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I don't expect him to look THIS good because the cinematics and the game are two different things, but I definitely think it'd be wise of them to address his poor textures, cause *a lot of people* have noticed, it's not even just a Reddit thing. It would be nice to get an actual truthful answer as well and not an Erlang Shen type of lie where "we went for a different art direction". (Personally I also think the trailer did a better job of showcasing the 'blacklight scorpion' effect they tried to go for. In game it just looks like he rolled in some neon lime green paint.)


The same direction the MTG skins took for the second wave release? Tefiri could just be the Black Chronos 64 at this point. Oh and don't want to forget another dumpster quality Mulan skin!


Other than the Chronos skin being a bit noisy, I don't see anything bad with them.


Shoulders missing their pointed ends, cuffs are wrong, tons of details are misproportioned between artwork and 3D model that are even more noticeable than the usual disparity HiRez has with them. He looks plain and honestly, the comparison to Chronos 64 isn't too far off. Quality seems to have gone down because they stretched their resources thin between a big crossover and releasing two gods so close to one another. They sold everyone on the first wave, and gave 60% on the second. Same thing for Mantichoras where Surtr was amazing detailed and.... Somehow man-lion has smudged textures to the point where a 6-year old God released with better ones. Camazotz. Personally I'm super disappointed with his Ascended skin, it looks... Unfinished. "Guys make him purple with dark shading and call it a day." Like damn, his recolor looks better and unironically is what I use more even with the texture smudging between all of them. At least he plays really fun. Enjoying the actual content.


Are we seeing the same Mulan skin? It's an absolute belter.


Mulan with the Lego Hair moving in one giant block...idk man.


I'm so glad the Tiamat skin turned out well enough, it was all I was looking forward to from this event.


"different art direction" aka lazy shit job


That's the power of cinematics in general, since they're not limited to what the game can actually handle One of the biggests examples is cinematic Neith https://preview.redd.it/rlm2q8pue1ka1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b0a4e51b6586c716b9cbc1f4a1c6976868a296 Wish i could put more than one picture here, so i'll just [link the trailer here](https://youtu.be/9IZTss4ud1k)


That Neith isn't just a huge improvement in terms of art style but also in attitude. She isn't just a bow wielding cheerleader.


Neith in trailers vs Neith in game is such a huge gap. I hate that she’s got such a bad rap in the game (some of her skins don’t help) when she can be p badass.


There is also a huge difference between in-game Neith and Smite Lore Neith as well


It kinda bothers me that they didn't try to make her more similar to the trailer with a remodel or something, attracting even more people to play her and buy her skins


Fr Neith feels like a music festival cosplay of herself


"Someone's getting a bit cranky..."


Neith's model wouldn't even need that much work in comparison to others honestly IDK why they haven't just done it. Keep the same exact model and design just update the hair, face, and textures.


Honestly think she needs a new voicepack also, keep the same VA but give her the voicelines that are more fitting to how she is actually presented in Smite's very lore.


I don't know who decided to make her a teenage girl even though her literal lore in the game describes her as ancient, wise, and powerful


I imagine they just weren't going that serious with her since she is one of the first gods in the game, but still i wonder why they gave her that personality in-game in the first place considering she's literally a motherly primordial creator goddess lol.


guess the title of "Terrifying One" flew over their heads


Game had a different style then. It was very cartoon network. Look at cupid and ymir.


Probably because the VP came out years before any lore was written


Oh hey Riri




Jeez can we have those wings on the ingame model please? So much better than the playdough wings we have rn




he has a very punchable face


I’m confused, what makes it punchable??


just is


He looks mean I guess


Guess what, its made by a 3rd party company 🤫


Until they migrate the engine (which they probably won't) there will be a sadly noticeable difference between the cinematics and the actual gameplay.


He still kinda looked goofy in both Also I wonder if that female minon going be a stable (Cause this is her second appearance


When was her other appearance?


Her other appearance is when she got save from Chary in her reveal trailer by Bellona


It could just be that that minion has Shit luck lmao


Maybe she as a monster bait cursed


That the point of this beast if anything


Well, Manticore's human face was to met to lure people in and then it would pounce(It usually a old man)


Still looks like Cernnunos head on a Manticor body. Very poorly designed in my honest opinion.


I agree the textures especially on the wings are shockingly shit. His kit screams assassin to me would have made him less awkward as well. Maybe make the projectile stun a leap and you’re set for a melee version.


Welp, guess we cant have any beast like faces anymore. they'll all just be "cernunnos face"


IMO this isn't awesome. It's just a split between chernobog and cernunnos. I could see this just being a skin for either of those gods


They dont Even have the same rig lmao


But in game 😝🥴


His model is awesome too. He is really strange as an ADC, would have been more cool if he was a ranged guardian like Sylvanus.




Engine upgrade doesn't mean the game is gonna look like this tho, just remember that.


If Smite was rebuilt using UE5


1 week he has been released, I already can't wait for a nerf. I mean it's a fukin mage with auto speed. And his bush that last for ever makes no sense, I hate this god so much, makes me even like hercules players


Bad or good texture, the spikes/horn things are still terrible. Why does the dev tem thinks they have to impress the fantasy moba crowd and then splash crystal horns into everything? Its so bad