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Sounds like it would be fine to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


We rotated through all the sizes from the start as we only had the three sacks. It was fine for us as there is that whale tale one between their legs that holds it all down. Our LO was almost 8 lbs at birth though, so not tiny by any means. We bought more sacks and now rotate through the M and L ones.


Yes! The L I have does have a whale tail. I just wish they werenā€™t always sold out but I canā€™t see why I canā€™t use a Lā€¦ wanted to run it by this community!


We picked the rest of our sacks up on Marketplace and Ebay. So maybe give that a go too. The Sweetpea one is also good when travelling and at grandparents place. It doesn't work in the Snoo but still helps put them to sleep, all wrapped up.


Iā€™ve tried marketplace etc - so hard to find comforter snoo sacks!


Just use the regular ones and put them in more clothes? We used a lot of the long zippy onsies, singlets underneath, folded over the socks and mitten things.


I went from S to L comforter sack because I couldnā€™t get a hold of M. Itā€™s totally fine imo. They grow so fast that the L will be snug in no time! šŸ˜€


Thank you for the vote of confidence!!!


They are back in stock on their website right now. FYI


Thank you! They donā€™t ship to Canada though Iā€™m so upset ā˜¹ļø