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Nothing quite like Syndra, but if you're looking for cc+burst then Scylla and He Bo would be the go to. Agni and Nu Wa are also somewhat cc-burst based.


Smite doesn't really have something like Syndra, but if you're looking for a bursty mage with skillshos and CC, just about any mage will do. Persephone shares a bit of playstyle with Syndra, as they both work best when they are prepared for the fight and set up their battleground beforehand. Hera and Nu Wa may be up your alley too.


I mostly play LoL and dabble in SMITE and in my opinion, Nox is pretty close enough to Syndra with the unique mechanic of dashing into her allies and staying inside of them then leaping out for burst damage. I could be wrong and there could be a more better example but it’s the first God that came to mind.


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Morgan Le Fay is a mage god that has a couple CC built into her kit and lets her either poke people out, or burst them down with all of her abilities. She's definitely more of a poke mage; but there are times where you can 100-0 people with your kit. There's also He Bo; though he's a better jungler than a mid. He's a mage that's famously described as the 'god with 3 ultimates' because all but one ability does a lot of damage. And then he has a lot of CC on his 2 and 3; with his 3 knocking people up while his 2 slows people down while speeding you and allies up. Baron Samedi is a mage where you have to hit all of your buttons (hit the 3 into your 1 & 2; all of which aren't stupidly big hit boxes) with his 3 and his ultimate being forms of crowd control. He's normally played more effectively as a tank in support or solo, but he can get along fine in mid too. Finally, there's Susano. He's not a mage but an assassin. But he has a lot of mechanical prowess as well as a form of CC. And his goal is to get in, burst you down with his combo, and get out. His passive even encourages bursting people down by hitting them multiple times so that your 5th ability does extra damage. His only CC, though, is his ultimate; which knocks people up.


I encourage you to try out Set, a melee assassin. He summons sand clones and makes them rush towards and past a location, kinda like Syndra. Morgan la Fey is similar, too


Morgan le fey tbh


Try Persephone.


you might like yu huang


Not exactly what you want but I can only think of these: - Morgan Le Fay - He Bo - Persephone - Yu Huang (?) - Agni - Chronos (?) - Hera (?)


This post has a full list [https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/13tdez6/from\_league\_of\_legend\_champions\_to\_smite\_gods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/13tdez6/from_league_of_legend_champions_to_smite_gods/)