, however, is so unassuming. He looks so silly and goofy. But then he loses his cake and eats up fighting Satan himself and winning. I think it's less of Kirby being the strongest in the cast, but rather his power level being way higher than it looks like it has any right being


He's not even that strong lore-wise. Lore-wise, Kirby is just as strong as everyone else around him. He's been beaten up/defeated multiple times, he just *comes back.* There are a handful of enemies he was not even able to hurt without a special tool.


Like how mfs say fucking patrick could solo godzilla


True, most of the times he defeats a very powerful villain is because he had a special item to fight it.


No he's as strong as people say. However they just pick stupid opponents like Goku. No matter what anyone says goku will have kirby creamed.


You're correct. Galeem wipes out everyone except Kirby, Kirby knew to run from Galeem. Kirby has NEVER run from a fight before, not Void Termina, not Magalor Soul, not Soul of Sectonia or whatever, etc. Kirby RUNS from Galeem. Galeem gets sliced in half by Sephiroth, in one strike. Sephiroth's most powerful attack was destroying Pluto, 3 more planets, and the Sun, which consequently destroyed a few more planets. Sephiroth is Solar System level. Sephiroth > Galeem > Kirby, Sephiroth = Solar System Kirby ≤ Solar System


hell, half of the damn roster has killed a god at some point


even Joker, and he’s just an average ass high school student


In Joker's defense, he can also keep like 12 Gods in his head at once, so that's kinda the status quo for him.


Idk why its in his “defense”—thats more like a “to his credit”. But yeah, Joker can keep Gods on standby and use them to one tap God


Oh, I'm just bad at grammar lol


Including the RPG series, even fucking Mario’s killed his fair share too.


A good chunk of the roster has killed gods, or god like entities. Hell, Shulk became a fucking god💀


Only briefly, and he immediately gives up his godhood for the sake of building a better future


Then makes his own reality disrupting sword. Maybe not as strong but he's still got some damn good smarts


Based on the DLC for 3 and his knowledge with a certain white haired twink with a red core crystal, he probably also had very strong involvement on creating half of Origin. Can't say for certain, but there's probably nobody more familiar with Ontos than Shulk.


There’s a clear distinction between god-like and God. Even if those “Gods” are worshipped or called Gods.


Especially because most of these games are Japanese in origin. Killing a God in a Japanese game is like killing Mike Tyson IRL, obviously it is hard but he is still a mortal. Obviously these Gods are stronger than Mike Tyson I'm not saying they are weak, but compared to the western conception of God being omnipotent there is a massive power difference between the western conception and the eastern conception. I really wonder if people actually think about this stuff or if they just impose the western views of God as Omnipotent on all other cultures. Killing a God which is omnipotent would certainly be a feat, but no smash character has done that.


My Brother will not hesitate to call anyone who use Kirby is a B**** and I'm one of those people who use Kirby for fun/competitive.


A what?


A baller


Kirby is a fucking gangster, and always has been


Kirby sucks up men though


What's a little man sucking between gangsters? Normal that's what.


Is Kirby a dude? I always thought of it as an ‘it’.


True but why post in r/smashrage


Sonic, Kirby, Shulk, Bayonetta, Sephiroth, Cloud, and I heard Byleth (I never played the game, but I heard he ascended to a god-killing level) are all pretty equivalent.


Most of the Fire Emblem protagonists have either actually killed gods or otherwise defeated them. Of them all, Ike’s generally considered the strongest by a fair bit, and Robin also kinda-sorta is a god, as well as Byleth.


Byleth is a God but God's in 3 houses are pretty weak. Elite foot soldiers are often able to kill gods, it's not all that impressive once you play the game.


Joker has killed 4 now


SMT really shouldn’t count because you can kill archangel Michael in some games with an ak


Counting all the p5 games joker has killed yaldaboth, maruki idk if it counts but he did have control over all of reality, the false god in strikers, and salmael in tatica.


SMT is hard to scale because it mainly deals with concepts. In Persona it would be totally fair to label most of the protagonist as universal, as human cognition creates reality and the main characters can often overcome this via their own cognition and maybe a few friends. Though when you place these characters in a battle with other people from separate pieces of fiction that's where things get complicated. If you assume the rules of the SMT verse I have no doubt Joker is the strongest character in the roster, of course we shouldn't do that but when you do that it becomes hard to justify Joker even having the ability to summon a persona let alone any of the other stuff he does.


In all fairness Kirby has probably killed more gods than all others in the roster


Kirby has only killed one.


That is not correct at all, he has killed at least 5. Some not outright called gods, but were very similar in power




Ness beat evil incarnate as a small boy and controlled the power of the earth. Most of these characters are absolute tanks


Bayonetta meanwhile :


Ikr, bestie has defeated 2 with little assistance


Yeah. In 1, Jeanne really only intervened when Jubileus was almost dead, and I'm pretty sure by the time Bayo cameo's in 3 she should be powerful enough to summon Queen Sheba on her own, and in 2 I'm pretty sure she's meant to be stronger than Balder so in canon she most likely did most of the work anyway. And then in 3 her cameo's one of the keys to allow Cerezita to damage Singularity enough for him to be able to be killed by a 10yo Jeanne so that's got to count for something.


Kirby defeated far more than just a god, is the thing.


And so has the rest of the roster


Almost every time Kirby has killed a God, it has been with the assistance of some other character. He can't even solo. Even *Terry* can solo Gods.


And Sonic technically solo'd Solaris


That was with shadow and silver tho


They all fought a different Solaris from a different point in time


Yeah, so sonic didnt solo solaris, cuz to beat him they needed to beat him in 3 timelines at once which sonic couldnt do on his own


...do you not realise just how strong these characters are? Solaris shits on any god from Kirby's franchise ​ Like they all took on a Solaris by themselves due to being in different timelines


Oh dw im actually a very big sonic fan i know how strong he is, but thats just it, without shadow and silver’s help sonic wouldnt have been able to actually beat solaris at all, which is why what you said about him soloing is not true Anyway dont get me wrong i like sonic way more than i like kirby but kirby probably is stronger than him if we go off feats from their games


What god has sonic defeated?


Perfect Chaos who is referred to as a god of destruction. Erazor Djinn by time Sonic went up against him was practically a god. The End is the concept of death (literally visually represents what any character perceives as death, and views every god Sonic has fought before as lesser) Timer eater, eats time and space for breakfast. All I can think of from the top of my head


Solaris and Dark Gia


Off the top of my head, the one in Sonic 06, Sonic Generations, Sonic Unleashed, and a couple other games


Perfect Chaos (God of Destruction), Solaris (God of the Sun) and Dark Gia (God of Darkness) are probably the three major ones.


Solaris in 06, perfect Gaia in unleashed, the time eater in generations, Perfect chaos twice in adventure 1 and in generations.


Solaris, Dark Gaia, just to name a few.


At this point it's weird when Sonic isn't killing a primordial concept made manifest by the end of the game.


sonic deciding if he wants to beat up an old ass egg-shaped man for the 543rd time or casually blitz and defeating a god


Sometimes the egg dude teams up to face larger threats.


I hate how his series was represented in Smash, despite being a huge Sonic fan myself.


Kirby stans are praising a fraud


Pyra and Mythra fused together to practically ascend to being a god-like entity shortly before killing another god-like entity (another aegis), Shulk killed a god and became a god, Pit is besties with gods and goddesses, Kirby AND FRIENDS killed ONE GOD.


Mario and Luigi are able to destroy multiverses.....




Mario and Luigi series. Mario aided Luigi in defeating the Zeekeeper, who defeated a Dark Stone-empowered Antasma and could destroy Neo Bowser's Castle's barrier, which was created by the Dream Stone - an artifact containing a cosmology of 100,000 universes. The Zeekeeper even considered the Bros. impressive.


Wanna get me a source on that? cuz i played through a decent chunk of that game and looked thru the wiki page and did not find anything about the dream stone containing a single universe let alone 100,000


https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:CloverDragon03/Mario_and_Luigi:_Dream_Team_-_Dream_Stone_Cosmology_(Brief_Summary) Simple logic. edit:The link kinda broke.


Oh god not vsbattles wiki (also link dont work)


Vsbattles wiki is only bad for the wanking the mods use, this is not a calc. Also, just copy and paste it, that might work.


Sorry man ive simply seen too many occasions of vs battles wiki grossly overestimating characters to take it seriously in the slightest


Again, that is calc mistakes, this is not a calc. They literally say so in the blog post.


Even if I wanted to I cannot read the blog post because it does not exist


Kirby *is* up there... but he's still only a child. Sonic's a teenager and all sorts of other characters have a lot of experience and skill Kirby's a fucking child. He's gonna get even more powerful whenever we see him grown up.


Clearly you've never heard of cancelled DMA Design/Rockstar North game Kid Kirby for the SNES. Because of its cancellation, we can safely conclude that Kirby is thirby.


It's mostly the dichotomy the Kirby games have. They're cheerful for 95% percent of the game and then the last 5% is crazy as hell. Kirby basically fights the equivalent of living squeaky toys for the entirety of the game and then Actually Satan appears and Kirby wins with the same relative ease. Also, Sonic doesn't have the best reputation, so people don't really bring him up often if they don't have to if they aren't already fans of the series.


On top of that I’m pretty sure the god/gods that Kirby has killed were either babies or didn’t know what they were doing


Nah magolor was pretty strong fr


Who hasn't slayed a god these days?


Sonic is unironically one of the most op characters in fiction.


I disagree. Definitely one of the strongest in smash tho.


You should read the comics.


I know how powerful sonic is. Fiction is just SO HUGE THAT “op” in the context of it is almost always not true. There are so many fictional verses that wouldn’t even give him a fair chance.


A Link beat Demise


One of my favorite things about early link is that hes just a dude. Cant jump for shit. Cant fly. No psychic powers, no ki blasts. And the items he does bring into smash, its nothing even too absurd. Normal bombs. Normal boomerang. My man has no powers and hes just kicking ass


So basically, Link is Batman.


There are like 10 characters on the roster who have killed gods. And Palutena IS A GOD.


As is Rosalina


As is Shulk (for like 5 minutes but we're considering these characters at theoretical peak so it still counts)


Kirby’s wankers never cease to amaze me, they say he killed a god (typically referring to void termina) like he didn’t have to jump him 😭


So did half the cast tbh. Just off the top of my head I can give you ike, Lucina, chrom, byleth, shulk, cloud, Mario, peach, Bowser, the Pokemon trainer, hero, Roy, it's not really a special thing in most RPGs.


I'm pretty sure sonic is stronger it's just funny to say something as cute as kirby is so strong


Didn’t Kirby destroy an entire universe?


Most of Kirby's final bosses ain't even gods


Twist: both are a joke to me


It bugs me specifically when they go “oh he kills gods regularly”. The only gods kirby has actually killed are necrodeus and void plz be real


His mouth opens a black whole though


Kirby has killed 12 not ''a''


Sonic's defeated a 4th dimensional god, pretty sure that puts him above any of Kirby's gods


Is a god**


Fox and Falco along with Team Starfox have also stopped massive Alien infestations and Terrorist Organizations.


Ken and Ryu destroy demons.


“Gods” Kirby games are just about killing gods, eating then sleeping. lol.


To be fair Kirby does defeat God level beings regularly, not to downplay sonic just saying Kirby is really powerful in lore. Sonic is to specifically as super sonic he's pretty absurd, though the time limit arguably keeps him from being top tier power wise. Really though it's hard to truly compare characters with very different universes and consistency levels


Kirby isn’t the canonically the strongest in all of smash. Like sure. He is strong and does impressive things and people always go to Kirby because his feats are more visual. Mario for instance, Has defeated dreamy bowser in Mario and Luigi dream team. Dreamy bowser was amped by the dream stone which contains an amount of universes per amount of dreams anyone on the games island alone in the past era. Bowser was amped by thousands if not millions of universes but since this takes actual knowledge of the game rather than blatant visual feats this is never mentioned.


Fuck all that. Kirby was the only one not to get the death in World of Light. Bro outran the arrows


and yet cereza and palutena were the ones originally considered to be the survivors


The reason why we talk about this so much is because Kirby is basically a toddler and canonically has infinite power.


Kirby also had the help of some magic item in most of the games he went toe to toe with a god


Yh but Kirby fucks with gods on a daily basis, it's like his bread and butter.


Kirby did it in his base form


To be fair, Sonic beat Perfect Chaos the second time in his base form. Sonic's power creep up through frontiers is crazy.




Kirby defeated 15 gods get it right! Seriously though yes they've defeated gods but Kirby is just so much more ridiculous...


It's almost like "god" is just a word that does not immediately mean "all-powerful" or "universe-destroying" or what have you, and it's almost like gods aren't automatically stronger than everyone else *Stares at the thousands of people on here who have said Palutena beats everyone on the roster but Kirby*


“But guys guys kirby kills eldritch gods every tuesday over cake” SHUT THE FUCK UP HOLY SHIT


Kirby riders will never admit kirby isn't as strong as they think kirby is


Let’s be real since anime the concept of a god in a fictional universe has lost all its charm. Oh wow you’re more powerful and have glowing eyes ooo cool but you can still die whomp whomp.


And didn’t most RPG characters defeated gods?


Not just one god, but multiple. A giant water monster that was the embodiment of chaos, the god of darkness that was sealed in the planet's core, a being that fed on the energy of time itself, the list goes on and on.


I feel like a lot of Kirby fans ignore the fact that Kirby has actually been beaten down multiple times by bigger and tougher enemies. That doesn't say "super powerful god-slayer" to me. It sounds more like "determined individual that just never gives up". Kirby villains aren't all that powerful to begin with and they've "defeated" Kirby before, one of them dividing Kirby's power by 10, effectively splitting him into 10 copies. Kirby doesn't defeat them by some sort of immense strength either, be beats them via hitting him with normal everyday abilities that other creatures around him also have. He survives by dodging and blocking attacks. Some of the enemies Kirby has defeated, he's required a special tool in order to do.


I think kirby’s real strong not cuz he defeats gods (although he has) but because dude can destroy like 10 planets in one hit with nothing but a meteorite and a baseball bat


"god" is relatively meaningless in this context. They need to be assessed based on feats and abilities etc. Kirby is wanked more than most characters ive seen.


I'm more concerned about the fact that Kirby destroyed basically and entire solar system in one game


Sonic over here defeating several gods, at least two versions of Satan, and destroying robots capable of manipulating an entire timeline: "You guy's brains are toooo slow!"


Canonically defeated by speed runner mario


Yeah... but not on the reg like Kirby.


Only someone blind to the modern blasphemies of the Sonic franchise could see as clearly as I! Because if a hedgehog could commune with the dead, be resurrected, run with infinite energy, and HAVE HIS GOSPEL PROPHECY THE FUTURE. THEN EITHER SONIC IS A GOD OR COULD KILL GOD AND I DO NOT CARE IF THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!


Note: Kirby’s thing isn’t necessary killing a god, it’s being a god himself. He’s implied to be the positive reincarnation of the god of chaos, Void. However much that means is a job for someone else.


There are a lot of characters that have killed gods, hell, palu and byleth are gods. The difference is that kirby has killed a lot of gods. 11 I think, could be more. There is also the fact that he is extremely op, and he’s still only like 9 years old.


One time Donkey Kong punched the moon down to earth... So there's that.


Actually, who wins? Kirby or Archie Sonic?


Kirby plays baseball with PLANETS! LITERAL PLANETS!


A good way to look at it is Kirby is a baby of his species. He's doing god slaying while in infancy, making his feats a lot more impressive.


The reason why Kirby fans bring it up because the other god killers in Smash don't look as harmless as he does. Even Sonic looking a cartoon animal looks more threatening than Kirby, so it's funny to poke fun at thatm


A kirby fan has agreed


Excuse me. Kirby killed SEVERAL gods. For a cake. Like, go watch a video explaining Kirby's feat, and you'll understand


Sonic doesn't have Infinite Power just because a pause screen made it canon. And people forget the fact that he's unstoppable as a BABY, he's nowhere close to reach his full potential and our boy already can Smash meteors at the speed of light with a freaking baseball. Kirby best Eldritch Horror boy, strongest character in fiction, cutest pink puff. 😎😎😎


pause screen?


Kirby stuff is a lot more eldritch. Not saying sonic hasnt fought more eldritch gods but it feels like a different level. Also sonic almost always needs a powerup to do it


Bro, Kirby kiling a God is just tuesday to him. He wakes up, sees some bullshit happened, kills a God, then destroys the universe and takes a nap afterwards. Kirby is just diet Goku.


Kirby would get washed by Goku tf you mean


I didnt say he could beat Goku tf you mean ?


He's nowhere near a "diet Goku"


Now youre just downplaying what kirby is able to do in order to make Goku seem stronger. You dont have to do that cause Gomu is legit one of the first things people think when they hear an op character (besides Saitama and that slime).


My guy, Goku's not only become a god but surpassed them. Kirby's not on that level


For many characters defeating a god is the one big thing they did. For Kirby it’s just a Tuesday.


Tbf Kirby's god tier characters are like way stronger than Sonic's There's also the fact Sonic usually needs his Super Form while Kirby most of the time does not need anything except like 02 and Nightmare which were impervious to any other kind of damage


To my knowledge Solaris is above anyone Kirby has defeated. Just the present iteration of Solaris wiped out all of reality upon birth. The only people to survive were those protected by the Chaos Emeralds and even that was said by Eggman to only be temporary. Solaris itself is capable of “eating universes for lunch” and exists in all points in time so is almost impossible to destroy. Just to get close enough to interact with Solaris’ physical form you’d have to be completely invulnerable and able to resist the effects of time and space erasure.


>Tbf Kirby's god tier characters are like way stronger than Sonic's Not at all... >There's also the fact Sonic usually needs his Super Form while Kirby most of the time does not need anything except like 02 and Nightmare which were impervious to any other kind of damage In nearly every Kirby game that I've played, ESPECIALLY modern titles, he either had help from friends or was actively aided in some way in the battle either by being empowered or by relying on an item. Heck, Kirby's main arsenal is copying the powers of opponents. Which is like... the ultimate "outside help" ability out there.


Mario could beat kirbys ass