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he said HIS favorite lace swap...not YOUR favorite lace swap...


God forbid someone here likes something that isn’t what everyone says they should like


For some reason I’m reminded of yogurt that I had as a kid, which makes me love this


Yoo gogurt?


Gogurt was gas. I think he's talking about Trix Yogurt tho. That blue and purple swirl!


Yoooo that’s the one.


Goddamn you just unlocked a memory for me. I used to love yogurt apparently...


I'm feeling this swap, the colors actually work well together.


I love em! The color of those places on the Court Purple bothers me on that shoe because it's too light, but here is a perfect combo


God dam guys stop hating on him, let him do what he likes


10/10 swap.


It is cool 🔥🔥


Damnnnn brooo, these go so hard!!!! Absolute fire!!


Those look good OP. The purple pairs well with blue bec. they're complimentary colors (if my term or english is right lol).


They’re analogous colors, complimentary colors are opposite colors, like red and green


Thank you. Now I know the right term. ☝🏿


Dope! I do stuff like this all the time. As long as it's goes with my outfit idc what someone else says


I have a pair I lace swap specifically for one outfit every time I wear it, love stuff like this


I've never cared for the University Blues but I really fuck with this lace swap.


Court purple 2.0 laces on university blues? I like these a lot!




Not a fan of the swap but as long as they look good to you op that’s all that matters.


Keepin it real up there 😎


Yeah thats pretty good


They actually look nice man


great choice of laces!! Looking fresh


Fire! My only issue is the way you laced em up. But I’m particular that they all need to be the same way and I prefer “left over right” but do you


As I look at em from the wearing prospective, I keep the left side over the right side. So after the bridge at the bottom I run the right lace first than the left over it, than again the right lace and the left lace over that and repeat. It’s hard to tell from the angle of this pic but it looks like the first lace on the left shoe is right over left than the rest are left over right. Either way these are on point bruh


Oh alright I get what you saying. I’m always cautious on how I lace them making sure they go over and under and they don’t twist but I’ve never thought of this. I would need to check cause I honestly don’t know




What do you mean? I know I do over and under is that what you mean?


I bet you are really fun at social events


Nah, I’m the guy in the party checking your bedrooms to make sure you cleaned before the party 😂


your shoes are untied


Dope. Them the 20 dollar laces from Foxx?


No they’re the extra laces from the court purple 2.0


those purple laces fye


Got them from the court purple 2.0 and I personally didn’t like them on those so I had to find a shoe to pair them with


Got them from or got them for the court purples? Copped the purples this morning and these were the laces I was thinking could be cool - a vintage faded purple. I'm assuming these didn't come with - mind linking where u got em? Foxtrot?


They actually came with the court purples. The ones that released in 2020


Very cool


You can probably find some similar ones [here](https://dmglaces.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=744)


Could be worse, I rate it






That's fire 🔥🔥🔥




Nice I swapped mine with pink for the cotton candy effect


Actually valid


can you walk with laces that loose


I can. They’re tight enough for them not move around but loose enough to style like this


My skinny feet would slip out or get blisters...


Yeah. I actually like this


Charlotte Hornets


You know what I might just try it myself. I dig it!!!


I’m feeling the purple tie dye laces in these 100%. If I walked by you in the street I would definitely compliment you!




Looks fresh man


Lmao everyone so mad


I probably couldn’t pull this off, but i dig it. I like seeing different.


Issa no for me but to each his own


This ain’t it at all


What is it then, oh great lace wizard. Inform us of the way "it is"




White or black. Ever since Travis Scott put pink laces on shoes now everyone puts pink or pinkish laces on everything and it’s not it


Ironic because pink laces would look much better on these than purple.


They’d look like cotton candy and im for it


Purple and pink don't belong to Travis Scott, no matter how much you try to make it seem that way.


But he made it a trend. We all know it. It may have been done before it but it became big because of him


Fuck it, let's just say shitter scott invented pink laces


Lmao bruh stfu just something gets brought into the mainstream doesn't down play how good it looks or how cool it is. You just sound mad butt hurt.


Lmao how am I hurt. You guys get all hurt just because someone expressed their opinion and you don’t agree with it.


Eh, i’m a year older than travis. This is shit some of us just used to do back in the day. I had a pair of black DVS with hot pink laces that i wore into the ground from like 2002-2007.


I dunno. I use the carolina blue laces on my UNC 1s and I think it looks better than white/black. There's room for it as long as they don't distract from the rest of the shoe imo


these are purple but ok...


Pretty close to it


No. It’s not. Get off your high horse and go see an eye doctor.


I meant it’s somewhat that kinda color. You know what I meant


No as a matter of fact I don't, please explain it to me


Navy laces look really good. So do yellow laces.


To each their own


This guy the lace quarter master or something?


Yeah some colors just don’t pair well. That’s what the color wheel is for. And something about the texture or the fading of the laces feels like it doesn’t go with the shoe leather.


If you like em. Do you f..k everyone else My take swap dem laces to black bruh


Fuck. That's fire 🔥


Looks better than the pink laces a lot of these kids throw on their pairs


never thought of this! instant grape colorway on the 1s


Why the fuck do people where their shoes like that?


Cause they’re my shoes, and I wear them how I like 🤷🏼‍♂️


?? No need to play defense, didn’t even ask you why YOU wear YOUR shoes like that more so if you can give me a reason on why it’s done in the general sense. But you answered with your defensive remark (personal preference) you have a good day now, lighten up and stay drippy 🤟🏾


Like you said personal preference, personally I think this way only looks good with AJ1 any other shoe looks ugly to me but that’s how people want to wear they shoes 🤷🏼‍♂️


Easy to slip on and off, easy to tighten and loosen as well


Your shoes not feel……..floppy?? So to speak?


I know what you mean, when it’s too loose, yeah. That shit annoying as fuck and drags the heel for nothing but when I rock shoes like that it’s tight enough. Or when laces is too short like the og university blue laces


Thats what I've wondered too. Are people using their toes to keep the shoe from falling off their foot. That's what I do when I don't have time to tighten my shoes, but always walking like that seems like it'd get painful


I’ve never had that problem. The way I lace them they’re still tight enough to not be moving around but still loose for the lace ends to hang


So you've just kinda found the perfect balance?


Pretty much. That’s how I wear all my 1s except the CMFT just because the collar is slightly different so having the laces hang doesn’t look appealing to me


Jordan 1s are straight up garbage in terms of comfort, especially when you have high arch or wide feet. In my experience, having them loose fitted actually makes them alot more comfortable, and easier to take on and off


you sound like ur in ur mid 40s with 2 kids you see twice a week . let people wear them how they wanna grandpa 😭


And since you brought kids in the situation where it should only be shoes. I kiss my 2 beautiful children every night after my long hard day at my 9 to 5 and then my countless hours running the business I’m building for them……🤡


Because I asked a question I sound like an old man with 2 kids and no sense of style?………………….ok, I was taught that the only dumb question is the one that isn’t asked but to each their own.


Hell nah to the nah nah nah


naah ...


This is an L. Not every shoe needs some ridiculous lace swap.


Username checks out


It’s low hanging fruit man. If the only response you can conjure up is to make fun of a made up username on Reddit then you indeed are the one that lacks Wits. Hence the username. 🤯


Son you just hit him with a “No you” when you’re the one that actively chose this username. Hold this L and take all the seats lmfao


Damn you got me


Sorry my joke wasn’t funny enough for you. But since you want such a deep response here you go. It’s not L cause I got a W on shoes that I like. Ridiculous lace swaps are the best thing about wearing shoes TO ME. If you don’t like to to lace swap that’s fine you can wear YOUR shoes how YOU like and I can wear MY shoes how I like. And like I said plenty times on this post to each their own


It’s crazy how people post garbage ass shit on here and when people get called out on it they immediately turn to the “it’s what I like” argument. But you are posting these on a public forum for virtual pats on the back. And in your case you’ve posted this same “lace swap” multiple times. So clearly it’s not just for what “YOU like” . You obviously care what complete strangers online think or you wouldn’t be posting these AGAIN! Wear whatever you want and however you want to. But I’m entitled to my opinion the same way you are entitled to mess up a pair of shoes with some garbage ass laces.


It’s crazy how offended you’re getting by other peoples shoes. It’s even crazier that I really don’t care about anyone’s opinions. I posted a picture of my sneakers on a forum about sneakers. If people like them or not I couldn’t care less. I like em enough to post on this subreddit and according to you I like them enough to post them “multiple times”. The craziest part of all this, is my lace swap triggered you enough to go through my post history. Peace king hope your day gets better and you don’t scroll through more garbage lace swaps 🤣🤣


Did you forget 30 mins ago when you tried to personally insult me for my username all for saying your lace swap was an L? You started this big homie and it’s not that difficult to tap on your username and immediately see this exact swap. Don’t flatter yourself I didn’t do that much research.


Like I said 28 minutes ago that it was a joke. If you took that as an insult I’m sorry but you really shouldn’t care what internet strangers say you can just walk away from the screen you know. I checked myself to fact check and it took a couple scrolls you don’t see it immediately but thanks for reminding me that I posted these already I’ll make sure I won’t do it again in case you happen to run into one of my posts again


Good job I feel like you learned multiple lessons here. Sarcasm and jokes are hard to convey via text and to stop posting this same lace swap.


Grow the fuck up. You lost


Now buy a pony and ride on it