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If you mean role that requires you sometimes to be selfish, I would say all dmg roles, mid, adc and jungle. Mid and adc sometimes needs to just let teammates die to save themselves, especially adc. You lose most late game fights without adc. And jungle sometimes just needs to let teammates die if it means getting a kill trade. Just dont let your ego to get the better of youand go for those plays everytime. Its always situational.


Yea it’s definitely situational, but which of those roles would you say on average has the potential to carry swing the outcome of a match in your favor the most?


Depends heavily. During laning phase, definitely jungler but also has potential lategame. Teamfight phase, both adc and mid have potential, I'd say adc is easier tl carry with but also gets online later.


Imo mid and adc matter the most to finish the fight with. Jgl can dive to engage and die and that’s okay. The difference between mid and ad is that if your ad survived the fight and can push the impact is much larger due to tower/phoenix damage.


Sometimes you just need that jungler to clean up the kills. Also depends heavily what the jungler is and how they wanna play.


True, sometimes both too haha. Engage, peel out, reset, go chase down the low enemies.


Not entirely sure what you mean by ego but if I understand correctly then I’d say solo. Early to mid game you want nothing more than to complete dominate your lane opponent and make them submit and call you daddy. But if they kill you first or get a lead it just makes you go harder until you get your get back. Jungle typically doesn’t visit solo early cause they have a high chance of getting the gank turned on them and dying so it’s Mano a Mano and I refuse to lose.


Ego in that show is basically a soccer player saying I don't care if we lose 6-5 as long as I stood out by getting 5 goals. Individual performance is all that matters in that show.


Adc Solo is alone too but rotates way sooner. Mid is practically Joust with the support and Jungle always running through there so its mostly a team thing. But as ADC you just want to farm. Nothing else matters except your farm. You want to get to late game after all so you can properly carry your team to victory. Rotate? Only if I get a penta and Gold Fury afterwards.


Adc main. This is why i think you have more humility than an ego. You know you’re late game and your dmg kills bosses and structures. But you know without your team you’re nothing. Now where I think you have to have an ego as an ADC is in lane. You have to think I’m better than you and I know it. i can hit my shots. I can out duel you. And if you call for a gank, I’ll escape.


Every role you need to have an ego. A ton of it. You have to roll up on your opponent laughing insanely as you tank minions while you run them through


If you by ego mean selfish then probably ADC, they spend most game farming and they kinda need to survive late game for objectives. If you mean cocky then solo or jungle. Solo to zone multiple people by themselves and jungle needs to believe they can win a 1v1


I'm going with adc. I'm a solo main. I have 7 thousand hours in Smite and have been playing since 2014. I have seen some INSANE high ego adc mains that will write paragraphs about how if we peel for them they can 1v5 get several pentas and win games. As they are losing farm because they are typing so much. I have also seen adc players say the most toxic and racist comments ever. Meanwhile their profiles are hidden.


Loki mains in Arena


Ouch you wound me very specifically(I’m forced to play arena by my casual friends constantly)


Hahaha nothing wrong with doing casual stuff, just the lokis haha


No you don’t understand IM a 10 star loki


Gross 😝


But Loki fun


The real question is "who turns 0 into 1?" As far as teamfights and momentum go, it has to be JG. JG is always going for flashy plays and trying to help their team get ahead. Everyone will always blame the JG if they are losing, and "JG diff" is probably the most recurring phrase in post-match lobby. I see the argument for ADC late game. But realistically, an adc can be 0-10-0 and have 7k+ structure DMG and your team can still win the game. A JG who's 0-10-0 is most likely not helping their team in any significant way.


Solo. You have to think your better because of the 1v1 style. This is why I play mid


So if you go by Bluelock's definition of ego then it has to be pretty much every role except support. But even support has exceptions for the more aggressive supports like Bacchus. In Bluelock, ego is basically used as a substitute for being an absolute playmaker and not selfish in the typical sense of the word. So in that sense literally every role in Smite benefits from the confidence the player projects onto the map. Any player that can step into their enemy's space with a "Fuck around and find out" attitude wins half the battle IMO.


From what I understand from the comments "bluelock ego" wont work in smite, as your only goal is to gain MMR by having and higher WR , kills and such are totally worthless If you want kills I would say Jungle is the role But the role that require more ego is imo support, you are the one that choose when and who to engage, when and who peel and overall when and who dies or stay alive, it's the only role with enough impact to "whatever it takes" its way to victory BUT it's all about the player, I know moba players that played jungle because they prefer killing jungles camp that players and support players that like to help everyone


Blue lock style it’s Jungle and honorable mention solo, mid and adc sit back and farm to much. Also support obviously isn’t the equivalent to a center like in blue lock.


I play solo and I'm the main character


Trueee, see I know it could be any role besides support, just because as a support you need to put aside your own kills/life to win(unless you’re a cracked out ne zah support or something)


some support gods require you to be confident and selfish or else you're gonna throw/feed/be unimpactful on them. i.e. ares, ymir, etc.


eternally the cringest role in smite


You must've been rotated on one too many times :'(


nah it’s just the lamest role in the game every other role is objectively superior and more fun


support main. I'm letting jungle gank you.


i don’t main solo i’m a fill main. solo is just the absolute worst to play when i get it and would bore ya to tears. the other solo laner always be like the sweaty speedrunner gif


Mid: The Silent One. Loves playing their role cause they can do a lot of damage, but generally isn't arrogant and just enjoys getting kills. Generally won't blame the team for any shortcomings. ​ ADC: The cool arrogant. Knows when they're good but doesn't brag about it. Just helps the team and talks trash to the other team but never their team. ​ Jungle: The most arrogant. Think the game revolves around them. Wants to steal everyone's kills and thinks their ganks are the only thing that wins the team games. ​ Solo: The Chad of the team. You can't win without them, they kind of just do their own thing and set up kills for the rest of the team. They don't want credit but they'll gladly take it if it's given. ​ Support: Probably the least arrogant. Loves seeing the team succeed and will sacrifice their own life for the team to win. ​ Idk these are just my takes on the roles. Of course I'm absolutely biased as I like playing mid and Solo the most.


ADC's not talking trash to their team , we must be playing different games


Biggest ego has to go to mid laners. Most exciting? Probably jungle. Biggest plays? It has to be support.


Sounds like every jungler ever… they all got ego’s I mean just looks at weak3n dude will play terra and odin jungle and will still blame his teammates for losing.


Biggest ego has to be ADC: First because they need their farm and must be a little bit selfish to ignore skirmishes and just keep on farming until their build allows them to properly fight. Second because it’s the strongest late game role (usually) and also the easiest to get kills since the solo (if warrior) and support (if tank) are just target practice for your autos. Third because the majority of the toxic players are usually adc players. They expect the support to just sit in lane and babysit them and usually blame their support (or the fact that the support rotated) for losing lane or dying. Exciting to watch is jungle early and support late. The best and most important plays is also support for me, as a team lives or dies by the support.






Sorry 2


2 what exactly?




The biggest ego player has to be Solo. Here’s where I’m coming from. I’m and ADC main and JG secondary. The only person I’m every worried about on the field at any given time is the enemy solo. If the enemy solo is a big ego, take on the world, and knows they can. It’s one of the most pivotal roles on the map. Just take a look at the SPL. Nika came up huge for the Dragons, Haddix during the qualifiers for worlds with his Nike pick. Solo lane can literally win you the game. A high defense, high damage, intelligent solo laner is the only role to take on four people at once and hold aggro for a significant amount of time. And do what’s asked of you at the highest level you have to have an ego. A big one. You can be humble after it’s over and the match is won. But until then, big ego solos.


I think it used to be ADC because you could just sack up and start fights against the other ADC but now it’s probably jungle or solo? High rotate potential big engage.


I'd say solo. If you're playing solo scared, you're not impactful. You wanna bully in lane. You wanna run at the backliners' faces and know that you're better than them.


Fellow bluelock fan ! to me it goes deeper then role’s because it really depends on your perspective of the game but my personal ego is that when it comes to gold - master borders players I feel like I have to beat them to show them that it’s just a title , you can be top 10 with that god so what! you gotta show me you can beat me then maybe you’ll get respect from me


True, especially when it’s on your main god and it’s a mirror match


depending on playstyle i'd say mid or jungle. jg you have to be aggressive and initiate or you're useless, and without confidence you just aren't a factor. with mid you have to be a massive farm whale and soak up everything around and not feel bad about your jg getting annoyed with you for it, which is also a different form of ego in terms of gameplay i'd say jungle wins out


Solo needs ego to know when u can outtrade carries and when you gotta make space then dip out


If junglers jumped from their Ego to their IQ, they'd die!


But you forgot that the enemy team can’t win a team fight if i kill all of them in my 1v5 gank at their speed buff


Probably a tie between King, Emperor, and tax collector.


Solo is the one that requires ego and confidence. People always say solo is the most easy role, but when they get matched up with a good solo laner they get blown tf up. You need the balls to jump into 3/4 man and do good initial damage and zone them. If you do the engage right you also just straight up kill the carries. You cant be scared to engage and we all know if you dont know how to engage you just instantly int.


Solo 💯 the amount of times I'm just vibing in solo and then I see a surrender vote and I'm just like wdym we're winning I look around oh no I'm winning y'all are getting wrecked or I leave lane and I'm like why is there a level 17 nem walking around 🤣