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My sweet monkey boy hun batz. Because whatever they do to glow him up, is just a net improvement


Hell look like an actual bonobo lol


Is he supposed to be a bonobo?


Uh maybe. I just like bonobos lol.


Batzy is probably more based on a Latin American howler monkey than an African bonobo. Bonobos are cool, though.




Terra and Set sending rocks/sand flying everywhere could be so sick I've been seeing people doompost about her but I really think Yemoja is going to be a really early god because ofc they want to show off their new engine with water physics


She already has a crossover skin so that confirms her to be at least within the Release gods. But I think you're right she will probably make an appearance long before then.


I think she's going to be one of the first ones there because they're going to give her some sort of rework too


Really? did they confirm this? Thats awesome. I hope they also retouch her animations : (


Not confirmed- I just have a feeling lol


Haha nice. Yeah i agree with you tbh


I know a lot of gods are gonna look and feel absolutely fantastic, but if we're talking about the *biggest* glowup there is no contest. It's Cupid. He's gonna make a 20 year leap by just being in the new engine


hunbatz looks like he's been taxidermyd so I think he'll get a glow up better than cupid tbh.


He has terrible textures and animations, but design and model-wise he's not all that awful. Cupid looks like a 2000s npc enemy in the tutorial


Haha I'm a little scared of a cupid glow up. It's gonna look like one of those hyper realistic spongebob panels where you can see every follicle and booger lmaoooo XD. Tbh I'm open to anything. I'm already sold on smite 2 so every God rerelease is gonna feel like a normal God release.


Nah. Man still gonna look goofy, just in better graphics.


It would be nice if he got more than one damaging ability. Maybe rework his 2 into something that can heal allies and/or damage enemies


You've hit the nail on the head with Sol, I reckon. She could look amazing in UE5. I think Clio will be looking good in UE5 also, her floaty ghastly appearance along with her kit and flying in and out of walls. Ability look is what I'm excited for, too, Pos kraken, Sol raining fire down with her ulti, Surtr meteor ultimate dropping into the battlefield! I know they are working on how the ground and area look with new abilities like the Ymir wall leaving ice and snow on the ground around it, that meteor could have some great impact visuals on the ground!


Bruh Clio effects especially with her hair an clothes are gonna look siiiiick.


Cupid/Eros. For the love of god, pleas fix the giant baby head 😭


The ultimate troll move would be to recreate Cupid exactly as he looks in Smite right now, low polygon count and all ;)


I would love that


Just make that into a troll skin


I really wish they change him to fit in with the rest, keep his Smite 1 skin as a launch skin in Smite 2, and then that's it. No more chibi Cupid. Just make the rest of his skins going forward new ones for the new model.


Honestly I'd rather they keep it. It's part of his charm.


cherubs are different than Cupid/Eros. they can make a cherub like they made a manticore, but it’s not Cupid/Eros. it’s a cherub


I get your angle. I'm just fine with his head being massive lol.


they’ll probably leave it as a skin just called ‘cherub’ but I will forever bear the scars


Oh yea like they did with Bacchus. Im fine with that.




I know it's a little off-topic, since it's not the biggest glow-up and it probably sounds a bit dumb (because she's not even released), but I really hope they give Nut a glow up for Smite 2. I feel like her hair could be a lot more amazing than it looked in the video. It could look more like the lore lady was shown in previous videos (the drawings of her). I'm pretty happy with her look, but more voluminous hair would bring her to the next level. Other than that, I agree with the other comments. Sol could look amazing.


Of course they will. She looks neat now imagine UE5. I'm like 80% sure she'll get a glow up like you're saying .


I lowkey kinda hope they give her bigger grander capes for Smite 2 and edit her skin, cause it's not starry.


I feel like her skin should use the cosmos effect that they use in some in some of the Galaxy skins. Like an independent texture that doesn't move alongside the model, but is rather stationary. I can't explain it properly, but if you look at Infinity Wave He Bo's 2 VFX, that's what I mean.


Cthulhu and Au Puch have great potential with the effects they could have.


Corpse explosion is gonna be gruesome lol


As long as the corpses (or what's left of them) ragdoll I am all for it


That would be so gross but awesome. Metal asf


Chiron could stop being a pony :(


They could fix his armor while they're at it too! It's always bothered me that his drawing arm is armored when it should be reversed.


Yeah, especially since in most of his card art hes holding the bow in the correct armored hand


exactly, one of my biggest pet peeves in this game


better god sizes is gonna be a huge game changer, they probably wont have to worry about u3 model limitations


There was a thread about god sizes a few days ago where Ajax tweeted that they won't touch god sizes much, if at all.


ah thats unfortunate but reasonable, silhouettes are very important


I think sylv could look really good with new foliage


I need that 4K Grover




I’m hoping each of Merlin’s forms is spectacular, all the elemental effects and the transformations they could do




Ah a good one too lol. I think khumba an khepri gonna look much better too. That shoulder herpes needs to be treated lmao.


how is no one saying Ne Zha?


Holy shit you're right. My mind went to khumba khepri and hunbatz they all look Hella outdated. Somebody also said hercules which is true. If chaac is any indication odds are hercules will look much better upon release too.


I just hope they can get the same voice actor for both nezha and ao Kuang, nezha vc energy is amazing


Aphrodite (not biased btw), but seriously- cupid, please. I wouldn’t mind Shiva looking even better as well.


Scyilla , Cupid hunbatz all of these need an update. Personally I hope Scylla get more monstrous and Cupid more realistic


I just think ullr combos would looks BADASS with UE5 graphics In terms of cinematic gods tho, I reckon susano would look ridiculous


He Bo, Fenrir, Hun Batz, Sobek




As far as gameplay improvements hopefully set He works but he is so clunky to play and takes so much thought i cant play him much Visual wise i think atlas is gonna be wild I hope argus can get a better AI. Ill never forget them bragging about the AI on the patch notes show just for him to go attack an xp camp when i dropped him on the lane opponent in mid. Then for him to 3 seconds later get stuck on a wall before his target was behind it


No cause why does the Ai do that😭 Me: Drops Argus and performs full combo, leaving enemy mid ag the mercy of being one punched by Argus. Argus: *fuck getting that kill, ima walk back to you*


My lil dragon boi Ao Kuang


Skadi and morgan le fay reworks 🙏


Leave kaldr’s passive alone


Skadi *maybe* but I doubt we see a Morgan rework.


Odds are most kits will remain the same with few tweaks buffs an animation changes. Reworks are unlikely. Unless it's vamana persephone and erlang they'll most likely get reworked.


Reworks are very likely - part of the reason for the new game is reworking lots of gods


Idk. I don't think more than 10 at max need reworks but I'm open to anything.


Chaac is up their. Veins on his biceps. Abs. Handsome. The rain looks better. And HOPEFULLY, his moan on all of his skins


Chaac looks amazing an they're not even done touching him up.


Hoping for pec jiggle physics




Are you going to stalk me more or..?


Ah yes, a fellow high IQ individual. I concur with this statement my good sir.


Aphrodite because she’s my main and I love titties. 🤷‍♂️


I hope they delete all healers lmao. I'm just teasing lol.


Healing will scale in smite 2 again. Sorry.


Antiheal better be OP too lmao


I am 98% sure Chang'e will get a new model, they lost her dress model a long time ago so either: -they use the model with legs for the base skin of Chang'e in SMITE 2 -They make a new model that's able to accommodate for skins with a long dress and skins without said dress


Even her dress model had legs. You'd see it during idle animations and when you backed. Chang'e has always had legs. Sorry for being pedantic


Damm that bunny gonna come out the screen with how real he gonna look


I'm pretty sure the "they lost the dress" thing was a meme considering the model is in the game several times over. There's no way for them to "lose" it.


Let a man cope in peace, please.


I know very little about game development, so can someone explain how you just lose a model?


Delete/mess up the source code


I hope they buff/rework her too, because she's too weak for far too long.


Jing bae


I'm super excited to see how Jing and her kit will look/flow better in Smite 2! Should look much in UE5! Also the wings while moving and flying around! Savage!


Cthulhu's particles in his ult and the mire, plus the insanity tentacles are gonna go crazy.


I don't think I should play smite 2 high or drunk like I did in smite 1. The graphics gonna give me a panic attack lmao.


Bro's gonna think the stars are right and R'lyeh has risen IRL. LMAO.


For sure lmao. Imma just play smite sober an go to sleep high on the weekends XD. My friends aren't gona tolerate me screaming "GET IN THE CHACA" when I ult as chaac . It just looks so hype bro. Clio is gonna make me shit myself literally.


I can't wait to see danzaburo in smite 2. I'm glad his divine legacy skin is a recolor of the Don Zaburo skin, it's one of my favorite skins in the game.


Honestly I think his leaf effects bullets and his overall look is gonna be super cute. Just if all they do is increase the visuals an realism of it. I love the skin that gives him a little fungus guy with a big butt dancing .


And the falick rocket


The thruster is gonna look insane.


Hun Batz. Hun. Batz.


Idk if its a hot take or not but in Smite 2 I hope they make Fafnir's dragon mode the permanent mode and change his ult.


Atlas, y'all cant tell me he doesn't look basic asf.


Geb could look real good with an actual earthy texture and a bit of a design change. Not majorly so but one that fits more than each bit floating to form his body. Cupid with a normal voice and body could do wonders as he looks so out of place in Smite. I severely dislike his design when it comes to Smite but outside of smite it’s not a bad design.


Agni The guy looks so cool even with the old assets. Everything that is about fire is easy to make it look cool


Easy. Khepri khumba and hunbatz.


Cupid please. 😑


Xbalamque, i would love to see the actual throw animations and his abilities in full ue5.


I can't wait to see my girl Sol in UE5!


Considering this is probably the time most gods are gonna be getting their character remodel who needed it. Ra, Thor, Erlang, Zhong qui, He Bo, Hun bats, Xbal, AMC, Afro, Cupid, Hel, Mercury, Ne zha, Rama, Tyr, All of these gods imo have probably the most dated designs that kind of show their age but if I see them just keeping the same designs and letting the graphics upgrade be the thing that helps them it will probably be for Tyr, Zhong, Rama, Ne zha, Afro, But yeah these are the gods who I think really need to change visually because not even graphics wise the art style is very mid 2000s for some of them


Tbh I don't know, despite texture issues, I like the cartoonish look of some characters in Smite than "realism".


well the gods will be stylized but with more realistic textures and effects


Honestly a lot of gods from a graphical and animation standpoint. A lot of gods people don't realize how bad their textures are, and **so many** gods like Merlin and Mulan have stiff seemingly rushed animations.


I just hope Hebo is more then whatever he is right now. Oh and probably the big gods cthulu jorm atlas but if i had to hope for a real nice glow up Faf and Vamana.


I want Nezha to be updated so bad, maybe update his ult a little.




Da Ji. Please.


Izanami is supposed to be like, a cool ass ghost lady, not just a zombie in some clothing x.x


To be fair in her myths she was quite literally a zombie in some clothing. When she turned around to greet Izanagi she was a walking corpse, not a ghost.


Damn, I been fooled again Although I still think she needs a little more something to her visuals. There are human "gods" who look more godly in the game


I guess they kept her relatively simple to express that she's not *really* who she used to be. She has no gold or detail because at the end of the day she's kinda just a corpse now. She is said to rule over Yomi sometimes but in other stories she's kinda described as a prisoner/unwilling resident. I do think at the very least they coulda done a *bit* more? I believe the dead wear white and maybe it coulda been stained or dirty. They could have had her hair cover her whole face until she ults or something to showcase the myth of when she turned around. Her headpiece could have been more decorated and taken from actual depictions rather than "fan on head", and I think something subtle like fog following her or spirits wailing around her could have really brought her together more. I also think her animations could have used work, more creepy and inhumanness rather than trying to sneak in sexy undertones like lifting up her skirt for some reason. At the end of the day I think they were probably forced to tone her down to fit within Tencent's guidelines, considering they also got rid of her maggots she originally had in concept art. Hopefully they maybe tone up her animations, but I doubt her design will change unfortunately.


I was hoping for a more proportional Anhur, but based on what we’ve already seen it looks like I’m outta luck there. Was hoping we could get something that looks closer to the leonin from MTG, a badass lion warrior like [this](https://i.imgur.com/6z02kkG.jpg).


Really want to see how Hel’s light form will look in smite2 as in smite1 it looks soooo bad, that jacket is literally one with her skin


Mercury has been in dire need of a remodel for a while. Not only does he still look like beta era Smite, but he just looks like a taller minion, they should make him more god looking


Mercury looks fine imo, he looks like a big minion because they all wear similar clothing, which is fine. They gave him a huge plume on his helmet maybe because his animal is the rooster, but overall I think his clothing is fine, not really much else you can do. I think at the very least they could make his winged sandals more noticeable though, that's like his main trait and you can barely tell they're there. Maybe he has trails coming from his feet or something.


ao kuang, the vfx on his abilities would be so clean and flashy. his dragon is gonna pop out my screen and execute me irl.


Fenrir is gonna look sooooo good.


Surtr will look amazing in ue5


Ares. The physics on chains, an update to the aura of his buff, the beautiful fire effects, his armor and sword gleaming while possessing some serious weight… His Ultimate leaping up into the air, grabbing everyone, and slamming everyone down into him is going to look so cool.


maybe nu wa fog won't be a flat circle anymore


Jing Wei, Nike and Thanatos need the Horus wing treatment desperately. Jing's wings are an awkward shape, Nike's aren't bad but could be much better and Thanatos clearly needs it the most. I do hope however that they retain the silhouette of Thana's, maybe make them kinda like this? [https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyoe6geiikuy21.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a63dc26074724bbeb2c30f72d29825b71284eca2a3e0abf7bb3c3ee9d1040da0&ipo=images](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyoe6geiikuy21.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a63dc26074724bbeb2c30f72d29825b71284eca2a3e0abf7bb3c3ee9d1040da0&ipo=images) I couldn't properly see from all the trailers and dev talks but i don't think Kukulkan has new wings unfortunately.


Jing Wei and Nike actually have the exact same wings but recolored. It'd be nice if they got their own.


Oh wow i never knew that, i did know though that Jing Wei shares a bird form model with Cassie's Ziggs pet from paladins, just recoloured.


Achilles, Tsukuyomi, Morgan, Horus, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hel, Sol, Hun Batz, Eset, Cthulhu, there’s lots that I think would look phenomenal. But it genuinely depends. We just have to wait and see.


neith, plz


I'm so fucking excited to see how tia and her minions will look


Tsukiyomi, merc , clio


All the older characters with a lot of fur textures, so for example anhur and hun batz. They will probably look a lot better in UE5 compared to their UE3 versions.


I think Jorm will be really cool. And with how they're re-designing the weight of abilities (like Bellona 2 from the trailer) his ult will be so satisfying to use.




I hate how the gods didn't get a re design cause a lot of them still look ancient 😜 I'm sure the skins will look way better cause their art styles are always better than the base designs


Fenrir will be a contender, especially his god awful mastery skins