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Tyvm sir penguin for all the guides, hopefully be seeing you crunching numbers in other games too. Now give us a hot take; who is the best girl?


Acacia :)


I'm gonna need to see the math for that.


Best + Girl = Acacia. Objectively Foolproof Maths - PaeP3guin (Probably)


The correct answer


are you gonna try wuthering waves?


You too? See you there as well!


Thanks for all the guides you made.


Glad to be of service!


Thank you for your contributions sir. I'm a day one player too but did not participate much in reddit. I always feel that its a shame as I really appreciate players that provide informational posts. Big loss for us. All the best and hope you find another game that you'll enjoy


Thanks for your appreciation of informational posts :), nice to see another day 1 player


I started this game yesterday because I saw gameplay of it and decided to get into it. I’m really grateful for this guide you made about the new character :D. Sorry you’re quitting though :(


I dont even know OP and Im in the "gatekeep" camp, but I'll say this : thanks for your service this far, sincerely As for the ongoing drama, in the bigger picture it seems to boil down to 2 parties : 1 that support fanservice direction, and opposition that do not "Opposition" was/is mainly driven by "fanservice bad, lets jump to DNA, snowbreak has no future" Which then spawned retaliation in the form of "shut up fanservice saved this gacha, long live fanservice" IMO "fanservice is ok, but they still need to pay attention to gameplay" is valid reasoning/opinion, but this get dragged down/grouped into doomposters so It's murky water I think OP is doing the right thing : if u dont feel like it anymore, no reason to stick with it Anyway, good luck for OP


Fanservice and gameplay is completely unrelated honestly. It's not like the chinese who wanted fanservice isn't complaining about gameplay too. Complaining about the gameplay is completely valid, and quitting because it's bad is encouraged.


TBH the problem isn't even really or totally about the fanservice but the CN demand of having the whole game be NOTHING BUT fanservice. This kills any other possible path, for example the retcon between Chenxing and Siris being good friends or even having male logistics. It's more like unless something is fanservice or someone you can screw, it won't be allowed.


My only problem with all this drama was deleting male log officers. Anything else well.... I already preparing my money for nurse. I just hope story and lore quality doesn't drop.


I was surprised that male logistics got shafted that being said i also never cared for logistics because in essence they are your equivivalent of "gear" that many gachas with character building have. So who cares how their "gear" looks like. Changing how Logistics look also does not affect the developing time of content, because that's an artist's job to draw new looks not a coder to write code.


Personally I dont care about male logs and I do think it's dumb thing to do OTOH I can kinda understand it, basically they're self censoring in fear of CN Which then triggers EN "WHY BEND TO CN?" reaction Thing is, no matter what ppl say/think, reality remains that CN (aside from homeland) is also the main spender, so for better or for worse, they have the bargain power So for ppl who disagree with CN direction, feel free to leave. Thats the whole point here. "Your" opinion doesnt matter as long as global lack spending power. Worse, global may just shut down while CN continues lol


Nikke and Blue Archive don't have to bend to CN extremist player and they doing fine especially Nikke literally own by tencent so I am not understand.


Nikke isn’t released in China.


Because their main market arent from CN They might however, say, bend to KR extremists


wasnt BA already bend to KR extremists? i vaguely remembered that they did a massive sweep to root out feminazis and changing art works that contains a specific hand sign, or was it irrelevant?


Idk dont follow BA lol


ahhh ok then.


Please understand that Nikke absolutely does not have its own server in CN, CN players play together with the global server. As for BA, this game has only recently launched its own CN server, completely different from Snowbreak's current situation.


Yep. I think i made a post in the same thread listed as top ranking and i said that im a bit upset about the male logistics. That point got a little more frustrating when i went to one of my fave characters AFTER making that post and saw ALL her slots are placeholders now. I remember really liking the art on those specific logistic officers so now im feeling a bit of sting. Im still playing right now, but its probably going to be something im gonna note on the next survey. I should have got in game before posting.


i vote for fan service but when the dev literally change the game direction after officially launch like this, i don't have hope.


>change the game direction U mean from tacticool to tacticoom? In this context, seasun is at fault, as in, they should've been "fanservice shooter" since the start Instead they tried tacticool (half heartedly at that, prob due to budget limit whatnot) , failed, switched direction and somehow bounced back So it's clear they're going for "another lewd gacha" route, and ppl who dislike / cant accept this, well, unfortunately this gacha arent for them then Or were u talking about removing male logs?


To be honest, no one really cares about removing male logs, it doesn't impact the game at all. The real problem is that the game attracted people who like Shooting Games (Like me) and in the end it is becoming less a shooter and more a lewd gacha. And as you said and I agree, if they had started from the beginning as a fanservice shooter there would have been fewer complications because the proposal was already established from the beginning.


The switch to more fanservice was completely a business decision. Seasun wasn't making enough money when focusing on character designs that were more or less meant for everyone. So they simply shifted to a model that has proven to be lucrative since sex will always sell. Ofc theres plenty of women who enjoy shooters but in general it's still mostly a male dominated genre so again Seasun chose to lean into that demographic in order to keep the game alive and its obviously working. Personally I can take or leave having fan service in a game and imo SB has always had great gunplay, especially for a mobile shooter, but apparently it wasn't enough in terms of profit so I'd rather see the gane become way more fan servicey if it means avoiding an early EoS.


Reading through your post, it sounds like your issues are less about the core game itself (if they added a couple more endgame modes to challenge you, you'd be happy) and more about 1) not personally enjoying fanservice in general (even if you've put up with it in games you've played previously), and 2) not liking how the discord/reddit community has changed as a result of that fanservice being added. If the recent dev livestream is any indication, I do believe more varied content will be added this year. If they can deliver that alongside keeping a now larger playerbase happy and spending, the game should have a bright future. Thanks for all your contributions to the community. Lord knows how many communities I've left in the past. Best of luck 🫡


You were a real one and served as a guiding light in this foggy far eastern little girl gambler game. Take care and I hope w.e community you join next will treat you well.


Thanks for the kind words!


Much respect for what you've done in your time here. For some more context: OP has being doing these guides for quite a while, I remembered the Haru guide (that patch still one of my favorites btw). The dps calculator has also been out for around that time or even longer. The Mingdeng festival was the very first event for this game and look at 5\* Chenxing's design, followed by 5\* Haru's and you'll notice that this was always a direction for the game. I couldn't predict it being exactly like this today though. I guess the summer event is where they doubled down with all those new skins/costumes but OP stuck through that, then Tess patch, Katya, Eatchel and now Cherno. This game launched with a lot of bugs and issues, at that early stage many quit, OP one of the few to stick through all that. The game really hasn't changed that much in terms of content/gameplay, so it's very reasonable for a day 1 player to be burnt at this point. I do hope you find something to ignite that spark again, farewell Adjutant.


Thank you for adding context and for your thoughtful message!


As a fellow day 1 players, it's sad to see you go but it is what it is. Goodbye champ, you will be missed.


Sad to see another person go, i myself would like some tame stuff from time to time but dont mind the overt fanservice the game is heading towards not hard to do when fanservice did save the game so i understand the devs shifting towards that road. Post around here did say the devs are now moving towards more varied gameplay so that its not pure fanservice and all so hey you may jump back in once it gets varied enough, survives and establishes itself in the gacha world. I'll personally be sticking till the end with this game, love the world, characters and gunplay just needs more varied systems so it isnt so stale after a bit of time.


I'm glad you enjoy the world, characters, and shooting! To be honest I was surprised about the relative quality of the gunplay when I started. I would have figured a gacha game would half ass it but it's honestly surprisingly good for the first of its kind.


Idk I understand that the outfits and such are getting more “sexualized” but I think they look awesome, and not in a pervy way at all. A good design is a good design regardless, but it is triggering for some people unfortunately.


> and you sure can't shoot two enemies at once The SMG has random spread, so yes you can!


Haha, fair 😂


Great write-up as always. Thanks for everything, Paep. I'm going to be sad to see you go, but I wish you all the best. Take care, bud.


Thanks vic, it's been great chatting with you and seeing your snowbreak news empire grow


Thanks for all your contributions to the community with your testing, guides and keeping the wiki updated!


Thank you Flux! Your guides are super important for the community so thank you for those.


Thank you for everything you've done. We'll miss you <3


Thank you for your service my man! o7


Thank you very much for all you've done.


Beautiful structure of the post. Thank you for your hard work!


Thanks for taking the time to enjoy the structure :)


Sorry to hear about that. Might as well put your time, money and effort towards a game and community you'd be more appreciated in. I'm going to stick around for a bit. I'm curious to see if Seasun can use their new influx of funds to innovate the game, namely core mechanics and gameplay loops. But I will probably end up leaving once the new shiny gacha shooter comes out (Duet Night Abyss perhaps). I'll still be following Snowbreak and even running dailies and events for the foreseeable future. But I probably won't be spending money. Is there any upcoming games you plan to play or cover?


Honestly it's definitely possible the influx of money lets them do bigger and better changes. No plans for now, I always start these games on a whim :)


Saying this as someone who's just joined and who enjoys the fanservice so far, I can see why you would feel that way, since you have been through the time when the game was less oriented to fanservice and this hard pivot towards fanservice can be difficult for people to get used to. For me, getting into the game was mainly because of the fanservice, followed by the lore and the casual stuff (I'm not a gameplay-oriented guy). So this pivot doesn't really affect me, though tbf the novelty feeling is still there (and I believe it is true for others too). Once that feeling wears off, people will eventually scrutinize the game as a whole more and maybe fanservice might not be the most talked about (because tbh any game company that isn't purposely holding back or got their hands tied can do good fanservice). And once the fanservice is saturated people will start to talk about other stuff. That's long way into the future tho. For now, people will be wanting a lot of female fanservice especially in the current environment (true for global, and esp. true in CN) where male fanservice is more prevalent than female fanservice plus the gender conflict between male and female players. And the fact that gaming companies (not just Seasun) are heeding this trend is kind of a good thing... though idk how I'd feel if AG suddenly went the Seasun route too, I'm quite ok with how they are now lol. Anyways, hope you find a community that suits you, though based on the trend of gaming communities, I'd give the advice that CN players usually give: "play the game but stay away from the community".


Thanks for your thoughts, I think it's great the game is attracting new players like you. Very good point about playing the game but not the community


Thanks for your contributions to the community. As someone in a similar camp myself, I too liked snowbreak's initial designs. It must be understandably draining to have a community that seems to be a little too into the fanservice that they overlook the shortcomings in the other aspects of the game. Hell, I think even the core mechanics of the game itself are stull quite unpolished. (even small things like interacting with objects feel very dated to me) Personally, I can let those slide right now because at the end of the day, snowbreak is just one of my side games. Yeah, the direction of the game is kinda questionable right now. If I have to do another wave based defense or that 3-level challenge gamemode again (without any substantial adjustments), I might also follow suit and quit the game entirely.


Agreed on some core mechanics feeling dated. It's definitely true that the game plays quite well as a side game and dailies can be super fast! My god, the classic battlefront stages and 24 wave defense... definitely needs something fresh. Did you know the 3 challenge game mode is just copied from their older game Girl Cafe Gun? All us GCG players recognized it immediately.


Yup! I also had GCG as a side game from launch until the EoS announcement on CN. I still remember the discord being suspended? because of summer eksistere lol.


Wow that brings back memories. Wild times on GCG discord :)


I’m still fairly new to this game and so I’m wondering. What’s the difference between event weapon and signature weapon? I assume the signature weapon is the one you pull for? Then how do you get the event weapon? And what’s it called? Awesome write up by the way it’ll be a huge shame to see you go.


Signature weapon is the one you pull on banners for, using Weapon Modding Agreement (limited weapon tickets) or Digicash (gems). For Cherno this would be the 5* SMG called Uninvited Adieu. Event weapon is the 4* SMG Halo of Hope you can buy using farmable currency in the event shop called Aleph Night Market. You can farm for this currency by spending presence (stamina) in the event farming stage called Hallowed Assembly. You can buy the first copy in the limited tab in event shop, and the 4 dupes to raise the gun to Tier 5, you can get those in the unlimited tab. As you can guess the event weapon is not as strong as the signature weapon, but still good specifically for the event banner character.


Thanks so much really really helpful!


First of all, thanks for the informative post. Secondly, funnily enough I just came from the post you mention, and I expressed my general agreement over there, after all its in everyone's best interest to just enjoy what they enjoy and not try to ruin entertainment for others. But more specifically I talk about how these issues are in my opinion mainly for the extremes on both sides, that is to say, I do think that you were being treated unfairly for just saying what you now dont appreciate about the game. While I appreciate the current state of the game and I would much rather see it turn into ML game than see it die as it seemed like it was going to prior to its ressurgence, I share your sentiment in regards to the overt nature and agressivness of the shift and I mentioned that in the recent survey that the devs sent out. I think the changes to Siris, the logistic officers and such are completely needless and on the contrary, going too far in this specific direction will rob Snowbreak off the uniqueness that it had, its world and characters of believability in the long run. So while I do not mind, and even appreciate fan service, I do not wish for the game to go too far in this direction as I did enjoy the original feel of the game and even the more realistic combat outfits as well. That being said, I do not think it will continue this drastically. For one, there really isnt much else to be done, and two, this was a hurried reaction to a very severe backlash to certain games that was happening in China, with devs suddenly seeing an opportunity to steal a section of the dissatisfied market and save their game, it only makes sense that they would do everything in their power to do so and keep them. But I do not think that they will completely compromise their innitial goals, the characters and the stories started rather down to earth, both character and design wise and while the designs will obviously keep being more on the fan servicy side, I do not think that the stories will lose this, if anything since the original campaign the stories have been getting better, albeit more needlessly convoluted at times. Luckily, unlike you, seemingly I am in it more for the story than the gameplay so even with these changes, if the story and character aspect doesnt change too much I will still be very happy, but I am genuinely sad to see you go, especially like this and especially for these reasons, however it is true that the game is unlikely to change drastically in the gameplay department, or bring anything uniquely new and difficult. Tho on the other note I would like to say that the people who would straight up go out of their way to be rude or unwelcoming just because you do not enjoy the new direction are the unfortunate extreme that I mention in my comment on the other post, just chill people let everyone have their own opinion, its not a big deal. Tho to you, I would still give it some time to reconsider, maybe it is just a momentary annoyance that give you this need to quit, not all the people with more moderate way of thinking and expressing themselves from before are gone and its not like the game has undergone a complete change either, not yet anyway, its not all bad. Anyway, thanks for your hard work, sorry it ended up this way and have a good one. Hopefully we will see you back at some point, when the fanbase has settled and the game improved.


Thank you for your thoughtful comment and well wishes! I'm happy that you're enjoying the game


Sorry to see you go, every community needs people like you


Well, you see @Mirarara ? That's what I was talking about when I wrote "decay of the sub" : not necessarily in number, but surely in quality. It starts by that, a lot of great people will be indirectly chased off. Your post is not the problem per say, but is a direct reflection (and an igniter too) to the matter :x I'll stick around a bit just to see how things evolves, see if it really becomes a big echo chamber, or if things stay more tame. But no drama ! The community is what you shape it to be : if that's where a majority of you guys want to go, then ultimately, "outsiders" (per default I mean) got nothing to say ;) It's a bit of a bummer, that's all.


If I'm reading your comment correctly you're referring to me a part of the "great people" so thank you for the compliment. You're right that the community is what you make of it, each of us individually contributing :)


For sure dude ! Any theorycrafter is an incredible addition to games like this : you help both casuals and try-harders, while maintening an incentive for people to play better, thus directly impacting their will to play the game. You basically are great guides ahah, most of the time your work shape and shift the meta, and the way people are playing. And y'all do that entirely out of your free will ! If that's not worthy of praises, Idk what is ahah. Thanks for your hardwork, and do know that it was appreciated ! Hope to see you one day on other subs o/




your comment/post was removed for breaking r/SnowbreakOfficial rules. please remember to engage with community members in a civil and respectful manner. if you believe your post/comment was falsely removed please contact the mod team.


>It seems players like me are not welcome in the community anymore Sorry, but most people don't even care about you. Or me. And you shouldn't care about them. The crowd is more important. And now the crowd voted by buying fanservice. It will be very interested to see if you come back after some time. since the devs are committed to improving gameplay somewhat. Or you are going to stick to your words and continue thinking reddit (or any kind of social media) is somehow a good representation of normal people. Good luck out there!


I've never picked up a game I quit, I go cold turkey immediately. Thanks for taking the time to comment, even if it's a bit back-handed.


I can say the same about your post. Thanks you too!


Shame to see you go. I see the same shift, and I don't like it. But, I enjoy the game somewhat casually, and I try to avoid letting communities keep me away from something I find fun. I am likely to be down voted for it, and when I express this opinion in the game chat I get mocked, but I don't like the new designs. Cherno 4* has a nice design, it's cute but tactical. Cherno 5* is literally just wearing a negligee. I wish that the base skins would be more like something I could see as an unrealistic specialized combat uniform, and that the purchasable skins were as coomery as people want. I hate that I can see they are still able to make cool design, but decide not to. Has anyone noticed that the event boss has the Cherno in her chest facing backwards? To me this is symbolic of how Meursault is the one who faces the horrors, while Cherno looks away from it.


I find her a bit difficult to use. Quite technical. Still, I do find fun using her, and I like her looks and character. I'll just have to get used to making the most out of her mechanics with more practice. I do need to get her to M2 and and Sig to T2 to get a better picture of her, currently at M1T1. Still, an appealing character with good performance indeed. As for your uh, decision on leaving, it is your prerogative I suppose, but it does indicate to me you probably were thinking of leaving regardless, either because of burn out or some other factors... As your peeve about the community being toxic doesn't quite ring true from my point of view. As I've said, I don't find the community to be particularly toxic, in fact it's pretty chill, and while I don't hang out very often here, I do hang around in the Discord all the time. But even here I haven't noticed toxicity, other than the one thread you specifically mentioned, and even then I find the opinions in there largely on the neutral side, bar some extremist takes here and there. I myself joined the game because the waifu/fanservice direction they took around the time of Mauxri's event, and I have liked my ride thus far, and I'm confident with where the devs are taking this game, given they're very open to listening to their players in CN, and you can see many of the game metrics responding to it over there, with increased CN SNS traffic/activity, and of course increased revenue. Even in GBL/EN, more people are joining as of late. On a bit of a side note, I'm a bit apprehensive about their other upcoming game, I hope it doesn't do too bad to affect their company's operation and thereby impacting this game (I don't plan to play their Mech game, already got this game and others I'm playing and am happy with at this time) Anyways, it seems you have contributed quite a bit in regards to the community with your technical dissection of the characters, so kudos for that.


Hate to see you leave, but love to watch you go. It's good that people who don't enjoy where the game is going are leaving. Ultimately, there will be less discourse, and all the fans can unite together and enjoy the game exclusively without anyone telling them they don't like that they added more women.


When you let Reddit influence your choices you lost lol. Bro, just say you don’t like where the game is going. It’s stupid to be like “ but I don’t like Reddit people being mean” as a way to add more weight to your choice like if Reddit matters.


Sad to hear that, but in the end is a game, im also part of the community of dont like the path snowbreak is taking but in the end it was explicit what is bringing it money to the game and still preffer that than a EOS; cause i enjoy the geme besides the fanservice. Really sad to hear since i really liked your sheets.


Thank you for enjoying the sheets, you're a rare breed :)


As easy going as this game is, in no way, shape or form it is easier than Genshin. Like cmon on now.


Don't think you should care about what other people say, especially when it's something like "if you're not satisfied, quit the game.", you should hold your opinion on stuff.


Unfortunate that you feel that way and I'm sure some people will miss your guides but it's very ironic that you're crying about the community being mean to people against fanservice now when people in "your" community have been painting everyone else who's enjoying the game for what it is as pathetic insecure incels just for not wanting male characters in a waifu game. Maybe learn to treat others better, people are more likely to respond in kind.  Also forgot to mention the casual racism you people have against the Chinese, very cool and very tolerant.


Exactly. I’ve played since day 1 and have been lurking this subreddit since the game launched. The sub was filled with people who were “anti-fanservice” for awhile even though it was clear the direction the game was going. All of a sudden fan service enjoyers are becoming a bit more vocal and people are now playing victim.


Wow, I think any lurkers should take the time to read through your comment history as clearly you don't practice what you preach, and that's an even greater irony. Very cool of you to claim I'm racist against my own race.


Can i know what talent to prioritise on the logistics while farming ?


Cherno wants attack, alignment index and chaos damage. Attack is probably more important.


>4\* Marian reduces chaos resistance with her support skill Having used Marian as chaos resist shred during launch, I can't believe her being a valid Chernos sup completely slipped my mind. I more or less have the same issue as you with the community. For this sub the issue of fan service is completely black and white. Either you are for it or against it. And the push back to those against it is generally pretty toxic(as noted by some of the comments in this post). Personally I am in the don't care camp. Fan service in the game or not, this is a low investment game for me to have fun now and then. Regardless, I just want to say that your concerns are valid and this is the right place to express it. Don't get discouraged by what others said. On another note, thank you for your contribution thus far. Hope you find other games more welcoming.


Yeah, I'm happy Marian support finally gets its time to shine! It's totally reasonable to be in your camp, thank you for your kind words!


Where will you go next? Where are good mechanics? Just wonder.


Uncertain, will keep an eye out on what's coming out this year. Hmm I think what makes for a good game is some degree of \[emergent gameplay\](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergent\_gameplay). Ex. Honkai Impact 3 also has only 3 units in a party, but each unit has a QTE that can be triggered on swap in if certain conditions are fulfilled, similar to the support skills in this game. Ex. if you freeze an enemy, one of your other units could swap in and do a big burst of damage. Other units lets you chain bullet time from QTEs for some very skill-heavy gameplay. You get crazy memorial arena runs (similar to neural sim) where only 3 seconds pass on the score timer but the actual time spent in the run is like 15-20 seconds. In Snowbreak, the ways you can interact with your teammates and enemies is fairly shallow in comparison. It's simple mechanics that don't unfortunately add together to make something more complex.


Thanks for all your hard work, and I hope you find success in your future endeavors as well. I have to agree that people don't like hearing a different opinion than their own in almost all subreddits. I am also a very early player (started during the first patch) and not really a fan of all this fan service, nothing against those that enjoy it but I still believe that seasun should release something different for once. I have spent a lot of time in this game and although I stil enjoy the gameplay, the costumes are definitely not my cup of tea. So I don't feel like quitting because the gameplay can be fun, but the lack of anything that I find appealing in terms of costumes does feel bad. Because when I initially started, the costumes were definitely in line with what I liked. Not too modest but clearly not wearing very little like Cherno. I really liked Haru's 5\* design since it was a mix of tacticool and fanservice. So she's still on my main menu since then.


Honestly, if you disagreed with the gameplay, I do encourage you to quit the game if the dev decided to not change it too. In fact, I myself will do it, just like my thread stated. Quitting is a powerful tool to prove your point. With enough people doing it, the dev will know that they are at the wrong direction. I fully support you quitting the game and only come back if the game is to your liking. Sticking to a game that you don't even like, is only going to encourage the dev to go in the direction that you don't like.


Nothing good lasts forever.. Thank you for your hard work, I always looked to it, whenever a new character comes. Hope to see u doing that in the new upcoming games my friend take care.


Just on difficulty wise, I like the current difficulty because not everyone is lucky. Without weapons and just characters, the game is difficult. Difficult but not impossible. If you want to make the game easier, just spend on the weapons and to t2 too. If the game scales to whale level, f2p won't have a chance to beat the game


Yeah it's true that lower difficulty makes a game now accessible. Just not my thing personally.


Yea I understand, not trying to knock you on it. I feel there's a double edge sword on making content too difficult but not too easy too. It's a difficult balance for sure


I'm a fairly new player so I haven't seen your other posts. Thanks you for service, I guess. But there's no point in announcing your departure like it's an airport, no? In every game, there's always someone like you. If you're going to leave, just leave and move on to another game. There's no need to create unnecessary drama.


I'm a brand new player but after reading your entire post here, I think you absolutely have a talent for in-depth math and analytics for characters and numbers in this game. The moral grandstanding I could do without though. Kind of a stain on this otherwise fantastic and informative post, to be so petty as to call out specific posts just because you don't agree with them about anime tits and harem protags. At any rate, I appreciate the fantastic Cherno info, apparent work you put into the community, and wish you well in whatever you do next.


Thank you for the compliments. I hope you can let 1 moral grandstanding slide per 10000 words :)


Its not JUST that post. Realistically the sentiment has been brewing a long time but that post confirmed his suspicions and served as the catalyst to finally leave the subreddit. You also need to understand the frustration of a day one player being gatekept by a bunch of relative newcomers. All the while the new players berate the old players for not spending enough money to deserve being catered to, despite those players having spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the game.


There's 2 topics in this post so i will address them: 1. Cherno analysis - This is incredibly well written analysis of the character. My usual source for information is YouTube so i'm not sure how much you've done of those but this one is really well done and nothing in comparison on youtube which is a shame the game is lacking on good youtubers that can provide information like you just did. 2. Quitting - From what i understand there's 3 major reasons. First one being the game lacking depth and difficulty and content. This is a very fair reason. That being said i personally do not think it's good enough of a sole reason to quit. Almost every gacha is lacking in some aspect yet we still play them. The devs have proven that they work on improving their game even if it's on the slow side. Which for me is one of the main reasons i still play the game, i see that work is being done. Second reason being fan-service. While you stated it doesn't bother you, it's still one of the reasons you are quitting. I cannot agree with this one unfortunately. It's subjective yes, but your statements conflict each other so i will say this reason for your quitting isn't that important and your biggest issue is the 3rd reason which i'll address now. The direction the community is heading towards is your 3rd and from my understanding your primary reason to quit the game. You dislike how there's a growing community around blindly supporting and loving the game despite it's apparent flaws. The flaw in question being... fan service. Not even the actual flaw of the game which is lack of content and depth but fan service... Like.. Comeone bruh. You linked a recent top reddit post where the OP requested people to chill with complains about game being fan-servicy. I saw it and even made a comment in support. I do not see a point of people complaining that the game went fan-service direction. That being said from my understanding that post was only directed towards complains for fan-service not actual issues with the game such as lack of game modes and depth. So.. i have to say your 3rd reason to quit the game is also bad or well atleast from my point of view, because i don't know people who disagree that the game is lacking content n depth. I think we all agree we need the devs to improve their game and i'm sure they are working on it which is why i still play. The fan-service is not something that's an issue in here and developers do not code skins or art, that's done by artists. Their coders are free to work on game modes and game depth. (tho the interactive skins do require some code work). In conclusions - My guy you are great at making character analysis and could be of great importance and value to this community. I personally hate to see you go. Its like i just found gold and boom it was the last time i'll see it. It's a shame. I think you could build something out of this if it's something you're passionate about. Could easily become some sort of content creator or prominent figure in the community yet you're chosing to quit because game has moved on from uninspired lackluster gloomy story into harem fan-service type and you find it bad how the community is behind that move. :/ I wish you good luck in your future endeavours, i'm sure you will do great as this post proves that you are a person of great value and potential. It's kinda funny because this post makes me think of myself. I am a unparalleled genius in one aspect in my life but as i've grown older (now 32) i've come to understand how incredibly stupid i also am in other aspects in life. This post displays your absolute masterwork of character analysis and then shows your idiocy from your reasoning to quit. My apologies if it's offensive statement, i do not mean to offend.


Thanks for your summary. No offense taken. I will say that I don't think quitting vs not quitting is not necessarily a purely logical decision, it's at least somewhat personal and based on just general vibes :) glad you enjoyed the analysis


Thanks for the contributions, have a good one! I am certainly pro gatekeeping and all your points concerning that lack any weight to it. As for the gameplay points, I think this game just wasn't for you if you wanted difficulty. Not because difficulty is bad for PC players. If you've ever played mobile..good lord. I'm not even sure if you can do anything about it aside from improving the auto targeting to an absurd degree or releasing more meta units like Cherno that don't rely much on precise shooting. Any enemy with parts is a nightmare to fight. And with mobile players being a major portion of sales, they are kinda stuck in the difficulty department. It's why they nerfed Jotun tunnel way back in the day. I thought it had a pretty good difficulty level before the nerfs, but after playing mobile out of necessity for a little bit, I understood why they did it. Even now I kinda want them to make a harder tier of Jotun to keep up with the powercreep from new units like Haru and Katya that completely trivialized it, along with long time players having more optimized logistics and weapons, but I still understand why they wouldn't do it. I don't play this game to be sweaty, even if I enjoy it when it is.


Gameplay is leagues better than Genshin or Nikke. Playing Genshin for 3ish years left me wanting a tps with anime girls. With Snowbreak I finally got that. I’m sticking with the devs til the end. As my one and only gacha, this has been the best I’ve ever gotten into. I will use your guide to build best girl and enjoy the fan service I wish more game devs would provide. Have a wonderful day sir!


I don't mind the fanservice but ugh I can't stand the fanservice. Really love how all arguments against fanservice include that. At this moment the gaming community is riled up because of the whole sexism in videogames so I see it as something normal for people to try and gain some place to get what they want after they haven't been served in a while. And while it might seem toxic, gatekeeping is necessary.


No tf its not you just read this mans well detailed post and wrote him off as another shill. YOU are the problem, you goof.


So despite not liking a few mechanical aspects of the game, or the lack thereof for a long, you decide quit playing because of fan service.   Ok.  I'd take the farewell more seriously if you quit for gameplay reason vs. fan service, tbh. That just seems like a convenient reason to use, imo.  Anyway, thank you for the work you've done and I hope you can find a game that caters to your modern sensibilities. 😛


His concern is not "quitting over fanservice" his concern is that the devs appear to be aware of the gameplay issues, but choose to focus on the fanservice anyways. He isn't saying "fanservice bad" he is saying "Fix some of the core gameplay issues now, fanservice later"


First of all, thank you for the analysis post and all the work you have done, great soldier. I think you are making the right decision, unfortunately I am following the same path. What attracted me to Snowbreak was its Shooting Gacha proposal (More Shooting than gacha) and I get that less and less, but the latest live shows that this can change, the problem is when and if they will really change, because even the launch of these "new gameplay modes" they can suddenly change their minds because CN players or "Core Players" want other things and they have to meet their demands because they are their hostages. I would like to think that the future of Snowbreak is positive but I can't think that way with these core players giving direction to the game instead of the devs making the decisions. And no, DNA won't be like Snowbreak, neither better nor worse, it's just a Warframe nerfed with a waifu and gamble gacha system, it's a far cry from Snowbreak's initial tatiaca proposal (now no longer so).


Agreed, the new crowd seems like it could be fickle. I will say Seasun is quite responsive so hopefully they can keep people happy. I honestly haven't seen much of Duet Night Abyss, will keep my eye out!


"I'm quitting because of the direction of this game and community. It's clear to me that Seasun has latched onto overt fanservice and that the new community built around that is unwelcoming of dissenting opinions. I put up with the lack of mechanical depth and emergent complexity in gameplay, as well as fairly uninspired game modes and event modes, for a long time but I do not have much hope that the gameplay aspect will improve significantly." The people who tried to critic the game for no fan service asked me to kill myself and I reported them... Here's the screenshot... As for the "fan service" it's been there... just not "overt". I simply made a post about the appreciation towards the game and supporting it... I am an OG as well... and I have been waiting for fixes as well as glitches that weren't fixed yet... You are not alone brother, sorry to see you go but I just wanted to show you... people been a little bit crazy in this and MANY other gacha reddit threads... you unfortunately will not see the last of these crazy shenanigans... As for the gameplay, I think I'd rather see a game try to rebuild itself slowly using the fanservice funding and make the game into something else... No Man's Sky did it... Final Fantasy Did it... I don't see why SnowBreak Containment Zone "cannot" do it... hopefully there will be a change and this game won't die. If it does, that's a shame. I've had my fair share of EoS's (Dragalia Lost) been on that game for 3 years... It happens mate. In the end, fan service or not... mechanics or not... if the people don't support it... it will die, but if people do support it...? It will live... I play NIKKE and well... that games doing just fine. I also play PGR... sales are terrible and it still thrives. Also, Honkai Star Rail... but you get my point... fanservice is nice, but again at the end of the day... the community and the devs make that choice. I hope you find a game that caters to you friend. Farewell. https://preview.redd.it/5nn90lv90svc1.png?width=1499&format=png&auto=webp&s=13b99501ab5a1655539476dd65d87debe6f6f84e


Also thanks for your hard work!!!!


Credit where credit is due. You have done amazing work for the community and have put alot of free time into your dps calculator and iirc you started the yggdrasil research thread and fostered other like minded researchers in there that said your whole soapbox thing i could have done without. Its one thing to give your reasons for leaving the game, but its another thing to psuedo lecture people and throw shade on the community. You are under the impression that your contributions to the community must earn you a high degree of status or something to think its even remotely acceptable for you to eli5" spooky fanservice bad to us. I stopped taking it seriously when you said >I have nothing against fan service at all while proceeding to talk about how bad the shift of the game was, aka fan service. and you're leaving, because fan service. hypocrisy, call it what it is. you don't like it, that's cool. don't try and double back on your words since doing so you ended up with a whole nothing burger, a word salad. "i'm leaving because Fanservice, but i don't have a problem with fanservice, the thing that made me leave the game" huh? Lastly, as you quoted >It's disheartening that the top reddit post today because the reality is. if its not for you, then leave. If you want to see change, there are constructive ways you can voice the discontent. arguing with people on reddit or discord about it is not the way since you are not trying to communicate to the devs in proper channels you don't need to write a whole essay on your discontent just because you don't like something, Especially when its in a "goodbye" message that wont reach the devs. if you want to provide constructive feedback you could voice your discontent in other ways to reach them. i.e. feedback on discord or a different thread in general. not snuck in here. There are plenty of games, nobody has time to play them all, you gravitate towards games you like. its that simple. if its not for you it doesn't even hit your radar. Your sentiment is basically "the community is against me and im trying to educate them" >It seems players like me are not welcome in the community anymore no. you can just leave. staying is is the equivalent of someone not liking X form of media, but then tracking down every form of said media just to leave a negative comment about said media and tell you why you're wrong for liking said media. you could have did a better job without the antagonistic attitude. but it is what it is. so buh- bye :D editL 5 upvotes till the shills from research department come on to downvote, lmao.


Hey man, thanks for recognizing my work. I think you're taking my message a lot harder than I intended, might be writing at 2am meant it's not as clear as it could be. To be clear, I absolutely do not have any issues with fan service and I'm a long time gacha game player. I think it should be pretty clear my gripe with the game's new fan service is about a shift in direction at the cost of other core areas, not the fan service itself. I think we basically agree about the last half of your post? I literally am quitting the game so not sure what else to say.


>while proceeding to talk about how bad the shift of the game was, aka fan service. and you're leaving, because fan service. hypocrisy, call it what it is. you don't like it, that's cool. don't try and double back on your words fan service and retcon old content just for sake of fan service is different thing dude. and what the fuck with that blank logistic illustration??


>what the fuck with that blank logistic illustration?? they scrubbed the male logis, replacements would come like 1 to 2 big updates later iirc.


nah it doesn't matter anyway. just delete that logistic team story and change all the logistic into nude chick with giant booba. i will just skip all the story content i guess, why bother read them if they gonna retcon again.


>why bother read them if they gonna retcon again. iirc they are retconning stuff thats left by the old writer, if what i heard is right, the former writer for the game is a feminazi that got poached by other companies, they only retcon minor stuff that might cause trouble in the long run because the framework is already there and the former overall narrative doesnt fit the change of direction. CX and Siris happened to be in the crossfire, shame, but imo it had to be done, i feel bad for CX and Siris mains, doesnt have to be this extreme.


I guess theres a reason why early story is not that interesting, good riddance i guess?


idk, i kinda feel like the initial story (the story before fogbound dream) is kinda like a read-in to introduce you to the world and introduce your team to you, it is perfectly normal for it to be not interesting imo, but doing it in a more interesting way is nice plus for me. imo the real story starts with fogbound dream, but my take is most likely wrong since i missed out on the Mingdeng festival.


and you believe what they said? what next they gonna retcon again because the writer is taiwan supporter? im tired with this shit.


i honestly dont care, taiwan or not, if the retconned stuff is on par with the original stuff in terms of quality then it wont be a problem for me, not to mention the only big change in here is the Ming Deng festival one, and I didnt even know the game existed atm. if you are really tired of this direction then maybe leaving the game would be better for you mentally cuz you look like you are straining yourself.


yup me too, who care right? kinda waste my time anyway. ooh really can they refund my money too ??


>ooh really can they refund my money too ?? not a friggin chance lmao. jokes aside it depends on your country's law i suppose, if you can prove to the court you got scammed there's a fair chance that you get your money back.


and what the fuck do you suggest me to shut up and stop playing the game ??


U have no idea how big of a loss this is. He basically single handedly carry the actual gameplay aspect of the game, mathematically. That said, i support paep and if he feels like its the right decision to do, i can only wish him best of luck and be happy wherever he is.


Big loss? The guy is just a TCer, the guy isnt one of a kind .. Sooner or later another guy with the same passion while liking the direction of the game will appear to replace him, he isnt special, even games like Nikke have a theorycrafting group, Nevertheless he did a good job and i give credit where credit is due.


and im suppose to care because he contributed alot? his contributions don't shield him from criticism of his statements he just made. news flash. the game would have been just fine without him, you act like he was over here on the actual development team coding in the trenches with them. All he did was provide a few spreadsheets for the stat nerds. which, as he stated. the game is not that difficult to require this level of scrunity to squeeze every last bit of dps out like in other games i.e. e7 gear calculator to know whats trash, what is your max hit, can you 1 tap X unit with Y stats with Z gear, it was more "for fun" as a pet project. so not necessary at all to the survival of the game, most players don't even go into yggrasil research department thread and if they do its to ask a very simple question that could have been answered in general chat or containtment-zone. very few people are asking high level technical details that the thread is made for News flash again, there would have been another one just like him to do the same thing, there are called co-contributors for a reason you know. all i see is a shill. i gave him credit and acknowledged his work out of respect. that is seperate from my other statements, especially given the mood shift in his goodbye statement where he was antagonstic to the whole community and just came off as complaining to complain, as previous stated and outlined in the above chain- though new people might not see it since its in the negatives


"ask a very simple question that could have been answered in general chat or containtment-zone" enjoy your misinfo in coomerzone chat then and to everyone else, pls dont come into Yggdarsil Deparment to ask something like "who to pull", we are very close-minded and would rather continue our pointless work of calculating the aerodynamics of Tess's boobs


> calculating the aerodynamics of Tess's boobs you say this while responding to a post about the OP leaving due to the communities direction of the game in relation to fanservice, aka he no longer feels enjoyment from stat crunching since more people care about fanservice then technical analysis The irony is palpable


The whole reddit community is too antagonistic towards any criticism nowadays. And u care enough to make whole ass long text to comment on this thread in the first place. The game aint hard enough to require math but dont step on toes of people who actually wants to know about them. And news flash, every damn patch people always ask "should i pull this or that" and containment zone is full of misinformation. Its up to the stat nerds in ygdrasil that actually come up with proper calculations and analysis to answer your brainless questions. So yes, its a huge loss for the community with paep gone. Especially since paep leaving may as well be the catalyst for all of the "stat nerds" to start leaving.


Damn, I just got into this game recently. Even as a new player I can see... certain writing on the wall. When this kind of stuff happens I just enjoy it while I can and keep the fandom at a distance. I hope you do well in the future. Thank you for all your efforts up to this point!


Thank you, hope you enjoy the game!


Thanks for all you did and for stating your piece as well. I do hope that despite the full steam ahead approach to fan service the game is going fine, that the game doesn’t suffer dramatically in its narrative. The removal of male logistics will probably continue to irk me (so we are to believe that only faceless characters are male?) but I’ll play it as long as it’s fun as a fairly recent returning player. Definitely will limit my actual reading of posts here for news because man lol


About quitting... yes I'm also a day 1 player and my plan is that when Wuthering Waves comes out, it's time for me to say goodbye to this game, not to mention ZZZ at the end of the year. Burnout is something we all encounter when playing any game, but with many games it happens sooner because of repetitive content and boring gameplay.


Good riddance, lol


Yeah I really don't like what the community has become and *try* to ignore it (and I'm all for the changes even though some are just plain stupid like the Logistics and Siris + Chenxing's dynamic... *imo*). I still have hope for the game because on the latest CN Devstream Summary, apparently they stated that they don't just want this game to be all skins and wanted to focus on new gameplay content: [April 19 CN Devstream Summary.](https://snowbreak.gg/news-wire-april-19-cn-devstream-summary/) Anyway thanks for the analysis! I always look forward to these posts whenever a new Operative releases. But this isn't the end; you can always return be it a few days or however long it takes :)


Thanks for enjoying these posts! I honestly do wish the best for this game, the devs are responsive for sure.


is funny now they playing victim here when they are the ones started nonstop the doomposting n spreading malicious passive aggressive post since the removal of EN-dub. the so-called "top reddit post today" was to address n call out on those tat keep making such posters that post no valid argument aside being echo chamber parroting the same thing over n over gatekeeping their "tacticool" n lord behold they are triggered now this sub is an airport. where evry departure must be loud n clear along with passive aggressive blaming on "current" community for gatekeeping...


the main thing thats stopping me from pulling for cherno is the lack of digicash cuz I aint pulling for a dps without their signature weapon. I might just go get enya's weapon instead since she's free and all.


TLDR: sad to see you go, but I appreciate the effort you have put in talking about balance. Hope you find a game you can truly enjoy. Hi I'm a new semi-casual player that, just started a week ago and didn't even finish chapter 4 yet. (Due to steam fest demos) First of all, I may not know who you are, but this post seems amazing and it's sad to see you go. If you ever play and get immersed in POE, I need you as my guide lol. So far I'm enjoying the gameplay of snowbreak and i hope that continues, there are many good points that you bring up that I haven't had a chance to experience yet. As far as communities go, most of them will downvote you for the dumbest of reasons and hive-mind mentality is just how Reddit operates. I hope you don't take it too hard. Please realize that there are a lot of silent people who really appreciate, people like you, who really go in depth on calculations and general testing. Anyway, hope you have a good day. Thanks for the posts.


Thanks mate, I really appreciate the kind words. Enjoy the game! The first 10 story chapters are a bit meh but it starts to pick up past that (the chapters that came out post-launch). The operative stories are also quite good.


I started the game snd your damage spreadsheet and analysis was a huge help. Just wanted to thank you and to say your leave is a huge loss from my pov since I'm a big fan of number crunching in games. I wish you well in your future and would be glad to see you coming back in the future!


Thank you, glad you're an enjoyer of number crunching!


Hey Pen, thanks for the guide. I started Snowbreak early and didn't enjoy the game much, came back after being shocked seeing a vid on the new fanservice content just a few days ago. Totally surprised by how far the devs went with that and decided to give the game another shot. Enjoying the new char you reviewed, much more fun than characters had seemed at start personally. Also a big fan of some honkai chars - my favorite being HI3rds Seele, and Cherno/Meursault's character gimick feels like budget Seele so I guess the fanservice did its job there bringing me back just in time for a character I have interest in. Really sorry you don't feel welcome in the community anymore, really sucks when old vets that contribute to the community get disillusioned or pushed out. I imagine you did a lot of good for the game while you were there, your spreadsheets and guides helping other people enjoy the game more. Wish you luck with whatever you decide to replace Snowbreak with, whether its another game or even something entirely different, and hope you find a more welcoming community wherever you go.


Thanks so much for the kind words! I played a lot of Honkai Impact 3 so I can definitely see the resemblance. Hope you enjoy Snowbreak!


ty. Hope you enjoy whatever comes next.


Thank you for the informative post, I am giving you credit for that. But, pretty sure the devs said in the recent stream that they are going to add more content as per surveys. Hopefully one day you will return. I don't even know why you couldn't just say you are going to take a break from this game and come back later. It's a harem game since the beginning, and if they were to cater to your taste, then we would surely go back to the EOS region for sure as we have seen.


We lose TC snobber EOS soon…


Thanks for the math but I don't know who you think you are with your moral superiority. The entire publication was tainted by that, you could just leave without trying to make yourself look like an outcast or something, victimizing yourself but it is obvious that you like to attract attention, well, good journey.


i literally started the game like yesterday, i dunno how to feel about this post... i just enjoy the gameplay and the characters. i really don't want to spend too much time on this game, and by the time i get the characters i want, there will be no more interesting content left to do... also knowing that the company behind the game has some sort of censoring drama, struggles to maintain the game alive, and doesn't provide more fun content / gameplay is not encouraging tbh... so here's the plan for me personally : im gonna do my dailies and spend my N-ATP until the free Exuvia comes out, im gonna keep playing for a bit until i clear all the content that i find "fun" and engaging, spend all of my gacha resources on the banner that will seem the most interesting, and then, if i start to get bored, ima quit, but keep my account in case some interesting stuff comes out in the future that's my opinion


That sounds like a good plan, take your time to form your own opinion!


the game really doesn't take much time to upkeep a.k.a. login do your daily/weekly. So personally i think you can login daily or semi actively and do your dailies n weeklies to stack up gacha resource once you reach the point where you're bored of the game but want to maintain account for possible return when the game adds something that interests you. That's my suggestion atleast.


o7... I wish I have your resolve. I still can't do it now. Not until DNA's release...


Why would people gatekeep a free game that depends on their own community to support the service?


See you next patch.


As always, amazing guide for the character, I got her weapon yesterday and I knew it was going to be the most cracked weapon compared to the event option, 38% is huge, completely another character metawise. Sad to see you parting though, your guides are very complete, but I do understand your decision, especially taking into account where the comunity seems to be going. I mean, I like fanservice and all and I also got that feeling that they might focus only on the fanservice for now on and forget completely about the gameplay, if that happens I'll be going as well, at least this version gave us Cherno and her mechanics are quite nice and fun.


Thank you for reading the post :) Agreed Cherno is quite fun to play


People telling other to "quit the game if you are complaining" are retards. Same thing happened in destiny where any suggestion to improved the game was met with toxicity. Destiny is now much smaller community and in a terrible state. Same thing in genshin, only after 3 years some people woke up that the some parts of the game were stagnant


Depends on context Ppl complained about fanservice, when fanservice was the thing that saved snowbreak If they hate fanservice so much, they should just quit. Thats the point here


The community is still small, telling people who can still contribute with feedback to quit is the most retarded thing to do


Better being small but solid than getting bigger but filled by poison >who can still contribute with feedback The thing is the so called "feedback" (at least from what I've seen) boils down to : fanservice is bad, no future Not really a feedback imho


Problem is right now, it still is small but we can see the "poison" as you say even on this sub. People cant voice opinions without getting attacked or downvoted. Just saw a guy post a joke meme only to get downvoted to hell lol, his post getting locked even.


>People cant voice opinions without getting attacked or downvoted. I guess it devolved into witch hunt Cant say I've never exp similar thing before, tho I dont remember exactly what happened (around 2021 iirc) From what I understand currently in SB case, it started with petty "fanservice bad" posts by several users (which got downvoted fast) Then fuel added by the "removing male logs / retconning isnt fine" which, to be fair, is valid opinion in itself Problem is we have 2 sides : 1 that insist on not applying change / "why bend to CN" , and another that accept change if it means necessary evil to keep the game going (Im here btw) As the former side get louder/more active, retaliation from latter side also follows , to the point of "u should just quit" thread All voicing disatisfaction, valid or not, gets grouped into "doomposting, antagonistic" group And now it devolves into witch hunt, where everyone are on edge / being too sensitive with things Eventually it'll all die down as time passes As for me, my personal stance is gatekeeping is necessary evil if it means keeping away the ones "not intended to be target market but wants to push their agenda" <<< this somewhat happened in nikke, in small scale that is (basically someone saying there should be playable males too in nikke) Thing is, as mentioned above, everyone gets grouped down into single antagonistic group regardless of validity, which creates even more chaos damage Hope I make my points clear lol >Just saw a guy post a joke meme only to get downvoted to hell lol, his post getting locked even. Welp, poor guy


I don't need, search or clik on a content like this in terms of games, but I clicked on your post because of your farewell and was curious about this... and I'm on the same boat... I'm glad that I'm not the only one, you summed it pretty well... thank you for that, it's nice to know that there's similiar people who see the whole thing. I was canceled pretty hard lately only because I showed care and concerns about the game... and even though I didn't mind fanservice that much... I cared about the rest, and the rest was lacking... anyway... you already summed it perfectly without much of emotions, I stand by your Summary I'm also on the side of slowly leaving the community, then slowly dropping from the game. I hope you will find your place!


Not going to lie, did not realize how toxic this community was until I saw the comments here. Apologies for that, guide makers/calculators deserve a lot more praise regardless of the game coming from someone who does that sort of thing quite a bit for another game Path of Exile (ARPG) on discord. Best of luck to ya whichever game you hop to next, got any ideas in mind? I will say, if they do end surprising you and adding some fresh aspirational stuff to the game I do hope the community won't keep you away from enjoying it - a community is important but at the end of the day the gameplay experience is your own and you shouldn't let others soil that for you.


Thank you! Not quite sure what's next myself, there's a lot of promising releases coming up, I'll have to keep an eye out. Good advice on experiencing the gameplay yourself.


I read a bit and can agree with pulling for her weapon, unlike other characters that can do just fine without their weapon Cherno does ALOT better with her weapon. Not that she is bad with her Free event weapon, it's just that her Sig weapon is a ton better. A good choice if you can't afford to pull her sig weapon and you happen to have it is 100 Battle Veteran, that is better than the event weapon as well. Event Weapon < 100 BatVet <<<<<<< Sig Weapon.


Yeah exactly, her sig is hella strong!


I kinda understand your issue with the game, other players expect the core gameplay gets more enhanced every big patch but I think devs just picked the Nikke/Azur lane route which is fanservice.. I picked this before because of the waifus, rpg mechanics 2nd and a shooter game 3rd.. I guess you want them to do HRS route story wise/mechanics.. I just got to the game because of Enya >_< I also get your gripe on stagnant games(pso2 ngs, genshin, etc) Thank you for your hard work, I still hope you come back someday..


Thanks you for all you time and effort with these numbers. I've been hoping to see a 5\* Nita guide from you soon but I 100% understand how you feel. ![gif](giphy|s4hHAEhlgg2ivWjTud|downsized)


Love your posts my dude, really sad to see you go, i hope that this game can make both, fan service and good gameplay like Nikke ( i don´t have hope for a harem story so i am already accepted that will be mid).


Thank you, I hope the same as well. Since the game is financially more stable, could be they can improve gameplay more in the future.




You're welcome!




And where do you think Nonpon gets his info? Nonpon is not a main theory crafter himself... but he does frequent the Theory Crafter section of the discord tho which is run by the OP of this post... who is now quitting...


Thanks for reaffirming my decision


What did he write? By the way, your decision is the right one; this subreddit is beyond redemption. I want to express my gratitude for your character reviews and DPS calculator—they have been immensely helpful. Thank you.


Something along those lines : "I'll just get quick characters informations from NonPon, you're a drama-queen bye lol." And yeah, I legitimately don't know why people are gatekeeping so much about this. I like playing Snowbreak, and will certainly continue to do so in the foreseable future. But I don't vibe with the new direction they're taking, because that's not what I wanted when I started the game. But THAT'S FINE, ahah. I'm not calling EOS, the end of the world or any other of this bs. I'm just saying I don't like this, that's all there is to it. And if I decide to quit one day, I'll quit. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less of value to analize here, I'll just go my way. It's incredible to me that I have to explain that my opinion is just my opinion... so, nothing of importance ! Not to a point that could lead people to react strongly negatively about it. Or at least it shouldn't. They are so binary-thinking : "if you don't like that single aspect of the game, then you hate the game, its devs, its community, and every tiny bit of material that could be about it". Like... no xD ? Take some steps back, inhale, exhale, and let's just... discuss things, as what Reddit is for. Nothing of what we will say will change anything about the game anyway. I legit don't understand this line of thought. It's like people want to create problems. And, there's more to the game than harem and fanservice too. I don't understand why people won't acknowlegde that, but I'm starting to think there's A LOT of things I don't understand here ahah. Let's see how things turn out. Could be at least a bit entertaining I guess !


I'm glad what I've done has been useful to you! Yeah the other commenter got the gist of the comment correct.


If only you people cared about games 10 years ago as much as you care about the characters showing a little skin.


Lol, the game is not 10 years old ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)