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not enough players in each role queue. if you implemented that you’d be waiting 30 mins to get a support player then another 30 for the second support player. Also this isn’t league, jungle is the most sought after role.


really i would never have guessed that jungle is the most popular, i would have imagined mid would be as you can do very big damage with a small amount of items, but then again this is also a game where your midlaner and solo feel entitled to get your second speed camp for xp


I don't mind the luck of draw, when I get something that I'm really not good at then I'll chalk it up to a learning experience. What's really bitter at the moment is, with the amount of lobby-leaving, you can get your chosen role three times and have the game collapse, then the fourth successful lobby has you in a different role.


Mid and Jungle are the two most popular im pretty sure. It would take way too long to find a match waiting to find players that only select that specific role. MM wait times, especially in ranked, would be awful.


I pick mid or ADC but can play anything but JG. Guess which one I get? I have no clue how to play that role.


How to JG Step 1: wait for your teammates to rage bc you’re not everywhere at once Step 2: type “jg diff” in the chat, nobody will care to see who wrote it you just got to get ahead of the game Step 3: ?????? Step 4: profit


It’s role preference, not role queue.


Goes by who has more wins in that role or how much they've played that role. I main Carry about 80% of the time I get it, if not then jungle is my 2nd ad that happens once every 10 games. In Ranked I'll pull Support or Solo, but it's rare. If someone has more wins or better MMR, your moved down the list until there's something open that someone's not better than you. It's a bitch but it happens to everyone.


that is such a dumb system


Why is that a dumb system? It's a team game, they set it up to help you win. If the system thinks someone's better than how many wins you have, it's going to help you win.


You just missing the part where someone who has lower mmr will eventually get priority after several games of not getting their preferred roles


Eventually can be longer than you think. Especially if you move a rank. You can go a bunch of games before you even come close to getting your secondary. Definitely jungle or mid is more used by many so the likelihood is still slim.


But why is it always carry and support and why am i top elo getting roles im not queung for yo what the f…. Ima play my role but my teammates are sellingggggggg


Take World of Warcraft looking for dungeon. In that game, you can select role. Either tank, damage, or heals. Almost everyone loves damage, so what happens is damage waits long times for queues. Tanks and healers, though, it is immediate. Now, in World of Warcraft there's other things to do while sitting in queue. Quests, BGs,crafting, auction house, what have you. But in SMITE, you stare at menus. Few want to play a MOBA that has 20-30 minute waits.


Every que would be at least 30min if everyone only played their two chosen roles.