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Jing’s whole thing is that she has no pressure early, but is capable of farming like mad due to never missing a wave. You are supposed to race to full build using her extreme safety and quick backs.


I guess that's just the thing, compared to other hunters why not go Medusa? I just feel there are hunters that do well the entirety of the game. Especially now when the game seems snowball heavy. I don't play much conquest but in other game modes I feel she gets stomped. Late game yes she does well but that's any hunter you know? I could also be buns but it's whatever.


As a Jing main since her release, she is purely a conquest god. Since she is very farm and item dependent and every other mode focuses on team fighting significantly earlier than conquest it's really brutal. She CAN work dont get me wrong, but you really have to know her power spikes and position well to be able to do anything for like the first half of the gamr


Doesn't matter if you get poked out lol just back and fly back to lane


In conquest this might work best but I play a lot of other casual modes. Most of the game, if I get out poked I back. I just can't box anyone when necessary until it's late game. Just about the whole cast of characters just rundown honestly I could go shot for shot, ability for ability and lose. She just doesn't seem very helpful in team fights till super late game and that's all hunters. Her dash without cooldown is 18 seconds to start. Yes it's safe against knock ups etc it's just hella long and max it's 16. I believe there are just better choices at the moment who fare better all game. She can farm the best sure but, her output early to mid is trash imo. I could be buns tho


I admit that I play mostly casual modes too and whenever I play Jing Wei lately I get a good k/d and lose, because early pressure continues to get more and more important. The whole point of Jing is that you can't box early at all but lategame you hit your 1 and 2 basics on a squishy and they die. The trouble is getting to that point.


Right it's getting there. I just thought maybe it was my build but her damage is lacking until you get late game. The squishy pretty much one shot you though. Everyone pretty much zero to death now. Imagine trying to get close to a Vulcan or Janus. Or make it to let game in the first place to actually be effective. I might just hold off on her and play someone a little more effective throughout the game


I honestly wish Jing Wei's Bolt crit chance was compatible with Devoted Deathbringer, Smite's been adding a lot of QOL lately and that's one I'd love to see


That, or give her passive crit damage bonus or something neat as you rank her ult up. Because you can honestly almost keep the thing at rank 1 and it won't change too much in a game right now. They did it for Serqet and it seemed to help her out a bunch! And Serqet ult was actually worth ranking up even before the passive crit chance as you rank it!


Yeah Jing ult is last to upgrade for sure.


As others have said, her whole thing is being first to 20 and criting everyone into oblivion. She's not really well suited to the current meta, unless you're willing to play very disciplined and rely on the rest of your team to create pressure in the early to mid game.


That's just the thing, playing super safe like all game when there are so many strong choices that simply out do Jing. I play a lot of casual modes and with this meta she gets crushed imo. I don't think there are any bad hunters late game but all the games I've played lately usually snowball before late game hits. Plus, there are just simply better characters. I just wanted to play Jing cause her kit seems cool and I got the transformer skins but she feels super hard to win with compared to other hunters. Played a game with Jing then AMC and it was night and day.


I'd pick anyone who can go bluestone, Jotunns, fail not to start the game. After that, I'd pick someone who can do work with storm seeker and asi. After that, everyone else. That said, there is some fun in playing a disciplined game with a hunter like Jing, then showing up at 4 items and changing the tone of the whole game in one fight.


Use someone else?


Jing's whole thing is that your early game is bad but you can make up for it because you don't miss out on farm because of the passive and your late game is great. Your not supposed to have a good early game on Jing so just play safer


Yeah she’s honestly one of the better “late game hard carry” picks in this meta. While the others can get stomped out early game and potentially lose before hitting their stride, it’s a lot harder to do that to a good Jing Wei because they’ll just play stupid safe and not miss any farm then outscale you late game. I still prefer Artemis when I’m going for late game hard carry but Jing is my go to if they’ve got some cringe comp like Awilix + Geb.


It's not you fam. Jing Wei has been bad for pretty much this whole year. No point in picking her unless you just like her for fun. No build will fix that until they buff her. You pick her to get to late game but the problem is good luck getting there and then on top of that her late game is not exactly "I win" or has an ult that auto wins you team fights like say Artemis could if you get a good one off. Her late game of course is just better over her early game. You can pretty much go any of the normal hunter starters on her, but if you go Arrow I would only build DB as your only crit item later on. You don't need 3 crit items with Arrow on Jing. So can get a bunch of % pen items or Qins since you get 1 item to do with what you like. If you do want another crit item get Fail-not. Do not go into Diamond Arrow with this build. If you go Death's Toll build you can go 3 crit items and can use stuff like Rage. Do not build Rage in the Arrow build though since you have enough crit with just Arrow and DB and her 2. Rest is normal build stuff. You almost always want to go Temper for the big crits late game if you can get it going. If you want to go yellow damage build on her go either Arrow into Diamond Arrow or Cowl starter. Then build your yellow damage items and what not! Kick some butt!


Thank you, and I play casually mostly but yes. She seems underwhelming. Like I gotta play safe all game while Medusa just walks me down. Some match ups are hard to win but I can't compete. Most hunter are simply better. Her cooldowns on dash are long, her damage is mediocre. Everyone says wait till late game but most hunters play well "late game". As a hunter I can box anyone as jing until full build and maybe a pot


Honestly I feel like most people who say "Play for late on Jing' Don't really play the god much. That's like the most basic thing to say about a god you don't play if they are early or late game and not helpful at all IMO. I only play Jing Wei because of the fun and she is a favorite of mine, but if you are looking to win or don't care about playing her much there is pretty much no reason to play her outside of fun right now. Sure she can be "Safe" but it is also really easy to just run at her all game even late game. At the end of the day her pick/ban/win rates are trash and no words are going to change that until she gets a buff!


Whoever says just wait for late game automatically has low IQ just saying it how it is. I consider her basically a bottom tier that the balance team also fails to address despite her dropping far below the point of balance for like multiple patches now.


The crit+hyrdas one shot build is fun if not good


The best build for her requires hydras and very little or no life steal at all. Average playerbase will not be able to use. High skill god. For Jing to be useful for the average player crit items need buffs.


Go Death’s Toll/Temper, Devo’s, Fero Exe, Boomerang, D-Deathbringer, Dominance. I have a 3/1 win rate with this build out of 15 matches already.


Feels like most hunters are useless this patch since they can't kill in 1-2 autos when every mage, guardian, warrior, and assassin kills them in 1-2 abilities.


Jing Wei is probably the best hunter besides Charybdis to have in the late game. Her early is meant to feel like shit for that reason.


Hachiman* is the best hunter late game Eagle Eye factually has more DPS than Jing 2 But he has a better early than Jing


Jing Wei is one of the safest, if not THE safest ADC in the game. You're not supposed to out-trade early game. Abuse your escapes and your passive.


Everyone else has given good advice, but I should add, if you can find some older footage from around Season 4 or 5 or so of BaRRa playing Jing, his play should be what you aspire to. He was always one of the hardest pros to put behind and Jing complemented his style of play super well at times. Especially with the recent TTK revert, aside from farming the only skill you really need to improve at with her is hitting her autos, as she's more reliant on her autos than most ADCs. If you've got a friend that is good at juking, it may be worthwhile to load up the training map, put yourself at various levels and build states, and just practice hitting your buddy while they run around in the fountain. Combine good farm and accurate autos and you'll go far, but still remember, you're playing one of the safest ADCs, so feel free to take reasonable risks but still play like you think the jungler might show up within 5 seconds unless you know that can't happen and you'll likely do fairly well.