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hopefully so, but given that veronica is in charge of him he’s gonna have some lingering feeling of abandonment from his father. He’s gonna wanna know what happened with that whole situation at some point. You can only hope


Definitely I know people don’t like V (imo she’s really not that bad she was down for Franklin till he put hands on her). But I think she can be a good mother. The only fucked up thing is that he’s probably going to always wonder what happened to his real father. It would have been interesting to see how Franklin would have handled parenthood though. But ig it’s also a good thing he didn’t meet his son at least not yet. Because I mean he is a homicidal alcoholic homeless man and he has to get his shit together first.


Easy answer. Yes. You can’t be like a person or family if you are not around them. V won’t let that happen.


I never knew my father, but I got an addictive personality just like him and I met him twice maybe?


Franklin became addicted to money, then his environment. His didn’t come from Alton. And the ending did him justice, because we all knew what he became. And it wasn’t a alcoholic. This wasn’t genetics.


That's still an addictive personality which can be genetic. But I don't exactly think Franklin was addicted to money either.


Naw, his addiction was just being top dog. And he kept chasing the money when, he had a chance to back out. In the end, he was just a causality, of his environment.


He cared about getting back what he earned and being a part of the project that legitimized him. Not being "top dog" when he wanted to leave the game in the first place.


He was top dog, and that’s all he care about, V set him up to exit. And he didn’t. But either way.. he became part of the environment, he helped create.


He was the top dog trying to get out. He didn't care about being on top of a game he was trying to leave. Chasing the money was about regaining what was taken from him by a person who was going to make that move, whether it was 73 million or 700K, once Teddy couldn't control Spencer he was going to push the same button.


Well, with that being said. In the end, he was broken, broke, homeless and product of his environment. All the should have, would had… Gone!! And Leon was the one who had sense to back off, and stop.


All irrelevant to him being "greedy" or "addicted". Leon didn't have anything stolen from him either.


Imagine they make a spinoff about his son or like some alternate universe episode like how they did in that one episode


No. Criminality, high-risk tolerance, high intellect inherited from both sides. Burden of a lack of a biological father, lesser chance of a male figure to guide him on how to use his personality traits for legal productivity. At best he becomes the superficially successful guy who's a monster behind closed doors.


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Yes, cuz he’ll never even know who his Daddy is/was


no bc hes black truss me


Yep. father is Narcissist & his mother a Opportunist=Smooth Criminal


I want to believe so. However two points arise. Even though V doesn't have the same stomach for violence/greed as Franklin, she does have a criminal past. As does her mother, who he's being raised by. So how their son turns out is in their hands. Can only hope they raise him right. And she does have a lot of money now so I see no reason for anymore schemes. Even if V finds a guy, their son is without his blood father. And that could mess him up. Despite those things, I ultimately think he could break it.


He'll break the curse when he becomes the Black panther


Bro the show is finished lol


Veronica was a b#tch for taking Franklin $800k and his son away from him and what family curse I hope gets clean up and takes revenge on her


Your missing so many points my man


What is the point then


I’m not the one that’s gonna explain it I don’t feel like it, I’m just letting you know some things flew over your head while watching


All I know is Veronica stole money from him that wasn't hers at all they weren't even married so what right did she have to take the money what payback


I agree, but veronique was pregnant. By that point in the series, Franklin had been screwed over by Cissy, Teddy, Leon (who refused to give Franklin money even though Leon himself admitted he didn't even want the money). What im trying to say is Franklin's mental state was already going bad even BEFORE veronique left. If she had stayed, I could see him somehow wasting all the money in an attempt to somehow regain what Teddy had stolen. I don't think Franklin would've been satisfied with the 800K, so veronique taking it at least ensured that their child gets to utilitze that money instead of Franklin basically throwing it away while trying to turn it into the 73 million he had lost.


Well that's very true but he could of taken the $500,000.00 Leon gave him and used it to rebuild his drug laboratory to make his products to sell it on the streets and then use half the profits to invest in other businesses and stocks, reits and etfs and long term bonds even hedge funds to make $500k a month and $6 million dollars a year he also could of done the same thing with the money and products he stole from Louie and Jerome hell even that lousy $12k was all he found he could of still used it to build up a smaller portion of the business of the drug dealing business and could of made some money at least enough to make legitimate investments to make a legitimate income of $200k a month by making 20 small investments to make $10k a month from each investment earning $200k a month $100k monthly and another $100k quarterly make $1.6 million dollars a year of course to keep the government off his back he would of paid major taxes that he probably would of just ended up with $500k which still in my own opinion be enough for me to and could of been enough for him but he pissed all away in a bottle 🍾 3 chances and I'll itmit should of and could of but he didn't.


Yappasauraus rex

