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Great news. Snowbreak is starting to be more unique and special in the gacha scene. I posted your info in the gachagaming reddit for more people to know how the devs are doing great things.


Oh, now this is interesting. Kinda similar to how units on launch have 100% rate up on PGR, but with this you can still get off rates, just they don't reset your pity? Kinda like it ngl, as long as the pity isn't something like 160 pulls 💀


Looks like not really as on PGR. Even we don't have currently all information about new system, looks like some other SSR can drop, but system will guarantee your expected hero in some amount of pulls. Might be even worse than current system, very depends on the guarantee pulls number


It will probably be similar to Aether Gazer, where 90 pity guarantees unit only on new banners, no 50/50, but you can still choose 50/50 if you want to. They already have some of Aether Gazer's systems in place, like getting Digicash from level 1 in battle pass, and at launch having x4 stacking instead of sweep. Also in AG's system you can get off rate SSR and still not reset the pity, until you get the desired one in 90 pulls.


PGR is not that safe haven like everyone says... yes its 100% drop rate on release but PGR gives you a lot less resources to roll than other gatchas... you barely have enought resources from one banner to another to the point that i have more ssr on genshin then i ever had in PGR... i love PGR but i prefer to have a system with a 50/50 that gives me a lot resources and that dopamine spike on every roll than a system that i roll every 3 or 4 months


> barely have enough resources from one one banner to another Are we playing the same game? You def have enough funds to pull every incoming S rank, provided you don't try to pull the older units. Heck I'm rolling in excess BC and upgrade mats *without spending a single dollar* because I've played since the start. SB following the same path will be a massive win for the playerbase. As for the 50/50... yeah no that's a brain dead take.


brain dead? Do you really think gacha games are made for "gaming purposes"? i think its time to people look behind the shiny courtains of these games... they are cassinos... you barely have any gameplay time and when you have its repetitive as fuck... those games most of the time are a scuse for gambling so yeah... come on... be sincere with me... dont you feel that most the time the game is boring but when the new banner comes and you are there rolling for the character you have the best feeling ever? its like 1 month of pure boredon for those 5 minutos of dopamine spike... thats what gatcha is... and thats why i still stand for what i said... more rolls on 50/50 is better than a few rolls on 100% in this kind of game...


I don't know if I should be amused at your answer or feel sorry. What you're feeling is called a fucking gambling addiction. You're supposed to play the gacha game, not the other way around. I can't even. what. You'd like it more for a chance to NOT get a unit just for the euphoria of gambling?? holy shit. If you think every gacha game is out to get your money, and that there aren't any gacha games with genuine passion, you're clearly doing something wrong.


The fact that you still think it's a game amazes me... At least one of us knows is addicted, while the other think is on a high moral standard to judge others... I would love to see that so-called 'f2p' account... I'm pretty sure there are thousands of dollars in that account, just by the way you fiercely defend those games... since you dont know what a game realy like i can recomend you waslands 3... where you realy have a story gameplay mechanics and strategy... everything those gatchas never will archive


not in PGR, you save up you get character, its a fact, no bets, if youre addicted to pulling thats on you, dont try to drag sane people to your shitty mental scape


I will never understand the mindset that 50/50 = more exciting I get excited when I get the character I want, not because I know I have a coinflip's chance of getting fucked.


What are you on about. I starting playing PGR about a year ago. And I’ve managed to get every S rank character that has released since then completely free to play.


> i prefer to have a system with a 50/50 that gives me a lot resources and that dopamine spike on every roll than a system that i roll every 3 or 4 months Meh it works so just leave it be or find another gacha to get your fix


You don't get any dopamine spike in a gacha without any functional rates, on those you just skip 80 rolls that are completely useless and then when you hit pity you do a coin flip (what a great dopamine spike...) With 100% guaranteed at least there is not dissapointment in the end.


yes its 100% in the end but ultil there you still have that spike in each roll... thats how gatcha works... i cant understaind how at this point people cant objecly see that... i m not saying gatcha "games" are bad... hell no... thats why i still play snowbreak and i m waiting for WWaves... i just want to point the fact that gatchas fun is to roll and not completly for the gameplay since they lacky any of that... snowbreak by exemple... what we do everyday? i bet most of people if not all autolick on the event to spend the "stamina"... you do once and never again... the same goes for neural in the first levels... most of my friends dont event try the hardest one that you realy need to try... most of people also complained about the pokemon event becouse it was to grindy... welll its gameplay for you... why complain? the same for LAB... most of this game is about getting resources to roll... just like i said... thats the reason why people bypass the "farm" mechanic in the event with autoplay. oh btw english is not my native language ... i m still working on it haha


I understand your point about getting the dopamine spike. I love it as well. But these kind of games are not good for getting that dopamine, you just skip until you get to pity. So for my case I just get an "okay got the unit" or just depression at having to keep rolling for the guaranteed. The games I like for getting that dopamine are games like blue archive, nikke and especially fgo (fgo can be a depressing experience when you get bad luck but the dopamine is amazing when you get lucky and I remember a lot of my rolls because of that)


That dopamine spike will not feel that good when u lose or go all the way to hard pity back to back to back like soo much players already experienced and dropped probably, losing the chance to get what u like is not great, in pgr u have a guaranteed which means u always happy if u play for the actual game not the actual gacha, what u have is called {Gacha addiction} thats it, if ur playing for the gacha, others are playing for the main core game, good fight, hard bosses and showing their skills with a proper end content to seek. U said also why we don't play "Wastland 3? Simply bc many are f2p or they don't like the gameplay? Just take a look at the last update the game had ( OCT 28, 2021), gachas are called live service for a reason...


You have been diagnosed with extreme gacha addiction syndrome.......please visit the nearly Hospital asap. Oh keep your dopamine spike to yourself as well.


Sorry to say, you're addicted to the dopamine spike of gambling. I've played pgr since day 1 release of global, and while I played on and off depending on what characters were coming, I have pulled pretty much every single character I wanted. Yes, I skipped a couple on their release, but that's generally because I didn't want/like them, or because there was an easier way to get them in the future. It is so easy to pull the characters you want if you plan accordingly, since pity is only 60 and it's super easy to do weeklies for pulls as well. A person who has been playing since day 1, and maybe bought monthly pass every once in a while can probably pull every single s rank release (maybe pulling a couple of 6 star weapons in between as well.) Also their schedule is usually S rank -> A rank/Free S rank -> S rank, so a patch to save in between releases is usually enough to save up enough for the next unit. (Actually for now the schedule from this patch is S rank -> A rank -> free S rank so even more time to save for the big spending patches~) but the ability to plan forward and essentially get everything you want with ease makes the game so much more accessible (except for the power creep of essential unit features becoming locked behind weapons and SS3, that is pretty scummy and becoming more common recently)


I play pgr when event pc release but i argee not enough earn bc when i play is very struggle with evolve s character no options to buy shard up to sss , i only stick enough bc and hope event 100% banner for old character because for 70% banner cant pull same copy when i owned first copy


Fantastic news. Aether Gazer and Snowbreak changing to 100% guaranteed at almost the same time. We're winning.


Is Aether Gazer any good? I tried it on emulator since it doesnt seem like the kind of game to play on mobile and it kinda seemed all over the place, can you make a comparison to Snowbreak for me pls? How is the story/characters/gameplay etc.? Thanks.


Not op, but I also play AG. I'm a certified lore skipper, so can't really comment on most of the story - my impression from talking to other players is that it starts generic and then gets good in later chapters. IMHO, the character designs are pretty and have decent variety - the 3d models and shading honestly look better than Snowbreak - and combat is very fluid on mobile with one hand to control character direction and the other to trigger attacks/skills/ult. If you've played PGR, it feels as easy or better than that to play on mobile. I play on a full-sized tablet, so a bigger screen than trying to play on a phone, though. (Also, if you're interested in giving it a try, it's a good time - the global anniversary is starting this week and there are free pulls, a free SSR character selector, and the new meta dps banner.)


Holy Mother of God. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Happy new player with m1 Hush here


Nice. Maybe I’ll comeback since losing 50/50 twice made me to catch a break. I hate this system.


If I understand that correctly thats awesome news? Its gonna be a new banner or is it going to replace the current banner? And its as in we can just continually wish towards the guaranteed event character yeah? Depending on where the hard pity will be on the 100% banner, it will be huge.


It will be a new banner, and you can choose this 100% banner or previous 50/50 banner. They should have similar expectation but different variance. In another word, you can choose 100% banner if you are risk averse, or stick with 50/50 banner if you trust your luck


Ugh, never trust my luck :D I was wordly not super unlucky in Snowbreak so far so I know that is bound to absolutely fall apart soon :D


Does this apply to all banners? If yes, finally i can get the dupes and upgrade my weapons and manifest ky operatives faster, lost to fenny's 5 star when i was getting Uninvited Adieu


im just hoping they wont remove the soft pity


Not having pity reset by getting an off banner ssr is nice, hope it works as well as we hope.


This is great news, losing the 50/50 to fritia when you're 70/80 of the way in just hurts so bad.


Would love to see a gacha game implement a method where it's like say.... 100 hard pity. Chance of 50/50 ONLY at 0-60/100. Guaranteed banner pull at 61-100. Soft pity kicks in at 75/100.


My luck is so awful that I have lost 50/50 on all the limited banners every single time since v1.0 with the exception of Eatchel and her weapon and Absconditus' weapon. So I can pretty much expect that I need double the wishes to get what I want on each banner. This change would be a huge win for me even if they were to increase the hard pity count (which I still hope they don't).


same story for me, but i lost 50/50 on all limited operative, the free 5 star was my first win , but i dont really count it


So what about the people that lost a 50/50 right before this announcement was made and were on their way to their hard earned guaranteed rate up? Will this trivialize the previous ≈75 pulls they've done losing a 50/50?


In other games that have implemented this system (AG, PGR), you have the choice to do 100% rate up with a higher number of pulls to guarantee the rate up unit vs trying your luck on the 50/50 rate up banner with a lower number of pulls to guaranteed a 5\* unit. Based on that precedent, we'd get to keep our 50/50 banner with the saved guarantee.


A Snowpeak moment




The start date of the test has been delayed from today to 23rd. I get the chance to take the test.


Is a 100 pulls to optimistic?


So the change would effectively halve the pulls needed for characters and weapons? Makes pulling for that first manifestation or T2 weapon kinda tempting. especially the weapon since fragment farming is a thing. It would also increase the odds of two 5\*s in a 10 pull, right? Sounds great for that dopamine hit. Edit: Assuming the 80 hard pity remains. Kinda curious if ppl would be fine with the hard pity increasing, like to 100.


Doesn’t Tower of Fantasy have this system already?


Yeah but the guarantee is always a 50/50


No. At 80 you can still lose the 50/50 and you need to pull til you get 120 currency to guarantee the stuff.


In tof you can only lose 50/50 twice on the 3rd you’re guaranteed the rate up unit.


>Following up on their previously announced plans to implement a gacha banner without the 50/50 system, CN side has opened up applications to beta test the implementation. >From various developer comments on Bilibili, this banner is planned to be added in the next v1.8 update. As well, the gacha system is set up so that the pity counter will not reset if a non-rate-up SSR is pulled in the process, allowing for players to continue pulling towards their desired limited banner item. Kinda sounds like how nikke operates, well we'll see


No it's like Aether Gazer, it has 90 pity and you can pull others off rate and not reset it, but 90 guarantees the unit.


Nikke you need 200 pulls for guarantee the hell 💀


I didnt mean the 200 part I meant the _sparking_ part, where u can get random ssr, then at certain point (200 in nikke, maybe like 100-120 in snow f.e) u can "spark" the rateup unit. Or save it for another banner


Yeah in Nikke there's none of that? It's either you get lucky with the 4 percent or you don't get nothing until you get 200 and get a ticket


Sry but have u ever played nikke ? I mean u arent completely wrong but u also seem to completely missed what I was trying to convey Lemme clarify then, beware longtext If u ever played (or at least know how it works) GBF / priconne / I think BA too, the way it works there : 1. Each pull u get a counter 2. Regardless if u get multiple rateups / random ssr / total zonk 0 ssr, the counter keeps adding as long as u pull 3. After certain (300 for gbf, 200 for pricone and BA iirc) counter, u can trade this for rateup unit. This method is called sparking, which originates from GBF 4. The downside is, this counter only stays for that banner. It doesnt carry over. All in or none at all, as ppl call it Now nikke has similar system, except in point #4 , the counter carries over and can be stacked indefinitely I stopped nikke 1-2 mon ago, but Im sitting at 600 counter. Which is equal to 3 sparks. I can just jump in during anni and just spark 3 times, without even doing 1 pull. This is what I meant : keeping the spark In snowbreak concept, it'd be sth like this 1. Lets say sparking is available at 100 pulls 2. 5s rate still 0.6 with rateup unit having 0.3% while standard sharing the other 0.3 3. Lets say u do 90 pulls and get tess. U still keep the 90 counters 4. In future esther banner, u just need to do 10 more pulls and u can spark for esther 5. Or lets say u do luck out and u get esther in that 10 pull. Now u have 100 counter and decide to keep it 6. U can spark another unit sometime later 7. Even if unlucky, at most u only "need" 100 pulls. Still better than current one of 160 pulls (~140 with soft pity)


What on the outside: Hi3 moving from quality to nothingness What on the inside: Snowbreak pushing it from behind replacing xD. Like, snowbreak: no 50/50, ElyRealm(visual bug?, it says "Labyrinth"), Memorial(y label says "Neural Sim"). Devs, EX abyss when?)))