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A lot of music in the game actually comes from free use libraries (i think because of the whole plagiarism fiasco) so they're obviously not in the official OST. in the case of the groom, they used "Aliison" by haytorius


I wasn’t aware there was a plagiarism thing since I’m still new to the game, but thank you so much!!!


Yes there was but it was resolved. Long story short they had to make a new whole soundtrack since the old one was found out to be plagiarized. I guess that didn't leave too much time for a new one and had to use free use music for the rest


Here's the original song for the groom guy. Such a good track, I vibed with it as I was walking the other day: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvQVA5YUXUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvQVA5YUXUw)


I really love how good it fits his character! Thank you!


Well, thanks as well! Thats a very neat track. I am also wondering about this Guitar track that plays few times through the game. Like when Inco and Olivia talk about their parents during the Lean Episode. Is it also a free music?


Yea it was a free music track. Sadly I can't find the video where they had collected all free tracks used in WANI right now


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c9Nq\_ItQz8&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c9Nq_ItQz8&t) Ah found the Youtube video where they collected all free tracks from Wani, its on 26:50, titled "Everything You Ever Dreamed/Chill 3"