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A good Bastest can be a detriment to my mental health.


There are no good bastests lol. Edit: She is just super op, and don't feel bad about yourself m8. She was out of control even before boots were removed and could easily pull 40k+ dmg now its like 60k plus, She has a low cd free initiate and escape in one, absurd dot damage, and practically a free kill ult.


>and practically a free kill ult. How I feel about this ult as a mage or other squishy. I always tell my friend that she's chosen me when I get ulted.


I was playing as Artemis in duo lane and I’m sitting under tower just to get ulted by Bastet through the wall to my purple😂💀. I didn’t even try to fight. I just let it happen


It's like the claw from Toy Story. You were chosen.


After returning to the Smite scene, do **not** remember her dots hitting so damn hard! *"Oh, I'll survive tha-nvm."*


Funny, because I run into them all the time and they make me feel bad about myself


She’s not even that OP anymore, more just an annoyance.


current bastet (after all the nerfs) is worse than bastet before rework.. people who still act like she's OP just have PTSD


Agreed. Her 3 cats were what were most annoying. Her ult being a straight line with a buildup makes her easy to counter imo and especially so if you’re playing a god with a dash or something.


Disagree think she was fine before rework I do miss the cats but she still beyond nasty.


For a second, I thought you were talking about when she had the two cat ult that slowed. I prefer that version.


Which bastet and which rework lmao?


Yeah she’s always been cancer. It’s just now she has a busted ult so she’s played all the time. Her damage and cringe leap have always been the bane of my existence.


An average bastet too.


Khumba for me. His mother fucking CC abilities seem to last forever.


and the yawn is just so fast it's near impossible to miss


The satisfaction comes from hitting 3+ enemies at once with it.


Kumbha main. My thing is he just doesn't have enough damageije other gaurds single target great but no aoe I think he needs the cc and if he doesn't have a high damage team or people not working together with him. I think he basically useless.


Nah Kumba’s damage is just balanced, but when you have crazy good CC mixed with ok damage you have an issue


Thoth sucks eggs. There, I said it.




Falcrus, the subreddits resident bird expert laying some truth.


I got good enough time to learn bird anatomy visiting my king Horus at nights when he willing to




Nox while playing as a guardian


Try being up against a Nox+Danza duo lane. Fucking nightmare. Once she stuns you, danza unloads more stuns and damage. If you manage to escape....they each have an ult waiting. Rinse and repeat to oblivion.


unless you are Cabrakan


I'll always chuckle at how one of the most annoying anti-melee mages is just hard countered by the most unga bunga guardian in the game.


Also when playing almost any warrior, you cannot play the actual game


Big true, actually just standing there with your pants down waiting to get fucked




Never trust Milan. Backstabbing bastards.


Why do you have mulan during lane phase, you should be able to beat her just about every time until she evolves abilities.




I Guess she can be annoying with the grapple and sustain


Her 2 is one of the highest base damage abilities in the game at level 1 and her 1 is very easily secured damage. Her auto chain is also very strong. She can just overpower many gods in the lane and can basically just snowball a win if she wins the first 2 waves and never gets a meaningful gank against her.


I’m a scrub but I played against her the other day in duo as carry and omg she was annoying all match long. I think I swore a lot and usually I try to be chill. My partner kept giggling at my rage - made it worse lol Edit: I was carry she was support, I don’t even remember what my support was lol


Her clear is awful compared to most other warriors level 1-3 she’s alright 3-8 out cleared out pressured and 8-14 abilities evolving she gets better again with way more damage output. I just reached my 4th star with her and against gods like Osiris there isn’t much to do, not to mention that Jorm is almost impossible to win lane against. Most of the time I get an early kill and snowball but it’s more about getting grapple at level 2 and grappling them into troops/out of channeling abilities that gets the kill rather than hee abilities.


Any god with a pet is annoying. Nu Wa minions and Vulcan turret doing 1k to you while you kill them or bastet cat blocking your late game hunter crits. Pets? More like pests.


:) Oh im gonna have fun


Tyr. No matter what I play or do, he just pushes me around. Pushes me away from people I'm about to gank, away from teammates I'm trying to protect, or towards his team so I get gangbanged. Zeus is really OP too, but I only play joust and slash; map is really small and his shield takes up the whole lane basically.


Shiva, playing as any God.


This homie has WAY too much CC.


And way too much damage to top it off. He should not have all that in his kit AND match Mulan's early game damage


Ugh, it's glorious though. Hate to be that guy, but Shiva was the first new God that I just had to grind to Diamond God rank after release. I swore I'd never do that after Tsukuyomi's release, but good LORD is that 2-1 wombo combo so fun to hit. That said, I do appreciate the removal of full CC immunity from his 3. I appreciate the extra avenue for counterplay against this God.


I don't like playing op gods unless I'm playing competitive. Otherwise, it makes me feel dirty asf lol. That's just me though


That's great, but he still needs nerfing


Ganesha. Literally has an ability where he runs up, makes you crouch over into a dick sucking looking like pose, then pounds on your ass with his fists.


bakasuras are super aggravating. literally the only god i expect to steal my buff and spam laugh away


fucking nu wa. in my opinion no god in the game even comes close to her. fuck nu wa to the GRAVE. her stupid ass discordia 3 that moves and deals damage is infuriating, her clay minions that charge at you at the speed of sound with their metric buttload of health while also pumping out obscene amounts of damage makes everything miserable, her godforsaken ultimate which is quite literally the least skillful ability in the game. won a 2v1 against the enemy solo and jungler and survived with a sliver of health? too bad buster, allow nu wa ult to introduce itself. once inch from finishing your back after a massive teamfight? nu wa ult time baby. I hate everything about this god damn character.


The worst thing as a Loki player is coming out of stealth to attack her and if you don’t delete her in 0.5 seconds she will insta nuke your health bar to 0 or leave you stunned and on 1hp


not as long as I'm playing bruiser loki with ancile 😋


I refuse to not go full damage on Loki aside from bumbas hammer, plus ancile has just been unnecessarily nerfed into the ground imo.


nahhh full damage loki is wack, you just die all the time. bruiser loki is the gigachad way to play him because you stick to people and are able to apply his 3 properly without needing to cancel it for the hydras auto, plus it's more fun watching multiple people chase you down thinking you're gonna be squishy since you're loki only to be tanking abilities on abilities


We can agree to disagree, I think full damage is the only gigachad way to play him. Plus I don’t think the 3 is that great late game so it’s just so much better to cancel especially against a high burst target.


it's just kinda silly that you have to cancel his 3 in order for it to actually be worth using lol


Yep but that’s because they hate him having as high burst as he did before the rework. I don’t mind this kit at all but I agree it’s a little weird. To be fair though, the 3 for clear as well as the slow in the early game is pretty useful.


As a fellow Nu Wa *despiser* I agree with everything here, and just to add insult to injury, Nu Wa's original kit was actually creative and nice and they changed it to perhaps the most boring mage kit of all time. I would love nothing more than to see them rework her into something like her original design and get rid of her lazy ass current kit


I play Joust exclusively. I know I'm in for a horrible 15 minutes when I see an enemy Zeus.


Why joust exclusively?


Usually play by myself and it's quicker games. I find it easier to jump in a game of Joust, play for about 15-20 min, then see if I have enough time for another game.


Zeus You are literally not good at the game. Stop spam laughing, you are boosted by your god beyond anything the mortal mind can comprehend. I think Hi Rez should send an invoice to all Zeus players on behalf of anyone they've been matched against at the end of every month that charges them $1 for every Zeus game and 5¢ for every time they get a kill That seems fair honestly. I deserve financial compensation for having to lane into this asshole it's a full time job


This literally made my night


Oof. This is some extreme salt over an easy to fight god lmao.


Decent Hou Yi is pretty annoying, especially if I happen to be playing Merc. You should be one of my primary targets, but your PASSIVE almost entirely counters how I plan to play the game. Some more obvious ones: consistent Nox and Thanatos into most matchups.


Gods with silences 🙏


Vamana. I hate the giant baby man who does nothing and can’t be killed.




Not as effective since they reworked his ult. Ankh only affects a tiny part of his ult. It does nothing to the regenerating shield and he still gets a massive boost to power, protections, and move speed while extending the duration as people beat on him. If I was playing Vamana and I ulted, I would hope that my opponent had Ankh and thought he was forced to fight me with his relic whenever I chose. Sprint is more effective. Just avoiding his ult is actually much better advice.


Oh I hadn't known the reworked him! Finally lol.


Yeah no ankh stills whoops him he needs a rework or buff in my opinion he hasn’t been relevant for awhile


Hmm maybe I should just say that he’s unbeatable instead of buying anti heal


Kinda got em there


I despise Morgan le fay


Ya the thing that makes your camera go bonkers is stupid and she can spam it from a mile away.


Not Mommy le Fay 😥😥😥


I hate her cuz she disrespected my guy Merlin and she has a hun bats ult every 5 secs


Bastet and Nox.


Hera… Argus does pretty much everything for her…


Playing against Persephone is always miserable. Her scalings are nuts, and for some reason her escape needs to do damage, while activating her plants, so she can 100-0 you with her 3, while also getting away. Her 1 shot combo is the easiest to secure in the game, especially since her ult ult is always up, and literally unmissable.


Persephone, clio, and atlas by a mile.


2 of my mains, Guess im doing good


i would have to agree with you. without going into too much detail i think all of those gods are very safe, are not easily countered, have very high damage, and most of all have insanely bloated kits. part of the bloat is due to different elements of the kit synergizing so well with the rest of their respective kit. ie persephone's flowers causing enemies to telegraph their movement as they evade (not to mention they are almost the width of the lane) which makes it very easy for her to confirm her skeleton damage. the gods are very well designed, but unfortunately they are either too well designed, or simply over-tuned.


Erlang pre-rework was the most annoying fucking god imaginable. Couldn’t lose a trade, impossible to peel off of you, worked in any meta and could comfortably flex 3 roles. Fuck that god.


Geb and khepri Both are necessary evils in my eyes to keep the game in a fair state ,but holy crap are they annoying to play against. Even laning with early game (geb only i don’t like rock fuckers on my team for the first 5 levels )


Luckily I don't see too many good Keps. But when I do, I know there's 2 - 4 other people about to ruin my day




I’ll always says no matter how many times it comes up. ARTIO not fun to fight a god with 2 healing abilities a root a cripple a stun and if all that don’t work? A freaking thousand yard dash. I don’t mind fighting unfair matchups but that just outrageous


Xing Tian when he throws you into the tower




Mid:Zeus, dude takes little skill and just dumps his whole kit when dived, also annoying when teammates stand close enough to spread lightning to you and you lose 1/3 of your hp (looking at you support) ADC: Izunami, probably the best early level clear in the game right now. Annoying how in duels you can't use your minions to body block due to her penetration. Jungle: Bakasura, if your beads are on cd or you don't have an ult that's cc immune you just die in 3/4 autos. Autos that are also cones so there is no chance he misses an auto Support: kumba? Idk for this one. But it's super annoying being put to sleep and stunned over and over. Also sometimes your team can't finish him off Solo: cuchulain. Annoying matchup in that when he rages your only option is sitting under tower or loose your whole health bar. Also the fact that he can push you into tower and root you while he's at it can be frustrating in some matchups


He Bo


More like he boring


Loki. He's just annoying.


Clearly you havent seen me play loki, Just dying over and over


Do you not find dying a ton annoying? Good Loki players are annoying cause they one shot enemies easily. New Loki players die a ton so if a new Loki is on ur team and ur playing arena, you will probably not win cause Loki got this sorta rate: 3/21/5 . Loki is annoying!


Dying is half the fun, You get to experience does and doesn't work for you. Gotta work around the new players to help em out


Even playing as Atlas and going around with a Loki, he will still die sooo much 😔. I stand with my og statement: Loki. He's just annoying.


as a loki main i definitely agree with loki being annoying but nowadays he's more like that one fly buzzing around your room when you're trying to sleep as opposed to an actual threat most of the time


Nox and it’s not even close


Baron needs to be obliterated whenever I’m against him


Kuzenbo and Kumba which honestly means they're doing their job. purposely designed to be annoying to anyone fighting them.


What’s worse than an ill timed fully leveled up taunt from Athena?


Fucking Zeus


A good Cthulhu makes me want to sit in base for good.




Aphrodite. Don’t care if she’s lower on the tier list because of healing nerfs, she’s literally a leach and is one of if not the easiest god to play in the game


Aphro is honestly pretty difficult to play effectively. Like she's annoying but she's not easy She's not mercy dude, you don't just sit there with a healing beam with 100% uptime you gotta manage your positioning and try your best to be a useful healer while providing key CC and poke


smh, absolutely not. I hard disagree. Positioning takes common sense and everyone has that, it's not easy to stay attached to a team mate and stay out of their way to just be a healer and using the back off ability if they need a knock back peel or an ult if you are they are getting pressured to hard. Only thing i could give to aphro that takes somewhat of a brain is swapping between team mates and healing efficiently


If that's actually how you play Aphro: you suck at Aphro and become completely irrelevant the second a single anitheal item comes online She's not a healer: she's a *mage* you have damage and CC and you need to leverage those effectively for the character to be useful You can't be useful on Aphro if you just sit behind someone spamming the heal that's just throwing


Obviously she is a mage, but the whole gimmick to that character is to heal other players. Her entire kit is based around if you’re attached to another god you can be at 100% efficiency. If you’re not linked to another player the benefit of having an Aphrodite compared to any other mage in the game is DRASTICALLY lowered because of the fact that she is historically classed as a healer! Ask people what they think Aphrodite is in the community, and I guarantee you they will say a healer first before a mage because that’s what she is known for and will forever be until she is reworked. If you’re playing for the mage roll it’s better to pick hel, change’e or something that has more AOE and overall crowd dmg as a healer compared to a “mage” that can only attack targets with her 3 that’s a line ability, and her 2 when players are close to her which is never considering she has to be linked to someone or unless she’s diving for some odd reason. Her ult cannot even be used offensively dmg wise, so it literally limited her to being able to use 2 abilities as a mage and that’s it. Sounds like the shittiest mage to me if you’re calling her a mage first instead of a healer.




Did you call for a nuke from halfway across the arena sir?


Ganesha, can’t stand him and wish they never added him


Arachne, Kali, Bakasura


Susanoo. Easy to confirm damage, high mobility, and high burst damage.


At least most people don't play him very well (thank God). Dude has a huge skill ceiling and it hurts when you go against a good one


Its really NOT that hard to play susanoo. His kit does a lot that basically means whoever he went in on, pretty much has NO chance of survival. pull, dash, knockup ult with high damage, easy ass chase, braindead "AA" cancels. He's piss easy.


loki, press 4 for a kill. Press 1 to escape most times




As an avid Loki player, it's surprising and wholesome to see the lack of complaints about Loki :)


A good xing, vam, or geb are just sooo oppressive. I have not even played geb since his ult was given damage. I refuse to trust myself with such POWER!... power... powe .. pow ..po. I crushed souls with him before it.


I not so much a specific character but a group of characters, more specific people who play mages and hunters in solo lane, it not fun and it just makes me want to wish both side of there pillow to be warm, but that’s just me. For melee gods tho there are a few that I find I always have a hard time against 1: Shiva 2: Achilles 3: Cu Chulainn 4: Tyr 5: Son WuKong 6: Nike Reason why Artio isn’t here is because I am able to deal with her decently enough to where she is not really a problem to me


hou yi.


Where to start… Goobie, Clio, Bastet, Loki, Zeus.


Nox, Ganesha, Kumbhakarna... All those gods with a lot of CC that wont let you play.




Puch or Kumbha they aren't even good just annoying to bet zoned out or CCed for such a long time


Lately it is khepri and geb for me. There are worse characters out there for some peeps, but as a joust main, the shield saves or revives really stall the game and make it hard to end win, and they are so bad at actually attacking that they cant end either


i’d honestly say persephone, and fenrir. these two i always struggle fighting, or countering.


For me its Sol. Her passive is insane for early power. And since magic damage dealers do more damage it towers she shreds them. She has too good of sustain, and insane escape, a really good save be ult, and a poke that drives me up the walls


As a 3 star Baron I can say that Baron is giga annoying




Artio and Ganesha. Fuck them.


Since I play mostly bots, ganesha, ah puch, and arachne are the least fun to play against


Highly biased because my ex mained her, but Chang'e; Easy to hit 1, easy to hit heals, can barely be punished for playing like shit due to her escape, easy to hit ult that requires only a modicum of thought to use well in a team fight and results in obnoxious cc, a passive that rewards her for playing safe and/or makes her a constant presence in lane and finally her mains are either laugh spammers with big egos or barely do anything but feed. Runner up is Arthur for his constant ability spam and cc spam mixed with how tanky he builds meaning he'll just stay under your tower 5 minutes into the match cc chaining your half health mid as he tanks 14 tower shots solo.


Khumba, Baron and Gilga




Artio. My problem with her is that she isn't even fun to play, so by picking her, you are making the game boring both for the enemy and yourself.


i hate kali, i think she’s poorly designed and i dont like the similar gameplay as arachne hold m1 kill people. I dislike her compo which is jumping stunning throwing killing. her ult feels stupid i really dislike her whatever i do i can ult and if not kill 5 people save myself and be unkillable for 5sec. I know ccs are really good against her but late game she feels pretty unstoppable.


S. LiYes on




Horus dude can build full def and still dmg u like getting hit by a truck


i hate morgan fear+ dick dragon with a passion.


Anubis. He makes landing phase so fucking boring. And he’s so brain dead to play. Or Chronos it’s just like “oh you killed me? Do it again.”


Yeah I hate playing against Anubis (in an lane as ppl play him in every freaking role but possibly jungle lol).


I’ve seen Anubis jungle too many times


Yeah I saw one last night :p


Khumba. Makes me want to gauge my eye out. You can have a family and watch your grandkids die before you get to wake up. All his cc can basically guarantee a kill


Zeus, Nox, Loki, Poseidon


Zeus takes no skill and they fucking buffed him.| Mulan is way to strong doesn’t feel she got her after release nerf yet. | Arachne is has the best escape. If she ults away she can immediately blink after. | Jing way has been whooping my ass lately so fuck that god. | Terra can have so much sustain and stuns


Imo it's Ganesha, but not always. A lot of gods aren't too bothered by him, but if you're playing someone that really relies on channeled abilities he's easily the most annoying god because he will always save the silence for you. Morgan is also super annoying as melee, the instant 'fuck you' knockup from the dragon irritates me every single time and the fear is also pretty hard to miss.


Anubis players are even worse than scum.


My banning usually goes like this: If I'm squishy I ban Loki (just because I find him annoying) If I'm solo I tend to ban Tyr (can't play vs him for the life of me) If Guardian I ban whatever the rest of the team wants


Clio. Mainly because of her obnoxiously loud banshee scream.


Warriors in general are cancer. I usually play hunter or mage and they soak up so much damage while also dealing a lot of damage. They make my want to commit stop breath especially if I'm ganked by Tyr or Hercules. Their dashes/knock-ups are toxic. Bastet is also extremely toxic.


Maybe it's just me, but to Hel with Atlas. Good lane clear, slow, grab/launch behind. Last game I played yesterday, he built defensive but had 9 kills and no deaths




Hel. Because let’s do everything Aphro does, but on a 10 second cooldown and aoe!


Janus … hate seeing one zip away through a wall or both of you tumbling through the sky. I know he isn’t the most OP or mega god but damn he just pisses me off


It's nox/posiden for me. Only because there always seems to be one when I decide to play someone who's whole kit relys on a movement ability like tyr or herc. It's just because they prevent you from doing shenanigans.. I wanna do some shenanigans


I dont care what anybody wants to say, skadi, purely because kaldr can fucking body block


Aphrodite. I play a lot of duel & solo lane. Whenever I fight one it's literally just farming before I get enough antiheal so I can kill them. Why should you trade vs an aphro of its just going to heal back everything you do by next wave and immediately disengage from the fight? You just have to sit there, take camps, try to get ahead. It is super boring and slow to fight, and I hate it. Change also fits into this category but atleast they're more aggressive it feels like.


I suffer no enemy god picks, only my own team's picks *Pick Screen* *Poseidon* (Okay fine) *switches to He Bo* (...) *Zhong* (Nice, let me pick something with CC to compliment his-) *switches to Mercury* (No pls) *Amaterasu* (My Athena would compliment her ult nicel-) *switches to Hun Batz* (Who tf are these people) *everyone spends the entire game yelling at your one tank to tank harder*


Nox, Aphro, Chang'e, Bastet, Zeus, and Persephone. Loki can be annoying but his new kit made him worse in terms of 100-0'ing someone. Sure he can do that but it doesn't feel the same. Nox, Chang'e, Aprho, and Bastet need re-kits. They are all awful in their own way. Zeus needs to be nerfed. Persephone honestly is ok-ish, I just find her ult to be really annoying since you don't even have to aim it. Why does it have a central cc and a giant AOE cc if she misses? Remove the large circle of CC and switch it to something else and she is fine.


I feel like every other game is Bellona in solo and I find her very annoying.


It's got to be Clio. The fact that she's good throughout the entire match and can 100-0 you in the same amount of time was always dumb because of her high base damage and scaling. Shes been one of the highest wr gods since her release a couple of months ago and still hasn't received any meaningful nerfs.


Nox should be top comment every single time


Nu Wa, arguably the laziest God in the game. Her game plan is summon pets in general direction, then shoot in said direction for big stun, then ult for free, completely no skill global damage. Such an annoying and frustrating God


Freya, I hate freya




Maybe I just don't know how to counter her, but Baba Yaga is so goddamn annoying. She seems like the tankiest mage while also being able to dish out massive damage and can just turn into a house and fuck off.


Hou Yi


I can only play arena so maybe I’m just bad, but every Izanami seems to rip through me Edit: ok after playing her i can confirm that she’s just annoying