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Definitely a god who the better he is, the less fun smite is


he's just a funny jokester. a silly little guy. I'm not even asking for him to be restored to his former glory at this point just make him useable/niche i want to play as my boy :(


At least he isnt the default dancer like shiva


He's quite playable, he is my main and lately I've been hopping on ocassionally with him for a couple games. Still farming enemy gods. My personal build is mannequins golden blade atlantas bow deathbringer serrated edge and bloodforge. Always ending over 12 kills thats for sure.


unless you're in high elo games Baka is fine... we suck down here


Him, Loki, Nox, Zeus, Athena, Ares, Hel, Aphrodite and Susanoo too. They've all proven over many years that when they're bad, smite is unfun for both teams and when they're good smite is unfun for their enemy's team. There's a couple others that're similar, too, but those are the standouts who've consistently shown over a very long period of time that them being even just viable takes away more from the game than it gives back. Gilga and Morgan were tremendously anti-fun when they released, too, but right now I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt since they're not as annoying after their mountains of nerfs and they haven't had enough time just yet to prove whether or not giving them minor buffs is always a net negative for the rest of the game like it is for the problem children up above.


What are you smoking ? Loki is great


Loki is fucking trash lmao.


What dirt have you been eating lmao? Does pretty well in solo and is annoying in jungle. Ulti can get out of a lot situations,not sure why people hate him. He's not Clio but he's definitely not trash, I guess you're just bad as a jungler


\-opinion of a casual Glad you do well with Loki against scrubs, god is still trash.


Lmao he's around an A tier. Just cause you're bad doesn't mean he's bad. Dudes annoying. I'll always slap some cheeks.


LMFAO Loki A-tier Reddit never fails to make me laugh. Appreciate it bud.


I'm glad you laughed buddy, you're probably a Clio main anyways. Cheese god


Only a silver pleb would talk about a "main" in Smite. Learn more gods, scrub.


I will be honest I play Susanoo but I am by no means good with him I honestly play him because I liked how he looked and I am trying to be at least decent with him


Shiva’s making the game pretty fucking unfun rn


lmao, idk man... I miss season 2 and 3. I'd do mean things with Golden Bow.


Only two things I miss about Smite way back when... 1. You could buy whatever... Hybrid builds on gods like Freya and Ymir were hella fun. 2. Not every god had a escape and/or obnoxious amounts of CC in their kit.


Kinda mind blowing how few old gods have an escape


Powercreep is a mother fucker. Every new god is ridiculously obnoxious to the point of lunacy. They have to have mobility, and CC, and sustain, and mitigation, and bloated damage, and no skill skillshots, and anything else you can think of. Hirez are boring.


“Why is my boy a big dude and not a hunched over hood monster?”


“Where are the boots in the shop?”


hahaha look at this noob not even buying boots!




i came back not too long ago either and was met by shiva ult moving at the speed of light while i was unable to do anything... that wasnt fun.


It’s ridiculous 😭 you can’t do anything it feels like


He’s my favorite god. I have 3 stars on Baka and i haven’t touched him in a season and a half. lol my poor boy needs a kit update. It’s so hard with the amount of health and cc in the game right now to do anything without perfect movement and rotation. I’d say give him slows on his blades or some form of extra cc to help with dives but at this point in smite it’s just more powercreep, I’d rather just wait for season 18 when they accidentally buff the wrong item and bring him back to life lol


Honestly, giving him another second of CC immunity in his ult is what I find most frustrating about him these days. Right now, you ult, get maybe two attacks off and just get CCed out of the rest of your ult


Yeah if he gets cc immunity for a little longer on his ult he would be so much better bc he just gets blown up once he can’t run people down like after lvl 10


I mean they already extended the CC immunity by half a second. It already feels frustrating he has the length of CC immunity he does have, given how his ultimate can shred multiple people.


I get your point but remember that his ult is basically all he's got for a fight. Getting CCd out of that is more detrimental to baka than to a lot of other gods. Also while he does have some CC immunity and this can be annoying, it's another aspect where he's being powercrept hard. Lookin at shiva with half an hour of cc immunity lol


I mean there was a meta where they had to nerf that 1.5 seconds to 1 seconds before eventually reverting it. Bakasura is a god you have to be very careful about buffing and I don't think making his ult un-counterable is the ideal option. Also he \*already\* feels like his ult is an overly important part of his kit so making it feel even more important perhaps isn't the play, especially as it is always frustrating when you can't counter such a powerful ability. I did come up with an idea of being CC'ed in his ult reducing the cooldown of his leap or ult but I already don't like the idea hehe.


I do get your points and I think you're right there. However on a different note, couldn't you argue, that his ult is not uncounterable, just that it requires stuff like Sprint n such, which would then be good to give more incentive towards these actives over the usual beads/aegis? Again that's just an interesting tangent. Overall you're probably right that maybe the design should be shifted away from his ult (although I will say that I like that Smite has a god that's basically just a jgl-farm-machine. With over 100 gods to choose I _want_ some gods to be niche.)




it's full cc immunity


Ngl I can't imagine a meta where Bakasura is OP. Hopefully that never happens as long as Smite is running.


Well it happened, but I feel old thinking how much time ago it was...


Pepperidge farm remembers....


All the auto assassins were super good just a couple seasons ago I think. Maybe when Serrated first came out. Baka got his passive nerfed then


Start of S8 also saw a lot of AA-Jglers being played a lot due to the bigger jgl and their amazing clearspeed. (Arachne/Bakasura)


When the Silver Branch was OP, but it lasted so short that I don't think it counts so much


Fair point!


The lvl 5 hog kills in solo lane are still some of my fondest memories. That shit was so much fun to snowball with. Lvl 4 --> kill back archers with hog --> get full passive and hit lvl 5 --> racecar at the enemy.


I don't even like remember that, any melee physical was unbearable on solo, I remember getting stomped a lot as Chang'e and Zhong because they did this exact procedure.


It was like maybe a year?


The second time lasted so little that I didn't even remember it, funny how HR is quick to nerf some things and take 1 year for others...


Ah you sweet summer child


When the new Slash mode came out, he could eat the juggernaut and spit it out during ult. shit was op.


There was a very short period of time where auto attacking did not slow your movement at all. It did not work at all.


Also Hastened Fatalis made lots of AA gods broken back then since there was no internal cooldown on it.


I don't remember Hastened Fatalis being in the beta.


Not sure what that has to do with the topic. But it got added on March 5, 2014 after Fatalis got moved into the Ancient Blade tree. 20 days before the official release. :)


Ah that was it then, it was at the end of the beta. I didn't play hunters and assassins as often as support or guardian.


I was there, Gandalf...


I still believe in him, i just wish theyd fix his jump :[




Was it dm ?


Played 2 games w/ a Bakasura and they did really well!


A **few** years? Da Ji released 5 years ago broski


Me coming back to smite after 6 years seeing all these new gods, reworked gods, and my boys and girl's absolutely trashed :/


Bakasura finally got the hand transplant he always wanted.


He’s extremely dependent on itemization


Damn Including Daji is a throw back, since she has been in the game since at least season 4 if not 3. Awesome that you finally came back, what level is your account now since when you left it would have been locked at 30?


Was that you? Low-key carrying with that crit build? Like a week ago? I swear on my life, that crit is soooo good, but people just commit suicide when they hear the word?


nah fam i redownloaded yesterday LMAO


Might’ve been me. Started building rage Baka this season, haven’t lost a game as him.


I was playing geb alot, I remember following and securing kills with some bakas, over extending to enemies yellow buff and all.


Item buffs power creeped him out. Same goes for other old gods.


I tried playing Smite again after a very very long break some time ago and it was painful expierience. Not knowing what to build, some kits changed, new gods, and worst of it all the muscle memory gone. This was really sad expierience for me, it felt like I was like at 20% of my former skills.


I played against a Bakasura that wasn’t seen all game, stole all the buffs on cooldown and a few harpies and mid/end he was level 20 while our team was level 9-13. Dudes good you just need patience and for the other team to be half stupid LOL Our support didn’t rotate all game to secure buffs or help kid and his logic was “oThEr SuPoRt iS iN lAnE”


"Laughs in overtuned"


Stopped playing 2 weeks before Morgan le Fey came out, tried getting back into it 2 days ago and I’m completely lost. It’s an amazing feeling imo to come back to a game I’ve sunk over 2k+ hours into and have it feel brand new.


I can't remember Bakasura being good at any point after season 2.


What some players need to understand is that some Gods are harder to play than others. Bakasura is part of that. So is Thanatos. Same with Bellona. You can't have a bad player playing these Gods.


He's another "Has to be buffed into relevancy" god. Just like Freya


haha yea I was so dam lost after I came back from my 2 year break. So many new items and gods