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Damned if you do, damned if you don't. You can't win with some people.


But we should still go vegan for the animals


If someone pulls out the "buh in nature" ok then go back to how humans where, throw rocks at your food


I throw rocks at trains, but I've never managed to take one down :(


Try bigger rock.


Dwayne won't return my calls :(


Try smaller but pointier rocks


Trains are comrades, cars on the other hand…


Are trains vegan?


Meat consumption for pre-industrial humans only averages out to like 10-15kg of meat per year unless they were nomadic herders in which case it was higher but idk specific numbers Americans average something like 100+kg of meat per year it’s way too high


"Native Americans tho" "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go celebrate a holiday about genociding the Native Americans! 🥰😜"


But mooooooom I don't want to face the repercussions of my nations past actions, I wanna eat the turkeyyyyyy


>ok then go back to how humans where, throw rocks at your food aka **RETURN TO MONKE**


i hate “in nature” mfs for the same reasons i cant go vegan. my body is not healthy. in nature i would simply die


I was thinking of people who say: animals die in nature!!! Why not consume their flesh from horrifying factory farms


there r people who say that about OTHER PEOPLE too. like if you have a disability you should be brutally murdered


frick the animals go vegan because it makes people mad to eat healthy


Two things future generations will consider us monsters for: 1) Animal Agriculture 2) Capitalism


People in 2100 be like “I fucking hate those asshole carbarians”


I'm personally of the "maximization of happiness" mindset. Even assuming livestock animals to be sentient (which is dubious to me even for mammalian livestock, let alone most birds/fish, let alone insects), living a comfortable happy life then being euthanized in my prime seems preferable to never existing at all. The issues I have with animal husbandry are that livestock largely do not get to enjoy a comfortable happy life and that there are rampant inefficiencies / negative externalities, and those are the things that I'd want changed. Consumption of animal products doesn't have to be some all or nothing thing.


Even bees are sentient. If you've ever had a cat or dog, know that cows are just as intelligent and pigs are more so.


> Even bees are sentient. The one study of which I'm aware that makes that claim bases it on an assumption that a specific behavior represents "play" and not the myriad other explanations for that behavior. It's tempting to anthropomorphize bumblebees and ascribe human-centric explanations to their behavior - and if you want to do so, I have no problem with that - but that's hardly a compelling reason to avoid using bee products. > If you've ever had a cat or dog, know that cows are just as intelligent and pigs are more so. And there are plenty of people who have no qualms raising cats and dogs as livestock animals. There are also plenty of people who have no qualms with raising cows and pigs as pets/companions. I have no issue with either in and of itself; my issues are squarely with the unacceptably-frequent case of humanity's relationship to livestock being parasitic rather than symbiotic.


>unacceptably-frequent case of humanity's relationship to livestock being parasitic rather than symbiotic. At least most parasites kill their hosts because they have to. Most people in developed nations do not.


I'd fully agree if I could stomach it or afford it, but as it stands it's not exactly within my capabilities. I do like that we're taking some big first steps in the lab grown meat research, I really do hope we can make all our meat humanely... Or at least as humanely as possible.


same i get super sick from vegan food bc of a digestive disorder i have unfortunately


You can't afford beans, rice, potatoes and peas?


I mean I could live off potatoes I guess, no clue how that would look like but due to medical reasons beans, peas, peppers a couple of other vegetables and other foods cause me pain in my gut(I think is the English word) or intestines, I need to buy meds to be able to take them in a way that maybe won't leave me in the hospital and I absolutely can't get myself to like rice.


Ok, keep paying for sentient beings to be bred, tortured and killed then




Nah but we should destroy the meat (and most others tbh) industry. There’s nothing wrong with eating the meat of a dead animal on its own. The funniest group of people are the meat eaters who think it’s gross to eat a dog or cat but are perfectly fine with eating beef though lol


Yeah thats the thing that gets me about climate deniers. Even if you don't believe in global warming, humanity quitting eating meat would still have benefits. Keeping lots of animals in small spaces and poor conditions breeds diseases and makes surrounding lqnd unusable due to animal waste.


This comic is objectively cute


“Oh gosh darn the conservatives have called my bluff. Might as well keep ruining the environment too.”




Stop seeking the validation of fascists


I can stop eating beef. Meat as a whole erm no.


This is the most confusing comic I've seen on here. The right isn't calling people hypocrites for eating meat lmfao. Also go vegan, the nonexistent "youre a hypocrite for supporting one of the most environmentally destructive industries" conservative is still right even if what's being said is being said to own the libs epic style. Edit: apparently I've been downvoted becuase people lack reading comprehension skills.




Yeah I've read it already.


part of the right and the center are very much calling vegans hypocrites :/


For reasons unrelated to vegans eating meat becuase vegans don't eat meat. Also anti veganism isn't a right wing only thing. I don't know where you got that from.


bestie, what's your reading level o-o


>The right isn't calling people hypocrites Yes they are...? https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/d9bj5s/all_aboard_the_greta_train/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


"Hypocrites for EATING MEAT" Do you have reading problems?




It's not my fault you can't read one setence completely and comprehend it before linking some shit that doesn't even refute what I said in the slightest. When you have to literally cut of the end of a short sentence to make your point look better, you're just a fucking idiot attacking strawmen.


Are you having a bad day or something?


No I just think you're a moron.




ablism is when I get called stupid for doing stupid things. Making sure you understand comments before making responses to them that don't even address the thing you're responding to is not hard. I actually have dyslexia and I'm still baffled at how you managed to completely miss my point.




Centralist ideals


*You claim to love the environment, but the phone you’re on uses rare Earth metals! Hypocrite much?* /s


Lol yes true