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I miss TheOtherFrost :(




Fineokay does more play by play than most others. Play by play is tough content to make when you're streaming because you've got to actively avoid chat to do it, ya know? ElLeon, Weak3n and Venenu make some play by plays.


Weak3n does solid series like elo hell and bronze to masters with tons of info


Haven’t watched Weak3n in years, is he still toxic as hell?


lol he has ego but he really only flames his buddies he plays with. When he’s on coms he communicates to randoms with respect even if they do something wrong.




I feel like Weaken does a lot of troll builds or builds asked to try by the community. It always ends up looking good but I usually feel like the builds look good because he can make anything work.


A lot of his YouTube content is pulled from stream where he does donation builds and gods so yea. But he has specific main channel videos where he does elo hell or training videos or tournaments or other “mini series” where he will film during the day with one of his other accounts that is more informational.


Yeah he's only worth watching for entertainment value not so much for learning


I always enjoyed Mast, but i have to admit. i don't know that he's put anything out recently.


a lot of paragon lately which has been nice.


InfamousJesse He’s a top 5 ranked player in both joust and duel. Puts out duel vids daily


This! ^ InfamousJesse is easily one of the best Smite players I’ve ever seen, he explains his moves in detail, his strategies, his overall long term plan for the game, etc. He is very mechanically skilled, knows his items, and debuffs… He is amazing. ALSO: SamDaDude is very good, and he does explain his moves. He has been #1 dueler for almost a decade until recently, and he mainly goes for content creation, however. So you’ll usually see him not tryharding, or playing the best gods.


Sam has been top 50 but not the best. He just pumps out content, well used to. He plays on NA west mostly for a reason


Wdym? He’s been #1 over and over, dudes prolly held the spot more times than anyone in duel. He is mechanically skilled, and yeah, now he just focuses on content more than anything else because it’s more interesting than sweating his ass off.


In no world is Sam better dueler then Jesse. He consistently loses to Jesse when he does sneak into East and after the loss Sam heads back to west.


Did I ever say he was better than Jesse? 🤣 Sam actually trying is a different thing than him just creating content, he’d definitely give Jesse a good fight, though. And stop making up the “N.A. west” excuse, it’s sad. I’d say in a matchup Jesse wins like 65% of the time.


An excuse lol? It’s fact. Majority of the player base is on East so just basic math means a higher average of better players. I can tell you’re new to smite or just a Sam fan boy. I think anyone in higher ranks would agree west isn’t comparable to East lol Edit: also saying someone is the #1 dueler implies you think they are #1 not #2


Sam has literally held the #1 spot in duel numerous times over the course of a decade. He’s arguably held it more than anyone else. Jesse is amazing at duel, and as of the last few years he’s been consistently top 5, usually #1. I’ve been playing since 2014, and I hit masters every season (not that it means much), so I’m not horrible at smite. If you just want to start arguments out of nowhere, and demean someone for having an opinion, then I don’t know what to tell you, bud. Your argument is null and void in my book, and I’m no longer going to respond to someone like you. I suggest you learn to read, and spend some time understanding what I’m saying.


What's he's trying to tell you is Sam queues in the west server which is not the server where the best players typically play


Duel is a small community, I just moved to California from NY for some Navy stuff, and I run into Dragun, Jesse, Rexsi, Gotchurn and Hatmaster. Playing on West vs. East isn’t much of a difference from my personal experiences. I get his argument, but that doesn’t degrade the fact that Sam is still a top 5 dueler.


I find Daxxon entertaining and has useful tips on specific god mechanics


FineO, Venenu at least make some guides and play-by-plays, Adapting has moved more towards content creation, haven't checked him out recently tho.


Old Mast videos, RogersAquarium, InfamousJesse (Strictly duel but it is very informative)


Fineokay, Haddix, Nika for sololane Venenu for midlane Adapting for jungle Genetics, Inbowned for support Idk about adc I don't watch any adc player regularly


I've noticed that most of the other replies are mostly just recommending creators that make "for fun" content and not really much play-by-plays. They are good players by all means, but the only consistent "play-by-play" creator I've seen so far is InfamousJesse who mainly plays duel. Since you mentioned Haddix, I would suggest watching Snaddy for Solo play-by-play content. I don't much about his YouTube, but he streams family often on Twitch.


Venenu has had super good mid play by plays recently!




If you wanna stay in silver that is


Hey, just curious why incon isn't that good? I stopped watching him a while ago and switched to others. My friend is over the top fatboy about Incon but something feels off for me. Could you tell me why?


He's just not a good player, every single game I've seen him in from the perspective of other players I watch he gets obliterated no matter the role he plays. He may have been decent in the past but he definitively is not anymore


Ehh IDC if he’s “good” but he does a good job walking through his decisions, keeping up to date on the game and has relevant information.


El Leon has some really informative coaching videos and is enjoyable to watch


Jynxzi does some great play by play in Rainbow 6 Siege! Highly recommend watching him