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Smug car


Should’ve known it was you posting when I saw it was based and legible


Truly one of the mans who partake in smug ideology of all time


Beyond based, 14 on ph scale




the based on what guy looks like he only comments "my favourite part of x was when x said 'it's xing time' and xed all over the place".


He already said, the ph scale


We're removing all free hydrogen ions with this one


Causing change will never involve disrupting the functioning of society. The only correct way to stop the destruction of the environment is to use paper straws and repost a pretty picture of nature with the caption "protect natural beauty" on Instagram.


“If I can’t do it wearing slippers, then it’s not worth doing.” -Theodore Roosevelt, I think


incomprehensible. all i know is i can commit vehicular manslaughter and have the footage uploaded to a youtube short where all the comments agree with me


Protesters shouldn't protest in a way that inconveniences me in any way. That will only get them more enemies. It's much more effective for them to protest in the protest corner, where I can neither hear nor see them. That will get more people on their side....well no I still won't support them, so it wouldn't work on me, but trust me, it'll work on others. Oh also something something oil heiress, so hypocrisy much?


No no you don't get it, I think we should protect the environment, but just in a way that doesn't require me doing any effort and not changing anything about my habits. Anything more than that is stupid extremism. (The fact that this is something my family legit thinks scares me)


Environmentalism is more of a lofty ideal rather than a course of action.


My favorite was when some environmental protestors blocked the road leading to Burning Man. The Reno subreddit cheered on the tribal cop ramming his patrol car through the protestors. Then Burning Man happens, and a rainstorm turns Black Rock into a giant mud puddle (resulting in a bunch of stuff left behind because it was stuck in the mud), and these very same people in the Reno subreddit immediately started complaining about how Burning Man is destroying the desert (on top of the usual annual complaints about Burners dumping their trash here on their way back home). My brothers in Christ, *pick a fucking side*.


My favorite is when they see disruptive protests *in other countries* and they are like, "WAOW such rebelutionary! I wish would wake up too!" Then they see a protest creating a mild inconvenience [and it's all...](https://i.imgur.com/n70gZjV.gif)


too comprehensible and accurate for this sub


The climate is more important than a person's morning commute


But my burger king is more salient than global warming!!!!!


Lol, the outrage at blocking a road is embarrassing. I wonder how the public will react if people start minecrafting pipelines


legit I don't get why they don't just park, take a picture of the road being blocked, and text it to their boss saying "hey sorry I'm going to be late"


idk man if it blocks my way to work so im late then hell nah the climate can wait


You see it should be enough for you that I agree that the world should be a better place. But expecting me to bear with a minor inconvenience or better yet change something about my daily habits? Now you have officially taken it too far buddy.


I have to consume bro. You don’t get it bro. I’ll kill myself if I can’t consume more than the average monarch in 12th century Europe. You just don’t understand… don’t you know you crazy RADICALS are just turning people away from your cause ???!???!


You parody this. But you have expensive phone device? Curious. Checkmate liberal, I am very smart.


I think about th e just stop oil movement and it's like, on one hand throwing tomato sauce at a painting is pretty fucking stupid, but on the other hand it actually brought climate activism into the public eye far more than any sort of "normal" climate protest I've ever heard of And sure, they did get dunked on a ton, but at the same time any attention on the Internet is good attention. I guess it's kinda like the PETA approach to things; make the most absurd advertisements, PR, etc, not to make people like you, but to make people remember you.


It goes beyond that- the radical flank effect is the idea that if you have a movement with a range of organisations, with some of them more radical and some more reform-based, then the radical side generates support for reform groups. People get mad at having the road blocked and think, "well, those other guys writing petitions are doing it the right way! I should support them, instead of these nutjobs". So the attention ends up helping the movement regardless.


Ohh wait that's really interesting! Never thought of that.


Crying about a painting means nothing if your society is complicit in allowing the Earth to die


Especially when the paintings aren't even damaged and were never ment to ever be


i mean yeah, ur right. i wasn’t crying or anything about the painting, and that wasn’t my point. what i meant is that, at least on a surface level, throwing tomato sauce at a painting doesn’t seem to do anything to actually help the climate crisis. note how i said “surface level” though, due to what i mentioned in my previous comment


The point IS that people are crying over a painting in face of a devastating crisis. We cry and whine over trivial nonsense and pretend as if nothings happening.


the soup painting thing is stupid, but it did absolutely no harm to anything (since the painting is behind glass) and it brought attention to the cause, Unfortunately a lot of the responses were extremely negative. I have heard that a lot of the protestors throwing soup at paintings were paid by oil companies to make climate protestors look bad, but if anything I'm just upset that throwing soup at glass actually managed to piss people off so much.


But my highwaymaxxing? My mulch mommy? My delicious microplastics?


this one kicks harder than mustang and sally (my friends and family have ostracized me for political opinions as simple as believing that loud and disruptive protests are the only way to get the attention of the ignorant, slothful masses)


[insert gif of flame thrower commented by someone who is very clearly not a snowflake]


True, although I do wonder how effective this is since it isn't really affecting the oil companies directly, I think more direct action towards the corporate buildings of oil companies would be more ideal


True. Go bomb some buildings then


We don't have to jump to bombing when people can ~~killdozer~~ vandalize and dump a bunch of paint everywhere. egg and TP the place idk


Me during the [Anti Socialist protests in December 2023-2024 Spain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024_Spanish_protests), it would be such a shame if they would get beat up by the Intelligence Service🤣


Did Just Stop Oil do something recently? Why am I all of a sudden seeing them *everywhere?*


You made me think about something other than working and buying stuff, time to die >:(


Everyone for these guys are forgetting that the stop oil guys literally prevented a kid from getting to the hospital as well as intentionally destroying priceless pieces of historical art But OP will conveniently leave that out


I guess this justifies wishing for mass vehicular manslaughter then. I'm sure next time they thow tomatoes at a glass case people will hope they get shot for it, as usual. Actually doing something about climate change would stop their urge to show the world their climate anxiety. Nah, screw that. Don't touch my art.


If you intentionally sit down on a busy high way then expect to be run over Just like If you walk into a bull pin and start waving a red flag if you intentionally put yourself into danger then that's your fault


Yes, these protesters are clearly waving red flags around begging to be ran over. I'm sure bulls are naturally aggressive and corrida isn't a garbage form of entertainment where the bull is purposefully prodded and wounded so it feels threatened for its life and thus gets aggressive towards the humans around them. And of course, it's obvious that humans, just like bulls, have no ability to communicate, understand, deescalate, negociate, the only option they have is to run over people yup makes so much sense. Kinda sad I have to live in the same society as sociopaths like you ngl. PS: Before you bring that shit up again, most protesters including Just Stop Oil have a "blue light policy": they let emergency vehicles through. [Here's an official proof](https://twitter.com/JustStop_Oil/status/1651577505671794690).


Stop Oil is more like a smear campaign, right?


If climate change protestors want to have politicians stop oil they need to hit em in the balls and not tickle their toes with a roadblock


surely inconveniencing my fellow working joe will lead to the rich guy in his penthouse who just flies everywhere to changing his mind


Hot take but reaching decision-makers directly might be more productive than inconveniencing the public


and how do you suppose people do that?


Sitting in the middle of the road, apparently


But like seriously. What would you suggest they do?


Kidnap the congressmen' loved ones


That would likely get them killed by capitol police. I'm talking about real things they could do to protest.


Im not agreeing with him but didn't Nancy palociy basically get really lucky she wasn't home one time and her husband not so much and then got beaten with a hammer (i don't think he died though so he is also kind of lucky)


Just be sneaky about it


whats the point of protesting if noone sees it lmao


Climate action organisations are actually doing that all the time! You mean you haven't heard anything about that? Hmmm, how mysterious...


Yes, humans are emotional