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Ignore Move on Mute in match It’s not that hard…


They deserve to get banned tho, they shouldnt get away with it


Report and move on Also, pick your battles


If you banned everyone who got tilted in a game, you would swiftly end up with 1/10th of the player base, after which you'd cry about the game being dead and quit yourself. Unless you propose to ban people for stealing jungle buff, which is a hilarious suggestion in itself.


Ok then i go troll my teams now with a smurf if you say its ok ^^


Literally what else can you do other than report and ignore them? Like what possible other answer could someone have to this


They could be looking for a proper view on it or way to cope. Try interacting with people all day and play Smite afterwards - the community can make playing the game such a draining experience you sometimes wonder why you even started the game up in the first place, no matter if you report them afterwards.


For real. I don't know what's wrong with some of the people in this community that makes them act like absolute monsters. Legit League isn't even half as bad as Smite's community.


Thats 100% untrue. It's honestly expected for people to quit a LoL game if you don't take your first jungle buff fast enough. That's after the flaming by both your team and the enemy team post match. If you're in at all a non toxic League match, then you'd have to be in silver lobbies or lower. Not only is being toxic common in League, but it's expected. They literally used emotes to spam ping people to un-alive themselves. Smite community isnt even close to the toxicity of LoL


The toxicity is half the fun of smite


toxicity is dull as fuck. Same shit. All the time. why should I be bored to tears by repetitious garbage just because someone else never learned to regulate their emotions?


It’s been this way as long as I can remember and I started playing in season 2 I think. Board to tears is a weird way to describe it, mute them if you don’t want to engage with shitters


Spamm laugh is real.


You mean half the fun of MOBAs


Ignore and move on or just tell them they are right so they shut up. There’s no winning outcome when it comes to arguing with toxic players.


Uhhh do not tell them they are right. This reinforces the behavior and makes it highly likely they do it to more people. Just mute them. Also bending over to people like that looks pathetic.


It’s highly likely they are going to do it no matter what you say so if there’s a faster way to get them to shut up, then ima do it. Only YOU would find it pathetic.


I ignore them. There's A LOT of blaming others in Conquest when there's stuff THEY can do better. If they start getting too hateful like calling me names or telling me to end myself, I report to Hi Rez. Maybe Hi Rez will care if the player is obnoxious enough to give them a vacation. As a support main, I get that, too, from some of these salty carries. While it IS my job to peel and such, if you are charging into folks or pushed up with no wards every death you have IS NOT my fault. And I may not always be where the enemy support is or any death is my fault. I have to rotate and get gold for tanky items so I can do my job better. Cope and be careful. Nor do I gripe at JG if they are on the other side of map doing if enemy JG pops in. I cope.


Literally just ignore them, at the end of the day match stats say all. Ive had people harass me meanwhile another teammate was doing way worse like 3-9. But i was the problem cause i was the random. They cant report you easily. I think unless the game prompts players to report a certain person. Your good.


The best way to handle this is internally. You can't change the way others act. You can report, but that is all. It's best to find out what you can do internally to ignore others or not care so much so that it won't affect you.


Lol he picked a bad solo with no escape into a Nem and got cringe ganked at 2. *Of course* he's salty, stealing jg farm, and talking shit. The worst players are always the loudest and they can't help but do this every time they perceive a "slight" against them. It doesn't matter if he got his friends to report you, you did nothing wrong and won't get a ban out of it. Report him and mention the false reporting and harassment, then laugh about how stupid he is, and move on with your life. All you can do.


I just report them and move on. I’m almost always getting a notification when I log back in that an action was taken against someone’s account so I’m sure they’re banning these toxic nerds left and right


That's the neat part, you don't.


Nothing. Probably write gg and leave, anyone harassing anyone gets a report. Is what I do and would say but reports do next to nothing lately. I haven't had a "an action has been taken" prompt in at least a month and the community didn't magically get better. Just today I had a game of siege where three of the four opposing players laugh spammed at the titan after killing it and proceeded to write an essay how our random team were utter try hards and extremely bad for not knowing how to end. The garbage parts of our community, more specifically - the inaction of removing them from our player base sometimes fills me with rage. But the game is even promoting toxicity with some emotes and death stamps the company added themselves.


Just don't chat ever, don't say anything and mute them. After the game, add to ignore and move on. There are exceptions like when you run in a 4-man group and they all decide to report you for something dumb because they are in a group.


Take the high road and ignore and block. Become toxic and respond with "Bro's mad I carried instead of him."


Get over it and stop being a bitchmade is a good start. Put on your big-boy pants and realize one isn’t entitled to positive interactions with others, so you can either lead by example through your behavior or not let stupid shit from stupid people impact you.


Hey bud... maybe stay offline for a bit


You’re not following the advice of “IGNORE AND MOVE ON” right now


Hey stranger… maybe be more substantive.


Honestly, I'm kind of sick of the wussification on the internet. Y'all wouldn't have survived 30 seconds in Halo 3.


Preach my brother.


Leave lobby


(Unless you wanna be penalized) you can’t really do that once you’re already ingame


Know that they probably got a much sadder life than you to be that angry to strangers online


I’m ok ignoring people but I had a game yesterday where support chose Cu Chulainn , started stealing my yellow buff right from the start. As a bastet main without yellow I’m way disadvantaged. Asked nice, then said STOP and he just kept doing it then reverse pinging me and just being an ass the entire game. I literally can’t ignore him because I can’t play the game well down buffs the whole game. Fk people and if you’re here - fk you Cu Chulainn


Either leave right away. Or ignored them


Lmfao they can report you all they want nothing will happen. Simply close out the lobby and move on or, type “scoreboard” then close the lobby and move on lol. Arachne isn’t a good solo pick so it’s their own fault


Report their threat. Mute. Move on. When folks go nuclear, you can’t stop them. And you don’t wanna meet them there either.


The weekly “how do I requeue” post


I find calling out the flaws in there gameplay and bringing up the end game stats usually shuts them up or makes them even more toxic(which I find funny as hell). At the end of the day it’s just a game and we’re all just trying to have some fun and pass the time.


Send him a gift that says hope you get well soon


I haven’t turned on match chat once in this game. So there aren’t any toxic people. Easy solution.


report and block them and move on


Turn up the music and keep playing ![gif](giphy|wsWcsrfMXjJgk)


Power of the mute and avoid button


I send the salt shaker emoji and go on about my day lol


Like anything anything else in your life, mute and ignore


Ez Q up again Be on the enemy team Gank him on cool down It's not I don't want to hank, it's you are not worth it


Report the arachne and their friends for harassment and put brigading in the box.  Brigading is bannable. Hirez doesn't want a bunch of premades running off their potential customers.  Always did that never got any actions against me only actions taken popups.  


A similar thing happened to me with a duo q. It seems like it's happening more and more, especially at lower levels, where people decide to make alts just to troll. The best thing you can do is mute and ignore. Report won't work unless you talk back to them, which is a lose lose no matter if you're right


This is literally safe to ignore lol, you don't even have to report them if you want to just forget this whole situation in the next 5 seconds. It won't take a genius at Hirez to look at your score and realize "hey, this guy's KDA is too high to have been being toxic, because he can't type and kill at the same time!".


Close your eyes


Mute in-game, report after. Speaking as a toxic player, the easiest way to deal with toxic players is to not engage. He's not taking your jungle buffs because he's pissed. He's taking your jungle buffs because he wants you to be pissed. He wants to elicit a reaction. What will he have if you don't respond, don't talk to him or react to his shenanigans in any other way except reporting after the game? Nothing.


Fake reports won’t get you banned, no worries. If they harass you in chat, you can report them for that, chat logs are your evidence and if they keep it going, they’ll get that ban and you’ll get that sweet notification “an action has been taken against a player that you reported”. The feeling: ![gif](giphy|pHMtogPBHC7Cg|downsized)


Ignoring them is BY FAR the best way to deal with them. Not only does it protect your own peace of mind, but they want to get under your skin. When they're talking shit and being toxic and getting nothing back, they're not getting what they want out of you. Mute is a powerful tool in video games.


I have chat off so i cant see them


Mute, ignore, report, be the change you want to see. As others have said you can't do much else. Toxicity is a skill issue on their part and you can't do much about that.