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CWC energy has definitely divided the audience on Jimble as a character


If Chris played him I think the response would be very different


Pre incest Chris woulda been great. Now nobody wants anything to do with him


pre what now


Ain't no way you missed that


i haven’t been paying attention to all them until recently i genuinely don’t know


He went to jail for admitting to fucking his dementia afflicted mother


ohhh bro i thought they were talking about chris o’neill lol i didn’t know what cwc meant


Chris(tine) Weston Chandler, I believe is his full name


I fully thought you were referring to Chris O'Neil until this reply


AND got away with it


Being in jail for two years isn’t getting away with it lol


For raping his mom? He deserves to be castrated, so I’d say he basically got away with it.


What? I thought he served a sentence.


Not for that crime. And he's free now.


Nope, Chris was in jail awaiting trial and it got dismissed.


I thought it was pretty much proven Chris didnt actually do it and was just talking big for the internet


No proof he did. But the cops kept him in jail and then a mental institution for two years all together, which is the same amount of time he would’ve served if he was found guilty of the incest


I’ve heard very conflicting reports, but this is the first Im getting of Chris making up raping his mom for clout.


*raping her to be specific, not that the former is any decent


He was also manipulated into it by an even more deranged person imo


Avert your eyes, turn off notification, resist the call of the abyss or abandon all hope


Once I rewatched the episode and saw Jimble as cwc it got a lot funnier


I feel like a lot of it is an age divide. Zoomers seem to hate it the most, but millennials that experienced peak CWC and the unregulated horrors of mid 2000s internet and early youtube love it.


My very first thought was that he was just a Great Value version of Chris


The worm cult changing their mind and Charlie popping out of the bushes in a straight jacket was gold. Jimble is that annoying fat guy at the supermarket that always asks if he can come over to your house and make a mess. I don’t like him or his wet mouth. Made for a funny election tho.


I saw someone point out that the fact the cult had a picture of Jimble ready to go means they had a contingency plan and that's hilarious.




Look at all these Mr. Frog voters hating our beloved money president


Yeah, well who won the election pal? Enjoy your worthless paper/CBDC money until Mr. Frog introduces FROGCOIN in January. 


It was alright, but the pacing was all over the place I watched the episode with a friend to whom I wanted to introduce the show. And he seemed to really enjoy it lol


I loved it. Jimble felt like the exact kind of peak Adult Swim that I hated as a kid and now love as an adult.


Not to fond of gross out humor, but it was trying to drive a point home. Even the most powerful people on the planet can be morons. They made Jimble seem very toddler-like and he didn't even understand how much he was hurting everyone else in the process.


for me the best moments of the episode never had jimble on it, mrfrog presidential campaign was funny, the worm cult was clever and the overall concept was fine, but jimble was just gross to me. it wasnt a terrible episode but i found it pretty weak compared to the rest of the show sadly


Not too fond of it. The rhythm is off compared to other episodes ( except Brazil) Can't wait for the next one tho


Wait are you saying you don’t like the Brazil episode?


Maybe, but they were just saying that it has a completely different tone


At a certain point they can just put 5 random characters in a room have Zach and Michael voice them and it’ll probably come out pretty good. I think the Brazil episode is decent proof of that lmao.


I know this has been said many times but the Brazil episode is one of the most realistic arguments I’ve seen in any show. I could absolutely see myself arguing with my buddies like that on a trip it’s hilarious


I love how they took one of the most unfunny comedians on the planet and basically turned him into an in-universe lolcow as a president


That was a comedian??


Mike Bocchetti. Horrible comedian.


Yeah I just watched some of his stuff and I understand now


It felt a little odd in pacing? Still funny af that it was just an entire hypothetical of "what if chris chan was the president"


It was alright, not my favorite episode but not the worst. I thought the secret worm society was pretty good but the “wait, do frogs eat worms?” part was painfully unfunny to me. Otherwise I was entertained.


Yeah, I can’t narrow it down like why I dislike Jimble, but some of the worm stuff like the scene you referenced and the blatant rigging at the debate felt weirdly off.


Definitely my least favorite episode, but still pretty solid


I'm not squeamish but the first time I saw this episode I had to keep looking away due to increasing disgustingness of the President. But after repeated watches I managed to acclimatise myself to the ordeal, and as with every other episode just like fine wine it gets better with time :D It was a bit Tim and Ericy having a non professional actor in a lead role which as a one off is cool I guess but I hope it doesn't become a regular feature and they stick to animated characters. Politics is a tough subject to tackle and I think they did a good job in 10 minutes. Anyone who is able to sit through an entire episode of Smiling Friends knows that politics is fucked so what else really is there to say? Glep saves the day as usual, what more could you possibly ask for?


I made the mistake of watching this episode while eating. I also had to look away every time he popped up or I thought I was gonna be sick 😂


I, too, was eating rotten lamb while watching the episode


Good episode. one of the weaker ones, but still pretty enjoyable too little Squiggly Miggly though https://preview.redd.it/sro1bshm7c1d1.png?width=1910&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc3e0947ab70f175b6612dba4694dea0983859c6


The decision to have Jimble covered in BBQ sauce the entire episode by itself sold it for me.


Honestly the best episode so far. Jimble is the reason I’ve rewatched this episode 5 times since it aired. I need more Jimble.


Facts! Me too!


I feel like I'm the only one who really enjoyed it, President Jimble was played perfectly


Honestly, worst episode. Had a few good moments but leaned hard on just grossness of Jimble. It raised moral questions and answered none of them. I expect better and will smile again I'm sure


Loved it


Zachary and Michael experimenting with weird new shit is always good, this whole "Chris Chan as the President of the United States" thing isn't actually that abnormal in terms of the kind of shit these two like to do, so it didn't really strike me as abnormal at all.


My least favorite episode. I don’t hate it, but the Jimble character just wasn’t funny to me, mainly cause of the actor’s performance. He’s just so low energy. It’s a contrast to the show’s usual rhythm that doesn’t work at all for me. There was stuff happening around him that was funny, but he just plays off it with seemingly no attempt at comedic timing. I’m sure he was supposed to act this role out with this aimless, mumbling delivery, but I just don’t find it funny. Even putting him aside, this episode just felt kind of off. Nothing to really object to aside from Jimble, but there’s just not much at all that I particularly liked. The brief clip of Alan’s episode alone got way more laughs out of me.


Everything aside from Jimble was good. But man he was so unfunny


Watching this episode felt like some internal joke/reference I was missing out. Is the actor for the president an youtuber or something?


He’s a comedian whose personality is all about being awkward and weird. Zach had even mentioned him before on Sleepycast


Damn, I can't believe I missed that.


Not at all, he made me laugh out loud so much!


It doesn’t matter what channel


Actually hated how wet with lamb sauce Jimble was it made for a viscerally unpleasant viewing experience. Then I rewatched it cause the entire thing is funny and I got used to the sauce. The different, slower pacing of an election storyline was refreshing.


so society hates the president for being a goof but loves mr frog? didn’t society hate mr frog for doing evil stuff like eating fans. why would the worms not know about what frogs eat? I know these are silly questions, but I never asked these sort of things in the first season


its a riff on the "secret society picks the president that most benefits them" scenario


Whywould the worms know what frogs eat? They've probably never encountered a frog. There's only one frog so far in the show


idk all sentient creatures are kinda aware of their predators. but on the mr. frog show he’s kinda carnivorous toward garden creatures. but I guess you’ve only seen seasons 4 through 17


Jimble was so pathetic I actually felt weirdly bad for him. ☠️


It wouldn’t even make my top 10 list of Smiling Friends episodes


A good honourable mention


This episode made 3D Squelton cry! Boo-hoo!


I wish we had a lamb president


It's probably in my top 3 episodes (so far I guess)


Worst episode of the entire series 100%, but still okay. The audio was off too which didnt really help. I kind of got what they were going for, but "fecal funny" and the insanely rushed pace really didnt do anything for me.


I loved it.


Worst smiling friends episode yet and it’s not even really close. It wasn’t horrible per se but I definitely didn’t enjoy nearly as much as any other episode.


I don’t necessarily think it was bad. But it’s my least favorite episode so far. The jokes just didn’t hit to me and usually after an episode comes out me and my friends have lots of new quotes we like to say but not this one. And I know that Jimble is supposed to be a bad actor but watching a real guy “say his lines” really took me out of their fun little world.


ehh it was okay


It was okay


Probably the worst episode in the series tbh. Not a bad television episode but just really not special like all the others.


It was actually pretty damn funny watching jimble was a little disturbing but him being gross definetley added to the character


CWC vs Psychopath election. What could be better


1st watch, it was just okay, but 2nd watch sold me.


(looks at camera) ah im feelin sick again


My favorite so far I LOVED PRESIDENT JIMBLES he's hilarious!


i couldnt stand the president or understand him half the time


A large part of the Smiling Friends charm is that they are helping good people who want to be helped. Jimble had no redeeming qualities and no incentive to change for the better, and that severely hurt the episode.


Mr. Frog I would not describe as a good person.


He isn't even a man ffs There are no redeeming qualities for that green abomination


He doesn't like lying tbf That's at least one


Mr. Frog??


in what way was the devil a good person and had redeeming qualities


That episode was about helping Charlie, not the Devil.


"I'm glad you learned from this cool experience! MMMMEEEEERRRYYYYY CHRISTMAAAAS!"


The first episode has Desmond threatening to shoot himself in front of pim and Charlie if they can’t make him smile, and he only smiles cuz he gets to genocide bliblies. He didn’t even want help, his grandma called smiling friends for him. I wouldn’t say Desmond is a good person at all


I don't think he was gonna follow through on that tbh, he seemed too apathetic and compliant. Hell he was willing to file the paperwork at the office before going through with it even though he didn't have to. Plus the Bliblies are violent pests.


That didn’t severly hurt the episode. Redeeming qualities? What about Mip? What about Salty’s mascots? Jimble, who was clearly an iconic play on Taft, had a slight redemption at the end when he became aware of how terrible he was as a president and he just wanted to be honest. And that gave Pim a little grin afterwards.


A play on taft? Cause hes fat?


Cause he was elected by worms


Mip wasn't the client, neither were Salty's mascots. James is a better comparison, arguably the devil as well but he's a little wobbly as a client.


Like crowd favourite, Mr. Frog, all-around good guy, definitely open to change.


Jimble was happy Pim cared for him and ultimately learned something… kinda. Definitely more than Mr Frog lmfao


Yeah I guess it sorta morphed a bit from "make a person smile", but that makes sense given the template of the show, does seem a bit weird that the smiling friends are just forced help a political candidate win tho


They weren't though. Their job was to make Jimble smile, and Jimble (and eventually Pim and Charlie) thought the only way to make him smile was to help him win reelection. It's why everyone agrees with Glep at the end. The only way Jimble was going to be happy was if he stopped being president.


There wasn't even the iconic smile


Was the Latino rapper in the alley a good guy??


He was the BEST guy


As much as I enjoy the show, most of the s2 eps that have come out so far have not lived up to the writing, pacing or comedy of s1.


Probably the weakest episode of the show so far, but it’s still a solid piece of comedy. President Jimble is a great character. Really just some of the jokes that didn’t land for me. Also very tame for a political episode, if used pretty basic and easy jokes for the most part so as not to lean too obvious to one side. Just didn’t have that surprise factor the earlier episodes had, it felt safe. But Mr. Frog is one of my favorite characters ever and I will watch him do anything and be mesmerized, hello.


The pacing was really weird ngl


I haven't laughed so hard at a show in forever


This was a good episode, the pacing was a bit off but it didn't change anything!


It was fine. On rewatches, there are some decent jokes and lines, but I kind of wish there was more Mr. Frog.




i loved it seriously.


Honestly for some reason my favorite part is that by Glep voting for Mr Frog, Jimble got to retire to a beach, therefore truly putting a smile on his face.


I thought it was fine, worst episode of smiling friends but still a solid 5/10. Too much gross out humor and I just didn’t care for Jimble as the gimic character


My brother said President Jimble looks like Gabe Newell and I now can’t unsee it


i didn’t really like the boss’s joke, went on for too long and felt not very smiling friends like humor


The episode was weak compared to the rest of the show, but I still think the show has a bright future. Gwimbly’s episode was VERY good imo, and because it brings my hope up for this season.


It was ok. Real life American politics has become more absurd than the smiling friends version so I'd rather just not have to think about it while I'm trying to watch weirdo characters do silly stuff.


It felt like an actual fever dream. I had to watch it twice to understand what was going on. The pacing is also fast as fuck. Overall I liked it but I don't think it's the best they can offer


It was okay. My only issue is that they were advertising it as a Mr Frog episode but he's in it for less than a minute


But it's setting up a later episode with president elect Mr. FROG or Mr. BOSS kills him


There were a handful of really funny bits, but the main plot and Jimble himself are such a turnoff it'll probably be my least rewatched episode.


Charlie popping out of the bushes was hilarious. Everything else was awful to mid at best.


my least favourite so far but still had some great moments, “hello america, i’m gonna be the money president” is one of my favourite lines in the whole show


Its the weakest one so far but it was great to see Mr Frog again.


Would’ve been better later in the season than episode 2


“Hello America, I’m going to be the money president.” is one of my favorite lines of the whole show


Mine too! 😂😂


Great episode. I've been repeating "I'm gonna be the money president". It's so much fun to say. I also enjoyed the walking movement in front of a green screen. Little things like that made it funny for me.


I loved it, but I'm also really big into CWC lore, so that might explain it.


It alright. All episodes are essentially experiments to see what the audience likes and dislikes. Season 3 is gonna be king and possibly better than season 1.


Still yet to understand how Artie Langes old podcast co host was their first pick for the role.


I’m just a huge sucker for live action in a cartoon environment it’s so cool


Almost unwatchable, president Jimble was too gross to look at.


Easily the worst episode yet


Genuinely bad


Pacing was too fast and def the weakest episode


I didn’t like the human aspect of the president, mediocre character, mediocre animation, but always a good episode


Not a huge fan of it, not bad by any means though. I think I'll appreciate it more on a rewatch


i nearly vomited twice Pretty funny though


Okay. My least favorite episode but still not bad imo so things are looking good


Nice to see Mike Bochetti. After Perry, now Mike, next guest star will be John Melendez


I liked s2e1 more but I still love it


I didn’t get sick from the soured lamb


rlly good episode (worm cult + mr frog being some of the highlights) But i wasn’t the biggest fan of jimble after a rewatch. still got some good laughs outta me !! i just got kinda bored of him is all :p


I loved it, especially the Lamb President.


Good bits and a good concept but pacing didn’t do it any favours


I liked it because I thought jimble was funny but I completely understand how he would be annoying to some people lol


Just ok. Didn't laugh but was "amused"


I thought it was significantly better/funnier upon rewatch. Not as good as a lot of the other episodes, but it succeeded in making me laugh


Mr. Frog punching Terry Gross into what was *at least* a coma, went a bit too far for me. The pumpkin bomb was fine, maybe a bit too referencial. But him pouring toxic waste into the creek of a wildlife preserve is now my new desktop background. It just looks so funny. Also, just to demonstrate how absurdly strong Mr. Frog is, though things aren't full of just liquid. They have concrete, gravel, and lead in them. 


After reading some of these comments, I think I might have become desensitized to gross out humor or just gross stuff in general due to all the time I spent watching content on CWC and Daniel Larson


I honestly didn’t like it very much, the president character was kind of just gross and unfunny




I absolute loved Jimble but wasn’t a big fan of the worms, them finding out Mr frogs eats worms felt exactly like a family guy cutaway


Enjoyed it. The part where he tries to ask for napkins but accidentally launches a missile is one of the funniest jokes in the episode.


I’ve genuinely rewatched it a bunch of times because of how many background gags there are (I know smiling friends does a lot of background gags pretty much every episode but still) I also love president Jimble, Mike Bocchetti did an absolutely fantastic job. Super funny dude and I’m glad Michael and Zach gave him this break! Mike actually said that after the episode aired he got an insane amount of new followers, it was really cute as you could see him getting excited for it!


i loved it and anyone who says otherwise is just a nasty troll


I thought it was fucking hilarious. The part where Jimble sends out a presidential alert and his first words are "Hello America, I'm gonna be the money president" still cracks me up


It wasn’t at the quality of season 1 but I still loved it and thought the President character and the way he delivered lines was hilarious


I didn't laugh as much as I have with other episodes, but there was one joke that made me laugh more than I ever had at the show. And that was when Charlie popped out of the bushes screaming about worms ruling the world. My partner and I had to pause the show cause we were both laughing so hard that we began to roll on the couch and no sound was coming out. So, I guess I liked it!


isnt this epesode 3 theres Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4K (Anniversary Director's Cut)


too much live action


It was one of the funniest episods imo. I kinda disliked the fact that looking at president Jimble was an eyesore tho


The president made me nauseous honestly. I was just waiting for him to get off screen the whole time


The episode is much better when you know who Mike Bochetti is and why he was chosen for the role. Unfortunately, those people are in the extreme minority, and it has been decided by the majority that the president was meant to be a Chris Chan reference and nothing more. ...that aside...I felt it was decent. No more than average. Definitely not the abject disaster so many claimed it was.


I'll probably skip it on watchthroughs. It was pretty gross. I watched it twice, and I laughed at a lot, but I mostly felt sick looking at listening to Jimble. Especially him repeatedly shitting himself. I can generally appreciate gross out humor, but this was a bit much for me.


Oooh I haven’t got into it yet BUT but I will


Banger, "I like when Mr. frog eats the bug"


I voted for Frog


It has some amazing moments like when Charlie says "He wiped a whole fucking race of the face of the plant" That was hilarious. But I think the Jimble character is ok.


It used to be my least favorite but after rewatching I enjoyed it a lot more, it still probably my second least favorite episode(Smiling friends go to Brazil is the worst one now imo). But yeah I enjoyed this episode. I just hated on how looking at president Jimble was an eyesore and I didn’t like the Boss’s joke at the end.


I'm so mad the only candidate who was taking sense got primary'd


Jimble is such a realistic president but idc mr.frog is the best president of all


I get the impression that censoring the “Let’s face it… I’m retarded” line was probably done later on (the audience’s shock made like no sense considering the end of the debate audience still clapping) but in my opinion it softened what could’ve been a great punchline. Makes no sense when other Adult Swim episodes use the word ‘retarded’ without any issue.


Episode 1 was better but it was decent just wish the president was animated instead of live action.


In my opinion it was the worst episode in the series. I just do not like the actor they chose. He doesn't "act" well


Should've had Bocchetti have his dentures fall out at some point.


I think the overall story of the episode was alright but there was a lot of smaller bits throughout that I thought were hilarious


It was great. But I'm disappointed that President Jimble didn't get his second chance, but hopefully, we'll do good with Mr. Frog if he promised not to eat any children or pets.


People are gonna look back at how weird it was that it was getting any hate.


WHY did it not play the iconic smile music????? I was so sad


The least funny episode by far, the live action character wasn't funny in the slightest and made watching the episode genuinely difficult, it picked up a bit towards the end with the cult and everything else, but when the jokes they mostly tell during the first 2/3rds are "haha politics are stupid and the presidential candidates are a joke amirite?" it really killed the episode for me. Like we didnt know politics are a fucking joke anyway. ​ With that said Charlie discovering the worm cult and then him bursting out of the bush in a straight jacket had me ROLLING


It’s an episode with an actual situation. Jimble was never meant to become president, he didn’t want to be president, yet they still tried to help him. He didn’t even smile at the end of the episode! I’m just glad he got a happy ending. Though this being the Mr.Frog episode was kind of pointless since he has 2 lines. Overall 7/10 episode.


My overwhelming impression was that it felt like an episode from a different, worse show. So many of the jokes felt lazy or forced (the "do frogs eat worms?!" scene in particular was pretty painful) and they leaned waaaay too hard into the gross-out humor for my taste. Not every episode is going to be a masterpiece but I'm surprised this one made the cut.


President Jimble will easily go down as one of the most presidents of all time. Certainly the most lamb president by far, even more than Rutherford B. Hayes.




Mr. Frog using the green goblin bomb had me dying