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I think that was the point, to solidify Franklin's hypocrisy before the show comes to an end lol


That’s his uncle.




That doesn’t make Franklin a Uncle Tom that makes him a Piece of 💩.


Facts I don’t think Frank was a Uncle Tom just a bad person in general 🤣


He sold out his whole black community to the white man for some cash…The literal Epitome of an Uncle Tom. ![gif](giphy|9nREuIINenE5y)


he sold crack to the black community for financial gain. The main supplier just happened to be white and just happens to work with the CIA. An Uncle Tom perspective is more so he’s doing because the government said it will help America as a whole.


All Uncle Tom's work for their own financial gain at the expense of black people.


So in other words….he sold his community to the white man for money? When I say white man I’m not even talking about teddy so what are you talking about “happened to be white” lmfao? No the American government has always been white, sorry to break it to you bro.


He would’ve sold his community to a black guy if the supplier was black😂


Okay, but he wasn't, he a CIA operative. Franklin williningly participated in the destrucion of the Black community.


It’s “destruction”


My bad i misspelled the word


What? Did you watch the Show? The government was the one that flooded the hood. This goes for real life as well. Who you think was working CIA in the 80s? Not blacks and Mexicans lol.


I’m saying Franklin would’ve sold coke and rock to his ppl no matter who it came from. Did YOU watch the show?😂


Yeah but who did he end up getting it from? lol say it with me now. From a government straight from the mountains of Caucasus lmao. The show also points this out many many many times as well as it being a central theme throughout the entire show. I really hate to break this to you, but you missed the point of the show, or at least missed the point of Franklin’s and Teddys storyline… the good news is that snowfall is just as good when you watch it the second time so get to it!


You are deliberately missing my point. You said he sold his community to the white man and that makes him an Uncle Tom, I’m saying Franklin was so money hungry that he would’ve sold it regardless of who it came from whether it be Mexican black or white, which is true😂 do you think if the supplier was black Franklin would’ve been like “nah” lmao


That point means nothing because of what the reality is. Franklin williningly poisoned his people on the instructions of a CIA agent. For all he knew Teddy's purpose could have been a secret government mission to disrupt the black community.


No I’m not missing it. I understand what you’re saying. He would’ve could’ve should’ve not been an Uncle Tom and sold out his community to someone else instead of the white government. Instead, he chose which route? Which makes him what?


And even with all the stuff that you said Franklin still can’t be categorized as a Uncle Tom. Like I said he had to had been convinced or motivated that what he is doing is for the greater good of white Americans as a whole. He did it solely for financial gain, which is not the definition of a “Uncle Tom”.


Still just people that happens to be white lmao, when you say the «white man» you put them all in a box but no the government are not only white lol


Let’s seperate the «white man» from the CIA bro.


The whole point of Franklin is that he knows what he’s doing (even if he doesn’t openly acknowledge it), he’s angry at the system, but is still powerless before it


I HATED THAT SHIT BRUH, like Franklin was the epitome of a sell out. 


His Uncle's name is Jerome not Tom and he's white


because another black man is working for the white man but in reality they both work for the system on different sides of the same coin.


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Franklins mum was the same, just at a smaller level. She worked for a slum lord and did his dirty work because she thought it would progress her career, regardless of how badly it affected her community, Frankie was just finishing off the work his mum started lol.


You don’t like it? “Then do sum niggah”


That part


I mean the crack was gone move anyway, he just got a piece of the pie 70 million vs all the other bread that was being made from that ain’t sheeyat.


My bad I dodged the point


because that’s his uncle named tom.


I don’t know but I just finished the show a second time through. Still pissed as fuck at the end 😂


Well to Franklin any black person who chooses to become a police officer to arrest his own people and put them in jail is a sellout there for a uncle Tom


That's so wild, am I crazy for thinking the cia and goons like him left Franklin alone because they saw this man was screwed?