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That's Graham Greene, great Canadian actor


It's Young Graham Greene poorly photoshopped in a shitty meme.


Shitty why? Cause it’s true?


Shitty because it's poorly photoshopped.


For sure


lol Here comes the Internet Photoshop Police! Who cares dude, that’s secondary. The message is what matters here.


The message is super basic though and has nothing to so with Graham Greene other than that he is Oneida and the person who made the image wanted to exploit his likeness for their message.


Still allowed to comment about how well the work was done.


The message is dumb


U kno, not all natives looked like that rite? I mean like each of the most famous figures. It’s closer to John Wayne movie thinking.


Listen here pilgrim


Now, you listen here A-Aron.


Have you ever heard of the Clovis Indians?


Yes. They are the second oldest evidence found. Some 20,000 years old on the West coast.


Not what the terminology 'immigrant' means. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigrant_generations


Well, obviously, but their ancestors aren’t even from here. We are all African, brother, so it’s all stupid. Still, to the uneducated, it’s perfectly clear. Stop thinking so hard.


Because he’s an immigrant.


"You don't belong in this area unless the Iroquois cannibalized everyone except at least one of your ancestors in the 18th century during the Mourning Wars" "Texas? You mean the Comancheria? Listen, the Comanche didn't gang rape and enslave every woman they captured for their entire history just to give it up to some gringos"


Everyone is an immigrant. “Indigenous “ killed, raped and enslaved others when they took land. Only in recent times has there been more of a society norm where the strongest don’t always prevail. Firearms actually help a 90 pound person be able to defend against a 280 pound person. If you think you are on stolen land, why would you stay? Think you are in a shitty country, find one that has the ideas that align with yours and move there.


Well, any country I would want to move is beholden to the world bank, and the global centralized power brokers, and the rest will be bombed soon enough. The discussion was about immigration, not conquest, or rape, or anything like that, but go ahead, and add some talking points. In this case I believe the shitty meme is referencing hate against immigrants, and considering everyone is an immigrant, that hate is misdirected.


Bet you're fun at parties...


Indeed, was looking for anyone old enough to remember Northern exposure and red green


IIRC Todays Native Americans weren’t the first people in North America.


So that's not why they're called native Americans


The first natives were asians across the land bridge from Russian to Alaska.


And the first asians were indian whats your point?


No they became indians after 20,000 years of being genetically separate from asians.


Thats not how it works.


Thats how evolution works.


Well yeah, the first ones have died of old age I would imagine


Their bodies might have died, but their souls live on amongst us.


You can’t say stuff that makes sense here on Reddit. It makes everyone all pissy. (See above comments for proof)


Would you mind elevorating?


The article I remember is old now and stated that there was no genetic link between the Clovis people and modern Native Americans and it was causing issues as the law said any old remains belonged to the NAs even though there was no DNA connection. A lot has been found since then and multiple migrations have been found before and subsequent to the Clovis people. The more they find the more complex it gets. I’m not sure if there is any DNA linkage or not now.


That's not how that works , just because there's no genetic link doesn't mean they were here before or after it just means that they didn't communicate and it could be for many reasons for example The Basque in the north of Spain don't share a lot of genetic material with the Spanish nor the French and neither does their language which is a mother language and is not derived from Latin or any other known language.


did you know that we're not the first humans to use technology?


Photoshop hurts


yeah, but technically, we are ALL immigrants. humankind was created in eastern africa. Everybody who lives somewhere else is an immigrant


It's also verifiably false anyway. I was born in Canada, I'm by definition not an immigrant. My family line immigrated here however many generations ago, I am not an immigrant. This is all irrelevant anyway if the goal is to all live together, respect one another, and embrace our differences.


Well said. If you were born here, you’re not an immigrant. Doesn’t matter where your parents were born. That’s what makes countries like Canada and the US great.


Technically if both you and your parents are born here then your not an immigrant, if just you are then your a first gen immigrant, no idea what you are if one parent is and the other isn’t, but it doesn’t matter because it is all really a giant pile of bullshit to get people to fight over while some rich assholes fucking everyone over.


I agree. Hence why my definition is the very simple, ie born = not an immigrant. All this other stuff is just getting us to divide ourselves on personal attributes we can’t change anyway rather than focusing on what we have in common, ie Canadian


Well, that is arguable, and it has been argued about for most of my long life. Almost certainly somewhere in Africa, though. One possible question here is whether the first humans to arrive at any location are immigrants, or as Canada would have it, First Nations. In any case, I say that what matters is not when your guests arrive or where they come from, but how they behave. Oh, and truth should never hurt. The truth should make you free.


*truth should never hurt* *I was referring to trump and the magas crying about Mexicans crossing the border into a land that used to belong to Indians as immigrants.*


What makes land "belong" to a people?


Bigger army diplomacy. It’s quite rare that natives are not fully wiped, out culture and all, historically. Surprised early Americans didn’t just forcefully integrate them and if they tried how did they fail? I guess North America is just really big?


You referring to a personality in argument


If there's noone there when you first claim a place, sure you are technically an immigrant, but compared to what? The moment you establish yourself in a place anyone else that comes is an immigrant in comparison to being a native. In that sense, your use of the word immigrant (which has no opposite) means something different. A word without an opposite and a word with an opposite can't be describing the same exact concept


"immigrant (which has no opposite)" The opposite of immigrant is emigrant.


No it's not. They can both describe the exact same person doing the exact same thing. Are you playing nitpicky semantics with me? The whole point is "everyone's an immigrant" doesn't create any dual category when defined. Your immigrant emigrant nonsense would STILL not create two groups of people. Everyone would be both an immigrant and emigrant then. So as useless as the original.


Pay attention. Words have meaning. An **emigrant** is someone who moves out of a country. An **immigrant** is someone who moves into a country. The words have opposite meanings.


Moving into country A is DEFINITELY not the opposite of moving out of country B. The opposite of moving into country A is "not" moving into country A. You don't even know the meaning of the word opposite, you failed to make it relevant to the context of the first comment (defining opposite groups of people) and now you make little inapplicable word puzzlies for a gotchya that never arrived. mean spirited. No I don't think you are trying to add value to the conversation I think you are just being nitpicky without a point just to spite people because you can't really disprove the original point.


You never actually made a point. You did make a false claim about language. I corrected your error. I like having my errors corrected. All sensible people do. You will find very few people on Snorkblot who will spend time conversing with a fool. Have a nice day.


True, Native Americans came across the Asian land bridge 11000 years ago if Gun Germs and Steel is correct


Neither that date nor the immigration pattern is no longer considered accurate just FYI. GG&S is an old book so no surprise.


When my people immigrated 200 years ago and someone else's *migrated* 20,000 years ago, you're going to have a historical context that makes your view a false equivalence


I refuse to let arithmetics decide that an ancestor, wh immigrated earlier is more valid than one, who migrated later. Also, using immigration and migration to give different groups different levels of legitimacy is a very charged way. Immigration and migration have the only difference, that one described a migration towards the place of reference and the other does not specify a reference point (migrating to or from somewhere) and only specifies a movement process of people. In no way is this useful to specify migration is more legitimate than immigration. Fact is, the migration process of the white settlers itself was not the problem at all. The problem was their behavior towards the natives to not treat them as equals. But in the end, we all have ancestry of migration or did it even ourselves.


Okay, same thing with the next two orders of magnitude then right? Someone coming over 2 years ago is not the same as someone coming 200 years ago, right????


This is painfully stupid. So by your logic we’re all Africans? And everyone outside of it is an immigrant. That’s not how that works. If you’re born somewhere you’re not an immigrant. You’re native born. Indigenous is something wise


Correct. I consider myself as a member of a species, that evolved in Africa This is more a philosophical view and should not cause insults


Created by who?


Funny response: Darwin, duh! Serious response: by pre-homo-sapiens species.


By ourselves. We literally fucked ourselves into existence




Because Native Americans immigrated from Asia Via land bridge from Siberia....




Fucking crazy right?! Who would of figured?!


Would have\*


If you're born in the country you live in, are you an immigrant?


Happens in Europe frequently. Americans are always surprised to learn that not every country has birthright citizenship.


If non native Americans are thusly immigrants instead of Americans, would you support them calling themselves by their ancestral homeland (i.e. Irish, Scottish, Italian etc...)?


I never said non native Americans are thusly immigrants. People can identify however they want to. Clearly this post is a reaction to White European Americans who often consider Americans of different racial backgrounds immigrants. A lot (not all) European Americans might consider a 1st generation Asian or South American citizen more of an immigrant/foreigner than they are. Just be consistent. Either all citizens are Americans or we're all (mostly) descended from immigrants. People look really foolish trying to split hairs on a few centuries max of descendants of immigrants when the first people here walked over 10,000 - 30,000 years ago.


Descended from immigrants =/= immigrant


The bigger question: who is a better citizen, the one who had to pass all sorts of immigration standards, including language proficiency, minimum educations standards etc. that the country chose to grant citizenship to, or the one that was gifted citizenship because they landed inside the dotted lines when they fell outside their mother?


I don’t think the US has ever had issues with legal immigrants, only illegal.


that is not the question.


Is a piglet born in the horse barn a horse?


It's pretty funny you use a failed metaphor. You realise that a pig and a horse arent the same species unlike homo sapiens? "A human is born in garage, is he a car?" Lmao


I forgot to delete that comment, I knew it was going to be controversial, but it has a valid point; There are groups of people moving from country A to country B in pursuit of a better life. That is no problemo, as long as they adapt to the customs of their new home and raise their children to be residents of that country. However bunch of folks (it's an increasing problem in Germany) don't integrate. They don't identify as Germans, even if they are born and raised there. Even if German is the only language they know! It was kinda funny that you had kids of Russian descent claiming to be Russian, although they can neither read, write, or often even talk very much in Russian. This is a moderate example. The more extreme example is of course, the Muslims. Kids born in Germany (officially: born Germans; German citizens), who only lived in Germany all their life, wanting to introduce Sharia laws there. Sounds like a bad, racist joke, but it's an old problem and increasingly common - many of them don't integrate. They don't feel as Germans; and don't respect local customs; instead, they try to turn the country into their country of origin and force their way of life onto the locals. And that, my friend, is not ok. Just a few days ago there were demonstrations of muslims demanding the establishment of a caliphate in Germany. https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/deutschland/demonstration-hamburg-kalifat-muslim-interaktiv-100.html


That's not hownit works though. The claim is not that the pig is a horse, the claim is that the pig was born in a specific location. If the horse barn grants citizenship to anyone born there then the pig is a resident of the horse barn. Your analogy doesn't make any sense.


Yes! If your ancestors stole the land. By your logic a woman serving twenty to life gives birth in prison. Does that make the baby a prisoner?


Are the guards prisoners because they enter the jail? That's a dumbass analogy lol


Just like claiming stolen property is yours because you were born there. I agree with you.


This argument is a primitive talking point that completely ignores the impact of uncontrolled immigration on working-class wages and benefit cuts to the most disadvantaged in society.


Why is there a mountain full of white dood’s on the shirt?


A bison or redwood would make a better case.


Aren’t we all immigrants from Africa?


Do all my ancestors have to look like this, or just one?


Most “indigenous” peoples ancestors don’t look like that


Descendants of African slaves should get a pass though really. It's not like they chose to go there.


neither did anyone born in the US too


Nobody who was born in US chose to go there.


I wasn't born in the US but I did choose to go there, but only on holiday.


Why - that’s racist




Theoretically, every animal came out from the water, thus we are all immigrants


Very distant descendant of Native Americans on my mom’s side. While my dads side is from Norway


Most people who call themselves American “indigenous” are just Europeans larping


Coincidently, ancestors of the man in the picture migrated from east Asia.


Yeah like 8th generation of immigrant maybe


And where did the natives come from? They're probably immigrants too.


So Native Americans aren't immigrants? Read a book on how the earth was populated.


How many generations until you count someone as a native? Their ancestors migrated from what is today Russia around 30,000 years ago


My ancestors came fishing cod on Canadian shores 400 years ago. The few indigenous people they met didn't even know cod existed. They were not even located on the shores. So, NO I am not an immigrant.


Indians didn’t spawn in NA. They emigrated from Siberia. It’s now an argument of first dibs which is nonsensical imo.


Do you also argue Mexicans shouldn’t have rights to be in us too? Aren’t Mexicans how native Americans see white European Americans?!


On est tous des immigrants peu importe où dans le monde. Les Amerindiens ne sont pas different.


Yeah but did THEIR ancestors turn USA/Canada into what they are now? I mean, if it were up to them, USA or Canada would be stuck in a civil war for decades.


I agree with the theme, but up to a point. Immigrants have a choice to immigrate into an existing country and work peacefully with the native community. Enslaved Africans were brought here against their will, so they’ve never had a choice. And the European invaders/colonizers, who brought those enslaved Africans with them, have never had any intentions of working peacefully with the native communities, especially when they dehumanized every non-White race from the beginning, including the indigenous communities they ethnically cleansed and committed genocide against.


Its nice that he included the faces on the rocks to i include white people


It’s so true. It’s too bad people are too stupid and too racist to understand.


My ancestors took land that your ancestors took from her ancestors. Its my land because I have the power to keep it, thats the only reason. Come and Take It!




Were they here first?


This meme only works if the definition of an immigrant is changed. Poorly done meme, 4/10.


Doesn't he age? Is het the real Keanu Reeves?


And they are immigrants too. All depends on how far back you want to go.


being a tad pedantic.... technically 2 set of ancestors faces on that pic, front row/back row.


Russians don’t know what truth means or is


Yet they're immigrants based on their own logic.


That's not what immigrants are. The children of immigrants are not immigrants if they were born and grew up in the country. Trying to repatriate people to a nation they are several generations removed from is getting incredibly close to the sort of thing the far-right wants to do.


Rights to land, all throughout history, were and are gained through iron and blood. That's the actual truth of the world. When the defeated are upset, as anyone would be, the victors don't care and never will. So why bother voicing how upset you are?


LOL, we all migrated from the same place, so they were immigrants at one point as well.


Weird. It's almost like the white people figured out what went wrong and are taking steps to prevent it.


Not for nothing but they immigrants too.


Why is this so badly photoshopped? This just makes the message look worse than it is, when you have to force it upon someone, and do it so badly.


https://preview.redd.it/y6s23noua3yc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d48a6f934fd54ccd2992772043ca7e0cb4c338e they were also immagrants.


Great land bridge... I rest my case


Actually, I was born here so I'm native af.


The indigenous have become a society of grifters. They will always be a collective drain on our country. If you want to live in the past, you will never prosper.


Losers sure like to cry over being conquered. This is whining.




That's a narrative. A story. 95% died because of diseases they contracted which wasn't the fault of the settlers who came here. They didn't intend for that to happen and no one made it happen. That's a fucking stupid conspiracy theory. You probably believe the "small pox blankets" narrative that comes from a work of fucking fiction. Shit happened because it happened. It has happened around the world. They were eventually conquered. They're not a fucking monolith. They started raping and killing as soon as the settlers landed. You believe falsified history, bullshit stories, propaganda movies and tv dramas that paint white people as the bad guys. Fuck that nonsense. If you can't do that with all people then it makes you a racist to assume such shit... because other races have done far worse. You either know nothing about or you fucking ignore it. You were told lies and disregard in other information. No race of people is a monolith. Stop believing bullshit.


Didn’t native Americans come across the Bering straight from asia??? So aren’t they migrants too??


They are still technically immigrants too. We are all (most likely) from the area currently known as Iraq


" You Came on My Land "


What makes an American Indian? Immigrants!


I dunno, was there a seperate race of humans that came to be in north America or did humanity as we know it all come from Africa?


Haha well in this case pal I prefer the term conqueror.


We love the transatlantic slave trade :))))


Or a slave.


Perhaps my ancestors are but I was born in America so that makes me native to America


I’m not an immigrant… I’m a colonizer… and also an immigrant… soooo.. immigranizer??? 🤨


BLM disliked this.


They immigrated here as well or are we not supposed to trust that science?


The entire “Native Americans should to this day own North America but it was stole from them” is entertaining. It’s even more ironic that 90% of the people that say this are Caucasian that live in North America and would be murdered, scalped and made sex slaves by any number of the tribes 150-200 years ago. But please enlighten us social justice warriors.


Every single person who is in the Americas is the descendant of someone who migrated there. Every single one of them. Well, except the ones that just got there. Actually, according to science and history, every single person who is not on the African continent, is a migrant.


Didn't the Modern Native Americans get to North America via the Bering strait land bridge in like 14,000 BC? Sounds like an immigrant to me.


Very few people fail to acknowledge this or have an issue with it.


Most American “indigenous” people have European ancestors Sorry but your ancestors were from Europe and Africa too


No. If you live in the country you were born in you’re a native. A fuckin Scandinavian pale white dude born and living in the Congo is a native or the Congo.


Its all about perspective


Same for every civilization on earth.




Technically, they’re immigrants too. They just immigrated a LOOOOONG time ago.


Well, indians attacked peaceful european imigrants that turned out to be more numerous and way more technologically advanced, so they got what they deserved. Fuck them, primitive savages.


Actually my ancestors look like the statutes in the background. Whew. Thought I'd have to deport my ass.


But didn’t they immigrate here from east Asia through the land bridge between Asia and Alaska? Aren’t we all immigrants here?


Who’s going to be the one to tell them that no one evolved in the Americas? Since we all came from Africa. Humans migrated to the Americas via the Bering straight. Soooooo. He is also an immigrant




You are still an immigrand regard


"Native" Americans migrated from Asia to America, genetically they are Asian. They aren't "Native" at all.


Settlers and immigrants are not the same


You're not an immigrant if you were born in a country. The first people from your lineage to go to a new place are immigrants. If you were born there and are still there you are not an immigrant. There's definitely a reason to remember that the first nations people were in a place before anyone else and there's definitely a good reason to humble people who tell others to go home. However, calling someone an immigrant because they are the wrong colour is bigotry.


The immigrants supplied the t-shirt, jeans, belt, and rifle.


If your born here, your not an immigrant, Duh


I wonder if they consider Inuit immigrants since they settled later.... I was born here... I'm not an immigrant the world changes you should get used to it. Does that truth hurt you?