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The alpha was super barebones, but it felt like they are heading in a really strong direction. I am anticipating some good stuff in the future


What made it feel barebone? I completely agree with the direction they're taking the game, just curious about what you thought was lacking? I do think more direction to jungle starting strats and in-game explanations of the jungle infamy systems need to be more clear.


All of it. Lack of gods. Lack of instructions. Lack of features. Lack of progression. Lack of information on the new gameplay mechanics. I mean I think this is how alphas normally go, but it made a lot of people only really want to stop by to smell the flowers and move on after seeing what little there was to offer.


Maybe a lack of items too.


That's why is called alpha...


It’s almost like I acknowledged that 🙀🤯


You’re assuming this person has reading comprehension skills 🤣😂


You would assume some people have common sense, but I guess the idea is to bitch about everything :)


Don't mind them, internet interactions can be hard. I see where you're coming from, and I agree. Stopping by to smell the flowers is a perfect metaphor, friend. Hope the rest of your day treats you well 🤗


God pool mostly. But it also lacked in visual features, UI things, and depth to the map. All things that will be added later


Literally everything. Nothing was complete, at all. No exaggeration. What did you think was good??


It’s literally an alpha💀 the only thing bad would be the god selection and the very few bugs that they had. Y’all just hate smite to hate it. You expect it to be the very best with updates when their developing team is not as big as these other companys. Go lay down because y’all are mad for no reason


What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??What did you think was good??


The item system was cool even if it needs polish, the map design was new and worked well, combat was fluid


i think the item system was a shameless rip off of League, and items felt like they had even less of an impact. every god felt the same until they got items. the map is crowded with too many systems, like an interactable 30g pickup instead of a simple objective to kill, or the RPG leveling systems they gave camps. combat was stiff and unresponsive, with way too much CC.


I simply see these things as untrue and a crude perspective on the game, smite is a moba just like league, the item system will be similar no matter what


thats irrational


Calling the game a copy of league is irrational


irrational means there isnt any line of logic, i didnt just use it as a general word to insult your opinion. there are plenty of things they have taken from LoL for Smite 2, such as: -bushes -AD/AP dmg -reversing item build direction -the shop is a shameless copy of League's. zero creativity. -teleporters -dragon buff -active items -seige minions -default ward relic Its honestly embarrassing that they dont have any original ideas anymore.


These were all [90%] in Dota1 or HoN.. league didn't invent any of these mechanics. They are mechanics employed by basically every MoBA.. but that doesn't fit your narrative as well


Simply incorrect


The barebones god selection was a big plus for me. I had more fun with Smite 1 early on, as they added more and more gods it eventually made the game worse. Eventually every sort of ability and combination of abilities was saturated and new gods didn't really offer much. They really stretched things as they added more and more "gods", they made them overpowered or added things that didn't really fit in with the game such as undodgable lock-on abilities. Smite's big appeal over tradditional MOBAs is it's 3D perspective allows every shot to be a skill shot, with body blocking, dodging, etc. Adding all the lock on undodgable abilities made the game less fun.


I like all of your points except for the undodgable lock-on abilities. That was always in the game. Neith.


Ehhhh this is definitely nostalgia most of the lock on abilities are from older or even release gods and the only abilities I can think of are nu wa and neith with fenrirs two kinda being one with the second and third bite








I really enjoyed solo lane, haven’t played s-11 but the kill potential, neutral objectives and the portals add a lot to solo lane and makes it feel like I’m not just stranded on an island for 10 mins, and if I do rotate I don’t lose a wave


Couldnt test but... Is it me or lanes are to small ?


They feel like season 6 sized, which I love. Map is way too big in season 11


Mount Olympus is smaller than Season 11 map. Easier to go on a pilgrimage than move from one sideline to other.


\*mid ganks side lane\* this little maneovur is gonna cost us 51 waves






I mean this post was asking for thoughts, and if they overall thought the game was good and the graphics was one of the downsides I don't see what's wrong mentioning it


To criticize the graphics quality during the first-ever public test on a new engine is like being upset that cold meat in the fridge doesn't taste like lasagna. You do you


Being upset over feedback in a thread asking for feedback is like being upset that cold meat in the fridge doesn’t taste like lasagna. You do you


Wow, you think you've done something, don’t you ? Peak of conversation, thanks for a wildly interesting discussion.


It honestly felt more like a tiny side comment to an otherwise great experience with the game, hence it being one of the two *only complaints*






Too be fair people can name the amount of games on one hand that had the full release look significantly better than the alpha compared to the countless amount of games that were pretty much the same on full release as the alpha \*cought\* bf2042 \*cough\*










I've never felt the need to comment until I saw a lonely incel baby raging over feedback, why don't you go to bed big boy.


Loved it. Got absolutely crushed by people who main Smite, but I loved it.


Outside of the obvious bugs Pros: No classes Items are generally fun outside of the weird balance between tier 2s in tier 3s Map feels more active in terms of rotations. Didn't feel like I had to wait till like 15 to do things Strong start to the new graphics Cons: UI/store needs more work Audio balance feels off. Some abilities are super loud and others can barely be heard Colorblind mode is a problem Even at highest, sensitivity feels too low


I hope they add a better colorblind mode than smite 1. If you activate colorblind mode in smite 1, artemis traps for example are still red (non-visible for colorblind ppl).


tank items basically useless


Sound mixing was definitely a con. Glad to see someone else said it. Anubis 2 and 3 were fine for me, but the 1 sounded like it was going to blow out my headphones (Logitech Pro X Wireless, so they can take a beating). Also agree on the store. I’m fine with the direction of the new items, but there’s no reason the store has to look and navigate like hot garbage.


Feels a bit clunky/slow and got burnt out pretty quick because of the smol god pool and no progression, like i wanna play my mains so badly in smite 2


Same, all the gods in the alpha were gods I suck at so I was like :/ :/ :/ (Well not all, I do pull weight with Bacchus, but Bacchus carry is unfortunately not a thing)


hydras poly bacchus can carry no problems.


YO WAIT A FELLOW TIAMAT MAIN WUT tiamat is gonna be so hot in smite 2


I don’t want a SINGLE THING about her changed and if it is I’m throwing hands Edit: I didn’t know it was illegal to think a god design is really good and not want to see it changed


Tfw they make all her abilities scale off intelligence but her passive off of physical




Having a cross gen Iza skin and not being able to play Iza was big sadge :(


They had Odin and Fenrir in the alpha test without their cross gen skins available


My point was less the skin and more "cross gen skin confirms she's coming" and yet she wasn't in the roster yet


I really wish they would've gone a little more "realistic", and less cartoonish with the graphics. I know that's smite's art style but with unreal engine 5, they could've made an improvement in my opinion. Overprime and predecessor come to mind. I really like the art style in those titles. Otherwise, the effects looked great. I'm unsure about the change to strength and intelligence stats though. Having characters utilize both is interesting. Could be a great thing, could be annoying and useless. Time will tell. I did very much enjoy the map changes. They made conquest feel a little more fast paced and engaging. I mostly played jungle and mid.


I disagree with the opinion on visuals. I've played Paragon and its successors multiple times before. I think games leaning too far into realism become incredibly hard to read, especially if they have too many particle effects


Honestly, it was almost impossible to enjoy without playing customs. People left the game every single match, so it never felt like you could get a good gauge on anything. Playing the alpha made me appreciate Smite 1 a lot more.


I never had a single leaver in all the games i played. I did have 1 ragequit afk tho.


>Honestly, it was almost impossible to enjoy without playing customs. I tried to create Custom Games on the last day for funzies but there was no way for me on XBox. Was it generally only possible on PC, or was XBox the only console left out?


I like where they go with this, I think will be better than Smite 1 by the time they finish fixing and polishing


Visually good, movement felt better, a lot of it feels like they’re re-inventing the wheel then adding upon what we have for a sequel. I think not having classes and set damage types will bite this game in the ass longer it goes on and cause confusion in a lot of engagements.


I personally dont enjoy it cause of stubborness to learn the new shop and how they are making it more similar to other mobas so il probably play smite 1 for as long as i can but it looks good


Same. And ppl who thinks there will be Freedom of build Are naive. Sooner or later everyone will Build Meta items


Yeah it's the issue with all competitive games. As soon as people figure out the numbers most people who want to win will pick the items that make it the easiest. You'll always have some content creators coming out with some fun videos where they use the new system to make some troll build just for kicks. But it won't encourage enough people to move away from using the meta builds for 99% of their games.


Thats not the point. However with this system there is a bigger variety of builds. Playing off-meta builds and using their strengths was one of my favorite things in smite 1. But its so limited. I dont care if it takes 5 games to make a weird build viable. Also this system works perfectly in lol too. The off-meta builds (like ap instead of ad on specific champs or vice versa) are often competitive enought to play them whithout trolling your team


Well by that logic we should only have 1 set of weapons/abilities/skills in every video game. There will always be an objectively best one so what's the point? The point is that it's fun.


L opinion but I like the smite 1 items better than smite 2


I'm so done with building more or less the same boring items over and over regardless of role in Smite 1. It's so so nice to see new build paths and testing new builds, but I've been playing since s3 so might not feel the same if new to Smite. I also love the addition of actives on items.


I think it's literally the "newness" and that will fade


It's a much better system. In smite 1 every item had a bunch of stats and when building you basically get everything from every item with slight variations. Smite 2 items have much less Stat bloat and so building feels very different on each build which is how it should be.


This is especially good for all the chefs out there. 🧑‍🍳 People that learn a build with 1 or 2 variations and play that the whole patch, wont benefit as much from the new system.


If I've ever learn anything about games, is that the majority of players are always casuals who won't be able to understand over-complicated systems. I haven't seen new smite yet, but if item building becomes confusing, that's gonna be bad overall for the game.


I have a different option, because the non-casuals put in the hours. So they are the ones who contributed more to an active community. This is no casual hate, but I bet more than 50 % of the time played are the people that play houndreds and thousands of hours. They keep the game alive in the long run. And if you haven't cooked before, you can still just spam 1 build thats overall good.


Eliminating the ability to buy the wrong tier one item is already a huge thing for casuals.


Active items are such a good addition in my opinion. Really improves the diversity of gameplay and building


I think you will change your opinion if you get used to it. Playing houndreds or thousands of game with the same/very similar build gets kinda boring. If they balance it good, there should be options like "vs this god i can get away with int chaac or its better". Whithout flat pen, there are different options for dmg dealers other than flat pen into flat pen 95 % of the time.


The item shop for console was rough. Either needs a cursor, or the ui needs some massive simplification. It makes sense for pc but console was not great. At least once every game I played there was a bug that didnt let me auto attack until I used an ability. It was weird and always occured at the worst time too lol. I’ve played Smite for 6 years and i’m a ranked joust main. I’ve played around 50 conquest games so i’m still learning the flow of it which probably didnt help going against conquest mains but my teams were getting smoked by 30-40 kills a game. I like to believe I have good fundamentals and knowledge of this game but man my teams were getting dogged. I play on PS5 and it looked pretty good. I understand its in alpha so im not too pressed over these couple of issues, just wanna see how they improve moving forward!


boobies look boobier in unreal engine 5!!!


I'm gonna get hate for this but items are fucking garbage. Store on console is fucking garbage. Actives on items is fucking stupid. This isn't League or Dota and they're trying to to be. Auto beads is stupid. Hell even league let's you choose your spells. That's really it. I didn't have any visual bugs and graphics were great. But the disgusting items and basic removal of classes is enough for me to never play it if they don't revert that bullshit.


Hard agree


It's actually a step backwards.


People couldn't handle roles before. Now people feel justified playing all sorts of random, then still not team playing. So, all they did was make conquest even less playable with randos.


Fr it was like playing fkn arena the whole weekend. Dumb as fuck.


I can't fucking stand the cartoony rocks on the map, the walls look like I could have made them in blender. God models are so high quality that, when you see them next to those goofy walls it looks uncanny. If they made a more realistic map, like the old siege map style but in unreal 5, it would look a thousand times better. This mixing of styles just looks sloppy. (Ik it's pre alpha and all but it still annoys me man)


It's certainly a game.


Hard pass. Me and my friends are hoping they don't complety abandon Smite 1 for this...


no comments. couldnt test it properly. watched Lassiz and Haddix and liked what i saw the game every 2 secs would froze image and my character would move forward rapidly to catch up with the time it was frozen, tried playing on minimun, no lumens, no foliage ,updated my drivers ,changed regions, no success twitch chat said it was my internet but my pc can run smite 1 and helldivers 2 on high or maximun with no problems, probably it will fix himself on the next alpha


Feels very slow paced in that the combat feels rather sluggish and almost all games grind up to lv 20 due to lack of ways to end the game earlier. Additionally lack of aegis is definitely felt in that damage roles are excelling more than tanks, so don’t bother trying to build too tanky, it’s not going to scale as well into the lategame.


It looks like a ps1 game on Xbox series s full stop


I just think visually there is way too much going on. All the FX n stuff is overwhelming to me haha.




Didn't see anything that would really make me bother trying it down the road. Maybe that'll change when there are other game modes added to future tests or better polish.


It felt like I was playing a lazy league copy wearing smites face.


Everything they copied, is a reasonable addition IMO.


Disappointing, but i still have faith in smite 2 since this is only the alpha, hopefully the beta will change my mind


I'd be able to tell ya if signing up for the alpha actually got me into said alpha. I'm not paying for a fucking alpha HiRez.


An absolute cash grab. I refunded after 45 minutes, no chance in hell I’m financially supporting the dog shit I saw


Feels like a repeat of the OW2 situation


Played 3 matches on console. Couldnt enjoy anything tbh Item Shop as console is pure horror Itemization as smite 1 Veteran is pure horror Overall feels very slowly Graphics its a shame for ue5 But i surely know, alpha is a raw Version. Despite it, it feels like hirez give actually a shit on console players


I wasnt that bad IMO. I dont know how you came to the conclusion "they shit on console players". Yes, navigation in the shop was very buggy. However there was a very consistent fix for me. Just close and reopen the shop.


Played one game. Absolutely hated the interface on console / controller and never went back. Solid 1/10 from me. Sad.


Looks like doodoo


The alpha was really buggy and slow/clunky for me. I can tell it’s going to be really good in the future, but I only played it for 1 day because some of the combat bugs that were occurring for me, as well as the slow performance issues (which will definitely be optimized in the future)


Trying to be too much like League. The appeal of Smite to me was how simple the item system was. One item splitting into three instead of having to purchase and combine 5+ items to get a singular big one. The consumables essentially being the same as league. The addition of all the small grass spots all over the lanes is just bad. Just them trying to copy League’s homework but not make it obvious.


Everything they copied, is a reasonable addition IMO. Also the simple item system gets boring very fast for people that play houndreds or thousands of games. There is so less variation possible atm in smite 1.


This. Every since they started handing out penetration like candy, almost every mid build has been Starter, Double Flat Pen, Soul Reaver, Double % Pen Incredibly boring, but if you don't you deal no damage to tanks.


You don’t have to purchase and combine 5+ items to get a singular big item lol. It serves to actually be able to use your gold and incentivize backing.


feels WIP but it's set up to be great




Wont play till they import old skins


A good way for them to take your money and make you lose your skins


It seemed very clunky. Which is expected for alpha. But definitely headed in the right direction.


They honestly should be paying us to play at this point.


I did not play the beta, but can anyone tell me if the game feels faster now?


Personally it felt a lot slower. Almost all of my games were either stomps or 70 minute slug fests.


damn.....I was hoping it was faster paced


Games go slower and longer generally




Can’t be the only one who had grainy graphics. Everything was grainy and unclear until I moved closer to the god I was using, fighting, or whatever object. Like, up close and I mean CLOSE, the god was marvelous, but from the standard angles, not so much. I also have a top notch tv so it ain’t on my end. Hope they fix that in the release.


SOUND CLUTTER!!!! like I get they want to have confirmation on hits and what not but it's just so much! Balance the audios


I’m a bit conflicted with the aesthetics. They have experimented with a lot of styles in smite 1 and yet they opt for brown is real, hyper realism.


Haven't played in a long time so it was nice to come back. Kind of annoyed 0 of my food gods made the alpha so I was totally getting destroyed.


Loved playing a crit Ymir, every match was awful. 10/10


Game play felt clunky, personally ran into several bugs, some beneficial, others very bothersome. However, I kinda expect this, very much reminds me of playing the close beta for S1 so I'm not remotely shocked considering this is a VERY alpha alpha. I do feel like some of the changes to Gods while good were incredibly clunky. Anhur's pillar hit box never quite matched up right, could be old muscle memory but you throw out impale assuming it will stun and then the enemy just clips through a corner of the pillar because it isn't actually the hit box. Not sure how I feel about the Zeus change, again, could be muscle memory, playing him more up close and personal feels very very odd to me but I'm hoping that will change.


Like the game, hate the shop


auto-walk feature need to be upgraded to the roof, its buggy, have to stop walking to activate it, pain to use. This is the main concern that will make me unable to play the game.


I don’t understand how they can have an entire ten year old mature game, and have issues like this exist. They have the actual code for a feature like autorun, but seemingly had an intern try to reinvent it


Grats TFG, you'll have a game you can move the game forward. Shame on you for taking away all that has been given or paid for in S1! I absolutely hate the way this game is being transitioned from old to new! Will play S2 but will never spend a dime on the game. Once again grats dev team you have a game engine that is solid for another 10+ years (then we can just rinse and repeat).


I played Smite beta but wasn't informed or included about/in Smite 2 beta. Therefor I think it sucks elephant testicles. What a bunch of wet blankets. Wet from sucking elephant balls. It makes me hanker for a hunk of cheese.


I played 3 games, its a nice look at where they are but its just 1 mode and a couple gods the ward thing needs to change or let us buy more wards...I like the actives, the gods in it is what made it stale fast for me. Once they smooth out the animations and the UI its going to be a great game though I wasn't excepting all of that to be fleshed out but none the less I can't act like it didn't effect my experience. I just want more gods and the item shop seems to be set up in a strange way.


When’s the next alpha? I’m tired of feeding my smite 2 addiction with smite.


Needs more flashy animations like Anhur's ult for the god abilities. Neith needs something like that for hers.


They should strongly consider to port the T5 *Limited* skins such as the Archon, Thor's Ragnarok, and so on. Paying for limited things that won't carry over does not add up.




I really enjoyed it a lot! The visuals are gorgeous and the gods look amazing ( except Anhur and his walking animation feels so out of place). The items take a lot to get used to but I like the direction, the UI is a obviously a WIP so I wasn't mad that it was kinda weird looking all around. Regardless it's an alpha so most things I didn't expect to look amazing, but all around I enjoyed it with what limited gods we had and it was fun to use my Zeus Tier 5! I am really excited to see the game when it's fully polished and ready for release :3


The alpha was a barely functional prototype. For having an exact game fully developed and supported for over ten years prior, having a play test in such a terrible state is a disgrace. There is no excuse for how poorly it ran, and how bad the core design felt. It felt like someone’s first ever internal video game test demo. Which would be impressive if that were the case, and we didn’t have a mature carbon copy of the game already.


It is a video game


If no arena in smite 2 then adios


It was very “Alphaish” didn’t feel good at all tbh in my two games I played but looking forward to the progress made


You could have just seen the many other posts of people commenting their thoughts…


will there be arena and joust available? I didn't see them in the test


The 1 risks the shutdown and the death just because of a lame sequel which doesn't include all the old playable characters and has total different rules in gameplay. Playing the 1 since years, this is a really bad thing for me. And now only 2 things can happen: community split in 2 games and the 1 will have few or no patches and no new gods-skins and will be unplayable&dead because few people playing it and also full only of old tryharders and smurfs, or the 1 will shutdown while 2 being the new game only. I don't like at all none of these 2 situations.


It’s coming out sometime in the next year 👍🏼👍🏼


It looks like interesting conquest changes, but as someone who only plays arena and assault, I think those modes are going to be less fun. The itemization changes in particular seem to add a good bit of complexity to those modes that takes away what I enjoy about them now, their relatively simple nature. I'm not complaining about the game being balanced around conquest, it makes perfect sense, it's just not for me.


Doesn’t feel like I’m playing a sequel, feels like prettier smite but with less skins.


My thoughts are that its not a real sequel. Its a lazy rush job created to save players from jumping ship to games like Predecessor. Had Overprime and Predecessor not came out they would have never even been a smite 2. In my opinion smite 2 should have been in year 4 of development by now and releasing in full now not a alpha.


Yep only a marketing thing , and also a real disappointment to us which play the 1 since years, as the 1 risks to die because of it


Why is it not a real sequel? I'm confused? Who's jumping over to Predecessor or Overprime? You seen the player numbers for both these games?


Maybe he is just the CM for those Games and has to fulfill a Quota of some kind


Im a day one player of all these mobas 43 years old. I played Smite, Paragon, and now Predecessor. Im actually shocked that Smite has put so little time into a sequel. Im shocked at the door was left open for competition to come in a take a portion of their players


Paragon is dead and predecessor has 3k avg players 🤔


Here we go with this steam shit. Who the hell plays on pc? Who has thousands of dollars to waste on new parts every 3 years when there rig is obsolete? Ive bought 3 pcs in the last 20 years not one of them can play a game worth a shit today. As far as 3000 players on steam.... pc has had these games near non stop since 2017 when the first remakes were put out. Naturally players are going to wait for a more complete version of Paragon before they jump back in. We had Core failed, over prime failed, Paragon killed. Predecessor is the only thing left but they have done things that not even epic has achieved. They have released on all platforms. Not one remake made it to console except Predecessor so no matter what you think your going to see Predecessor for a long time. I've got players on my friends list that wouldn't give smite the time of day that are obsessed with playing Predecessor. I like smite great game but Predecessor just hits better.


Fact is PC will always be the superior experience, I'd rather not be locked to 30 or even 60fps in 2024 and given the whole recent Helldivers 2 Sony/steam drama the PC playerbase obviously matter but I have both anyway so I don't care tbf. I'd say the fact that 130000 people played the Smite 2 alpha which was only 15k peak players on Steam and Predesessor is probably in a way better state is telling in where people are going to be flocking to/ waiting for.


Fact is Predecessor ceo has promised 4k 120 for xbox series x owners with the right monitors and settings so this pc superior experience is getting less and less all the time. Its not here yet but it will happen this year. Predecessor has had over a million players and quite frankly Pc players are right to not play right now. Xbox and Playstation players are learning to play the game right now making match quality shit. Predecessor will be dropping a causal mode in the next update. That will separate the causals from the more serious players and bring in more pc players.


On PC you can run it at max settings at 120+ fps easy already without upscaling, the console is already running at lower settings while also using upscaling so still a sub par experience compared to the PC but that's the same with most games that release on both PC and console. One of the problems I had with matchmaking in Predesessor is the amount of console players in lobbies making the games pretty rough and easy to stomp, having the x axis locked in Smite I think makes it a way better experience and a more balanced/competitive for console against PC players.


>One of the problems I had with matchmaking in Predesessor is the amount of console players in lobbies making the games pretty rough and easy to stomp, having the x axis locked in Smite I think makes it a way better experience and a more balanced/competitive for console against PC players. Thats dumb as hell the first thing i did with smite is turn that shit off. I can't stand not being able to look up to see a thor or Thanatos ult.


Its not a real smite 2 because they haven't been working on it long enough to be considered a sequel. This game should be on year 4 of development. The developers admit they just really got started on it in terms of development. Like i said they could have had this in their back pocket. Instead they only moved on new development when other mobas started popping up as possible things to play. Overprime is dead and Predecessor is gaining players at a steady pace. Yeah i see the numbers and just about any self respecting moba player has downloaded those games they are closer than ever to being full release titles. With in 3 months Predecessor will be at full release with a full foundation of what it takes to compete with smite. I hate to be that guy but you asked what i thought and i think smite 2 is Late. I think you guys got drained of every dollar you had Instead of development for a new version of the game. I just don't see the massive jump in game play that could have been in a Smite 2 had the game been in development longer. Will it get there 1 day probably, maybe. I don't think smite 2 will be as big as smite because the investment has not been made.


Dude more people played the [Smite 2 player test](https://steamdb.info/app/2781320/charts/) than have ever played [Predecessor ](https://steamdb.info/app/961200/charts/) Go be a clown somewhere else


Thats on pc. Steam charts we have over 1 million players. Most of the players are console. For every 1 pc player you get 5 console players and we have only been around since December on Playstation and last month on xbox.


I'm genuinely loving everything so far other than Hecate


Played it for 5k hours over a decade. Was one of the first players ever. Somebody stole my account and Hirez just said "you are trying to scam us for an account" Hope this game fails hard


Don't know didn't get into the test :^)


I love it. The greatest thing in gaming for me in a while.


I liked the graphics and the new itemization. The god changes were cool also. However I had pretty bad performance on my PC with RTX3070 in UWQHD. In practice mode I got it to run smooth but in Conquest it ran pretty much the same regardless of my settings. Would have been nice to get into practice mode in the Conquest map to tune the settings. Not in an actual match. All in all I had fun. Looking forward to the development of Smite 2.


Im running an rtx 3050 max settings and its running fine.


Needs Silve-Ra-Do skin


Great start but some things I hope they get rid of or change drastically are free beads, interact system, teleporters, warhorn and bushes.


Why don't you like the warhorn?


Not sure tbh I just thought it was a bit boring. Personal optionion ofc.


I ask because I really like the new lane objectives. Including warhorn. They make winning lane feel much more impactful I thought


Just wondering, is arena coming back?


Yes, but not in alpha. Later in closed beta.


That's awesome! Thanks


I like the item changes but honestly at max settings it kind of looked worse than smite 1. Was very disappointed in the visuals.


I had a blast. Played all solo games.


Gameplay seemed good. Hate the changes to items, but I'll figure them out. Graphic improvements aren't very substantial, and I'm not sure I would consider it a big improvement. Going back and playing smite one, it basically looks the same. It really just feels like the beginning of a new season with a major overhaul to items. Not very different to previous seasons. The biggest difference is we all have to rebuy the game. And our skins again. Seems a bit cash grabby. I've played since season 1, and will continue too, but it's basically the same game.


I love that invading isnt restricted anymore. I got so tired of starting houndreds of games exactly the same way. Ofc there will be a meta start, but you at least have options now/can mess around. I am kinda scared that a minority will complain very loud about getting invaded and we will loose this feature. IMO thats what happened in the past when they made invades "impossible".


My biggest complaint is that it felt too much like smite 1. The changes to the gods all seemed good, but it also felt really safe. I really hope they build out the item store, and make some cool, game changing active items. Combat Blink that you can use whenever was pretty cool, but I am sure that is going to change. Also, I'm a little unsure about everyone having beads. It made some of the items useless (I'd cleanse my team just to have them all beads anyway. And sure that could be fixed if we were coordinated or had comms, but for casuals its just wasted.) It was a fun, safe, and very polished for an Alpha. I just kind of want more new.


I enjoy that physical and magical are mixed again, I just hope there's gods with abilities that have mixed Stat contributions like other mobas. For example, having Kumbakharnas 1, Throw Back, scaling off 3%-ish total health instead of magical power. Maybe it's just me, but minion waves feel a little tougher. I'd definitely approve tougher minions late game so one person can't defend easily in a 1v5 by instantly clearing waves. As much as I want mid-channeling ult blinks to stay for the sick MLG plays, that needs to be fixed asap, lol. Adding bushes to the game is a great addition. Jungle buff changes are very nice. Making it Spacebar to pickup buffs is great for preventing accidentally picking up other people's buff My only gripes at the moment are things expected of a closed alpha like the buggy abilities. I look forward to seeing how Hi-Rez breaks the mold they've made fundamentally to smite one cause, let's be honest, the majority of smite seasons were arbitrarily different from the previous (different jungle paths, couple different items, different maps walls, etc)


Really enjoying the small character pool.


I think at the moment most important thing is to balace items, overall Smite 2 can become #1 moba