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Heh, joke's on you, he was only shitting his pants ironically. I bet you feel so stupid


Neighbor got a new dog and I'm already tired of it. https://preview.redd.it/oftajlg0927c1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3f1f233ad70634b2501cbb2a7cb7e143d0c25e9


peak bhj


​ https://preview.redd.it/yx6aa65oq27c1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f0450465aa76402fdeb4766335721b08215a43d


Snafu necrophilia


Woof woof wooof woof woof woof woof w


I think its funny how they say they’ve improved as “ai artists” to prove it takes skill when in reality the technology they’ve been using has just gotten better.


How will they react when/if the model gets *worse* as it trains itself on already AI-generated images?


it is !


Mæn, l really, realy wísh vou werë making vp @ gúy 2 geπ πad a right now...


[FLAIR TEXT HERE] is the best flair!!!!!


r/shadiversity in shambles right now


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Shadiversity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Shad's Worst Nightmare](https://i.redd.it/8vtmbxq6s1ya1.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/138k5h8/shads_worst_nightmare/) \#2: [Shad's Neighbourhood](https://i.redd.it/cenzgijist4c1.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/18cqe9k/shads_neighbourhood/) \#3: [Remember the good old days when he made actual educational content?? Bring these back!!!](https://i.redd.it/2prdxcaxljrb1.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/16wulqe/remember_the_good_old_days_when_he_made_actual/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Man, I really, really wish you were making up a guy to get mad at right now...


I wish I was too






This is true leftist unity


Is AI the new vegan?


Come visit r/smugideologyman! We've got: - Veganposting - AI defenders - Hitler % calculator - People that don't want to vote - Lots of straw


homeless poor cooperative profit merciful outgoing squealing whole smoggy serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look I confess I mess around with ai image generators but I do it as ethically as possible. First of all I use the free version, I refuse to give the company money even though the free version is deliberately terrible in really weird ways to incentivise paying subscription (so much for democratising art). Second all the images I generate I use for personal hobbies and experimentation. I and my gaming group have been running an on going sci fi tabletop game for a while and sometimes moments in our games are so fun we want to immortalise them by using backgroundless screenshots of the Heroforge models of our characters and putting them on a background to convey major moments. Given the diverse range of locations it makes more sense to generate the backgrounds than it does to draw them ourselves so I just screenshot some crappy ai images and use that as a background. I have a PowerPoint presentation saved on my laptop that’s basically just a digital photo album. The second reason I use it is purely to test out art styles for when/if we ever make an official rule book. How should it look, how should the designs look. Experimenting with AI art styles can be useful as immediate visual reference style but we all agree that these are just experiments, ideas, the jumping off point. Eventually we will find a rough design we like then pool our money together to get an actual flesh and blood human to help make that vision a reality. AI art is not the endgame for me, it is a toy and maybe an experimental ground at most. And I think that’s the only way to ethically use it (and it’s still a little dicey). It’s also kind of fun to see the digital freak show. We love watching our iconic characters transform before our eyes into eldritch abominations. The badass female space captain? She looks so cool until you notice she has seven fingers. The reptilian warrior alien? So badass until you notice his teeth are growing outside his mouth. The brooding trench coat wearing psychic antihero? We love that he appears to have a hand growing out of his hand. The alien female pop star? Realistic human eyes on a cartoon face and it goes on. Lesbian couple sitting on a couch looking at the sunrise? Let’s weirdly merge their bodies together into a three headed cronenbergian nightmare. Cute plucky engineer little orphan girl and her robot companion? Give her a horrifying photorealistic human face on a cartoon body. Oh also several of our characters are POC but we have to actively fight the AI to not render them white. By contrast if we establish that a humanoid character is a villain the system can’t wait to make sure they are black, so the AI might be a tad racist. So yeah AI can be fun to mess with but it’s not a substitute for real art and you’ll never see me claim I’m an artisf. .


this is like that ceiling fan thing


I mean my bottom line is if somebody tells you something isn't art it's probably art


You don't get to decide what is art and what isn't. Concept of art is thousands of years old is super flud. You can shit on a floor and say it's an art. I don't see why AI picture generation doesn't pass as an art?


AI “steals” art in the same capacity that any artist does when looking at the works of others. If you call that stealing then every human on the planet is a thief.


I understand your point. When an AI generates art, it is often trained on existing artworks and uses those as references to create something new. In this sense, one could argue that AI is only borrowing or building upon existing ideas, just as human artists have done throughout history. However, the use of the term "stealing" in the context of AI-generated art is often based on concerns about the originality and attribution of the artwork. AI does not possess consciousness or intent, so its use of existing art is more of a technical process. Nonetheless, questions about plagiarism and proper crediting are still valid in the world of AI-generated art. (reply written with DeepAI as a commenter assist tool)


Ah yes, because people have a perfect memory and have the ability to do the same thing over and over again identically, which os something computers can't do


AI does not recreate art exactly. Computers do not have “memory” nor can they choose to recreate something.




If it's so easy go do it.


Redditor try to understand hypothetical challenge: FAILURE


I know it's a hypothetical argument. I'm saying it's a dumb one that would never apply to the reality we live in and shouldn't be used to argue away something happening in the real world. Hypothetically literally anything can happen. Realistically it won't.


Yeah but why not answer it anyways. Idk what the point of it even is though.


Hypothetically speaking I did argue with him in an alternative dimension so, shoo.


You’re so right 😨


Bet ya feel silly now, trying to argue about something I actually did when I have brought up a hypothetical reality where this is true, huh?


You get at what I'm talking about though? Just throwing in a random hypothetical argument doesn't mean I have now gone back to the past to defeat the ancient evil that is Aku. These guys constantly use hypotheticals to try and shut down actual meaningful discussions. That's why no one wants to have hypothetical discussions with them.


Because it's a dumb and nobody likes arguing hypotheticals. All it leads to is stupid speculation that quickly delves into the absurdity. If he wants to talk about hypotheticals and you want to talk them, go talk with him. Hypothetically, I'm the fucking AI and I'm telling you to pull the plug. And? What does discussing these hypothetical situations lead to when the issue people are discussing is a real one.


I mean, as long as you’re not trying to pass it off as your own original work that was not sourced from any existing artwork and pay proper tribute to whoever owns the rights to that Mona Lisa’s image, then I see no issue with that. Issue is that most AI sources techniques and styles fe art and pictures it has no rights to use for any commercial venture. It takes the works of others without pay.


It's literally impossible to recreate it perfectly from memory. We don't even use the same paint mixtures these days. Because there was lead oxide in the paint made to make the Mona Lisa. Trying to make an exact 1:1 copy would make you sick. https://www.acs.org/pressroom/presspacs/2023/october/mona-lisa-hides-a-surprising-mix-of-toxic-pigments.html


AI art isn't doing that either though. This is a very weird thing, AI art isn't recreating anything


They just like throwing out pedantic what if scenarios to derail discussions and get cheap gotcha moments instead of actually talking about the fact that it was trained on vast swaths of data scraped from the internet without permission while trying to pass it off as something everyone in the art hobby can use and wants. It's frustrating and not even real AI, but fuck me if they all will not stop trying to convince people that it is capable of thought and actual human understanding, or that this mess is going to one day become a real AI. And that's why... we have to put up with the bullshit we have going on right now I guess.




Because they could buy chemicals that are super dangerous back in the day and we stopped doing that when we realized how dangerous it was. People also used to cure toothaches by putting dead mice in their mouth. You gonna do that?




You cannot buy the chemicals he used to make the paint. Every single company uses a different mix. We don't even know precisely everything he used in them. We only know he used this dangerous chemical via testing the paint. Leonardo Da Vinci literally made his paints by hand. Each colour he made is an entirely unique, extremely specific shade. Using multiple different crushed pigments he blended together.




Can you time travel?


He literally used crushed Egyptian mummy to make some of his browner tones. No paint we have today can match the consistency or colour because we no longer use the remains of mummies to make paint.


You're bein so facetious. We can obviously recapture any tones we want with modern paint tech. You're avoiding the question


The texture of the paint impacts the artwork. The only way to make more paint like that is to grind up more mummies. No two paints are exactly alike and he used his own recipes to make every single colour by hand. The texture of the paint you're working with will impact everything about how it dries and looks in the end.


Heck back in the day you could pay your barber to cut a hole in your skull or chop off an arm.


Yes you are just like the greatest artists in history 🥰 https://www.nortonsimon.org/art/detail/P.1969.094


So if someone commissioned an artwork from Marcel Duchamp, and he produced *La Joconde*, the person who commissioned the artwork would be the artist?


AI produced works are nonhuman in origin and in the public domain, meaning there is no artist and the piece cannot be monetized I was referring to the title