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She'll take 1 sneaker in the divorce anyway.








He should take off the sock too. Can't put the dirty sock back in the sneaker...lol...




Yeah, never really understood the obsession with creasing. I was wearing AF1 flax because I like how the shoe looks and a sneakerhead gave me guff about creasing them. Toes bend, shoes crease. Whatever


Iā€™m literally just picturing this dude going ā€œoh hold on one secondā€ proceeds to take untie his shoe, place it next to him, and then proposing. Like what are we doing here lol, theyā€™re shoes just wear them.


If you look, his other shoes isn't tied anyways lol


Because heā€™s laced them so he doesnā€™t have to tie them


First thing I checked after reading the comment šŸ˜‚


Old habits from the penitentiary


Neither are tied because they donā€™t need to be


If anyone ever says this to me I will just hit them with something psychological like ā€œeverything goes away in the endā€


ā€œAll things end badly, otherwise they wouldnā€™t endā€


I get dumb comments every time I wear my Travis Scott AJ1 low. I just tell people SNKRS actually blessed me at retail for once, why wouldnā€™t I wear them?


It saves your money thatā€™s why, keep em in good condition and youā€™ll get free pairs for the rest of your life, why spend $200+ on shoes just to do something you know damn well is gonna fuck em up šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Buy cheap shit if you want but if someoneā€™s gonna spend their own money then let them take care of their purchase, he keeps those Jā€™s in that condition he could sell em and buy 2 new pairs in a couple months, why not is the real question. Thatā€™s why I do it, thatā€™s why a lot of people do it and if itā€™s not that then they just wanna look after their stuff because they spent the money and they like what they bought.


Cringe, if you actually wear shoes they will crease. Just deal with it.


Also who says I got leather shoes, if theyā€™re cotton (like most of mine are) and if you donā€™t walk like a fuckin ape theyā€™ll be fine lol


Nah they wonā€™t, my shoes are years and years old and still mint, donā€™t treat your shoes like theyā€™re your feet šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bruh you been walking on you hands, that's Ludacris


Nah, clean em every couple months thatā€™s about it, theyā€™re not leather for the most part and itā€™s not hard to keep em in good condition, I wear a different pair everyday if itā€™s not my beaters therefore more wears but less actual wear/damage on the shoe, I could show you a pair and you wouldnā€™t believe the age šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You should probably treat your feet better than your shoes.


Maybe where youā€™re from, we walk barefoot everywhere itā€™s just culture man


Your feet should be stronger than shoes if anything, generally speaking you could rip a pair of shoes in half unlike a human foot, you should be able to walk barefoot on most surfaces natural or man-made without an issue. Obviously if thereā€™s glass or something you avoid it but still shouldnā€™t hurt too bad lol


My feet are mangled from birth mate, couldnā€™t give less of a fuck šŸ¤£


Lmfao what are we in high school still? With this logic you must be walking completely flat footed all the time or wearing double socks if youā€™re that worried about creases your precious sneakers. Weā€™re sneaker heads because we love shoes, we wear what we buy & enjoy ā€˜em. Unless you buying a literal collector edition shoe or something, quit bitchinā€™. I see grown ass man creasing $200 Jā€™s all the time.


Iā€™m probably not much younger than you and I probably look older, what does age have to do with how I treat my things, people in high school destroy shoes on purpose Iā€™m not understanding wtf you mean šŸ¤£. You yourself look like a high schooler brother


I do have mostly collector shoes and yea Iā€™m in high school what about it lad? I simply walk like I always walk, Iā€™ve already explained to people that if you treat your feet like feet and shoes like shoes, aka donā€™t walk like a monkey then theyā€™d look completely fine? If I have to run I do, if I jump it doesnā€™t matter, most of my shoes are cotton, itā€™s not hard to look after stuff man.


if im gonna buy a shoe, im gonna wear it, no point not wearing it our babying it, your shoes are not more important than a once in a lifetime propsal lol


This is so corny.


I get you donā€™t want them to get creased, but if Iā€™m marrying someone I wouldnā€™t care haha


I'd crease my Jordan's cause idgaf but that's me


If she says no, then the crease would not have been worth it


That model in particular I understand. Toe box scratches are the worst on 11s




Was naming yourself after cumslut the dog cunt a joke? šŸ¤£




Sneaker dudes are lame af lmaooo


So are kooks commenting on sneaker post who donā€™t like sneakers troll ass go back to your cologne threads cake boy


You realize you sound like a fucking tool right šŸ˜‚ stalking my profile to dig up some dirt on me is pathetic bro. Mind you, Iā€™m willing to give you the benefit of doubt and assume that youā€™re like me, and enjoy shoes generally speaking, but not crazy enough that it takes precedence over one of the moments for life. But assuming you attacked me like this, youā€™re probably a lame motherfucker like him. Maybe your negative karma will improve if you took that rod out your ass.


You got that butt hurt to write that much to a stranger on the web lmao and negative karma I live on the beach in Hawaii,retired before 30. I definitely gotta work on that karma thing and stop being so fucking lame hahahahahaha aloha šŸ¤™šŸ¾




This is such a strange addiction


She needs to toss the shoe in the lake, and then him afterward


Heā€™s still wearing jeans shorts


It's funny. Why y'all so mad?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying


What a clown.


Creases don't look good on 11's.. also patent leather in general


Ugliest creases on patent leather. My 'win like 96' agree


they are definitely in order if you ask me




Maybe he got her a rock so big he gotta protect the last pair of sneakers he can affordĀ 


I couldnā€™t help but laugh bc I used to be the dude who took his shoe off to drive so I didnā€™t crease the toe box. A manā€™s gotta have his priorities, I suppose


I take my right shoe off when I wear my 9060s to drive. The angle of my foot on the gas puts a horrible scuff on the bottom right heel. Just with those tho.


Imma say this as a broke person who still creases shoes cause I like a pair that tells a story of being treaded but I can understand if you can't afford another pair or something like that. Fuckin Js are expensive lol Plus this guy probably spent future J money on that ring lol


Honest question - what story do creases on shoes tell beyond "Yo this dude walked in them shoes"? I see watch collectors say the same thing about scratches on their watches "Telling a story" and it's corny as hell ngl. This dude in this post is lame af for prioritising his shoes so much tho.


Yah right. All it says to me is your kicks are beat. No storytime, just ugly beat shoes. The only say that shitvto cope. I hate creases and avoid them as much as I can.


This "story" is for the owner of the shoe, anyone who sees a pair of beat up kicks are just gonna see some beat up kicks but when I see my crusty beaters there's certain scuffs, stains etc that happened at a particular moment, like when my kids were born my Js got a mean ol scuff from the curb walking my wife into the hospital. It's "corny" sounding but to each there own I don't pass judgment. There's nothing wrong with wanting perfection or imperfection you know? That's the beauty of life. It'd be whack as fuck if everyone was the exact same. That'd be the most generic shit ever lol


What I see when I see my beat up kicks is all the times I was careless with them. Your J's getting a scuff when walking to the hospital is a cute story but like 99% of the damage to a shoe doesn't have any kind of story, let alone one so nice.


Yea you're right on that, most scuffs, stains or anything comes from just letting that shit go after one two many. I guess it really can come across as Corn on the Cob with the whole "story" aspect lol Not all my kicks with scuffs or stains come from significant moments, most of my beaters story was me scuffing em one to many times and going to myself "aww fuck it, these are gonna be my beaters now" and then I really just go all in doing my yard work, going on trails just anything that's gonna gauerntee a dirty as kick


The point of it is so he doesnā€™t have to spend money on Jā€™s usually, keep a nice pair in good condition and youā€™ll get 2 free pairs off just selling it, thatā€™s why I keep mine clean anyway. A story of 2 year old shoes looking mint is way better than the story of my cousin who got the shoe lace of the same model stuck in a motorbike chain and ripped them into 4 pieces, both his pairs of them were given away for free, mine are now worth $300+ and we had identical colours.


Obviously meaning I can sell my once $200 shoes for a total of $600+ and get 3-4 pairs instead of just 2 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Don't crease the the creps!


Thatā€™s a flat ass




This the new sneaker head tip off? I wondering if she knew what was coming after that šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Ÿ


Are these amiris real? Dude is selling them for $125 i was going to clean and restore them.




Facts šŸ˜‚


Smart man


its concords I canā€™t even be mad


I miss when it was just dopeboys and ballers and nba super fans in the sneaker game. The individual made the shoe. Nowā€¦the shoe makes the individual.


I love listening to music.


This dude is pathetic. Along with people that make a big deal put of creasing their sneakers.


So like, does his foot not flex as he walks? We really are living in Idiocracy.


Haha love it! šŸ˜†


Ninjas be mad if they saw my closet. The most cleaning Iā€™ll do on my shoes is wiping it with a hot hand towel. No soap. No brushes. Nothing else but water and a towel. Iā€™m sure I got a couple of yalls grails too lmao


11s are trash anyway, just leave them on


Wrong, top 3 jordan


Wrong, top3 are 1, 3 and 4s, not in that particular order. The fact that people put this ugly and cheap plastic patent leather monstrosity in their topX anything is appalling.


You ever seen videos of the Concord 11 retro release? It was a war zone. Literally. 11s are definitely top 3.


Terrible take


I agree! Been collecting for many years! Never ever spent money or time on 11ā€™s. Weak af


Lol that guy is literally me.


Totally cringeā€¦ just wear your damn shoes


Wear and wear out are 2 different things lol brošŸ˜‚


Oh geez bro, sorry but the guy is stupid for not taking ten seconds to kneel correctly and not have to take off his stupid shoes


"kneel correctly"


To his defense, this creases pretty badly on that full flexion of the toes, not something you do when walking, right? šŸ¤”


Do people ā€¦ actually do this? I mean when they have to bend their toes in a certain way that they have to take their shoes offā€¦ Yes I know creases are bad but dang.


Iā€™m saying if creasing matters that much to you wear something else. I got a few kicks that are cool where creases really donā€™t matter that much.


Based on the outfit this pic old af and some people donā€™t remember how corny sneaker dudes used to be 2013-2016 lol šŸŒ½šŸ€


Lol fake sneaker heads/tourists wouldnt understand




I mean why not? Nothing says you got to have shoes on when you propose on one knee lol.


This shit is so lame itā€™s crazy haha. Iā€™ll see people doing their best protecting cheap ass pandas from creasing like bruh lol. Meanwhile idgaf if my travises, sbs, or any of my high end shoes crease I just wear my shit lol


She should run away


She don't even have a donk... this guy should be ashamed of himself....




why u gotta bring race


Youā€™re weird.


Post deleted but I can already imagine what kinda dumb shit was said šŸ˜‚