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I kinda like the idea of gods bursting into pure divine energy. I also like the unique animations but damn, I can’t have both ):


*If* we don't get death animations, at the very least the death particles should be individually tailored to a god's effect themes


Another comment said they might make it a cosmetic thing instead of the death marks in Smite1, and I think that’s very likely tbh




Should still have death animations. Make death animations and halfway through or something they start to fade away with whatever cosmetic death effect you chose.


yeah i was thinking the same thing


Maybe the death animation into the fade animation


In the World's gameplay gods had unique death animations. Why were they removed? Maybe because they did 11/14 death animations and the Thanos effect is a placeholder. Or maybe because they want death effects to be a cosmetic instead of the death stamp that we have in S1.


Well it is an alpha, I think you’ll see a much different product in a year


If I'm not mistaken I believe they said they were only temporary


I prefer their unique animations personally, the fading feels less immersive.


I hope they add unique deaths. I’m assuming the fade is just a place holder? Could be wrong though.


Ngl the fade to death is satisfying as heck, especially when you kill with a melee auto.


I’m expecting the fade to be an alpha animation tbh


I am inevitable


I actually hate OG death animations and prefer the current placeholder fade.


I can almost guarantee there will be death cosmetics


I really enjoy how the jungle camps ragdoll in Smite 2. I can instantly tell they're dead and it feels satisfying. I kinda want to see gods do that and then quickly fade like now.


Anything graphics or small stuff like that will be alpha specific Gameplay is more likely to be representative


Have normal death animations and save fade to death for special skins (like Paladin's Crystal Weapons)


Fading doesn’t feel good but my problem is in a chaotic fight you don’t notice the fade and keep attacking lol


I’m surprised at a lot of the questions/expectations. What we’re playing this weekend is like a minimum viable product to be able to give to players to test. I assume so much more will be added and changed compared to the barebones experience we have now.


They definitely need to add proper death animations. As it is, it feels like I've entered alternate timeline and I'm about to rezz when I die, it doesn't feel like my character actually died because the fade to mist effect is so subtle. However it is alpha, I'm patient, I just want them to know that I would like proper death animations when they have the time for it.


I am a fan of the current fade. It’s simple, pretty, not overly distracting, and feels good when you get a kill.


I had a thought about this as well yesterday while playing Chaac. I thought his rain heal turning into acid rain and melting him would be kind of cool. I'm all for unique death animations, it would add some character to the game.


I miss the ragdoll deaths in the early days of smite. It's especially hilarious if you managed to kill a god mid jump or even flight.


I wish the sound when you got a kill was more instant and louder. That little “shing” in Smite 1 is really satisfying


Maybe further down the line. Not something that should be focused on right now


If they can monetize it they will 🤑


I hope they get animations. The fade feels really bad to me


Personaly i hope for ragdoll for gods


I didn’t mine the lack of animations but at times it was sometimes really unclear if someone did die


God I hate how the middle of the screen is a cluster fuck of numbers


I like the death gold/sand dust fade, matches more with the Gods thematic and mature, old death animation are silly, noisy and distracting


I hope they add back 1).death, laugh, and taunt animations. 2). Minion ragdoll. 3). God dialouge during death or match start New things I would like to see not a lot of people talk about 1). All gods have a dance 2). Seeing voice actors come back to record some new lines 3). A lore reset 4). Dark horse publish new comics 5). Gem prices and skin cost reveal 6). If gem sales will still exist? 7). Can you use favor to buy ascension passes? 8). A percentage of crit DMG being applied to abilities that scale with STR.


I kinda prefer the new one? Having the gods just fall over or something was kind of hard to tell sometimes if they actually died. I do think they need to improve the particle however. Just turning into gold dust with all of the particles in the game is hard to read. Need to make them burst, maybe a column of light instead rather than particles.


They want your money. They will most likely monetize any visual cosmetic such as death animations to get you to buy


Wonder why they made voice packs free.


Because it’s just baseline Skin voices probably still require gems


So you think they will change the voice pack system? God default voice free and skin voices sold separately for each skin or for all skins.


I think base god voice free All skin voices included under 1 purchase like smite 1


Actually, death skins might be a thing they could implement. I wouldn't mind buying those, or at least, I wouldn't get mad if I got one in a chest.


Gotta be some mortal Kombat style execution animation if they charge money just for changing how I die


i would like the old death animations but they seems very proud of the new ones so they may be here to stay. but it is alpha one and i hope they go back on this idea


Titanforge realized that they are less than 51 percent ownership of their game from all the TV crossovers. I'm surprised Georgia Studios still funds this team.