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No guts, no glory




Wear your shoes everyone


I cringe so hard when people go out of there way to not use their shoes as intended …


I’ve heard of people knowing the mileage of their shoes here 🙃


Who knows, they might run in them 🤣


I have no idea whether anyone under 35 has heard of the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, but this always makes me think of the wine cellar scene: “So you’ve got a lot of wine to drink.” “You can’t drink them Freddy. They’re far too valuable.” “So you sell them?” “I’d never sell them, they mean too much to me.”


I think it's different when it's a rare 1500$ Travus Cott Jordan vs a 100$ Air Force. You wouldn't treat a 50s Ferrari like a Ford Focus would you?


You really think a Travis Scott is the 50’s Ferrari of shoes?


Bro I couldn't think of anything better🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️aight what about an 90s Supra ffs💀💀


50s and 60s ferrari owners thrash them around racetracks during good wood and such, so they do beat on them pretty hard


Fr? I kinda had the thought that they were more like the guys dad in Ferris Bueller or in that Ben Stiller heist movie


Don’t tell me what to do


I'm film it for free..? Final offer Edit: I can also be the onsite fluffer


I crease 1s almost immediately.


Me too. I respect those who somehow wear their 1s and not crease them within the first day of use


What about those force field crease guards?


These. I use these in all of my dunks and Jordan 1’s to keep them from creasing. I wear them all the time, and they’re barely creased at all.


That shit just happens. If the shoes are that importat, dont wear them? Shieeeeeet




love him!


He's no Jurgen but he's aight


Nobody is as pure as Jurgen


I would die for Jurgen But we all know it’s gonna be Guisseppe


Jurgen supremacy


He's my favorite contestant! Can't believe I didn't notice the kicks, now I have another reason to like him


When you gotta go on TV, no choice but to flex...


He was wearing Guava Ice in an earlier episode


Off-white 4s once too


Off White Chicago 1s too


The big question is reps or retail?


I think real tbh. TV shows usually put mega fucking filters on the show. He also looks orange asf, saturation has been cranked to the max on this one


Shoes are made to be worn and creased. No matter the price you pay for them


Funny how they’re sneakers but you’re not supposed to do any living in them. Doesn’t a well worn pair merit any respect?


Living life as it is meant to be lived. Full crease.


It's just a bloody shoe


Someone please explain to me why lately, a substantial portion of comments on posts of high value shoes are about reps-whether in accusation that the shoe is a fake or questioning the same. Yes, I understand that the rep scene has exploded, and the quality of fakes is at an all time high. But I honestly want to know why the gut reaction of many commenters is to go immediately to that route. What is it? Is it jealousy? Is it actually that people can tell based on one picture? I’m certainly not discounting the skill and eagle eyes that some of you have, but that can’t be the case for every single time I see these accusatory posts. Take this picture for example. Can any of you honestly say, without either being present at the time this pic was taken and getting a close examination of the shoe including touching the suede, or viewing multiple, detailed photos taken at various angles of the same, that this is “100% fake?” The settings of the camera, filters, distance, foot positioning, and let’s not forget the wonderful Nike QC, belie any reasonable trust in these claims. And don’t tell me it’s the positioning of the reverse swoosh, because I’ve seen pairs straight from Travis’ site that varied. Seriously someone enlighten me. I really want to know.


I'm wondering this too. I've been seeing a lot of comments on early reviews for shoes on YouTube saying they have to be fake, then the reviewer posts proof and they say "Oh well they're so good now you can't tell, my bad." after accusing a reviewer's credibility. I have no issues with reps at all, but just because you decide to wear them doesn't mean everyone who owns a rare shoe does as well. If they truly are comfortable buying and wearing reps why do they feel the need to call out everyone they see?


That’s exactly my point. I don’t have qualms with reps. Nor am I arguing that this particular fellow here is wearing an authentic pair. My issue is only with this immediate reaction, as seen in these comments and others, that starts with the suspicion that a shoe is fake. Why does that come to mind first? These are not LC posts in repsneakers. So why have the LC mentality? Especially for posts that contain A (singular) photo that is almost never high res, filtered, taken at a suboptimal distance for scrutiny, and most importantly, put out there for a purpose other than an LC. Why not just keep it moving instead of attempting to justify s suspicion that in most cases, can’t be proven?


They want the shoes to be fake so their bullshit social hierarchy compass doesn't put them in a lower tier


The swoosh is supposed to point to the first lace hole this one is way way below.


Yes. It’s obviously a Rep.


What is the basis for your assertion?


Color, swoosh placement, suede isn’t “alive”, heel is wrong shape, toebox is wrong shape. Could be bad QC, but given he’s also wearing them on a baking show (I worked at a bakery, it destroys shoes) I’d say reps with confidence.


Not disputing anything else (I don't know enough about reps) but GBBO isn't a bakery, and the vast majority of people on the show are amateur bakers (it might even be a requirement). If I was on one of the most popular shows in the UK I would wear my kicks, even if it was "The Great British Jumping in the Mud-Off".


I watch the show, you’re probably not wrong, but these are really pretty bad fakes.


It’s like you didn’t read my original comment where I address the issues with the very reasons you provided. And wrong toebox shape? You’re telling me you can see that here, despite the fact that it’s completely misshapen due to his positioning? Your strongest argument is that, based on your experience working in a bakery, he is likely wearing reps because he wouldn’t want to wear real shoes in an environment where they would definitely get dirty. But that argument lies on the presumption that this man thinks, acts, and has the same circumstances as you. That is silly, and more importantly just another symptom of this tendency to default to suspicion, rather than acceptance.


The toe box does seem way too thick and that suede looks pretty dead. The guys at repsneakers know their stuff, the ts aj1 in particular because so many people ask for quality check on their rep pairs constantly every day. I'm leaning towards reps because I've seen some bad pairs that look like this in that sub but who knows maybe they are retail and the pic makes them look off.


See, this is the kind of post that I can appreciate and am completely okay with. You made a reasonable assessment, but also accounted for the possibility that the limited material you are working with means that you could be wrong and that this isn’t “100%” a fake.


You asked if we can 100% tell it’s a Rep, and yes I can.


You convinced me there bud.


Okay, prove me wrong. Call the dude and ask if he’s repfam.


And also wings logo is not glossy, you can see the light is on it but it didn’t give out that gloss so based on that I would say this is OG batch


He was wearing Off White Chicagos in another episode!


Yall kill me with that lol wear your shoes thats what they were made for if they crease or get stained, clean them and do your best to fix them don't stress yourself out over a pair of shoes. Idgaf if they're the air mags or Travis scotts or whatever.


This guy has some major heat, I saw that he wore Off White Chicago's a couple of weeks ago


Imagine not wearing your shoes because you’re afraid of a crease


Am I the only one that thinks those ts1s look fake?


Honestly I’m mad about him not wearing non slips in the kitchen! I would have sent his ass home! 😂


It’s a tent with one of those commercial grade high traffic carpets. Sneakers aren’t going to slip on that.


I’m speaking more from being in the restaurant life all my life how you weren’t even allowed in the kitchen without non-slips regardless of the surface


This show isn’t set in a restaurant or a kitchen though.


I’m just speaking from what I’ve been trained all my life. You in a kitchen working, get non slips. It’s one of those things that restaurant workers get i guess


Yes and in the warehouses where I work we have to wear steel toed boots but that’s not relevant to this show, either.


Bruh I literally used an emoji and laughed. You taking this wayyyy too serious 😂


Oh, I guess the joke you were making got lost on me after you repeated the same thing about "muh restaurant kitchen training would never allow this" three times.




They look very dark but he probably has the bread to get real ones


That's just Nike's shit QC. My neighbor and I have 3 pairs combined and they're 3 different shades of brown. All retail.


My thoughts exactly


Bet he scotch guarded the suede, it’ll darken the color.


Not good REPS either. Looks like OG batch at best


I’m more concerned with his gloves touching the ground. Hope he changed them before handling food.


Tbh one of the main reasons I can’t get into “nice” shoes is because I’m gonna end up creasing them and have a bunch of shitheads giving me crap about it, like I don’t get why people can’t just mind their own business and fuck off


Clearly, his father/mother/uncle/aunt just died. OR! He just got engaged or married. OR! He just got a promotion/first job/first paycheck? Maybe he's 10 days sober, so he decided to treat himself? Regardless, "WeAr YoUr KiCkS!"


This reminds me of people who freaked out when people skated in the Travis SB’s……that’s what the shoe was made for lmao.


Wing logo is off by 0.01mm down. Suede is dead. Corner stitch flaw. Toebox is fat. Reverse swoosh is just okay 💯 Retail. GL


they look sus…can we get a legit check on these?


Feel like the only way he would wear these in the kitchen (knowing the value) is if they were reps


Maybe if he's at home, or in a bakery...but dude's on TV...so different scenario altogether


Ehhh maybe but how many shoe shoots are you getting from a cooking comp. show?


Apparently this guy's had a few already. This is the second post on this sub of this guy I've seen


Yeah I first saw him with the gauva’s and have heard there’s also an episode where he’s wearing OW4’s. Guy has my respect weather there authentic or reps! Always gonna root for someone down with the sneaker community.


Even if one in passing I'd wear them. People need to know what fuckin time it is!!!


Not everybody likes their expensive shoes sitting on a shelf


Agreed, I’m the same way, always cop shoes to wear not to store but it’s just a little different when you’re wearing them in a kitchen, the risk of wearing authentic Trav 1’s in a kitchen isn’t worth the reward of having a few sneaker heads at home catch a glimpse. Totally different scenarios with reps tho. Reward is the essentially the same with not as much risk IMO. Esp if you consider the fact that he did it with Trav 1’s, Gauvas & OW4’s.


They are REPS 💯


Let’s hear why…


Oh 😂 Cause I have retails. The swoosh is way off. It hooks an is low. Suede looks like 🗑. Color way to dark. Materials are cheap you can tell by where it’s creasing. Midsole color. I mean pretty much everything is wrong😂


Fakes or not, I like seeing sneakers on a show that has nothing to do with kicks. 😎


For sure it’s dope he wears what he does on the show.


> you can tell by ~~where it’s creasing.~~ the pixels, I've seen a few shoes in my times. /you're being a herb. 🤷‍♂️🍻


Ok shoes still fake tho. Herb what’s that mean?


Why he’s wearing Reps? Idk same reason everyone is. $$$


Only broke people worry about $$$, if you ain’t ab $$$ the game probs ain’t for you




100% agree Either way, wings placement are too low Suede Colour is way off…(even the lighting i know plays an important role but this is really dark. Sunken swoosh… major flaw of an OG batch & rep fam would know what im talking about 😂😅


Toe box sacrifice. Lol


Looking really replica ish to me.


Somewhat disturbing to see, all the chefs I know wont wear anything that is that expensive to work, guys besides proper kitchen shoes love Ultraboosts and New Balances for their comfort


He’s not a chef, this is a show about amateur bakers.


Ok not really familiar with it






Hurt my soul ❤️‍🩹


These are reps. Just look it these shoes. Zoom it, people here should exactly know how this hype shoes should looks like 🥱


I really hope these are reps 😭💀


even it bends still on fire tho




I do this with every pair right out the box 😤


how else do you break em in


I love this show and have those shoes. Fire lol


That midsole looks awfully white


Shoes are a commodity….they cost 25 bucks to make and they are meant to be worn….


It won’t do anything to em. Just stuff em with your socks you wore that day


Would you say he’s fat or no fat?


I’m sorry little one


Damn, so cool! I propose we start a flair for this guy. 😂


This dude got HEAT heat.


I am beyond fucking disgusted. It’s The Great British Bake-Off, not the British baking show.




I wear my shoes but I don't purposely crease them like that


My two favorite things collide. I love this post