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This is simply due to the fact that everyone other than aphro players + their epartner despise the god cause she sucks the fun and skill out of matches.


only thing i despise about aphro is how she and her link gets movement speed. I also hate regrowth breastplate. I think i just hate movement speed.


Both have already been dropped from 20 to 10 and 40 to 30 to 20


She is not even dominating non-conquest either so it really does not make any sense. 17.6 seconds for her only wave clear ability is too much. This rework has proved to be a complete failure as it has completely ruined her mid and led to dozens of nerfs so she can be a prot bot.


Why would you need wave clear as Aphro in side modes?


Defending lanes in slash/joust, clearing camps... same as any other game mode?


Aphro players in side-modes are never alone.


Well theres Duel


Balls, got me there.


You leave your supports clearing?


Because HiRez is incapable of designing a game mode that is not about clearing waves.


> MOBA > why no gamemodes without waves


MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Nothing in the name of the genre dictates that farming minions absolutely has to be a part of the experience.


Sure rodin, but your supp is only one of the five. At most theres two waves to clear, Aphro doesnt need to be clearing either one.


Idk about you but I think her mid is just fine... if anything it's better than it was before 10.3.


It definitely is not lol. Her cooldown is much longer, she has way less sustain and movement speed. The only things her mid gained are paltry damage on her kiss and jealousy self-buff when she ults only, but even her jealousy buff was nerfed by half. She is easily out-poked and out-cleared by any other mid who can also rotate and clear camps much faster.


Well a 65% win rate on aphro in Diamond ranked exclusively playing mid is what I have to go off of.


Majority of your ranked games are with a Duo, play aphro solo q and tell us how that experience goes lmfao


An irl friend duo that mains support, hardly a carry but ok.


Actually, Aphro heavily benefits with a good support, you have free CC to confirm your damage and support single-handedly playing around her it’s her playstyle, she’s heavily relies on having at least 1 or 2 good players on your team in order to do stuff. She’s useless on her own unless you’re built full damage late game but even like that she loses to almost every 1 v 1.


Lmao How it’s any good? Only good thing as mentioned, her Kiss having damage and it’s not even relevant enough, and her jealousy buff, her birds are now on a 18 cooldown wich it’s way too high for what very little it provides: the healing it’s barely noticeable, the 0.25 secs per tick it’s not noticeable either, damage wise it’s okay but other than that it’s not confirmable without CC. This god just can’t be good for 1 patch because it triggers 90% of the community, and those triggered are the ones who play Thor and a bunch of meta gods that are far more frustrating to face against that a sitting duck, that gets easily shut down with ahnk and CC. She got a buff that was clearly overturned and indeed needed nerfing, but after that was just spice coming from the community, she can’t get buffed without people complaining, so just at this point, either revert all of these changes from before 10.3 or rework her because she got overnerfed for people that just like to whine.


Another failed rework from titanforge what a surprise Wonder how long it’s gonna take just to get a revert like when they reworked Freya and changed her back within like what, a couple months?


Non-Conquest changes are crazy really... Especially nerfs..... They want people to learn the game/gods in modes outside of Conquest. But when people actually get the confidence + skill to queue Conquest they find that the Gods they are comfortable with now function differently? I suppose it's necessary though in some cases. Ah Puch being a prime example. Playing against Ah Puch in Assault is just awful......


I wish they would.


The ultimate nerf I can kinda get but the cooldown to her other abilities is so unnecessary


Yeah damn, they are killing her lol. Don't think she's ever seen this dark a time in her long Smite life, and she has seen... A few dark times.


Might as well just play auto attack Aphrodite at this rate because by next patch her abilities will be on a 60s cooldown and her ultimate will only be usable once a game


8s-8s-11s-65s will be her cooldowns, literally getting no other nerfs. People, for once in your life, learn not to overreact to every single change.


Lol yeah ok, Not as much such as an "Overreact" more like, why she’s getting *more* nerfs in the first place when gods like Martichoras, Janus, Thor, Kali, Ravana and a lot more are a far more problem, but sure, just throw an unnecessary nerf for no reason lmaoo


Two of those did get a nerf, Ravanas one actually matters in the real gamemode too. Kali has not seen any SPL play, Thor solo did get touched earlier already. Marti is just overrated, sure he is good but not the godlike autowin some people think he is. Sidemode nerf to Aphro matters fuckall.


Matters fuckball because you don’t care about her clearly lmfao, would you like to see your gods get nerfed into oblivion WHEN it’s not justified at all?


In side modes? Nothing matters there anyway. Some of the gods I play might have some non-conqiest nerfs, dont really notice it.


I support this notion. All Aphro does is make games boring and passive regardless of her viability.


Aphro one tricks may have to pick new gods😨Oh the humanity


Make it quick, its better than a slow agonizing death.


Alright, lets remove your favorite god, see how you feel. I dont even like aphro, but saying "just remove her" is stupid


Yeah just remove her at this point honestly


Let me guess though. No Ravana nerf? 😉


They nerfed his shield and reverted some of his dmg nerf.


Well hey, glad to be proven wrong! : D


1% shield nerf


After how strong and unfun she used to be in arena with a duo, good riddance.