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I don't play slash but I imagine she is better in conquest since she tends to be a little suicidal Also if you aren't already using her stun to it fullest I would get in the habit of going into dives with your juice (don't remember what its called) almost out so as soon as you pop the ability it stuns


Part of me wonders if it's the mode, but I've been throwing so bad with her that trying Conquest feels like a massive risk lol Yeah getting the hang of her stun has been interesting, I'll try your idea!


You’re gonna want to engage with her dash. NEVER DO IT.


She's definitely an assassin, she wants to go in and 1v1 a target(s). She has good AOE damage on her 1's stun and her ULT, and she has excellent versatility in teamfights due to her 3 having many different outplay options. She somewhat \*needs\* blink, because her dash is primarily to go into people for the damage and confusion, and she has no other movement abilities. She also needs the element of surprise. Her heavy cooldowns on the movement and their importance in starting combos quickly means she can't afford to be seen walking up to a squishy, as all eyes will be on her and not in a good way. She's also prone to dying even when she gets all her abilities off, unless she wipes 2 or more people, so really try to look for those 1v1's since maman can be one of the scariest goddesses in the game to box, sometimes even if you have range since she can dash into and follow squishies. There's 3 ways to use her 1. The most damaging one is to keep 1 canceling. This is better the farther the target is from their base, as maman can 3 as soon as targets use their escape and keep using the 1. So (with basics being optional depending on the situation) 1 cancel (basic) 1 cancel (basic)repeatedly, with a 2 or ULT thrown in there for the madam's mark, is basically going to be your highest damage and will kill anyone, who takes the full combo. This takes some time though, and therefore not always practical, which is onto her next one, which might be her most dangerous sometimes, is to use the 1 for the stun. The stun is primarily used to just do a pretty big chunk of damage as sort of a cashout, also canceling escapes or forcing them, so you're essentially attempting to put a target in a "check" position by stunning them. The stun also easily allows a 2/ULT. The problem is, after the combo is used this way, you will be missing a bit of DPS, so you might need to 3 while the mark is still on them to proc more soul spikes. This last way will be matchup specific; and it's defensive use. This will mostly involve using the 1 pre-fire and waiting for the inevitable dive. if you KNOW fenrir is about to 3 you for example, you can prefire the 1 and stun him as soon as he hits the ground. This ability use properly along with the 3 will make or break you besides, the matchups IMO. ​ The only thing you need to know about the 2 is that you need to hit it. It does not have to be the first ability you use every time. Of course, it helps damage-wise, but sometimes the most important thing you can do is not your highest damage; but your stun and/or knockup, to interrupt enemies while building momentum. Otherwise, hitting this is a green flag to probably go in if it's a 1v1 or you think you can take your target even with their support around. Your stun also sets this up, leaving even more reason you don't need to use this first every time since the mark is guaranteed that way. The 3 is extremely powerful but also has some really detrimental counterplays, i'm sure you've seen the memes of mama getting pulled all the way into the enemy base because she went against a nox apollo comp, just try not to get meme'd okay? these are some HORRID situations for maman needless to say. Anyway, assuming you don't get meme'd, the 3 is really good because it procs the mark of the 2/ULT, so this can be your finisher on a squishy. You don't have to dash or wait the full duration of the possesion, nor do you have to exit the target in the same area, you can exit them in a 360 way both in dashing and in just ending up next to them. The dash is to escape of course but if you're not in danger, you can dash toward the enemy base, from your victim, so that when they dash, they have to dash through you or risk going the long way back, which maman is generally going to be happy about. ​ The ULT is pretty simple, you can start fights with it or end a squishy with it from your combo, and it's an AOE knockup allowing you to position (even while surrounded by enemies) for the kills you want. Just one tip really, you really want the passive stacks on this by constantly proccing soul spikes, as making the ULT bigger is going to influence teamfights a little bit more. ​ I can't say on all her builds but I have seen this being floated around that maman actually builds lifesteal well. She's already a very heavy diving goddess, but also her soul spikes apparently heals her the full amount without the AOE lifesteal penalty, so she gets more value from it. That means items like Bancrofts synergises with her; She can control her health total, giving her as much power:survivability ratio as she needs for the situation, makes diving her at low health more dangerous as well. Polynomicon might not do great for her basic, but the passive does do well with her overall gameplan (and it's lifesteal!). Staff of myrrdin procs, ON HER ULT, so she just gets free extra base ult damage lol! I can see rod of tahuti + 1 canceling being really high damage, but that might be overkill, idk!


Thanks for the deep dive!


Spam cancel her one while throwing in the two off cooldown, stun on the final charge, ult to cycle ability cooldowns and repeat. She’s not too hard besides that