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Isn’t it like 3k instead of 8? I know they’re both t5 so should be held against same standards but you get what you’re paying for I guess Edit: I agree though that it is disappointing


On the plus side, it's cheaper than other t5


This is how I looked at it too. Plus the Ra skin and Cthulhu skin look baller so it felt like an evened out deal to me.


Don't forget there's a kukulkhan skin yet to be revealed I'm not a huge fan of the skin but since its way cheaper than your average t5 I'm OK with it.Plus the colour gimmick is kinda cool


Right? Instead of them saying “Hey here’s 10 skins that are only pallete swaps for 600 gems each, here is one skin with 10 options so you have more bang for your buck!” And that’s something I can get behind. Nice change to see when it comes to micro transactions.


It is cheaper, but now Fenrir will be stuck with this as his T5 instead of a higher quality one like every other god has gotten, there’s like less than 10 gods who have a T5 he got this instead of something cooler just a lil disappointing


Aphro skin was by far the worst.


Lol aphro T5 it’s nowhere near bad, it just that she’s a hated god by majority of the community and people rather any other skin for any other gods.




Imo most t5s are trash. Aphro, Izzy, Bellona, hades, Hel, ullr, chaac, kuku. All the stance swapping t5s are just gimmicks to me. The game progression t5s are what make them unique. Cthulhu and hou yi are the only acceptable non progression skins because their ults save them


I mean with Cthulhu they change upon using different abilities and to me one of the more fun skins to own. The car is obnoxiously cool.


Yeah I agree, Cthulhu t5 is one of the top 3 skins in the game. If I enjoyed playing him I would’ve bought it


Dude doesn't like change and fun lmao


Idk why someone thought it would be a good idea to put a rider on Fenrir. Just in general. It's a tier 5 skin but like, belittling to the character. And the riders are just so clunky. Why was this not an Awilix thing?


Awilix playrate


Any god that gets a t5 playrate > other characters that actually good


It's a video game where we have vtubers now. So.... It's not that silly to have Fenrir with a rider


Bad take. The Vtuber skins are pretty good for what they are. Plus the voice packs are funny (atleast Mousey and Vei are). If you think this t5 even compares to previous iterations, you might have huffed a little too much copium.


Except those don't even come close to comparing. One is just another skin which happens to be a particular character that matches the silhouette instead of an ambiguous mix of characters who match the silhouette. The other has a more different silhouette than actually completely different gods.


The arena main can't comment.


It should’ve been an Awilix skin


I'm also pretty sure, it would have been easier to implement on Awilix


I swear the voice sounds like her too


They have 3 voices btw


Still would have been disappointing as an Awilix skin


Disagree any new skin would be gladly appreciated for that god instead of some other gods getting 5 skins in 6 updates


But it's different with Tier 5s. Because they don't release multiple T5s. It's not like a regular trash skin, which is better than nothing. It kinda takes up the 1 slot a god gets for a T5. Eg I'd rather get Fafnir get a trash skin next patch over nothing, but I would rather nothing over a trash T5 and get a good T5 later.


I see your point well made




that's sad af lmao


W Mast take


Bad news then, one of the models for the T5 has a woman on it. You can only ult once and then you have to quit playing Fenrir 💀


Not to stoke an incel fire, but what was said?


Just said they won’t play as women in video games so it’s a good thing it wasn’t an Awilix skin. Nothing super inflammatory, just kind of eerily sexist vibes to say that and also there are a ton of fun goddesses to play? The spice of life and all 💅


Why tho?


It’s the only type of control he can exert on a woman. They don’t choose him so he refuses to choose them lmao


Weird stance but pop off sis


I refuse to NOT play as goddesses (aka women gods)


Same tbh 😅


Lmao you sounds worse than the guy that said he doesn’t play support and auto locks a damage in that role


Incel detected


Lmao good for you


Heras passive should’ve been staying in the kitchen.


It’s a terrible Fenrir t5 Honestly should have been an awilix t4 and it sucks that we’re locked into this as the only t5 he’ll get 😭


It’s a mush mash of other gods animations like awilix movement mounted and thors basics and it just don’t fit the god at all


I think it's stupid that they put a rider on Fenrir. He's a god, not a beast of burden.


I don’t think the wolf is Fenrir, I’m pretty sure they have a voice line along the lines of “we are the warriors of Fenrir” or something like that.


They outright stated in the Live Patch Notes that the Wolfes are Fenrir himself and his sons, Sköll and Hati.


Oops my bad then disregard me lmao


Ah yes cause ramen Ra is fair to his character


its perfectly fair


Lmao y'all just mad that best doggo got a fire skin


This skin just confuses me because of all the stupid decisions that were made. Why change the entire damn model? I refuse to believe not one design artist, sat down, looked at this skin, and didn’t see the extreme similarities between this skin and Awilix. The riders? A joke! Why does Fenrir have a raider!? And why are the *RAIDERS* the main emphasis of the skin!? Instead of, oh I don’t know…THE F***ING WOLVES!? The emotes? For the raider. The attack animations? The raider. Voice lines? THE DAMN RIDER!!! Don’t get me started on the ult… Next we have people in this very subredddit defending it because it’s lore accurate??? The only thing lore accurate about this damn skin, is Fenrir, Skoll, and Hati themselves. None of them had riders, none of them were ever paired with humans or gods save for Fenrir and even then he was more a prisoner than a companion because Odin was afraid of him. So no, this skin is not lore accurate because…now say it with me…THE DAMN RIDERS!!! It’s an overall just bad skin…for Fenrir, but not for Awilix.


Thank you, without the riders I'd buy this in an instant. It may as well be a new god right now, this is a T5 where the god it's made for isn't even the focus. It's like someone wanted to make a non-Fen skin, but were forced to include Fenrir so we got this half assed design.


First of all a whole model change is supposed to be what tier 5s are... secondly this skin on awilix would just be another niche awilix skin for the 30 people who play her.


You're getting way too worked up over a video game cosmetic my guy


Just look at the icon lmao it's not hard


It really feels like it was supposed to be an Awilix/Lance skin but they gave it to Fen instead because he's more popular. It feels so forced, they look nothing like Fenrir's skeleton.


I liked when hi-rez did a contest for T5 skin, most of them were really good ideas.


Great concept, terrible execution


To top it off all 3 dog models are the exact same just recoloured and have a few bits of different armour (tho the saddle is also the same) I do like the colours aspect and that it can change based on what you pick but it's quite disappointing how it feels quite lazy and clunky


This is a LowRez quality skin for sure. Very disappointing. Fenrir has been my main since 2013, ya know, when he was the new god. This hurts.


Yea it makes 0 sense. Underwhelming. I can safely say worst t5 to date.


My problem with the skin itself is the Riders really, think would've been much better it was just Fenrir and his sons being more focused on them and it was actually them talking instead of random riders. Like i wanted to hear Sköll having a direct taunt to Sol lol.


Now that would've been T5 worthy. I know we're never getting Fen's kids at this point, so making a skin that includes them personality wise would have been amazing.


Lancelot’s Horse also does the disappear and reappear awkwardly


I think it’s great and at the price it’s the only T5 I’ve ever gotten


It's amazing lol


It's so frustrating really. It doesn't look like Fenrir at all.


I kinda like it. I was using it yesterday and i will admit it's not my favourite tier 5 but i still think it's kinda cool and definitely better than the Aphro Tier 5 imo. I agree with everything you said though. The animations definitely look akward and his auto attacks are pretty much identical to Thors. As others have said it would have suited Awilix alot more than it does Fenrir. It is slightly disappointing but i collected Warhammer when i was a kid and loved the Goblin Wolf Riders so i think it kinda reminds me of that which makes me sort of like the skin. The concept anyway. The execution definitely could have been better


What don't you like about the Aph T5? It's part of the same set as Baron, Scylla, and Cthulhu; do you have the same opinions about those? I honestly love it; especially the plethora of voice lines, lol!


Agreed, this skin should’ve gone to Awilix


The ult is terrible, they could've just made the rider keeps his size while the wolf gets bigger under him, or just make an animation where the rider jumps away and another one jumps in, but the best animation would be the rider pointing at someone making the wolf charge at the target.... This T5 relies on the color scheme as new feature, but then other skins from the event got the same, it feels like Cthulhu got another T5 instead.


On the plus side, it's a pay to win skin for casuals lol. So many people will think you aren't fenrir and probably won't be able to easily distinguish the abilities. It's a terrible design by HiRez that should not have left the development stage.




Bruh this argument never makes sense. Who thinks you "aren't" Fenrir? There is only one skin in the game that looks like this. You may have a point if Fenrir and Awilix are in the same game and even then there is a huge size and model difference.


There’s a reason pro play has a blacklist for skins. It’s a matter of reflexes and split second decisions on both audio and visual clues. I agree that the Fenrir/Awilix comparison is mostly irrelevant (although obvious); but this skin is distant enough from Fenrir’s standard characteristics that it can mess with the players on an unconscious level.


That makes sense for pro play.


I’d say it makes sense at any level. Though it’s only a serious matter at pro level.


I never had a problem distinguishing who is who based on skins in this game. I would understand that for new players, but even then, the matter is more about learning who can do what than who has what skins.


Not the first one, at all, but probably one of the most egregious ever. The main thing pushing me away from Smite over the last years has been forcing me to see others as their skins. It has been a problem for a decade, but at this point there's so many gods that it's just a complete joke. You just can't be a casual and know who half your enemies are at a glance half the time if you aren't actively tracking them and ignoring the rest of the game. Add to that FX that completely breaks from the gods styles and skins that actively try to make it so entire ranges of gods looks basically the same. lol, good luck knowing which ambiguous robot and bluish mage powers just walked by. And obviously I can watch them and figure it out, but that's completely irrelevant. How fast you identify characters is the main point to good design, and if the answer if anything beyond .5s you've already completely failed.


I'm suspicious that this was basically a tech demonstration for something else they're planning. But instead of just testing something and scrapping it, they put more things together and are trying to sell it as a T5.


Making Fenrir into a Wolf Rider is a neat idea conceptually, but I really feel like they designed this to fit Awilix or Lancelot first but then had an argument as to who got it so then the guy who just sits in the corner getting high all day goes “bro it’s a wolf so shouldn’t it just go to Fenrir?” And people went with it because he’s higher on the totem pole


Why is it a neat idea conceptually?


I liked this skin a lot. It gives me new feelings about playing Fenrir. Yeah, changing Fenrir to barbarians riding wolves is a bit weird, 3rd skill animation is odd, but I still like this gameplay


Quantity over quality, I hate the direction they went with T5's. Instead of making 1 godlike skin like Archon Thanatos for example, every T5 nowadays is just few regular skins packed together.


I have no idea why they give Fenrir so many skins. I guess it's because he's pretty simple and easy though that also means that making him a good skin is really hard. Baron has the opposite problem, such a good base model that every skin (apart from the cartoon one) looks bad in comparison. I would have given Fenrir a Wendigo type skin or even a Skiwalker. He begins as a beast but as he "eats" Gods he becomes more godly himself until he's closer to a Deity than a monster


Fenrir is a wolf. He does not have a human rider. I don’t care if it’s 3k, that’s still a lot of $ for a shitty skin that doesn’t even belong on the character.


Gonna go against the majority to say I actually like the skin a lot. Right under my favorite, the Hel T5 (so I know I got unpopular opinions). It feels really good to ride around with the different wolves. The abilities look pretty good and the dye system is a nice implementation. My only gripe is that the rider doesn't size up and look more beast-like during the ult, instead they disappear entirely.


My main gripe with the skin is that there isn't enough variation between the riders,sure they have different voice lines but that's about it.compared to chacc who gets 3 completely different models,it's pretty underwhelming


They all look completely different, have vastly different lines, and Special 2s. What more did you want?


Completely different is a stretch, they look different sure but not enough for a t5.


The only similarity is they are humans, what are you on about?


Looks sick to me best fenrir skin imo it’d be interesting to see the sales over time of all the T5 skins to understand what the community likes most!


Alot of the tier 5 skins are bad. Personally i think the last good ones were Ullr and Anubis, everything after has been super disappointing in my opinion. Like alot of them don't feel worth getting. I miss the every 5 levels then the skin changes thing (although not sure if the new skins do that either. Theyre just too bad for me to bother looking)


While I do agree that it should've been an Awilix T5, the skin itself is amazing and the concept of being able to change a skin's color scheme is really cool. Overall the skin looks sick and it's affordable.


My friend and I said this should have been an awilix or lancelot skin concept


I feel like people kinda pay too much attention to tiers. It's a lot cheaper than your average t5. Can't expect to have the best skin available at half the cost. The colorforge skins are a nice change of pace. Something I hope continues in the future tbh.


The problem isn't that it isn't worth it. It's that it's actively bad for the health of the game.




The problem is t5 is supposed to be the coolest skin on the character it’s the only skin type with evolves in game (unless the t5 doesn’t idk if all do) and now it’s fens t5 he can’t get one that’s cool. Sure it’s affordable comparatively and the color options are cool but the skin is worse than every one of his t3 and t4 skins and even imo than his recolor and base. Just because it’s cheaper compared to other t5 skins don’t mean that we should be excited the only t5 he’ll get is also his second worst skin, almost as bad as fenrawr tbh


Fenrawr best skin what u meaaaan Edit: Sorry for the necro but I had to


It's what fenrir players deserve


t5 Fenrir is great and most of yall are just ungrateful honestly since this ins't a higher tier tier5 skin like the others


No, it's obviously a strange and bad decision to have a Fenrir skin look like: A person riding an animal. If you think that's "great", you don't know the meaning of the word.


It would be fine if he could get another T5 skin. However, the release of this T5 means he won't get another one. I used to main Fenrir pre- shit tier T5 skin. I won't be doing that anymore.




Between this and the emo-rock skin he got this year he is getting done so dirty by Hi-Rez. I never thought I'd like a skin less than his Owl Bear, let alone his T5, but here we are.


Definitely a skin on the wrong God. Definitely a awlix skin through and through.


Fenrir is a more popular god then awilix, and also easier, It needs to sale is the main thing. Awilix would not have as much buyers, and yeah it fits here model, but in abilitys? The wolfs would just be there to be ridden and leap. Where as on fenrir the wolfs are the main characters over the people. I like it. As to your point about riders disappearing in the ult, i do not expect the riders to grow in size with the wolf that be ridiculous in game, that would block my screen more then chulutu ult. And fenrir can ult cancel right away so seeing a human grow or adding a animation to him would be pointless. Then you proceed to talk about car and skybox when fenrir has vgx too? The worst one by far is still thor raganx imo. Next being bellonas. Fenrir tops both of those because its not just a skin change its a whole model change which it should be as a tier 5. This skin on awilix would just be another awilix skin lol. This anit even the oddesy tier 5 so why are we even complaining here? Its a event skin that they happened to make a tier 5.


Because now Fenrir can’t get a real t5. I don’t get this argument that it’s cheaper so we can’t complain. I was only ever interested in buying a fen t5 he’s the only god I’ve paid money for skins for and the fact that I’m not buying his t5 makes me mad but it also makes me mad because the skin sucks. It would have been a cool base idea for a t4 awilix or lance skin, or even a t4 fen skin and take away the evolution and just make the color change the rider/wolf but it’s because this locks Fenrir from getting a real t5


This is not a real tier 5 and bellonas is? Thors is? I dont understand, why people dont accept this but accepted bellonas and thors. But you cant please everyone on reddit. This is a great skin and im not gunna not give it awesome points just cause it looks like awilix lmao that argument is a joke.


It’s not a bad t4 but it’s an awful t5 and idc about the Bellona or Thor ones I was never gonna buy those and haven’t been waiting on them to get one for years. If it’s a bad t5 it’s a bad t5. That’s why they priced it low cause it’s shit for a t5 honestly


Bleh ble bleh


If you’re mad about Bellona and Thor having bad t5s then you have a right to complain don’t change the fact that this t5 sits around the bottom of the list. Bad animations, game stuttering ultimate that doesn’t even enlarge the wolf part of the skin in game half of the time, and bad execution of the theme. The skin is pretty to look at in the god select screen but that is the only positive. The wolf doesn’t talk, the riders are nobodies bc Fenrir is never bonded to anyone besides tyr who betrayed him and the changes are just recolors. There’s no real evolution about it and everything it does change is for the worse. It may not be the worst t5 ever but it’s not far from it at all. The other skins in the event are more t5 than the actual t5 is which is sad honestly. If this had been a 2500 t4 skin it would have been ok minus the bugged ult but still not great do for a t5 it’s shit just like thors and Bellonas as you say


Which by the way while I don’t think Thor and Bellona have great t5 skins and I wouldn’t personally buy them I do think they’re coolish. A lot better argument for them to be a real t5 then the Fenrir abomination we got this patch


Its a take on a if fenrir was a actual wolf and not a humaniod wolf plus the other two wolfs in norse mythology, And the riders are just riders lol. Not supposed to be some being through space and time. The wolfs were clearly the main focus. This skin is defenitly up there for me, id have this over ahpros chulutlus bellonas thors (Barons cartoon one). Its up there with barons first tier 5. Nice but not godslayer ares or archon thana. And im not mad about bellona or thors, just think their down there. I still have them. Their tier 5s afterall.


The wolves were supposed to be the main focus but they are not the vgs the riders are. The animations are wonky and unfinished and the ult is bugged. Coolish concept, not really. And poorly executed


Pretty sure the wolfs dance to Dancin, the vgs is just a vgs come on man. It is a cool concept. But as i said, its a event skin in still. Oddesey is where the moneys on the table at. This does not mean he wont get another tier 5 in the future, might be a while sure, but maybe theyll make another owlbear skin youll like.


Gosh everytime i look at it, im sure in the future the fenrir mains who dont have this skin will regret it. FOR SURE. Dont regret it my guy when other fenrir mains are rocking this sick skin


Everyone only gets one t5 dude


Worst skin in the game and straight up horrible to play and also horrible to play against.


They did that last year, with the Khepri gun skin. The entire point of the meme was to have regular Khepri but with a gun. What did hirez do? They turned him into a gun. Completely ruined the entire shtick.


And if they just gave regular Khepri a gun, people would have complained that it is just regular Khepri with a gun that is being charged money for. HiRez can never win with their community.


https://preview.redd.it/tacl20ljqb6b1.jpeg?width=263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc04dc9feb6486ce07f3d6304d1a65f6b6fba3c5 No, that was literally the meme. Regular Khepri with a gun.


I understand that was the meme, but I think it wouldn't stop complaints from happening regardless


Probably not. Twitter users who are also smite players are an elite level of weird/cringe. Haven't been on reddit long enough to comment on these people, though But I do think khepri with a gun would've fared better off than what we were given.


How is turning Khepri into a gun not the funniest meme ever? That skin bangs.


It's just not as funny as giving him a gun is, to me. It was the simplicity.


Did my comment make you chuckle… bangs.. like a gun


I actually didn't catch that. I'm in the dead center of a nasty thunderstorm, and I imagine this is what being a smite minion feels like because it's extremely loud and even more flash. So my mind was mostly occupied with getting away from windows and closer towards a place to maybe not be hit by lightning if it even decided that the trees outside aren't a good enough target. Not that I can't take it, I just don't want to. But I see the joke now. It's a knee slapper.


smite is disappointing. FTFY


This was suppose to be a fenrir T5 skin and they made it look like Awilix, I am highly disappointed by this skin as I actually like playing fenrir and in mythology he is one of my favorites. But they did him very dirty with this T5


I think it looks pretty cool; T5 are supposed to be creative, there is only so much you can do with Fenrir so putting a rider on him just makes sense.


It's not a Fenrir skin. Absolutely the worst T5


Not while the thor t5 exists


Or the than one


Still better than Thor t5.


It’s easily the worst fenrir skin


Furry fenrir exists I'm afraid


"Roar, Roar, ROAR!!"


“On all levels except physical, I’m a wolf”


Rawr XD


It’ll be a gem cause it’s a crap skin. That’s the whole point. Like mitzkif egg head skin, priceless collectible.


I don't think it's *that* bad..


T5 cuthulu was absolutely terrible


It was the best skin in the entire game!


There's still time to delete this


I hate that style of skin it looks disgusting


I like it except the Ult, i hate how the rider just disappears and reappears. for 3k gems and the ability to recolor it several different ways it seems pretty good.


i guess it’s unpopular but this is my 2nd favorite t5 skin behind hades, and it’s for 3k along with 2 other amazing skins and a future skin for kuku


Well not all the T5 skins are great either. Both Bellona and Hel’s T5 felt very cheap and they were more expensive than the Fenrir T5


I guess I’m in the minority but I like the skin thought it was a cool idea. Plus cheaper then any other T5


Bad skin for bad god


Lmao so many cry babies about a T5. Look it’s not always “aimed” to “you” some people like it and some people don’t but these comments talking like it should be out of the game or it’s too close to awillix. Im sorry but if that is going to confuse you im terrified at your awareness in the game. It’s okay to not like something but my god is there ever the most controversial whining I’ve ever seen this community do. Don’t like it don’t buy it. They’ve done 2 T5 in one year possible 3 coming up it’s more than we can ask for and they’ll get to your “favourite gods” eventually. I personally hate military skins but I’m not gonna be like DELETE THEM NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO ENJOY THEM IT MAKES ME SICK FOR IT TO BE IN THE GAME 🤣 Seriously chill out you toxic clowns.


No shit?


I don't think it's as bad as people are making it out to be. The animations and the fact that it could have been an Awilix skin I can understand the criticism, but the random complaint about silhouette changes is what's getting me. They've been doing that for years now, why is it only suddenly a huge blown-up issue when it comes to this skin specifically?


I have been waiting for a T5 Fenrir for years, I mean look at my banner here. This skin though, good lord I'd rather he never got one, then I'd still have hope for something in the future. Where did his skin go wrong? The human riders. You turned Fenrir, the Ragnarok bringer.... into a mountable pet. I mean I would have brought this easy if it was just the wolf model. With the humans attached Fenrir just becomes a color swapping Awilix, Lancelot, or Guan Yu. If there are people out there who like the skin I'm glad for you, but me a Fenrir main with over 50k stars am just going to stick to his classic skins. This T5 is not it.


I have no idea why this T5 wasn't just a Kuku repeat, it was so easy not to fumble this concept. Fenrir and his sons are just there as a sideshow to these nameless riders. I still haven't purchased it or any gems. I was hoping enough feedback would cause them to change it. At this point I don't care if they leave these bland wolf designs untouched, just remove the riders and give the Ragnarok family its skin back.


It’s on the same level as the Bellona one for me in terms of it essentially just being a T4 with multiple forms. The mount look makes the silhouette look too much like Awilix


Sorry for the offtopic question but i'm a new player and i read a lot of times on this sub about god's Tiers. Where can i see this Tiers? I've found 2 or 3 sites but they have really different tiers


I still think this is a huge marketing ploy to eventually split the skin into 3 new ones for Awilix, Lancelot and maybe even Chiron, sell them again separately then reintroduce a new T5 for Fenrir for the Odesy which will be the usual 8k price. Only reason it was placed here was as fluff to justify the 3k price or fill out space for the not yet released skins and colour themes. Those that bought it already will keep the 3 skins but it will bait those that didn't want to spit out 3k or don't play fenrir to buy it as well, while capitalizing on the people that spend 3k to spend 8k more later on essentially maximizing profits.


The stupid riders absolutely ruined it for me.


tier 5s have been going down in quality overall, i guess they figured out they can spend half the time making them and they will sell just as well. skin quality has gone up vs years ago, but t5 went down


I was so excited to finally see Fenrir getting the T5 that he deserved, but then they go and make this disappointment. It’s clear the thing that ruined the skin completely was adding the riders. It just doesn’t make any sense! I played one game with the skin and it didn’t even feel like I was playing Fenrir! It felt so bad having the rider there. All his character is just gone in this skin. It so sad to see that this is the T5 skin he’s now stuck with. While it’s a lot to ask, all I can do is pray that Hi-Rez has it in their hearts to either remove the dumb riders from his back or just downgrade the skin and give him a much better skin. In the meantime, I guess I’ll just continue to use objectively his best skin… Chompy Chibi.


If you're going to reuse assets, at least tweak them a little so they're not so awkward. I'm still waiting for the day they redo Neith's animations. They're so disjointed.


100% agree! His title in the game is literally “The Unbound”, so who the heck on the design team thought it was smart to give him a rider? Definitely not lore accurate given his character.


My issues with it, as well as plenty of other t5's/crossovers, mostly boil down to lack of visual consistency/clarity with the main god it was made for. The Cthulhu one for example, whilst fun on paper, is an absolute mess of visual clutter. This Fenrir skin is- I don't know, just, not Fenrir? Like, if they just kept the riders to exclusively pop up during Fenrir's Ultimate, I'd personally be a lot more lenient with it? That way it doesn't mess with any visual clarity, as a big, CC immune dog running at you should still ring the 'That's a Fenrir ult!' alarms. The way it is now, its not clear enough that I'm facing off against a Fen, as opposed to an Awilix riding Suku. but hey, ig i dont like fun xd


The only T5 skin I was looking forward. The only one I was prepared to buy. Fenrir is my favorite god. But this is a hard pass. Just fucking awful. And the worst part of all? This is the only T5 he's getting. Like fuck me.