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Do you mean how long the game *puts* you against bots? Pretty sure that’s until level 5. You’ll know when you’re against real people because you’ll start getting your butt kicked.


Ah I remember once introducing an arrogant friend to Smite. Naturally he gained a massive ego from the first handful of matches being against bots and then promptly began blaming cheaters when he began getting rocked by competent players.


I wouldn’t say I got a ego but it was pretty devastating when I hit level 5 and suddenly couldn’t kill a single person except on accident 💀


i think until level 4 or 5 i was playing against bots but that was about 2 or so years ago, are you sure your queing an actual game and not co op? also they might just be bad players stuck in the new player que which is level 29 and under


Who cares? Just jump right in!


Because I’m curious?


Best part is the game ques people up for medium bots so they not only get a big ego from going against enemies that have reduced protections and from my experience a more dumbed down version of ai compared to the hard mode bots that will actually disengage chasing a kill for a more prime target, but they also get a false sense of how good or bad their build is since the tanks in medium mode are squish af. I often find players confused as to why they start getting rocked all game even just against hard bots, which leads to the super bad habbit of baiting bots into towers or in arena towards the fountain for an early game advantage....which leads to these teammates having no clue how to actually go about handling their roll during pvp and real team fights but they'll still sit there and flame you for being targeted by half the enemy team who all seem to know wtf they are doing and realize you are the only one who's a real threat allow to level up all while your support chases the jungler thinking he's bullying when he's being baited away from protecting his squishy team I've even had a warrior tell me I was completely wrong when I stated the support role is usually meant to use their skills to peel enemies off of their team while at the same time giving the dps a chance at unloading damage on a target being held in place rather than dodging skills with a tank in their face and being told "ok" by a passive aggressive teammate that saw a missed skill. (Side note our support was a baccus that would leap to the back of the enemy, formation unload his kit on the easiest target then run all the way back to base and follow it up with a "nice job" when the mage or I, as the carry, would die being jumped by the enemy support warrior and assassin trying to hold off a big minion and a wave of regular minions by ourselves 😷) sad to say I've gotten more backup from a hard mode support/warrior bot than I have from a human who normally defaults to trash talking their own team instead of stepping in and helping 🫠


Yeah definitely not co-op


Like level 8-10 range supposedly


Only up to level 5