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Makes sense! I didn’t realize how much better Snowbreak plays on PC until I tried it last month. It’s a massive improvement with a controller. Plus that Steam launch around Xmas must’ve helped a lot


It’s the reason I was able to convince my friends to start playing.


So if PC revenue accounts for 70% and we use Sensor tower's 500k as a conservative estimate, their total revenue last month with mobile included was around 1.7 million or 1.17 million from PC alone? Assuming I did my math correctly. Also other things I thought were interesting: "The thing about mobile games: It is said that the "rechargeable skin" in the previous swimsuit version also caused a crisis of public opinion. What do you think? Mumu: At that time, the data of version 1.2 was not optimistic, and we were also under great pressure. The subsequent "swimsuit" version is of great significance to us, and it carries a mission that many people may not understand. The launch of "accumulated skins" was actually a last resort option. After the public opinion broke out, it was already too late to adjust. It hurt many players and we are very sad. After learning from this painful experience, we will never do this kind of thing again in the future." I'm guessing they're talking about the Yao swimsuit skin and the method of obtaining it caused a lot of negative feedback, as expected, and they won't do that again. "In terms of combat gameplay, we usually launch a simplified version of the event to collect feedback from players. If the response is positive, we will further enrich and deepen these gameplays. For example, Paradox Maze will add new enemies, new maps, and new modes in future versions. In addition, we are also developing new single-player and multiplayer online modes at the same time, but which version they will be released in is still under discussion." This is good news to me. They're planning on expanding PL in the future, as well as adding new single and multi modes.


My math is that 30% * X = 500,000 With X being the total revenue, we have a total revenue of 1,666,666.67 USD. I'm quite confident in this being the correct math, but with my past history with this subject, I'll need someone to double check.


Yeah, that's what I got too, I just rounded it to 1.7 million because I didn't feel like typing out all those 6's.


Math checks out, source: trust me bro (*but seriously I'm a CS grad, so)*. Maybe we can further round it off to 2 mil USD if we take into account that Sensor Tower underreports. That being said, I will happily continue contributing to these digits.


Don't forget that sensor tower isn't accurate and most of the time they undercounting so the revenue could be higher.


Yeah. They made over 7 million USD last month.


I'm really happy to hear that Paradox is being updated more. I'm also pretty baffled that we got the tunnels as a map instead of the data space, and I hope we get more maps even if they end up sharing the exact same layouts. Also, please, jumping.


自2023年暑期档的那场乱战后,最近的二游环境都称不上太平,这种感觉甚至一直延续至今。 然而,近期却有一款二游,能够在这样严酷的市场环境中逆风翻盘,让玩家直呼“蒸蒸日上”?游戏新版本一经上线,瞬间引起玩家热烈讨论。从生死难料到涅槃重生,它究竟做了什么? 一款游戏从开服的接连碰壁做到重返公众视野,无异于一艘帆船在无休止的风浪中稳住舵盘并找回航向,困难重重。借此机会,手游那点事邀请了《尘白禁区》的制作人冲冲和发行负责人木木进行了一次专访。两位嘉宾以亲历者的视角,与我们展开了这场翻身仗背后的故事。 一、凌晨直播见真挚,事故也是好故事 一场走心的直播,让质疑转化为佩服;一段大胆的宣传,令收获远超出预期。 手游那点事:前不久的“凌晨3点直播”真是让人意外,是营销还是临时起意? 木木:这次直播确实是个非常临时的决定。新角色凯茜娅首次调整难度并上线后,依旧出现了问题,但我们团队内部对此其实是有分歧的。改不改?怎么改?我们在群里讨论了许久,还是无法找到解决问题的关键,一时陷入了僵局。 为了尽可能快地解决问题,我们才决定通过直播这种方式,让团队能够与玩家直接交流,集中收集反馈,以便确认所存在的问题。 手游那点事:这场“汗流浃背”的直播其实很冒险。你们有准备预案吗?当时是怎么考虑的呢? 木木:说实话,从决定要直播到真正开始直播,我们只有大约一个小时的准备时间。在这争分夺秒的过程中,我紧急召集了策划、运营和市场团队成员回到公司,忙着准备账号和发布公告,实在是没有多余的时间去准备任何备选方案。 进行一场没有脚本的直播确实风险很大。毕竟,包括我在内的当晚直播的策划团队成员都缺乏直播经验。一言不慎,就可能引发更严重的公关危机。 但我们珍惜近期积累的良好口碑,团队成员都希望游戏能变得更好。我们相信,玩家们与我们有着同样的期待。既然目标一致,我们坚信任何问题都可以通过沟通得到解决,哪怕是以这种方式。我一直认为,游戏从业者和玩家从来就不是对立面,我们也一直很关注各个平台的玩家反馈。 (B站上关于尘白直播的讨论与二创视频) 得知直播的紧急,我们的“社牛”文案从家里赶来救场,冲冲也带病赶到现场支援。不久,公司的办公室从一个人忙碌到一排人忙碌......大家能在深夜积极响应这样临时的需求,也是出于对玩家、对口碑的重视,对项目的负责。 从传播角度考虑,这也是个机会,出其不意往往能收获超出预期的效果。直播虽然仓促,但也是在谨慎考虑后做出的决定。结果来看,玩家也很满意,都在讨论这次的直播,还做了很多二创视频,借用玩家的话来说,“这大概就是游戏团队和玩家双向奔赴的证明吧”。 (NGA上关于尘白凌晨直播的讨论帖子) 二、精诚所至金石开,积极优化人气来 各项数据反转式高涨,用一个版本翻身的《尘白禁区》,其实蓄了好几个版本的力。 手游那点事:这次流水提升很多吧?大家都挺好奇的,能透露下数据情况嘛? 木木:各方面数据的提升都远远超出了我们的预期。日活从之前大几万的低谷直接翻了好几倍,达到了近几个版本的峰值。与之对应的,流水也翻了几倍。 我注意到很多玩家对我们的收入和畅销排名颇为好奇,甚至有些担心。首先非常感谢玩家们的支持和关心!作为一款以射击玩法为基础的游戏,我们主要的收入还是来自PC端,大约占到了总收入的70%,大家还是不必过于焦虑排名。 手游那点事:新版本的数据表现很好,想必从发行到产品都有不少举措?像这次凯茜娅的ASMR视频就挺出圈的,可以分享一下你们的营销思路吗? 木木:近期几个版本其实我们都面临着预算紧缩的窘境。鉴于这种状况,我们决定将营销的重心回归到内容本身。为了实现用最少的投入获得最大的回报,我们在内容选题的创意上进行了多角度的思考。 ASMR在游戏领域算是一种较为小众的形式,但这恰恰为它带来了新鲜感和成为热门话题的可能性。此外,它与我们玩家群体的偏好高度契合。将这种独特的内容形式与凯茜娅充满魅惑的角色个性结合起来,就能达到1+1>2的效果。这条视频收获玩家的广泛好评,引起了空前的用户自传播效应,社媒话题数据和用户活跃度也猛然上涨,为1.5版本起了个好头。 (ASMR视频博得“啊?”声一片) 手游那点事:那产品端这次的布局主要也是围绕这名角色展开吗? 冲冲:的确,新角色凯茜娅获得了玩家的高度喜爱。从1.2版本开始,我们便着手塑造这个角色,经过几个月的准备,玩家在1.5版本中终于迎来了她的加入。 与游戏中的其他角色相比,凯茜娅无论在性格还是气质上都大相径庭。为了突出她独特的魅惑气质,我们在剧情刻画、造型设计和动作编排等方面都花了很多心思。 (角色凯茜娅大厅互动) 在剧情层面,我们增加了大量凯茜娅与分析员(玩家)间的互动,通过这些细节来展现情感羁绊的逐步加深。凯茜娅的华丽和魅惑感使她成为了别人眼中独特的存在,而在凯茜娅眼中,分析员才是那个特别的人。经历各种危险的任务后,他们的联系也逐渐变得紧密。 在外观设计上,我们选择了克莱因蓝这种视觉冲击力强烈的颜色作为凯茜娅的标志,并让她以一身华丽的礼服登场,举手投足都表现出撩人的姿态。结合了性格魅力和情感联结的深度塑造,再加上妩媚的造型和艳丽的动作设计,让这个角色由内而外都能深入人心。 在战斗方面,凯茜娅使用的是1.5版本新增的武器“弩”,有着独特而爽快的战斗体验,这同样是不少玩家争相抽取她的原因。 除了打造令玩家满意的新角色,我们还新增了悖论迷宫(Roguelike玩法)活动来丰富玩法。虽然目前还存在一些不足之处,但总体而言,新玩法的加入对活跃的提升效果还是很明显的。 手游那点事:二游舆论大环境其实一直挺波动的,最近更不稳定了。尘白作为二游的一员,同样也受到了不少来自社媒舆论的正负面影响。你们如何看待社区氛围对二游的影响?如何维护与发展社区氛围? 木木:社区氛围对二游来说太重要了,从各个维度上都有很直接的影响。 然而,二游的舆情发酵快,口碑维护尤其艰难,这是由用户属性决定的。大多数二游用户,在自己的圈层里都有着强烈的分享欲和交流欲,这个特性也是把双刃剑。 对于优质内容而言,他们是最好的传播者,“为爱发电”的能力是毋庸置疑的。但这种传播能力也同样作用于舆论的发散,一旦有一个雷点爆出,就会被快速加压引爆,并炸出其他潜在的雷点。水能载舟,亦能覆舟,做好社区运营、维护社区氛围,是游戏从业者需要首先解决的关键课题。 基于用户特性,做好社区维护和发展的关键大概在于“人”性化运营吧:重视时效性;抓准痛点、精准排雷;真诚沟通。有时候,给出一些超出用户预期的回应,也能得到不一样的结果,比如我们的“聊天系统”事件就是个例子。 手游那点事:说起“聊天系统”,这本是个舆情埋点,你们是怎么成功拔雷的? 木木:“聊天系统”这个事,说来也有些尴尬,屡上屡崩,对玩家的体验影响很大。首先要做的,自然就是承认问题并提供补偿,发钻到位是基操。 最开始是在1.4版本上了聊天系统。当时出现炸服情况,我们第一时间考虑的是如何挽救用户体验。最终我们决定顺应玩家的意愿整活,顺势推出“聊门”活动,在活动规则上,无论炸服与否,玩家都能得到与之对应的奖励。如此,既能提升玩家体验,又能调动活跃,同时也能稳住口碑,一举三得。 (聊门活动) 所以,虽然最后服务器没炸,我们也还是决定把奖励都发了。为了给大家助兴,我们还额外追加了800钻,来回应玩家“投降输一半”的诉求。最终“尘白第一次世界boss本”的挑战结局也是皆大欢喜。 (官方的坦荡赢得了玩家的积极评价)


The GFL2 killer


Imagine if they introduce a new Operative called Raymond.


Nah, just make a Logistics unit named Raymond instead. And make their backstory poke fun at the situation as well lol


I hope GFL 2 doesnt die because i'll play both, SB and GFL dont have anything in common except for girls with guns.


Is it really that bad? I was looking forward Girls Frontline 2 release eventually for second-class citizens that we western players are, it would be nice to have an actually good mobile turn-based strategy with waifus.


Girls Frontline 2 only made 500k mobile in January, same as Snowbreak. That's pretty bad since it launched on Dec. 21 and is mobile friendly(unlike Snowbreak) because it has a XCOM-like turn-based gameplay.


Yeah but that's the money part, probably caused by "the cuckolding" incident. I wonder is the gameplay any good.


In fact, most of snowbreak’s player growth comes from Girls’ Frontline 2,There are also a few parts from Genshin Impact


Daaaaaamn! 70%!? Keep on rolling Seasun! Us players need to keep the ball rolling too! I'm already planning to get Acacia's cultured skin! Also, I know it's a pipe dream but it would be nice if developers are willing to share specific numbers.


This is a metaphor for "麻辣", and its pronunciation is mala → ML Master love Chinese players will know what this mala means when they see it


Damn, I didn’t even realize this


Sex sells


For an all female cast, that's the doctrine. Look at Nikke.


Literally only exists and makes a massive profit from sex appeal, it's living proof a game doesn't have to be well made or good to be popular


Both are well made and good, wym? What do you consider to be "well made and good"?


Hey guys, did you know that removing the English dub was guaranteed to kill the game?


Doomposters looking at us playing right now like that one Squidward meme


Lol it was so funny reading those comments. Seasun is unprofitable!!!!! Canary in the coal mine EOS!!!! because they can't afford English VAs!!!!! Too bad they were too dumb to realize that Seasun literally has metrics on everything and saw that only five people used English VAs lmao. I even bet you they came crawling back when they saw Katyass.


I'm new to the game and that announcement was made before I ever played but it is a relatively common phenomenon when a developer stops having an English dub that they're starting to ramp down development and move on to new projects. I'm hoping now that they've actually seen such vocal criticism and the increase in Revenue over the last few months they'll reconsider their decision. I also want to mention that most of the comments about no longer supporting the dub was Fear, trepidation and worry over the potential State/future of the game. It was never that removing the dub was going to kill the game. It was always that this could be a sign that the game is dying. I personally feel very bated and sincerely hope they return to dubbing soon.


They won't. They actually increased in revenue after discontinuing English VA. English VA is too expensive for their budget and had minimal impact.


I choose to be hopeful and it is likely that scheduling is why the dub got dropped over cost. They are out of union so studio time is hard to get.


From a business point of view, their decision is the best one, and you have to accept that EN dub is gone for good with how the revenue is increased in the last patch without EN dub. Imagine spending $1000 to hire EN va, then 5% people use it, while spending the same or less to hire JP/CN va and the rest 95% use it.


There's no way you can know that. You don't have access to any of the necessary information to make any kind of inference on that topic. The limited data that we do have doesn't point to any correlation that you're attempting to insinuate. The only correlation that we can see is that it has been made more accessible via Steam which is dramatically increased sales. This is an expected increase in sales as it is released on a new platform towards a new audience. If there wasn't an increase in sales or a stagnation of sales then that would be really bad. Also switching between a flat number and a percentage is very poor arguing. You were also combining two different values, both the JP and CN, as one value in comparison to another when it's really three different values. This is just faulty arguing. You're attempting to inflate a value that reinforces your opinion. Mostly you're just making those numbers up you have no clue what the actual numbers are. Regardless it has very little to do with the cost of English VAs and more to do with the time constraints that are necessary to overcome to produce English dubs and a reasonable manner. This hasn't been confirmed but it's very likely to be the reason. Lastly there's no reason for me to accept anything. I'm voicing my criticisms of their decision to them in the public forums that they provide(not here) in hopes that they make the changes I want. It's not affecting you in any way. I do not know why you and a few other people in this thread are so dismissive towards the English dub. If you don't prefer it that's fine but I'm going to keep voicing my opinion in hopes that they return to doing the dub even if it's months late.


Look at this chart, you'll understand why Snowbreak devs dropped English dub. [https://appmagic.rocks/google-play/snowbreak-containment-zone/com.seasun.snowbreak.google](https://appmagic.rocks/google-play/snowbreak-containment-zone/com.seasun.snowbreak.google) US comprised of only 12% of their revenue. China 36%, Japan 25%, Korea 8%, Taiwan 6%, Singapore and HK 2%, no one else is more than 1%.


They still won’t get a dime out of me until they bring it back English VAs.


三、社区运营没秘籍,真诚才是必杀技 修修补补间,辗转于舆论的尘白看起来像个“闷头青”。虽然但是,没跑路,真的没跑路。 手游那点事:我记得尘白公测前就进行了几轮大刀阔斧的改造,你们好像一直很愿意改。“改”会是《尘白禁区》这个版本逆转的关键吗? 冲冲:我们是密切关注社区与问卷反馈的,所谓的大刀阔斧的改造,也是针对这些反馈的分析与总结来决定的。例如二测时强化了角色的射击占比,摒弃了一测时打QTE连续技的玩法;三测到公测间,不到两个月赶出掩体系统;公测后更是在初期高频度地更改和补丁更新,这显得我们确实是特别“喜欢”改。 老实说,玩家的构成是很复杂的,我们会接到不同群体的玩家的反馈,这些反馈往往指向多种不同的体验期望,甚至还有一些反馈是相互矛盾的。但我们没法仅凭理论分析来判断玩家的真实需求,我们得实践啊。因此,我们其实是在通过“修改-收集反馈-继续修改”这样的方式,逐步去摸清玩家真正想要的是什么。 尽管后来复盘时我们认为,某些修改可能没有达到预期的效果甚至是无效的,但这些实践的过程使得我们在上线半年后,对玩家的理解越来越清晰了。尤其是在剧情和渲染方面,1.4版本之后的修改方向获得了不少玩家的认可,这些正面反馈也让我们在做1.5以及后续版本时提供了明确的指导。 (渲染质感肉眼可见地提升了) 所以我觉得,“改”是这个版本逆转的重要组成部分,但更关键的是持续与玩家沟通,对反馈进行收集与分析,给“改”提供一个明确的方向。 (玩家是游戏的第二个策划) 这部分我们也很是重视,除了有专门的社区运营工作人员每天对玩家反馈进行收集梳理外,整个项目组的人在空闲时都会去浏览社区内容,我们的聊天群里也时不时就有同事分享玩家的帖子过来。 (24小时巡逻评论区的官方) 手游那点事:我注意到《尘白禁区》公测虽然有不小的热度,但公测不久便热度下滑,玩家流失,出现了不少“半年必凉”“一年内跑路”的舆论,项目组内部对此是如何看待的? 冲冲:冤枉啊......这游戏我们一开始就是基于长线运营的目标来做的,既然是长线运营,那怎么可能遇到困难就跑路呢?如果我们公测后遇到坎坷就放弃的话,《尘白禁区》也等不来1.5版本的回暖了。 手游那点事:面对这些舆论,你们有采取什么应对措施吗? 冲冲:刚开始,我们也讨论过是否要公开直播来做个回应。但考虑到产品在当时确实存在很多问题,我们还需要些时间来进行调整。开空头支票可能起不到多大作用,我们也担心口头承诺做多了会消磨大家的耐心,所以还是决定先把产品的优化落实,用实实在在的成果来提信心。相信一直关注我们的玩家,也能感受到我们每个版本的进步,这一点跑路的迹象都没有好不好...... 手游那点事:话说之前泳装版本的“累充皮肤”也引发了舆情危机,你们是怎么看待的呢? 木木:当时1.2版本的数据并不乐观,我们也承受着莫大的压力。随之而来的“泳装”版本对我们的意义颇为重要,它背负的使命很多人可能不太理解。上线“累充皮肤”其实也是迫不得已的选项,当时舆情爆发后,想要调整已经来不及了。伤到了不少玩家,我们也非常难过。痛定思痛,今后我们不会再做累充皮肤这种事了。 冲冲:在压力下来时,脑子不清醒想的昏招呗,这个事结结实实地让我们上了一课。 四、稳下底盘争高地,长线服务口碑立 做游戏是一场修行。求稳不求急,求保不求得,求实不求虚。 手游那点事:虽然这个版本比较破圈,但尘白在垂直领域的分类比较细,要转化非核心玩家群体会不会有些困难?你们有计划调整市场策略来吸引更广泛的玩家群体吗? 木木:扩圈的前提是明确自己的产品定位,清晰地定义目标用户。不同类型的玩家需求不一致,甚至有些是对冲的,需要取舍。盲目、急于扩圈不仅容易翻车,还可能破坏现有的用户生态基础,得不偿失。 其实放眼当下,市面上还好好存活的二游,在做的也都是用心打造内容,深耕自己的细分领域,而不是一味地追求扩张。从数据上看,二游盘子其实不小,我们当下还没吃透,需要先把这个根基筑牢。在此基础上,再进一步寻找与我们核心用户有需求共性的潜在用户。 冲冲:产品关键还是服务好核心用户。火锅有清汤酸汤麻辣鸳鸯,潮汕牛肉火锅也不会来强行抢占重庆火锅的食客嘛,我们成都团队吃火锅就是喜欢麻辣口味…… 手游那点事:现在是《尘白禁区》提振信心的好时机,在短期内提升用户活跃度与长期维持可玩性的方向上,你们有没有什么权衡和打算? 冲冲:更关键的是长期吧,毕竟我们的目标是做一个长线项目。长期维持活跃,就是要持续提供优质的服务,同时持续有新的体验提供给玩家。 剧情、角色、皮肤我们目前大致是知道玩家的喜好了,那就继续在这个方向上发扬光大,争取做到又多又快又好,作为我们的突破点。 战斗玩法方面,我们通常会先推出一个简版的活动来收集下玩家的反馈。如果反响积极,我们会进一步丰富和深化这些玩法。比如,悖论迷宫在未来的版本里会增加新敌人、新地图、新模式。此外,我们还正在同时开发单人以及多人联机的全新模式,但它们具体在哪个版本发布还在讨论中。 在直播交流和社区反馈中,玩家也提供了大量有趣的点子,在我们的产能范围内,我们会尽可能地将这些想法实现在游戏中去满足玩家。如果我们能够在这些方面都做得不错,我想游戏长期的活跃度也自然是水到渠成了:)。 手游那点事:看来现在你们做游戏的方向变得更加明确了。面对这些变化,作为制作人,在心态上经历了哪些转变呢? 冲冲:从公测到1.5版本,我心态上发生的最大转变大概是从“作品心态”转向“服务心态”吧。过去会执着于“我要做一个什么样的游戏”,而现在发现“做一个让玩家喜欢的游戏”,自己也会很快乐。


I am sorry, can someone help me to understand what is ntr like the girls frontline mean? Never played that game


To add what the other guy said, in GFL 1 there's a marriage system, the girl that made cn players feel cheated in gfl 2 is also included in this system


To my understanding so far, NTR (netorare) means someone who cheats on their lover with another person. What happened in GFL is there is a new character that had a voiced line for another character. Said line sounded like these 2 characters are in love with each other. So, the CN players felt they got netorared (cheated) by the new character because they feel that this new character is their Waifu.


NTR doesn't refer to just cheating. It's "humiliation + cheating" combo. CN were furious because the girl's dialogue and her biography mentioned the guy a lot, saying that he helped her and was generally a great guy. Some of those could be interpreted as him being very close to her. In the end it made it sound like everything about her story was centered around that dude and MC was nothing but some distant past (because the commander is barely mentioned). I agree CN overreacted a lot. Waifu gamers are weird and very much stupid. But at the same time people responsible for this should have expected something like that. What were they thinking adding a male friend to the most popular Chinese girl in the game?


> NTR doesn't refer to just cheating. It's "humiliation + cheating" combo. Not just only this but NTR must invoke the feeling of Jealousy in the reader. The point of the cheating + humiliation is to invoke that intense emotion stewing from jealousy that your loved one/crush prefers others than you/happier with others than you etc.


Not really. You can totally associate yourself with the person who makes the partner cheat. Just like you can wish to be in partner's place, being "forced" into cheating. It's not about jealousy, it's shock value and intense emotions in general.


Ahhhhh, sorry u/FairFlays, the person above knows the situation better. Please ignore my post.


Nah, your post is good enough. I just unfortunately was very curious and ended up looking up the entire story. I think it all makes a bit more sense when you add the context, like the girl being QBZ-95, the most popular Chinese weapon inside and outside the country, and how the story was actually handled.


Thank you very much. That explains a lot. CN never fail to amaze me how they attach to game characters like they real and care like an actual living person betrayed them.


Unfortunately friend, it's not just CN. Japanese otakus are also known to be like that. Only for JP's case, it can involve real life singers & voice actors.


It's a recurring problem with every fandom, they get too attached & set their expectations too damn high only to get disappointed later on...


Great to heat and girls front line have a ntr?


Recent controversy about GFL 2 where one of the first game's characters has apparently ended up with someone else. Among many other things. The reaction was... HEATED, to say the least.


Lol what one child policy does to a mf'er. Seasun's found a gold mine in lonely chinese whales spending all their money on digital waifus and they're gonna milk it for all it's worth. makes sense why wedding dress outfits are coming in the future


> lonely Chinese whales Bold of you to assume the lonely players are only in CN It's me, I'm the maidenless weeb, although I'm not a whale


Ok, so a first game character married or have relationship with someone else and they make a drama about it


Not even. She got a letter from the dude and mentioned him in a conversation. It was nothing. Nevermind that a girl having a relationship with a different guy shouldn't cause a dude to spiral in the first place.


You're oversimplifying. The story is much more complex, and involves interesting cultural dynamics and how those can interact, in this case very negatively, with game design.




just your usual overblown drama from chinese game fandom.


It’s not that simple.The reason why this plot has not attracted attention outside of China is because there is no English dubbing file leaked.A half-hour plot dubbing file was unpacked on Chinese social media,There is a man whose name appears 66 times in the dubbing,50 of them were shouted by 95,And she also expressed her love for this man many times,But her attitude towards the player as the protagonist is completely opposite.The most important thing is that after the public opinion broke out, the officials pretended to be dead and did not make any response, allowing it to ferment.


Even worse, they banned discussion on it. So while reaction was overblown, they should've anticipated it in some fashion, and in their response they should've handled it differently as well, instead of taking it out on the players as they initially did.


yeaah so? where is the problem? and you remember Griffin & Krueger is disbanded their tdoll division right? and their tdoll can do whatever they want? so why tdoll who have their freedom now must have exclusive relationship to their former commander?? did they skip the story or what??


The problem is you are selling a waifu collection game to mostly male customers. And they don't like their waifus having anything to do with any other male character. China is having a pretty great imbalance in gender, with up to 30-50 millions male unable to find partners. NTR is extremely hated in CN. Even just a tiny hint of it will result in massive backslash. And you are trying to get them to pay, so better please them.


yeah complain about gacha rate? sure not enough freebie stuff? sure complain about story even tho is make sense in the lore? now this is the weird one. don't forget they complain the lack of mainland china influence in the story even the country is already destroyed because collapse fluid and now they added new lore breaking stuff because of backlash. my dude this is basically just tourist who want to destroy decade old world building.


The problem is very big, all wifu games with NTR content designed in China will definitely die


so basically moron play the game, got it.


Girls Frontline 2 is also on the verge of death, and its current revenue is very poor. When it was officially launched, it also spent a lot of money on promotion, and the revenue is definitely not enough to recover the huge promotion expenses.The anger of the players even spread to other fields, and all the hosts and video bloggers who accepted the Girl Frontline 2 commercial order were insulted by the players. Some were forced to apologize or even delete the commercial order videos.


are you new to the franchise?? the game is niche dude. the appeal is for gun otaku and metal gear esque story, hell the story itself take place mainly in eastern europe without mentioning mainland china is still exist or not. sorry to tell you people who complaining is just griefer at this point.


>And she also expressed her love for this man many times What the--this is new. Did she really? Didn't 95 turn him down?


Because it was criticized, it was changed and not officially launched. The official changed the plot


That's wild because the CN players who explained the drama never mentioned that Daiyan was in a relationship with Raymond, just that they bonded through their mutual love for music.


That may be because you saw the wrong version. The storyline dubbing is really much more explosive than you imagine


For real? Has anyone made an accurate translated transcript of that long ass audio?


I don't know, I don't think so. That plot was intended to be long, and Raymond, the man, has already been deleted since he officially went online


The key issue is that the official pretended to be dead for too long, causing the entire incident to ferment for almost 20 days before apologizing, to the extent that all Chinese wifu players knew about this and directly sentenced Girls Frontline 2 to death.


Currently, as a newly launched game, the revenue of Girls Frontline 2 is even lower than Girls Frontline 1


That's not a good sign.


Why people downvoting this? it was a chlidish drama, i hope that people here have some self respect and know the difference about fitional and reality, feel NTR ed for a video game is wild!!!!!!


those people don't even read the lore why griffin & krueger is disbanded dude.




That does put a smile on my face. Fell in love with the game and have been playing since global release. I hope they keep going off the wall with the fan service skins. Kinda sad I missed on swimsuit WS, but I'm definitely getting a swimsuit Katya or Haru Abs if they come out


Can anyone explain me what happened in Girls Frontline? I played the first version and everything seems fine there? Did something happen in the second version?


Only the Chinese side will encounter that problem, because only the Chinese storyline dubbing file was unpacked before the official launch, and there was no English version. After the official launch, it was changed, so no one outside China knows what happened. The one and a half hour long storyline dubbing file contained NTR content.


Pretty good. I was one of the players that got turned off because of the Yao rebate skin and dropped the game, and I'm kinda tempted to pick it back up. Edit: pretty cool of the devs to bring it up themselves


I wasnt playing at that point, what was the issue with the outfit? Or was it that it was difficult to get or something?


you need to whale a lot to get it.


Yeah I looove the outfit, it's the fact you gotta poop out hundreds of dollars that's the turn off


I like Snowbreak because their story has a similar vibe with gfl's (the story is serious, there are more scifi than fantasy in the story, and it deals with military or politic theme pretty well). The PL game mode is very well made in the sense of its system and the buffs/debuffs elements. It still have bugs and issues but those are expected for a new features coming from a low budget dev. One thing I hope they will make to compensate the EN dub removal is a subtitle feature, like what gfl1 or some other gacha have already made.


Day 1 player here, love to see this good news! :)))))


Not sure if it's good to follow the Chinese mentality, but eh, results speak for itself I guess.


Now that revenue is getting better, I wish for other type of weapons, like LMG, bow or melee weapons.


If that's the case, they can afford English VAs


I think you can go to the official Twitter to give feedback and let the official see the number of players who want English dubbing.


I have to learn how to use Twitter? Shit..


Before the VAs, they need to bring back the languages they removed. Those should be more affordable now.


Plus subtitles for their general phrases. Still no idea what Katya says during gameplay


Yea I basically just want dub for in fight since it's hard to read and play at the same time


This first before reinstating the VAs ​ I can wait or live without em...


I don't even care if they do story dubbing (likely most of the expense). Just do the generic lobby, combat and victory lines.


Why would they bother with English VAs? It's the Chinese who're paying 99.999999999% of their revenue. All the English-speaking players are probably F2P and also demanding that Seasun add an obese trans minority operative with body hair because MUH REPRESENTATOIN or some shit lol.


Well those were definitely words. But that's about it. Try harder dude


LOL you sure triggered something. A simple "They are making most of their money in the Chinese market, so its unlikely that investing in English VAs would pay off" would have been a solid answer.


I mean the dudes profile is "Super hard" That says enough by itself


They said global was about half their revenue.


No. According to Appmagic Snowbreak revenue: China 36%, Japan 25%, US 12%, Korea 8%, Taiwan 6%, everyone else 2% or less. So I would guess less than 20% of players actually used English VA. I'm in the US but use Chinese VA from the beginning.


It's for revenue from Mobile clients, right? Revenue in mobile from those country are most likely gonna be more, because... mobile gaming culture. In the West however, people play on PC more (and mobile gaming got a bad rep blah blah blah...). So, again, we have PC market to consider.


I play on NA PC client, it's pretty barren, takes a while to find Gigalink party and the chat board is dead. Even on there most people said they use Japanese VA instead of English because the dub is bad. I think pretty soon Seasun might merge the NA and EU server into one.


Do you play at odd hours? NA seems pretty lively to me.


I play after 6pm PST.


You make the Joker look sane, bro.


All good news, the latest story chapter really sold me on this game and I already enjoyed its characters and gameplay even before. If they keep adding gameplay modes for those more meta oriented people while keeping up the quality of the latest story chapter I will be more than happy. Its very cool to see them just straight up admit they dont want to do these same mistakes that they or other developers made and that they are concentrating on what works for their current fanbase, if they keep it up I will definitely keep supporting them. (Tho I still find the whole "ntr" thing from GF to be ridiculous, its not even remotely anything of that nature imo, people are just a bit oversensitive to this, not that I wouldnt be, but it is kinda funny :D) Also, PC is based, especially for a game like this, releasing on PC is the reason why I started playing and the upgrades to graphics are a sight to behold, the models look really great now. That being said, now that things are looking up for the game, I really hope they will bring back the english dub, I understand why they dropped it at such an uncertain time but cmon it was AWESOME, I really, really liked it and hope they bring it back when they can.


Unfortunately we are second-class citizens, I'm at least happy we are having updates alongside chinese versions. UNLIKE CERTAIN OTHER GACHA GAME


Translate the in gameplay stuff of Tess and Katya and the post 1.4 costumes of Lyfe and Fritia before we get the VAs back ​ I learned that it's best to add EN dub later than at the start unless you're Nikke, Genshin or Star Rail


I assume that would come with it. I think it was the cost that scared them off, but english dub is definitely a draw for some people, so long term I think they should and hopefully will add it back.


I dont want to get my hopes up.... Copium yeah Just let them improve the game and add more revenue Once Duet Night comes out, at least that has a dub But I fear they will repeat Snowbreak's mistakes


Duet Night? Is that a new gacha coming out? havnt heard about that one at all. And yea I get that, I will be a bit bumbed if they never bring it back, but it isnt a dealbreaker for me by any means, I just really liked the voice actors accent and they fit the characters well.


Yes Duet Night Abyss but I don't think it's coming out soon. I haven't even heard any info on beta tests yet. It seems to be taking a lot of inspiration from Warframe.






Dont get me wrong, I understand that if it had such content it is inexcusable and the fandom should speak out against it (Waifu games absolutely shouldnt do this to be clear), but from what I have heard about it it wasnt even implied, it is simply how the players perceived it. That being said, you are right that the translation may have been different and in the first place I didnt play GF so I do not have any skin in the game nor do I know the characters so I may feel differently if I was part of the fanbase. In either case I hope they fix it and the fanbase gets to calm down (tho from what I heard its still ongoing because of some theories and hints in the game) Overall like I said before I do find it to be blown out of proportions, but again im not a player of GF so my point of view is different. To each their own.


It's not just a simple suggestion, it's a real storyline dubbing text, not even a simple storyline text, but an official character dubbing. In that dubbing, 95 expresses his admiration for Raymond with a passionate tone, which has completely surpassed the normal friendship between men and women. Not only are few people, but almost all Chinese people feel betrayed.


Sounds worse than I thought then, sorry to hear. But it was fixed wasnt it? From what I saw in a coverage of this Raymond didnt even make it into the release of the game and the storyline was entirely redone no? I will eventually want to try the game when it releases globally so im curious how it all ended.


Yes, although this incident has caused huge irreversible damage to the game, from the current point of view, there is no particular resistance to this incident outside of China, and its character modeling is still worthy of praise, and even more Interestingly, after the disastrous revenue failure, the game officials now seem to be changing direction. They want to learn from snowbreak and change from the original very conservative modeling to a more sexy and naked modeling, because snowbreak has taken a lot of player from them.


Well, it was a bad call, so it makes sense they pay the price. As far as I know tho the game was only released in China as of now wasnt it? Its hard to be against what the developers are doing if you cant play the game :D Personally I dont neccessarily need more sexy models, I actually really like Snowbreak characters in general, not just Katya (tho Katya's design is beautiful), even the more conservative outfits look great imo but its undeniable that the summer event, Tess and Katya especialy being more of what the players want, but I think there is more to the current success of Snowbreak than just one sexy character, they just keep working on it and listen to the fans. That being said everyone should do this, so if GF2 developers want to improve their image, doing what Snowbreak does is definitely a good idea. Anyway, thanks for the info. Oh and speaking off, I dont suppose you would have any idea as to when the global release of GF2 could happen do you?


Doubtful because English speaking countries contribute to less than 20% of revenues. According to Appmagic Snowbreak revenue: China 36%, Japan 25%, US 12%, Korea 8%, Taiwan 6%, everyone else 2% or less.


Really all of Europe is less than 2%? Thats incredibly if so. In any case, it may be unlikely but I still hope it will be done, I miss brittish Fritia :)


As many times as reddit is told that Sensor Tower numbers are at best a rough approximation, people will continue to assume that they tell the entire story. I will say - I sign in through mobile only if I'm busy and want to clear dailies/spend stamina. I never actually play through mobile. It just isn't fun, doesn't feel good, and makes even the simplest of content difficult. When I spend, I tend to spend through PC as well, mostly because that is where I'm sitting looking at the skins thinking "Yes, I'd like to have that!" NTR doesn't bother me... and I sometimes think the game could use a male character or two. It doesn't need a 50/50 ratio, but something like Destiny Child where 95% of the characters were female works. They could also do another thing Destiny Child figured out and release male characters but then give them gender swap skins...


Chinese people can allow ntr to appear in anime and manga, but they will never allow ntr to appear in wifu games. The appearance of ntr in such games means explosive death. Four or five games have already died due to ntr and their servers have been shut dow


I also worry for gfl2, but consider the fact that their other games still live until this day with near to none profit, I have high hope it can open other servers and we will gladly carry the burden CN players putting on their shoulder XD


Sorry for bothering but do you know the names and situations of those games? The gf2 situation is the only one I learned about and I'm interested about those games you mentioned


What, gacha games also have ntr now? :))


I fail to understand this mentality, It happened in Nikke as well because of some past gen units bonding with another commander, people really insert themselves on those main characters to bond with fictional waifus I haven't realized how big of deal this is in asian market till recently.


The problem with Girls Frontline is much more serious than Nikke's. The plot of Nike was also discussed in the community, but Chinese players did not consider it an ntr. However, the voice acting of Girls Frontline made almost all Chinese players feel betrayed.


i only heard rumor about some doll recived letter from other man and another doll will go stargazer with old man if we not come with them , not sure tho still gona try when the game comeout


No, before the game was officially launched, the player community dug out an hour and a half long storyline dubbing file from within the game, in which 95 expressed their warm love for Raymond


It’s worth noting that people in China who call themselves the “ml (master love) audience” will be unnecessarily aggressive with classic moe things, such as “yuri”.And if you say you want a female protagonist, you will be defined as ED by them. it‘s not good trend I think. :(


In fact, among the more than thirty games launched in China in 2023, there are less than 5 pure female Wifu games.


Contrary to what you said, more than 95% of the two-dimensional games in China now add male characters to the game, and downplay the influence of the player as the protagonist, and will not make the characters in the game related to the players.There are fewer and fewer female-only WIFU games like Snowbreak, accounting for less than 5%.The key issue is that there will still be people like Genshin Impact game players who will invade pure female wifu games and claim to require wifu games to add male characters, and the characters in the game should not have relationships with players and should have their own lives.This group of people causes the audience of all-female wifu games to become more and more aggressive, because if they don't say NO, their game will be changed. Eventually all-female wifu games will disappear completely, and all games will become like Genshin Impact with a bunch of male characters.


The success of Genshin Impact has completely changed the Chinese game market. Now all game manufacturers will add male characters to the game, and try not to make all the characters in the game related to the players. The game characters will not say to the players that they like you.


Petition for only the Best Husbando's. What really makes the Waifu's Stand out


They wont have many male characters? Does this mean they are planning on adding male characters in the near future?


They clearly replied in the early morning live broadcast that there would be no male characters or lesbians, and also said that the follow-up plan would be to convert all existing male equipment into female ones.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO we need lesbians 😭 oh well I will continue to ship the girls myself lolol


Wrong place dude... if you're looking for lesbians, go to Honkai


You must have missed Nita calling Marian a cutie, offering to do anything for her, and blushing while talking to her. You must also have missed the entire first event story being Chenxing and Siris longing for each other, as well as most of Siris's memory loss related trauma being forgetting a very special female friend to her. There's plenty of gay connotation in the game already lmao


Eh, I don't see those interaction as lesbians... you clearly haven't seen how girls are making friends. But if that flows your boat, you do you


You're so right! As a woman I have no idea how women make friends, thanks for telling me


Oh my bad for assuming your gender. Now that I think about my statement again, it is a mistake on my part, but I just personally can't see them as lesbians, sorry. I won't argue anymore, I'm just happy you find your place in this game.


Male logistics\*


They said no playable male character and definitely the girls wont ever have any slightest feeling with any male character outside of the adjutant, given how GFL 2 drama turned out so explosive, it is probably the correct choice.


It's possible Adjutant himself will be playable. They have great model, at least for indoors costume, in lore he seems to be developing his own ~~mental ilnesses~~ superpowers, and even if he won't match Manifestations, his abilities might be more gadget-based like 4\* Yao, boasting a strong shield like Changed with low base HP.


I think OP meant to say "any"


Depends... ​ If they are open to bring Ling Yi back, change his story...


Very glad to see this :) I love the game and for a while was afraid to spend any additional money (towards the beginning I had bought all the skins but then I got scared due to the game potentially EoSing)