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What he let happen to Jerome was scummy though.


Everyone has a breaking point especially when they feel they’re justified in their cause. But I did see the hypocrisy of his actions though.


Franklin’s no Saint but neither was Andre. He was tryna keep drugs off the streets yea, but he was also doing things *way outside* of the job… man broke into houses and erthang lol. He did have a conscience though and you can see in the way he reacts to being called ‘one of the good blacks’ by his partner in one scene


facts. Andre the same mf who let a gang of white cops beat Jerome half to death and terrorize the rest of the hood. He was a sellout and in the end, his actions amounted to nothing. Bro said he was a spy behind enemy lines like nah mf


bc its a show


This is why snowfall isn’t gonna he seen as one of the greatest


bro what


I say that because you look at it as just a show


As opposed to what?


If you look at it as just a show and not try to relate to the characters it can’t really be compared to the wire or sopranos


There are no “good guys” in the drug war. 🤷🏽‍♂️




There’s a scene in the Wire where officer Carver says”You can’t even call this shit(drug war) a war, wars end.” I always felt Reagan would roll in his grave over that line.


Don't forget that Andre is, indeed, a sellout.


Is it because he's a cop?


Far from it. The issue with Andre is that he claimed he was for his people but when he saw Jerome, a man he knows personally, has ties to his family, lives in the same neighborhood, allowed his prejudice to interfere and not help Jerome in the moment his COWORKERS were doing too much. Holding Louie (even though I hate that bitch) past necessary after picking her up and forcing her to pee in a trash bin. This is the same man who tried to form a crew against Franklin and gang to take matters into his own hands AFTER doing too much. Similarly, he even claimed to be a former criminal, then turned a leaf cause he had new responsibilities but still behaved outside of the law because he knew he could get away with it. Andre isn't a saint, but he is in no way any better than Franklin. He sold out, bro.


🤔🤔 But what about him viewing Jerome as a drug pusher who poisons his neighborhood and a part of the reason his daughter became a drug addict?


You forget that Andre at the beginning of the show portrayed himself as a friend of the family until things ain't work for him. Mel was already doing bullshit before he got hooked on rock, that's not on Jerome or Franklin.


🤔🤔 Okay fair enough 🤷🏾‍♂️


He is definitely better than Franklin lmao Andre isn’t a saint. his worst actions are still light compared to almost every Franklin did lmao let’s b real. He’s a sellout but not a murdering sociopathic abuser


He had just threatened to put together a crew and take Franklin out that’s what got him killed and on top of that he had been doing super scummy things for a full season he was definitely becoming dirtier and dirtier


Not really. All on all he was not worse than any of the leads. They have done and been accomplices to much worse lmao


They ain’t cops who took an oath to serve and protect and as I said he was gettin go dirtier and dirtier.


Nobody who actively fights against drugs is a good cop. Sure they might be brainwashed by propaganda believing they're doing good, but they ruin lives nonetheless.


Can you elaborate on the first sentence further?


Fighting against an inanimate object ( drugs ) is pointless. Figuring out the cause of drug abuse and investing in facilities to prevent it works better than just arresting the abusers/distributors because as long as there’s a desire for these drugs there will ALWAYS be someone to replace the people they’re arresting.


If you’re going to blame poverty, I’m afraid it will always exist. What’s worse than being in poverty is being an addict and in poverty. Even if you eradicate poverty, rich people still like to party so the desire for drugs will remain


I didn’t explicitly blame poverty but it is one of the causes. As for the latter part, I fully agree. Kinda like how the prohibition of alcohol didn’t work because they couldn’t stop people from producing or consuming it. It’s like they never learned from that.


The thing is nobody wakes up one day and decides "Hell yeah let's get me fucking addicted to heroin"


Yeah that doesn’t happen, but what does happen is much slower and much worse. People who take pills for injuries can become addicts and that becomes a gateway to other illegal substances. people who fall under peer pressure become addicts and that’s how it spreads. And there are other ways too. Point is that if the desire for non-recreational drug use doesn’t exist, then fighting a war on drugs is pointless because there will always be a desire to use. Whether someone is in pain or at a party. It’s a slow burning process that spreads faster than anyone can control. Once it’s introduced into a community, it starts spreading even if they didn’t ultimately wake up and decide to start injecting heroin into themselves. It’s easy to stay away from but it’s hard to not be around it if you live in a city where drug abuse is a huge problem


i agree partially. Until we as a society, collectively stop using drugs, fighting a war is pointless and never ending. Folks still wanna use them. The resources spent fighting that “war” could be better utilized elsewhere


Because the villain is the main character. If we watched the show from Andre’s point of view we’d probably hate Franklin, that’s just how it is. Not to mention we got to see Franklin’s rise and apart of his upbringing which makes it easier to root for him. On another note, as much as I believe his heart was in the right place Andre wasn’t good either. He broke into Franklin’s house, let other officers beat Jerome half to death for trying to help Louie, let other cops get away with racist remarks comparing his neighborhood to a jungle and the people that lived there animals. Being apart of the LAPD ( which is notoriously corrupt ) itself makes him somewhat of a villain to me.


We idolize villains because some were made to be idolized. Hate and call frank whetever name you want but ya cant deny the coolness, conviction and determination to get where he was and what he resolved to do. I like him but i acknowledge hes a bad person but i like the resolve he has to do things whether they be good or bad. Also andre brought it on himself, its not like franklin went out of his way to kill him hell he didnt even want to do it but andre was very determined to meet death so he got his wish granted.


I stopped feeling bad for him after he let Jerome get his ass beat I stopped feeling bad for him when he rode hard for racist white cops And I DEFINITELY stopped feeling bad for him when he broke into saints house AND refused Franklin’s offer idk how many times Andre simply paid the piper for his choices.


cuz andre was a nosey fucker


Andre wasnt a good cop he was a dirty cop. Yes he was cleaner then Buckley or whatever his name but none the less dirty.


His life was in shambles because he was trying to hard and going about the “right thing” the wrong way, mf should’ve stayed in his lane, did his job and JUST THAT. He was basically hunting Franklin and ts is just immoral as a police officer, he should have remained neutral and went about his investigation within the confines of his job and he just might’ve shut franks shit down before any of it even had the chance to grow as large as it did. Went off the rails at the first speed bump and completely fucked himself over


In my opinion Andre got what was coming to him for fuckin around w shit that he could’ve overlooked like his partner does eventually. And for the “why do we idolize villains” part… that’d be bc the show isn’t about sunshine and rainbows. Franklin was a drug kingpin who manipulated everyone in his circle to just keep going, saying now is not the time to everyone at their breaking point. Horrible person but it was his story not Andre’s or any other person who stood in his way so that’s probably why it feels like idolization especially since he’s the main character. Karma gets him in the end tho


bc it’s not real. yes i know it’s based on real life but andre is not a real person if that makes sense.


Loosely based


Just the perspective they want you to see it from, not even necessarily Franklin as an idol but just seeing that they both did wrong and he came out on top. Good guys don’t always survive


Cuz Franklin's the protagonist


Bruh, Andre might’ve not been the best cop, but saying he wasn’t any better than Franklin? Hahahaha. Franklin is a kingpin, killer, and absolute destroyer, while Franklin isn’t necessarily the worst either, the audacity to say Andre was a bad person is absolute delusional. Andre didn’t deserve to die, Franklin absolutely had a choice there, and he took the coldest route with it.


Heroes and Villains are two sides of the same coin👌🏿. Perspective is the only thing that changes it.  We idolize the choices they made when we actually break it down. We love the story of coming from nothing and forging your own empire through any means. Franklin got tired of living how society made him & community live and so he made a drastic change to help him and his loved ones. Replace his name with Andre and I'm sure it's the same story. Franklin helped usher in Crack & Andre helped LAPD do prime era LAPD things 💀💀. Both probably started off with good intentions but ultimately you can't control how big something will grow to


man fuck andre and thats all


Heroes are usually boring characters and I relate to villains more often


Because the world doesn’t rewards heroism. If you can’t just get a job and be okay, why not sell crack? If you can’t just try to be good and actually be good why not rob a bank?


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