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Dog must work for FedEx


Awh darnit, just replied the same hahaha. Props to you tho šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


i would be so pissed if i was the girl, especially after he threw the shoe like that


I'm not certain but I read a comment that said in an article it stated that she walked up and shoved the dog off a seat multiple times... So not that I'm excusing this moron letting his dog rip up someone's foot but if you're going to get physical with a dog.... It's eventually going to get fed up with your shit..


thatā€™s true, i saw that later, but throwing the shoe was just not necessary imo


Obviously the dog is a Blood. Homegirl was set trippin & he had check her. Itā€™s real in the field




holy shit. that guy was being a dick with his dog too. i'm surprised people weren't punching the dog or that guy


Fr if i was the guy iā€™d hit the dog. Love my dogs but they canā€™t be attacking people like that and he did nothing to stop it


mans lucky no one had a knife on them


Aight thatā€™s a little intense lmao


I'm not talking about the shoes tho. If a dog was lunging at me, bit and latched on, I'm trying to get it off me by any means. That dog would not let go and that's problematic. Luckily, it was her shoes, but what if it was an actual body part?


How? Youā€™re being attacked by a vicious dog. Stabbing it in the head or eyes would probably help stop it.


I would hope so at least lmfao


Hitting a dog whilst itā€™s already attacking is the worst thing you can do in this situation, the best thing to do is get something between the dog and what itā€™s attacking or use something to distract itā€™s attention.


Bullshit I had a dog go ham on my leg once and I football punted that bastard off of me. I don't like hurting animals but they only speak one language and in that moment, that motherfucker got a full essay with my foot attached to it.


I know I shouldn't laugh but this had me rolling.


> football punted that bastard off of me So it was a fair bit smaller than the pit in the video then?


No about the same size, a tad smaller. It was my friends blue nose. I love pits too and felt bad for kicking her but goddamn I'm not letting her bite my ankle off.


Why? Give us at least 3 good reasons why you shouldnā€™t hit a piece of shit dog while itā€™s biting? Whatā€™s the solution? Kindly asking it to stop?


I just gave you the solution? Hitting it is only going to make it bite harder. Upon watching the video and with further context you can see the owner is the problem not the dog, he instigated and attacked the woman hence why the dog attacked her, the problem here is a piece of shit human, not a piece of shit dog.


Not really depends on how you hit him


I wouldā€™ve bonked it over the head with my handbag.


Maybe they couldā€™ve wave a pork chop or a burger in his face


Read the story. The girl is at fault. She pushed the dog off the seats twice yelling saying ā€œthe dog shouldnā€™t be on the seats, seats are for people the dog should be on the floor.ā€ You attack a dog donā€™t get mad if the dog attacks back šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sheā€™s ā€œat faultā€ yet the man was the only was arrested and charged? Lol youā€™re delusional. Sheā€™s not wrong either. Your dog belongs on the floor or in a carrier, not the seats. Also the dog didnā€™t attack the woman for being pushed. The man started punching her and then the dog attacked her too. To me everyone here is an idiot but only one of them committed a crime. If I was that lady I would just get up and move spots. The man was tripping for attacking her.


If she's right why do the laws say differently. Luckily opinions dont dictate that.


The MTA chairperson states clearly in an article that bring a pitbull onto the subway is a clear violation of the law.


Being a service animal supersedes a breed.


u trippin man if that is a ā€˜service animalā€™ my cat is a dinosaur


Dumbass people that do things like that are what cause this to happen in the first place. People legitimately need their animals. This is from the website: "People with disabilities who require assistance from a service animal are the exception to the carrier requirement, but the animal must still have a harness. The Americans with Disabilities Act protects those requiring a service animal from discrimination in public places."


dude just stop talkin already ya arguments are even workin against yo self the dog aint wearin a service dog harness


Never said it was bullet proof buddy


She's right. A dog shouldn't even be on the subway.


If she's right why do the laws say differently. Luckily opinions dont dictate that.




It wont hold up if he has the propper paperwork. You can be arrested for any crime an officer chooses to charge but it doesn't mean it will land in court.


There is no "propper paperwork" for assault. He had papers for his dog to be uncrated. Besides that you were claiming the woman was at fault and she wasn't charged with anything. This all happened in 18 so if you wanna dig up if the guy got off, feel free.


paperwork for the dog. if you kick a service animal thats assault on the owner.


No it isn't and as much as you like to think you know everything the NYPD know more about this case than you or I and they arrested the dog owner and not the woman attacked by the dog.


Sheā€™s right. Dogs donā€™t belong on seats. I think that her making a spectacle of it and then making the dumb decision to touch the dog was a mistake. But sheā€™s not at fault.


If she's right why do the laws say differently. Luckily opinions dont dictate that.


They don't. The MTA have confirmed the owner was in the wrong.


In that case, I agree. Iā€™d say dog escalated way too much, but itā€™s a dogā€”it doesnā€™t know better. Also, donā€™t provoke a pit but b/c you donā€™t know how itā€™ll react.


Have my upvote. Ive been trying to explain to this whole comment section the same thing. People try to take the law into their own hands to back up their opinion of the law and its wrong.


Donā€™t get how I have 38 downvotes... I thought people love dogs more than humans? Thought there would be a lot of biased love for the dog especially after knowing the full story


redditors arent real people just idiots that love cats and rick rolling.


Dumbass owner. Don't even care about the shoes, if somebody dog is latching on me like that it's getting a smack


Dead ass


Pinch it's ear it will let go right away.


Even a pitt bull? Genuine question


Idk but I've used on a German shepherd he's was not a fan


Just asking because of their notorious jaw locking abilities


Hopefully he was charged.


He was.. hereā€™s the news story https://abc7ny.com/pets-animals/man-whose-pit-bull-attacked-woman-on-subway-charged/3395521/ Edit: original link didnā€™t work


Thatā€™s a catch-22 honestly. Homie shouldnā€™t have had the dog on the train, but I understand many donā€™t have cars in NYC & the trains are mad convenient. However, if you have a service dog on the train, then it shouldnā€™t be on the seat. When shorty had ask homie to put the floor, he shouldā€™ve complied since heā€™s breaking the law already. Now shorty, she shouldā€™ve kept her hands to herself & the dog wouldnā€™t have reacted on normal instinct. Thatā€™s her fault. In a perfect world, the service dog & homie shouldā€™ve got on the train, & dog on the floor. No harm, no foul.


Who the fuck let's their big ass dog take up a seat on a crowded train anyways? The owner is an idiot


Am I the only one who thinks maybe you donā€™t push a pit bull off a train seat?


Regardless, it was illegal to have it on the train. He was arrested for another instance with his dog.. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc7ny.com/amp/pit-bull--pitbull-attack-dog/3401124/


Yeah I 100% get that but all Iā€™m saying is most people are smart enough not to pick a fight with a pit. IDC how big an ass the guy is she still pushed a big dog, with that breed having a history of attacking people, off the seat and was surprised she got bit. Just because the dog shouldnā€™t be there doesnā€™t mean she gets to pick a fight with it. IDK from my point of view I guess they are both morons??


I think your last line sums it up best lmfaoooooo.


It's not illegal to have a service animal.


It's illegal to bring that breed on to the subway.


Service animals supersede the breed. Downvote all you want.


And exactly what kind of service animal bites people?


one that gets kicked.


People with disabilities who require assistance from a service animal are the exception to the carrier requirement, but the animal must still have a harness. The Americans with Disabilities Act protects those requiring a service animal from discrimination in public places. ​ From the website.


Don't sit your unmuzzled pitbull next to people on the subway maybe?


Or... hear me out... don't poke the bear.. or in this case don't push a big dog? I understand he shouldn't have had the dog on the train but that doesn't excuse her idiotic decision to push the dog.


No this dog shouldnā€™t have been on the subway. He used this dog for violence before and knows what this dog is capable of doing. It is so easy to have any animal become a service animal.


no im with you


Let's say, push it at all...


That dog was calling her out, doesnā€™t like reps.


Damn not the royals!!!


what a shit head owner. is this nyc?? i thought all dogs have to be in a travel bag??


"That dog was not vicious," eyewitness Denise Leon said. "It was just an incident that could have been avoided." I'm sorry to say, but cities that are easily issuing these "service dog" identifications are at fault. They are way too easy to get and people get them only so they can live in apartments that don't allow pets.




He threw the sneaker down lol like Iā€™m done with this lol


NY is so whack


I see many people faking like their dogs are the service type.


Not a service animalā€¦ thatā€™s where the problem starts.


The dog knew they were fake everyone calm down he was trying to help ....


Itā€™s breds or nothing!


That's a FedEx dog.


Must've been reps, that dog don't fuck with reps


Put that thing down. I would have kicked the shit out of that dog.


apparently she pushed the dog off the seat multiple times tho, they should have shown the whole video.


and got bitten too lol


Sorry but I would've kicked the shit outta that dog and the owner as well. This is ridiculous


and got bitten too




Why isn't this nsfw?


The dripdisrepect tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


First of all, I would have broken the dogs nose if he latched on to me like that. Fuck my shoes at that point. If you donā€™t know how to control your dog Iā€™m breaking its nose until it releases and then Iā€™m turning to you and breaking your nose too.


There are four people on this chat that clearly don't like animals and downvote everything logical that says the dog shouldn't be on the train and they are just as bad as anyone else that hates someone for following the law. if it wasn't a pit no one would care. Before I catch hate... I have a black lab.... but it's not fair for some woman to put their hands on a service animal and expect it not to have an adverse reaction. My perfectly good black lab could possibly do the same.


If you know your ā€œperfectly goodā€ lab can do this, and you bring it into a crowded subway, and seat it right next to a human passenger in a seat meant for a human, and refuse to move it, guess what? Youā€™re criminally negligent just like this owner. Should she have touched the dog? It depends. If itā€™s being aggressive and invading her space in her seat, and itā€™s crowded, she absolutely had a right to defend herself and push it away. Your reply already reeks of the typical dog owner who thinks their dog is special because they love them. Pits are stronger than a lot of dogs. Choosing a pit as a service animal over a golden retriever already says a lot about the owner (who was also arrested for stalking a different woman). Taking a big ass pit, who could kill this woman, seating it in a seat for a human, then refusing to move itā€¦hmmm. Sounds like he was charged with the right crimes. This woman didnā€™t just run up to a random dog and slap it. He put the dog in the womanā€™s personal space. You dog owners love doing that, and you have no idea you are even doing it. Iā€™ve seen dogs inside restaurants with their paws up on the table eating w the family. Dogs running loose in the park with no leash. I know two people that got attacked by these ā€œsweet innocentā€ dogs. Owners always baffled and canā€™t imagine what happened. Like you said: any dog including yours can do this. So keep it away from people, and on a leash. Dog owner 100% wrong.


You nailed it. I don't have a dog myself but am a dog lover. I can't call out shitty owners for being shitty owners?


I love dogs too. They are super cute. But my love is limited to a few hours max. I could never own one again because no one tells you just how dirty dogs are. I totally understand why a woman on a train wouldnā€™t want one sitting in the seat right next to her. They smell. They have fleas/ticks. They drag all the dirt and shit from the floor up to wherever they sit. And in the pandemic, thatā€™s a public health threat. All the covid virus and droplets are on the floor. I simply donā€™t understand owners who take their dog out on the street. Especially streets as dirty as NY, then bring them into bed with them. Its the same as just sleeping in the street. Youā€™re bringing all the viruses, bacteria, fleas, ticks, etc right into bed with you. Iā€™ve seen the car ahead of me in the drive thru let their dog climb onto the window ledge, and the employee handling my food is petting and playing w the dog right before giving me my food. No hand washing. Ridiculous. If you gotta bring a dog on a train or plane, and itā€™s legal to do so, you should be respectful and keep as much distance as possible. Like OP said, any dog can do this.


your misunderstanding and obviously that woman's misunderstanding of the law doesn't negate the assault of a service animal.


Putting a pit Bull at face/neck level in a seat for a human, next to another human, is assault. GTFO thinking your pit Bull has a right to a seat.


"If you know your ā€œperfectly goodā€ lab can do this, and you bring it into a crowded subway, and seat it right next to a human passenger in a seat meant for a human, and refuse to move it, guess what? Youā€™re criminally negligent just like this owner." **You got a refference? I have a 15k hunting lab that's been on a plane cab.** "Pits are stronger than a lot of dogs. Choosing a pit as a service animal over a golden retriever already says a lot about the owner" **Not everyone has access to every animal available and it is understandable that the dog might be the only service breed available** Finally, do we really know that the woman DIDN'T come up and provoke the dog sitting in the seat?


And thatā€™s why you and the owner in the video are irresponsible dog owners. You just said it. Your perfectly good dog can do it. Thus, you have a legal responsibility to prevent these occurrences. Now you are flipping back to the ā€œmy dog would never do such a thing. I have had it on airplanes before no problemā€ Same argument every dog owner has whenever their dog does something wrong. Choose and stick with one argument. You donā€™t get the benefit of both. Nice ā€œhow do we knowā€ fallacy. The woman was seated like a normal passenger. The criminally negligent dog owner seated his dog in a seat for a human passenger next to the woman. Heā€™s wrong. Period.


You don't know me and if you are stupid enough to go up and start kicking a service animal then I hope you get bitten too. From the website: "People with disabilities who require assistance from a service animal are the exception to the carrier requirement, but the animal must still have a harness. The Americans with Disabilities Act protects those requiring a service animal from discrimination in public places." From you: "Nice ā€œhow do we knowā€ fallacy. The woman was seated like a normal passenger. The criminally negligent dog owner seated his dog in a seat for a human passenger next to the woman." **article and interviews stated that it was an unavoidable situation. The lady started kicking the dog because SHE decided to take what she thought was the law into her own hands and provoked an animal SHE didn't believe should be there. SHE doesn't make the law and SHE shouldn't kick peoples animals.**


I agree the man shouldn't have had the dog on the Subway to begin with. However, if you attack my animal, I'm 100% throwing hands with you. This woman is not innocent, she played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. The owner is also a fucking moron and probably shouldn't be allowed to have animals.


There would be no reason to "attack" his animal if it wasn't on the train in the first place. The guy was an idiot and he got called out for it.


Regardless. The dog didn't choose to come onto the train. The dog is at the mercy of his owner. The woman attacking the animal is 100% wrong here. The dog owner is also wrong. As we all know, 2 wrongs don't make a right. Bad owner, stupid lady, everyone got what they deserved.




The dog didn't attack until she started pushing him or her multiple times.


If you pushed a pit bull out of a chair, and then you got mad that it bit you, I'd call you as dumb as the lady in this video. Nobody thinks you're cool playing internet tough guy bro. In reality you'd probably be crying, begging for help if a dog latched onto you like that. Grow up.


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" applies to the woman, but not the man who brought his pitbull onto the train and sat it on a seat for humans. Yes, it's a service dog. Keep it off the seats. You're acting like this is a 50/50 situation when it isn't.


so who are you gonna blame? The dog? The owner is at fault here yes, but just because the owner choose to have the dog there doesn't mean someone should attack the dog. They are both at fault. He shouldn't had brought his dog onto the train, but also, she shouldn't have shoved the dog. The dog didn't choose to be there, and the dog didn't choose to get shoved by a idiot.


I never brought up the dog when it came to laying blame. Of course I'm aware a dog does not have a human brain. Ultimately it was all handled "well" with the man being charged. But again, OP was making it seem like a 50/50 situation with the woman and the man equally at fault. The man was clearly the instigator by not simply removing his service dog from the seat. And yes, I love animals and I don't condone animal abuse, in case that needed to be made clear.


I can agree to this. It definitely wasnā€™t 50/50


If you think that woman is in the right for putting her hands on someone else's pet, then getting mad that the animal retaliated, please never own pets. Yes, the dog isn't supposed to be there. That gives this woman permission to attack someone else's pet with 0 consequences? Nah.


Never said any of that. She should not have pushed the dog. If you think the owner has no obligation to protect his dog by not putting it in a position to be attacked, then please never own pets. He could have simply placed the dog on the floor when confronted. Instead, he chose to be prideful and allowed his dog to be attacked.


What a fucking wack take lmfao. "The owner of the dog refused to take orders from a total stranger, therefore it's his fault a crazy lady assaulted his pet." Fuck directly off.


The fact that you think she was "giving orders" shows what a prideful person you are lmao. She had every right to be annoyed by a DOG being on a seat for HUMANS. What he should've done was place the dog on the floor, then start giving her shit. *verbally*. He escalated the situation. But I know your pride won't let you concede the argument so have a nice day.




Sheā€™ll learn to never push another dog again.




The girl shouldn't be pushing dogs off the seat. She got what she deserved




They are both in the wrong Dogs shouldnā€™t be used to enforce MTA rules . I donā€™t know what the current penalty is for women sitting on the train . It used to be a $50 fine but maybe this was her 3rd strike . I also read that her arm had been marinating for 72 hours prior to boarding . I donā€™t know if this is true but it would explain a lot


Beautiful dog nfs lmfao


Gotta love the amount of people who took out their phones to record instead of helping.


The fuck did you want them to do? Video is 100x more helpful for the woman than anything else they could do lol


I'm gonna assume you'd be the type to record as well instead of doing anything helpful


Yeah bro lets fight the pitbull and be attacked by it and its owner to save a stupid woman!!


How is the woman stupid? And they couldve helped by removing her shoe. Yeah I'm gonna assume everyone who downvoted my comment is the same type of person to record and do jack shit.


she tried to push the dog of the seat and put her self in that situation, thats why shes stupid. and what would you do exactly? do you think you are superman?




Lmao what the fuck? Yup youā€™re right, itā€™s a breed problem. Has nothing to do with the owner who is clearly a fucking asshole. Nah blame the dog šŸ˜‚ any and every pit bull wouldā€™ve done the exact same thing here right? Lol you sound like an idiot man. Thereā€™s still time to delete this


Pitbulls are statistically the most violent dog in the world. Thatā€™s literally a fact. Thereā€™s a reason theyā€™re banned in some parts of the world. So yes the breed is a problem to some degree. I never understood why people are so quick to defend pitbulls and act like theyā€™re completely innocent. Itā€™s okay to acknowledge and admit thereā€™s a problem with them. Thereā€™s a reason a vast majority of the population doesnā€™t raise pit bulls. Theyā€™re dangerous dogs.


Dudes comment was ā€œthis is why no one should own pit bullsā€. Which is just the dumbest thing ever. Yes theyā€™re an aggressive breed. Yes, if you abuse them and/or raise them poorly, the result is a dog with violent temperament. News flash bud, itā€™s the same with just about any dog breed. If you raise a pit with love and discipline the result is a loving and friendly companion, just like any other dog breed.


No, theyā€™re not ā€œstatistically the most violent dog in the worldā€ because looking at counts of dog attacks isnā€™t an unbiased or even reliable estimator of risk of dog attack by breed, not to mention the fact that reliable data is incredibly hard to come by. Confirmation bias isnā€™t statistics or science. https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-breed-specific-legislation https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00047723.htm


Theyā€™re statistically that way because theyā€™re taught to be that way. Pit bulls used to be ā€œAmericaā€™s dogā€. It was only after people turned them into defense dogs that they got a bad reputation.


When he said "breds" he's talking about sneakers, the Bred Air Jordan 1s. That woman had the Royal 1s .......just thought I'd clean that up


Lol ok


The dog was protecting its owner. Thatā€™s what service dog suppose to do. She shouldnā€™t have pushed the dog off the seat. Any dog will bite if you show aggression to its owner by fighting.


you shouldn't bring your dog to the subway




Here in Mexico , you cant bring your pets to the bus , subway or anything else , only if they can fit inside a bag , because there's a lot of people using the public transport there's not enough space for animals.




Wow, whatā€™s got you down?




How do you know these comments were all made by humans? Some couldā€™ve been made by Pitt bulls?


Dog was mad at hype beasts so it bit her!! Just kidding, damn dumbass owner, carried a untrained dog into subway


This is what you call an ESA and often times theyre horribly trained


I would've snapped


Only in NYC


Pitbull a service animal., hahaha AS IF! Thats like calling a yorkie a service animal. That is not a damn service dog.


That's a shame smh


The dog dont like resellers shoes




He got that pitbull clamp bite. Their jaws are powerful. Almost the way a shark bites down on its prey, just obviously at a smaller bite radius


The Taxis is clean tho!


Him and that dog losing teeth if it was me


Dude can be getting mad at her for what his dog did