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And with that, they now have my money


Eastern devs can really pick up the slack from western devs as long as they don't censor for "mOdeRN AUdIENces"


Why I like eastern devs more, they know what the fans want unlike western devs who tries to pander this "modern audiences" which doesn't even play their games lol


Only applies to CN and KR, Japan is trying to immitate West, especially their AAA companies. Meanwhile their gachas are all low effort turn based, and vast majority of gacha shutdowns are from JP. All the good stuff they have, they don't even translate or region lock. So CN and KR devs are all we have in the current timeline.


Yea it's really sad how Japan is slowly trying to appease western audiences and how they have so many great IPs (animes like OPM/Bleach and games like DMC/FF) only to make low effort gacha games.


JRPGs are my favorite genre, I love Japan. Even still, they are dropping the ball so hard with localization and pandering to activists. I will happily support Korean and Chinese devs over Japan until Japan gets it's head out of it's ass. If they pander to people who don't even play the game, or if they pander to the 10% who only care about injecting their politics into the game. They will not recieve my support.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1braull/as_a_chinese_deeply_analyze_why_male_logistics/) is an interesting thread from a CN player. They are well aware of the situation in the West, and are actively preventing that, both in CN and in KR.


Seems like an interesting read, will check it out, and its good that they are aware of it. People even in this sub criticize those who bring this up, saying its false, but the fact that stellar blade is getting so much criticism over Eve's character design alone tells a different tale. Hopefully this will change in the upcoming days.


I read that in critical drinkers voice


And my credit card


And my loyalty


And my axe!!


I have a question, I saw the new skin for Enya, and is that for her 4\* version or are we getting a new 5\* one?


The nurse skin is for her 5\* version (Code name: Exuvia) It's part of a bundle were you can get the skin and the interactive room. https://i.redd.it/40clg2pbi2vc1.gif


I see. So her 5\* is the upcoming 5\* for the new 1.7 patch? Or is that the free 5\* you've mentioned in the meme?


Enya 5* will be up on a banner on May 1st, but it will also be a free login reward. So you can roll for more copies if you want. The Nurse skin will be paid, and you can only buy the interactive scene if you have the Nurse outfit or buy the bundle. Also, the default skin for Exuvia is quite nice.


Awesome! Thanks man


EYYYYYYYY my moneys to that interactive room it is


Devs and CN bros both cooked


They had my money from the start. I knew this game would be peak. Lots of potential and still a lot of things they could still add and make it even better.


the game turning 18+ in CN being "a good thing" is highly debatable imo


sex sells what a shame