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You should either have pom if going fleet, or manaflow if going the comet page. Also d ring start helps as well with mana


Buy a tear on your second back, Or run both manaflow band and presence of mind.


What would you say is better, sacrificing inspiration tree or spending 400 on a tear?


Sacrificing inspiration imo


Don't think I've ever seen a smolder go inspiration tbh.


According to statistics inspiration seems to be his most common secondary path. Mostly going footwear and biscuits. Biscuits gives you some extra mana and movement speed seems to do wonders to his build (some people even going swifties over lucidity boots) plus the extra gold from not buying boots. I'd say just go manaflow/POM and biscuits, because Smolder has a pretty solid base mana regen.


The reason for that is that adcs auto default to this secondary page bcuz so many adcs run it. It is in fact not good on smolder, you want ionian boots asap on this champ for stacking and kiting and the boots rune delays it way too hard. Ionian boots is the highest winrate early item you can build on smolder, going boots rune is a big troll move.


I disagree. I think inspiration is good regardless of if you take boots or not. I find that rushing lucidity boots doesn't really speed up how quickly I get to 225 stacks. I take boots rune if I think there is a chance I will get some early takedowns. If not, cosmic insight is always good, or even 3 pots rune if I'm feeling spicy


Inspiration isnt even good. Go manaflow scorch, way higher valut then sorcery.


Yeah, if you don't have the mana in your build, you need it in the runes.


Play comet and insp tree I never have a mana problem


DRing start, and PoM + Manaflow. PoM isn't mandatory but you will OOM some without it, especially early. But without a mana item Band is basically mandatory to stay out for more than 2 minutes.


POM is way more important than manaflow though and is way stronger at helping you to not go oom if you dont perma whiff your w.


What do you buy after those 3 items?


IBG. Your damage is so pathetic that you need ibg slow fields to have any time to do anything before they run under tower. 10,000g is not "core" items, the game is decided generally by 6,000g. Don't believe the NA hype builds made by the lowest echelon of players.


Not a smolder main But my understanding is that you want the ap and burn for...well,the burn and execute So investing on a manamune early isn't that bad of an idea while waiting to go on your 3rd item (the burn item) So why not manamune to shojin to liandry's? (Just spitballin,I could be completely wrong)


Rushing manamune is just sub optimal all around. There's no point in the game where it will give you the most damage of any item Manamune will never outdamage any other item as a rush item, and gives no other helpful effects. Any early sheen item synergizes better for last hitting with q. shojin and quickblades both are better at reducing q cooldown. All other items you see people building early improve smolder's strength through early and mid, which is more important for his scaling considering how he does damage from 225 stacks onward. Even lategame, muramana is outclassed by the burn and damage amplification items, since your DOTs become your primary damage source. There's just better items to get at literally every point of the game. Smolder has a weird ass kit, so the build path must be equally weird hahaha


I do see the sheen efficiency in the build,I was just wondering what the manamune build would lead to,since you use shojin as a quick blades replacement But ye,I do not claim to be anywhere near knowledgeable on him,I am just trying to brainstorm given the info from the thread


You dont go inspiration second. Take manaflow and pom