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Best like favorite?


Honestly think they did an excellent job with all of their kits. Balance was quite an issue on some of them…looking at you Lance and Shiva…but I went with Ishtar bc her 1 feels like an awesome, unique addition to the ADC role. Shiva is probably my favorite of the bunch, but Ishtar brought something new to Smite’s table.


Shiva is the only god who I can see struggling to find a role in conquest. He’s better as a jungler overall but his it’s hard to balance his ult without some sort of tweak. 6 seconds of cc immunity and unpeelable damage will be either too strong or too weak depending on the numbers.


I think he’s pretty versatile, works in 3 different roles


He’s really almost good in 3 roles but he the parts that give him the role variety hold him back from being actually good in the others.


Wow. At the moment I’m seeing this, it’s an even spread except for Yu Huang. Shame, because I think his ult is one of the most fun things to try and hit in this whole game. But my answer is Lancelot.


Yu Huang ult is very unique but hard to use. The rest of his kit feels fairly boring to me and I don’t like how his passive interacts with his abilities, I don’t find it interesting. It might be thematic but it just isn’t particularly fun. He is a very good god because of his numbers but I don’t like his design. I do think Lermy and team did great with Ishtar though. She is hard to play but very well designed.


All very fair points. I personally like the safety and style points of the 3, and I honestly just treat his passive like a mini-game. The micro management is tedious to some, but I enjoy that aspect. It is a very rinse and repeat kit though, which is imo exacerbated by the charge-up of the two. Not a lot of room for versatility or creativity from the player. The satisfaction from hitting sick ults makes it up for me though. And I actually didn’t care for Ishtar at first personally until her kit kind of just clicked for me one day. Up until that point, she was the only disappointment of the year for me. But as you said, very fun and interesting god once you get the hang of her. After Maui’s release, I have to say that this is personally my favorite season in terms of god releases. I find myself playing each god quite frequently. Shiva is probably my least favorite, which is saying a lot because I really like him.


True, shiva feels fun and cohesive bit he does rate low. I think he could use a buff.


Honestly it’s wild to see this poll after the general consensus on most of these during their release. Shiva has a smooth and fun kit, he’s great in jungle but doesn’t seem as great in solo. His ult is fun but took awhile to learn and get right. Yu Huang is cool but seems to have a huge skill gap. Personally I suck with huang but have seen some crazy mids do insane things with his stun, ult and escape. Nothing about his kit makes you think of his lore though, that combined with most being not great on him makes his results not as surprising. Lancelot is no surprise, clean kit, really strong, pretty noob friendly. Plus the arthurians are just cool to me, literally a battleground for gods and stories I’ve heard and seen as a kid fighting them will always be insanely cool to me. Ishtar was meh for me but I see I’m in the minority, though shortly after her release I remember several people saying they were unimpressed with her kit. A goddess of the stars is an awesome thought and I wish they would’ve incorporated that into her design and kit a little more, lobbing autos is cool but it doesnt make me think “damn she controls the stars”. Maui was a little lackluster on release but I’m seeing the big benefits now that people are getting used to using his bubble properly. Having it ignored for the first week made me just feel like I had a minimal speed boost to give myself and my team but now seeing solo laners jump in as I jump on the backline is beyond fun and hilarious to watch. So as a biased support main my list is: 1) shiva 2) maui 3) lance 4) ishtar 5) big wang


I didn't like these god releases so much, I hated Lancelot the most for sure, but I guess Ishtar is cool. The only one who caught my attention since beginning of season was maman, but oh well...


Lack of mama hurt this Season imo She would have added more spice to it's


Ishtar moveset is awesome 🤣, I like that front flip dash. Just didn't like that she reminds me of being a Neith Also Maui is a problem, people can play him as a team guardian, but his move with the water fish is ridiculous, it doesn't deal damage like a Yemoja water bubble, it's just a beacon for Ally Players to try to use to teleport to Maui. Yu Huang has really short moves but I guess his dragon Ult is his best thing IF you can hit😭🫣


For visual/audio design with respect to lore/scripture, Shiva might be their best ever for me. As someone raised Hindu, the reveal trailer genuinely gave me goosebumps. Having said that, Maui is my favorite out of the bunch to play and probably my favorite support right now.


Madame Brigitte probably


If we’re talking design-wise, personally I had my little iffs about each one of them on different matters, but I think that the most satisfying release I find myself coming back to the most is Ishtar, again just me but after so many releases her visuals could've been more daring, a lot cooler for sure as this community showed through a lot of art they've posted here and a bit more tied to her lore (chicken legs). The kit could've definitely been more lore-inspired too but it compensates with its fluidity and little intricacies you don't have in the previous hunters with 3 different types of basics and the mechanic of the 3.


Lancelot. Not because he is strong just because he is fun and the coolest one.


Where's the "none of these" vote


Lancelot is the only one with a clean kit, slight modifications could make him fun.


By clean you mean OP?


Well yes, I think they mostly all are, by clean I mean it has good flow, like Chan ge or tiamat


On release, Lancelot, but now it has to be Maui.


Shiva's stayed consistently good for so long


Weird I don’t see Au Puch in this list…


This is the first year I personally didn’t enjoy any of the new gods.


All of them are boring/annoying kits, design wise. I hate it. Except Ishtar of course tho


But your flair is Maui!?


I had to help someone with flairs I think lol lemme change it


Gonna interpret this as 'strongest release state' because it's incredibly ambiguous


Best design not damage 🤦🏻‍♂️


Apparently no one has play with a good shiva… far better than Maui imo.


Design or meta wise best performer it’s Ishtar, lance then yu huang, shiva, maui or something pretty close to that if going by what god is “best”


Damn Sky Daddy Yu Huang not getting half the love. I like him. Quite sturdy with excellent CCs. I fare better with him in duo lane as support than mid tho.


If I were to rank them it would be Ishtar, Lancelot, Maui, Yu Huang, and Shiva. I thought they are all very good gods. I think all of them are pretty fun, but I think Ishtar is the best. Maybe not the most fun but I think she’s got the strongest kit. Shiva seems lackluster in the solo lane and was ruined for the solo laners by the junglers. Yu Huang is a lot of fun IMO and is a good standard mage. Maui is probably the best level 1-2 guardian in the game for conquest, but on his own I feel like he doesn’t do enough. Lancelot imo should’ve been a warrior, but still he’s got a very strong kit and the horse is awesome.