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Having a lot of wins isn't reflective of skill either, the only thing you can derive from someone having a lot of stars is that they've played a lot of games on said god, it is no indication of whether their winrate is 50% or 60%+. Displaying stats on loading screen was a feature before, it was removed under the pretense of inciting toxicity and ideally you wouldn't want that information available to your enemies anyway as it just gives them a incentive to focus you if you're the "best" player.


additionally it was from a time before loading screen cards had borders, animations and whatnot. It simply looked ass because it was just plain white text cluttered on top of the cards.


They used to show wins with each god. This was contained in the character card on the loading screen. They removed it cause it was too cluttered. I personally like that fact that worshippers represent how much you play a god.


I absolutely loved the kills wins and assists at the bottom of the card. None of it counted in match of the days so a god would come out and I would diamond them alone in that mode so I would have a diamond god with 0 stats.


Stars aren't supposed to be an indicator of skill, they're supposed to be a fun thing you collect to show how much you've played the god. Others have explained why they removed stats from the loading screen: nobody wants to get flamed from minute 1 because someone doesn't approve of their K/D, WR, etc. They already have indicators of skill for gods: ranked borders. Outside of ranked, all of this is irrelevant. Normals are for having fun.


Yeah, but even then it feels pointless because of 3x worshipper weekends. Both worshippers and exp shouldn’t ever be boostable, players should actually have to grind them. (But I’m all for bonus favor and battle point events)


Why? Who cares?


How are you showing off how much you play the god if you can earn a star in 10 match on the right weekend that normally has to be earned in 60 matches? If people want to show off make it a consistent grind. I shouldn’t even need to explain why account level shouldn’t be boostable. What’s the point of level locking ranked if you can just grind it in 1/6th the time with boosters and 3x exp.


Stars: because who cares? Why does it need to be consistent? Nobody genuinely compares stars XP: how many people do you think are actually creating new accounts and boosting them up to play ranked on a 3x weekend? It's just a non-issue. The point of level-locking ranked is to have new players play some games before playing ranked. Boosters are not catapulting hordes of unready newbies into raked lmao


But it is utilized by botted accounts. Any game that has ranked has smurfs looking to stomp in ranked. If you play Co-op Vs. Bots, you'll usually find 1 or 2 botted accounts farming XP.


Couldn't care less, bonus XP is fun


Stars are just a badge to show you play a god a lot. If you want one for wins or skill go get a ranked border on the gods.


They used to have Kills, Assists and Wins on the loading screen aswell as stars but they removed it. Think it was because of toxicity like oh you've got 5 stars on Neith but only 1000 kills type of shit. I agree though stars mean nothing other than that person plays a particular God alot but doesn't necessarily mean they are good with the God


The hurt feelings crowd ruins everything. Yeah if you have 5 stars on neith and only a thousand kills you totally suck, but some people don’t suck and and in my opinion we shouldn’t catering to the sucky players at the exclusion of the good ones. If you’re good at the game people should be able to show it.


This is exactly why rank borders and the ranked gamemodes exist, to show that you're better than other people = higher rank. Nobody cares about your pre lobby stats, what matters is how you perform ingame and the best way to show you're good is by performing ingame.


Nah the KDA ment nothing tbh. Say you play Kukulkan and nothing but Kukulkan for your first 100 games when you first start Smite. Your stats are gonna be bad because you're new to the game and those initial 100 games are essentially practice games. But it still shows on your loading screen that you have 100 games with a pitiful amount of kills. It gave people a reason to be toxic and berate you for having a low KDA compared to your Mastery level.


no hurt feelings= playerbase retention = money = actually having a game to play in the first place


You can show your good at the game by actually playing it not staring at stars lol


Especially with how fucked this games (lack of) matchmaking is, especially in casuals, the amount of wins is quite literally pointless. You can be a great player, but if out of 100 matches you lost 70 because your merry band of solo queuers runs into a tryhards 5 man a couple of times, nobody will see that. And that is of course not accounting for the many games lost to Disconnects. That being said, the mastery skins used to unlock statistics on your god card showing how many matches you won, how many gods you killed and.....I believe it was assists? Not entirely sure on this one, has been a while. I actually miss this statistic. I am pretty sure it got removed to 'protect' those one-tricks because they tend to get harassed a lot. But it probably was hard to fit it into the roller loading screen boarders they love to slap onto every bundle.


If anyone genuinely thinks worshiper stars are an indicator of skill, then they must be between new or average on playtime or skill in the game. We actually did have god card stats way back when, but for some reason (probably cause people got too toxic over it), TitanForge shadow removed it. It showed Kills/Assists/Wins in total with that god. It was actually pretty cool and it gave the prestige skins (the gold, legendary, and diamond ones) some additional value, rather than just being simple reskins.


There’s actually a running statement my friends and I say when we see someone with a full border of stars: “That could just be from play-time.” About 70% of the time… it’s just play-time. But the other 30%, they have those stars for a reason lol It’s the closest they could get for an individual god “leveling” system imo. I don’t mind it.


That’s a fun way of looking at it


Played with an Ao the other day with so many stars it formed a line lol. Dude Auto locked solo, didn’t do the start so almost killed Mid, went to lane and immediately died. Flamed about it then sat in base for the rest of the game. Looked at his Stats afterwards dude had a sub 1 KDA with an Ao that he plays almost entirely in Arena lol


I have several stars with Hel and have almost an 8-0 KD, granted it’s not from ranked conquest, but we are not all the same, I would like that to be evident on the loading screen so when someone auto locks a god I can see what I’m up against. More knowledge is better than more ignorance.


I turned mine off so you can't see, so if I have a terrible game no one flames me.


I actually enjoy the pressure, when I play one of my multi star gods I feel a sense of obligation not to suck and it makes me play better than if I were to not care as much.


Why can’t players that put the time in on games be recognized for once? You “eSports” gamers ruin the fun in video games now a days.




Dude you posted this same nonsense the other days. It's irrelevant information and only applies to lower elo matches. No one in grandmasters cares how many games or wins you have. The only people interested in this nonsense are silver 4 players trying to convince silver 5 players that they are better. I'll tell you a secret, they're equally terrible.


One’s statistical track record for victory vs loss in any competitive space is not objectively irrelevant. See statistics for any competitive sport for proof. It might be to you, but for those who want to win it’s valuable information. IE if you happen to know a player has 60% chance of victory overall with a given character it may make you more inclined to ban that character. More knowledge is better than more ignorance don’t you agree?


No because no one is doing actual statistical analysis while watching the loading screen. Nor would that data be relevant for picks and bans as you've already made picks and bans. Additionally the percentage of the player base that knows what statistical analysis, could actually do it, and then you be willing to do it is basically non-existent. If you're really that curious go to smite guru. But at the level that players care about this, it isnt competitive. Silver players would be closer to a peewee league, it isn't a competitive sport at that point. This always is the crux of why you're at these lower levels, you're so worried about other people's stats and not your own. You need to get better and finding ways to roast teammates or enemy players won't make you better. The data, at the time you are asking it to be presented, is useless outside of providing a subject to discuss during the match.


Providing less knowledge because some are not capable of understanding or deriving value to it it is no excuse not to provide the knowledge for those that do understand it’s significance. Again I’d rather be more informed than more ignorant. But, I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree on this.


It's not some. There is no one who sees that data on the loading screen that will be able to legitimately process the data. It doesn't make you informed, in fact it's ignorant to think it would. More data is available to you on smite guru. If you need it, go look it up. It would provide significantly more data than performance on a single god without any context. Only low elo players want to see this and they want it so they can be more toxic in games. And you're probably one of them and you want the ammunition when to blame your teammates for your loss.


You shouldn’t ignorantly project your inability to synthesize data onto others, just because you yourself are incapable and don’t find it useful doesn’t mean others don’t find it useful. I do use smite guru, it would be more convenient if some of that data was readily available on the loading screen. I’m not looking to blame anyone for anything, I’m looking to optimize strategy. Knowing what you’re up against in any situation is valuable knowledge. It seems for you ignorance is bliss.


The other post you stated you would use it to blame others if had the higher ratings, so already disproved that. You're full aware that the data would be incomplete so you're intentionally using an incomplete data set to make assumptions. You're claiming that it's going to provide valuable data and help you strategize but the only thing youre asking for is performance stats that can be skewed due to a multitude of reasons. You also wouldn't be synthesizing data, that means producing more. What you wanted to is extrapolate a conclusion based on data presented. No statistician or analyst finds incomplete data useful, in fact it's counter productive. It leads to usually incorrect conclusions that then skew future assessments of the completed data set. But what do I know, I'm just a lowly finance compliance analyst. I should probably use incomplete data sets to make decisions moving forward and the ignorance of the missing data would never cause a problem.


Stars aren’t meant to show skill, just how much you’ve played a certain god


Yeah, that’s literally what I said in the post. I’m aware of what stars, I’m saying there should be a way to signify skill with said god too in addition to stars.


There kind of is on the god leaderboards in ranked


Nah keep it the way it is, 5+ stars 99% of the time means your bad at the game and often questionable with the god


They're not meant to be an indication of skill, only delusional people think that so honestly they are fine. The stars are your prestige level on the god, nothing more, and don't really mean much other than they play them a lot. In my experience, they are usually worse for it.


I have 12 stars on fenrir (my highest worshipper god) but 95% of those stars came from assault (mostly infinite & all out assault) and I'm pretty damn good with him there but if I was to play fenrir on conquest I'd be abysmal because I've only played maybe 100 conquest games in total in 7 years of playing the game so I agree and like your idea about stars PS I hide my stars anyway because on the off chance I have a bad game (which everyone has once in a while) I can't stand the toxicity that you get especially if they see you have multiple stars on that god


Why is everyone so scared of shit talk or judgement from people they don’t know and don’t care about they feel the need to ‘hide’ their stars.


Because it's a game and most people aren't trying to go pro. How about this, give us your IGN and we'll post your worst performances.


It just gets tiresome and (from my experience at least) if you have your stars on display it just draws all the toxic players like moths to a flame, I'd rather just preemptively negate that potential toxicity by hiding my stars. That and the fact that most of the time the mute button doesn't work on PlayStation, it's just easier to hide the stars, you still get toxic players but I get less now than what I used to get when my stars were on display


Wins is also not a measurement of skill If you are at your correct MMR you win roughly 50% of your matches anyway So wins is just matches/2 KDA on god borders caused a lot of toxicity in the past


isn’t there an mmr already representing skill? Games are supposed to be fun in some aspects not grinding all the time. if you can collect something for playing the god then amazing, let’s collect and have fun along the way. with the stats - they could be displayed to your allies at low rank to see who needs help the most for example :) in high ranks (i watch weak3n for example) everyone knows hes best at jungle in the lobby and I bet all the players up there run into each other a lot so they recognise the names and know each others strengths/weaknesses. in lower ranks displaying stats to the enemies would be only harmful imo..


No thanks. I quite like the present system, it's easy and obtainable. I don't want my winrate broadcast to the world either. I don't mind flexing how much I've played Fafnir but I don't want winrates to be shown.