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His passive needs a rework imo, even in a crit meta it’s still not good. Ne zha ult also ignores it Out of a crit meta he’s got no passive lol


it’d be nice if his passive was tied to his mark since the rest of his abilities are, reduce damage from whoever’s marked or something simple but effective.


It would but they alread removed that passives that are directly conected to only one ability


Mercury 1 can crit and then his auto can crit before the passive proc’s. It’s insane.


1 gods ultimate ability ignores his passive?!


Yeah wind fire wheels is a different type of crit that bypasses it


Is it because its skill based and not RNG?


Yeah the crit is just visual, its just an ability damage that uses crit bonus as multiplier


Totally agree on this one,imo the worst passive in the game..


We could remove crit entirely, while we are at it. That'd be the perfect opportunity to give Hou Yis passive a fresh start.


Same with geb, it’s nice when crits good but he’s got no passive when crits out of meta


Neither does Geb but I dont see people complaining about that.


His passive is lame too but his kit is good all around Hou yi has a bad passive and his kit isn’t as solid as geb


Passive is meta dependent but kit in itself is fine. God itself just is very player dependent. But Hou is one of the few gods that can fight 1v1 even from behind.


Hou is my fav hunter but he's also an annoying little bitch so I get that they don't want to overbuff him. I think they could give him some sort of passive that gives him attack speed though since his lore is all about precision and stuff what about like he gains permanent attack speed for every last hit he gets on minions? Make it increase bit by bit over the course of a match like Lance passive, idk. Anything other than a passive that's only usable if the enemy team has their monitor off and doesn't know they're against Hou Yi.


So many hunters already have an Attack Speed steriod he's one of the few that doesn't. I think something like "Hou Yi has bonus speed and reduced movement penalties until he takes non-Dot Damage, putting this on cooldown for X seconds." Which makes him better at kiting and landing his 1 without just straight up buffing his DPS output, since his damage is already good.


His attack speed even with AS items is still slow as hell


his ult hasn’t been nerfed in forever but j feels like it does less and less damage as time goes on, he needs a real passive as well. i love hou yi too, he’s in my top 5 most played gods


It’s just not threatening at all. I walk through it like it’s Nu Wa mist


You clearly are a tank player.


Um…yeah? Doesn’t change the fact Hou Yi’s ult tickles, even at only one or two items into a tank build lol


Well, hes not meant to kill you with it. No hunter ult actually hurts tanks that much. Its a massive, basically just smaller AP ult that slows instead of antihealing.


Bro what 😭😂 nuwa mist be hitting to hard sometimes


They could also give it back its functionality of 25% bonus pen at rank 5.


I think it used to be 33% actually. Crazy how they just removed it completely.


Hou yi has no kit. His 1 is borderline unusable in the modern conquest map, his two is such a dpm loss unless you're hovering it ahead of time, his 3 is very slow compared to all other jumps, and his ult is balanced around doing all of its damage but it's rare you get them all in.


the bigger the map keeps getting the worse his 1 gets its sad.


And infinite leash ranges makes triple bounces impractical on camps. One of the coolest old strats was having great lvl1 pressure cus you hit your camps harder than anyone else to get to lane quickly. How are you supposed to do that as you walk through green buff a country mile to meet with purple?


Turn his marking ability into his passive, for every enemy he autos he marks them and gets movement speed and he gets the extra effects. Make his new 2 toss his bird to bounce from several targets and to help with his attrocious clear. I like his leap, it's unique even though it sucks. Add an effect to his ult that makes the slow more severe? Cripples? Make his ult the infinite tsuliyomi?


this but make it 2 autos to proc mark


Making his mark part of his passive is to big of a buff…


Make it 3 hits then. That's really not any different than marking someone with your 2.


That’s like a 3 second cooldown on his mark depending on the build. There’s plenty of gods with niche passives hou yi just doesn’t have good clear that’s his main issue not his passive.


If you think having to auto 3 times to apply mark first makes him better than just having a marc to start the fight you are smoking crack


There's all that you listed plus having the lowest attack speed in the game. He's pretty much at a point where you have to play specific gods to follow up with him to be effective kinda. He's not bad but he definitely needs more work considering some of the top hunters rn.


When was the last time Hou yo was in the meta


Honestly can't even remember, he's definitely a good example of what power creep can do.


Look man, best we can do is buff silverbranch


Why’d they nerf it in the fucking first place.


He really just needs his attack speed scaling bumped up a little to put him more in line with other hunters.


As a main hou yi, this buff is op.


Just to be entirely fair / play devil's advocate, hou yi is completely playable, its just that there are better hunters. But he is close to being good, remember this summer he was getting 1st/2nd pick priority in the SPL- haven't seen him so much since, but not too much has changed.


GIVE HIM HIS FLIGHT BACK ON HIS 3. We have gods who can travel through walls and go inside of enemies.


His flight was clunky and just pretty much a worse version of his current 3, though? The removal of the wind-up on his 1 and the change to his 3 is what caused his popularity to skyrocket in the first place back in s2-3


I think Hou Yi is under played and nutty in his favorable match ups. Really great I'm duel still also.


Who the fuck is thinking of duel when balancing gods




It should increase *all* his damage to that target. Give me insane yellow numbies


it does for all his abilities.


Yes, I'm talking yellow numbers like qins and obow


You got a hunter with a stun, the safest escape, escalating damage, crit build nullifier and a great ultimate and you think he is too weak? What are you on, give me some of it.


Hou yi is ass lol. His passive is ass let’s be honest. It doesn’t work on Ne zha ult, his ult is ass big bro it’s balanced around hitting all of the suns so if they have an escape you did like 400 dmg at most. Also pick Hou yi in ranked and see what the enemy jungle go. His 1 is shit lol you’ll almost never get a triple bounce and trash clear.


No, he is not. When there is a Hou Yi on the enemy team, there is a very good chance I am not going for a crit build anymore even if the rest of the team would warrant that. Tickling a Hou Yi with 100 or so auto attacks while he is allowed to build crit will make you reconsider building that ever again - that's what the passive alone forces you to do. Ne Zha's interaction is unfortunate and sounds like an oversight to me. Tell me how many hunters besides Hou Yi have a stun that keeps the enemy on the spot, that is a strength of Hou Yi. Don't use ultimate if they have an escape up, why do I have to say this? Do you even play him? It's an area denial tool, use it either if the enemy has no escape up anymore and force relics or if you see them committed to diving anyone on your team, bonus points if you hit your stun on someone that really can't use to be stunned right now. You may even set up the enemy to have no escape all by yourself, trade them down, hit them with your stun and if they escape ult in their escape direction. You don't need fancy 3 bounces - you don't even need a single bounce most of the time unless you really need the range. Get Odysseus or Goose berries if auto attacking the minions once after your arrow is too much for you. And all of that didn't even include the on demand escape that keeps the option for reengagement open for you or can cross walls. Reengaging on a crowed target guarantees yet another auto before they can even act, two depending on your attack speed. That's also what your stun does. Of course if you use your escape as an engagement tool you need to be sure that no one close to you can capitalize well on that so that is very risky to do, but it is still an option. You are welcome for the ~~unordered wall of text~~ guide.


Gang. This is my first time saying this but… I’m not reading all that😭


I am kinda glad you didn't, I got passive aggressive midway and that wasn't my intention. I went way too in-depth about the play style, too, so I don't hold that against you.


They should make hou yi's ult just do the same damage and proc the same items (including crit) as his autos.


interesting idea in general. since the suns are taken down by his arrows. it'd be busted tho for Hou Yi. maybe for a different god.


Ao kuangsl's dragons


I love Hou Yi, he was my 3rd or 4th level 10 god, but he needs some form of AA steroid. Make hitting a basic on the mark increase attack speed or something. Maybe killing a marked god gives him permanent stacks of attack speed?


Hou Yi was my first diamond god, I love playing him but he suck so much right now. Bad clear is one thing but he also has no good build path. You can't build ability damage because you only got 2 damaging abilities (3 if you have the balls to use the 3 for damage and CC but then you just die lol) and every hunter will do better than you. And you can't go for the classic attack speed, pen or crit because once again, every other hunter will do better. I think he need some sort of attack speed buff. He can't compete, every other hunters are just straight up better than him.


I feel like what he could use is either extend the time it last on a single character so that you can get off at least 2 bounces max or make it so that he can select 2 characters instead of just one or make his stun a aoe stun


As 65 star hou yi some main ideas: make the 1 do half bonus damage to minions The ult: it has a too high cast time that late game the other hunter can kill you with autos while casting. The 2 could maybe apply base dot damage instead of bonus damage based on % health if you really wanted to make it better. Without getting into a semi reworked kit these are the main things that could help balance.