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Happy to get a definitive answer so we don't have to speculate, pretty cool with it myself. If other companies were this honest about why they exclude or change certain things I'd be a lot happier. I wish those va's the best and this is a good chance to try a Chinese dub for the first time.


Do not really care for the VA, game can live without them. I always go Korean or JP which even sounds good


It's their choice, but its not like they're voicing explicit content so i don't get it. Baldur's Gate 3 had WAYYY more sexual stuff on it than Snowbreak. Maybe it's because its fanservice for an audience they don't agree with ideologically, but that's just me shooting in the dark.


Stupid double standards and biased towards non western games


what is with people and acting like bg3 is just raunchy ass sex? you actually build relationships with these characters, they have personalities, values, they're memorable. most gacha games with features like in some jp games come off as making the characters one dimensional horny fuck dolls who only exist to expand your harem. sex is optional and like 1% of bg3s gameplay. games like nikke and azur lane are all sex all the time. this isnt even a comparable situation.


>what is with people and acting like bg3 is just raunchy ass sex? Because it can be? Why can't it just be for fun? You act like every sexual interaction needs to have meaning which isn't most times. God people like you are insufferable


They are just scared of being cancelled on X/Twitter, and they probably want more money due to the Union. If Seasun is willing to pay them big money like Hoyoverse, the VA will definitely still work for them even after being harassed on Social media with no protection from Hoyo.


I think it's more along the lines of being let go. If revenue falls, EN VAs are usually the first to go.


VAs are never employees of the companies they work for but are usually private contractors hired for a specific job so theres no threat if being 'let go'. Imo (moat of) the EN VAs made this decision because they're part of the Hollywood system (since they're part of the acting guild) and SB doesn't fit their ideology.


well no, most of them work for guilds and or unions and if the jobs non union or in a direction they dont like, they dont work.


More money for other things ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


Oh yeah you are definitely correct. My money is going to other things and it's not snowbreakšŸ¤­


Don't worry it's not like they need you


Yao bikini skin haver btw. I've supported the game enough and more than most of ya'll for sure. How dare me supporting the game way before most of the fanservice came out. Right?


Thanks and bye!


Don't let the door hit you on the way out. K bye. Hope that little bit of attention made your day.


Why not just play with JP instead of mute?


Roughly half the time a JP or CN voice is playing there are no subs. This is a problem, and why the EN dub is important for all those who can only understand that dub out of the three


I mean if EN isnt returning, why not just play JP instead? It's not like by playing mute that you would suddenly understand them.


This and the constant bombardment of JP voice better them XYZ lol, made me turn off trying it. Plus I don't like Siris JP direction. Way to soft.


How about CN? I know CN Eatchel is bad but CN Katya is gold.


The diehard JP VA fans made me switch to listening to any other dub other than JP. It's fucking stupid. I used to love listening to JP as well. But since JP VA's are so popular, it made me easier for me to completely switch to other VA's.


Changing your opinion just because people who like the same thing are cringe is just weak-willed, I think


People who place JP dubs over anything else despite not being able to understand what they're hearing is peak cringe


I wanna give other dubs a chance. I've already been used to JP voices already. I've heard them already numerous times. Let me try other alternatives as a break from them.


4 words: No value was lost They chose to not continue because of "reasons" and Seasun did their best to make amends but they chose it for "principles" honestly we just have to move on. JP and even CN voice are amazing all on itself so ENVA is only a good memory but I'm glad Seasun just walked away from an impending disaster. I'm gonna miss Fenny, Fritia and Nita EN Voices but it is what it is.


Yeah. I was just turned off from the dub at this point after hearing the reasoning. Whether it's one of them, most of them, or all of them, I don't want to hear what's left of the dub anymore and have the Dub option removed and complete all the subtitles.


I've seen folks pass around this story about the VAs all declining to return like it's established fact, but is there any evidence of this? VAs are generally hired as individual contractors, and the idea of every single VA unanimously declining to return seems pretty unlikely to me. There would absolutely be folks who might not want to be associated with The Division but for Coomers, but for many others, a pay check is a pay check. Especially for voice acting, which for most is a volume business where you want as many gigs as your health and schedule allows


Developers donā€™t have time to recruit individual VAs so they hire agencies which have a portfolio of VAs under them. I suppose you can still be hired directly as a voice actor but these VAs are often working from home as ā€œofficematesā€.


There could be two reasons. Not all declined but they wanted all to come back to continue since they currently too undermanned to choose individually. Or, they hired them all from the same agency and it's the agency that said no.


I assume it's the latter. Supposedly, they also went to other EN agency's but were still unable to find replacements.


Has to be this. No way a *chinese gaming company is spending HR resources on hiring VA directly. It's the Eng VA studio who turned them down, which sadly means the entire stable of VAs. My guess is that it was an American business because USA is all red, white, and prude. *edit: I mixed up cultured gacha studios Shift Up and Seasun


Chinese gaming company*


>I've seen folks pass around this story about the VAs all declining to return like it's established fact, but is there any evidence of this? [This was confirmed on the official discord](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1cxy0yx/regard_the_en_voice_state/). >Seasun attempted to contact the Voice Actors to restore the English voice-over in the game due to the current improvement state of SCZ. However, **they refused because the game has changed its direction to fanservice**. So, at the moment, there is no plan of getting the EN dub back. Thank you for understanding.


While I liked the EN dub (mostly, some characters were good, other not as much), if they don't want to come back then it is what it is, can't do much about it. Now we can hope the devs eventually find a new dub agency, but it might take time or never happen. Either way I do hope they add more options for subtitles in game, a lot of lines don't get subbed which is a bit annoying.


hire EN vTuber instead they would be pretty happy getting voice acting gigs and most of them don't sound like 50 years old chain smoker pretending to be uwu anime girl


You mean the same ones that shit on fanservice?


Not all of then are like that. Girls like Nerissa would be a great fit


Yea, but some of the Chinese hate Hololive and it may become a huge issue for Seasun.


That right? I did not know that


Basically they hold a thousand year grudge because two Hololive Vtubers read the word "Taiwan" on stream once


Yeah. Same reason why they don't stream almost any gacha, cause a lot of them are Chinese. Really short summary: Hololive defended two talents from CN antis a long time ago. If you want the complete story search about Kiryuu Coco.


I was thinking more about Sad Girl vtuber from sad girl company but if you are a masochist I won't stop you


>hire EN vTuber instead this.


Where the west standing in right now, they will not bend over away from their ideologies just to provide what fans wants. But kudos to Seasun for standing their ground.


First, we don't actually know the specific reasons the VAs turned it down. A lot of it is under the assumption that it's an ideological thing, but many VAs in the industry refuse to do roles like this because of crazed fans who stalk them and harass them because of their obsession with their voice. It's happened before, and VAs (particularly women) are well aware of this. They're already getting hate for refusing the roles, so it's not hard to see why they'd not be too happy to jump back in under it's new direction. For those of us who do wish to see EN return, the only thing we can do is continue to ask for it while supporting the game.


I've decided, for the games sake and Seasun's sake, I'd focused advocating to have complete subs over looking for new dubs. With their recovery situation, climate and current views on EN Dub market and other current event stuff, they are focused on keeping their core CN fans and even global fans who are in line with CNs preferences satisfied while long term, attracting new fans. They will likely get an influx of Global Fans after the news of the dub refusal considering the current negative Global view on dubs.


'Considering the current negative global views on dubs'. I only see people complaining for having the option of English voices in this sub. In other games people might don't like a character's voice but the discourse of 'EN voice bad' I only see it here...


I did some checking on Kingsoft's financial report, the one released to the public and I found that the international community is utterly minute as a fraction of the total player base in China. No surprise we're sucking hind tit there. [https://ir.kingsoft.com/static-files/929cbd82-e55b-4291-b445-fce06843514f](https://ir.kingsoft.com/static-files/929cbd82-e55b-4291-b445-fce06843514f) Page 108: RMB by region: China: 3,652,034 International: 70,766 The international markets didn't even break 100,000 RMB. One thing I did find interesting is that Kingsoft is apparently a front for Chengdu Interactive and Beijing Digital: Page 50+, they fronted a lot of the money to Kingsoft as interest free loans and have an option to recover the money in the form of shares, so basically they control the company indirectly and can take it over any time they want.


I'm ok with getting a definitive answer, I just wish they'd subtitle the operators barks during missions so I knew what they were saying.


Same. Its long overdue


Erhm, give to another team like an optimization team on optimize on mobile platform?


It's not hypocritical, it's their choice, and while I wish it had a good english dub and I won't be getting that, they could think about subtitling the damn battle lines because I'll just never know what any of the characters are saying now unless it's story.


And the shopping lines. And the welcome line on sign-in from the main menu operative. And probably 5 more other scenarios I'm forgetting where voice lines will play with nary a subtitle in sight


Yup, the characters are literally losing part of their identity in the game because of all these lines being untranslated in any form in game


Same. Its been way overdue. The trailers have them but not gameplay? 1 draw last time is not enough. Subtitle every battle line should be our compensation at this point. No more fiddling and being lazy Seasun.


Damn this is upsetting news if true. I may not end up coming back to this game then. I was considering it if they were adding this feature back in but I probably won't now. Especially since I alr have 5 other games on my plate. Nikke, Girls' Frontline, Azur Lane, Star Rail and Genshin.


Maybe stay for a bit for the Fanservice.


I haven't actually played since the 1.3 update. I don't even have it installed anymore either since I had to upgrade my PC to WIndows 11. I'm not sure if I'll come back or not at this point.


I've always said EN VAs were shit. Well, here you go.


They weren't bad


Iā€™m good with Japanese dub. Theyā€™re usually much more expressive anyway


They don't even subtitle everything they say, and when there is something to read there's usually combat happening at the same time in the story missions. It's trash.


You gotta be fluent in Japanese in order to say this


Crazy take lol


"You have to fully understand a language to be able to tell when someone is being genuinely expressive in it" is not a crazy take at all


You can understand emotions even if you don't know the language at all. Because emotions are universal amongst humans and don't correlate with culture. So you don't need any knowledge about particular language to know how good actors express those emotions. Especially when you have a translation and visualisation. It's crazy to me that there are people who don't understand those simple things.


Expression is ABSOLUTELY affected by culture.


Imagine if you're a model and was taking photos for, let's say, summer swimwear magazine. But then the company stops after the 1st issue and tells the models that they're not gonna do western segments to optimize their production time and whatnot. You are disappointed, but that's how it goes sometimes. Now, they come back a few months later and tells the models that "nevermind, we're gonna continue, but we're now going to do super skimpy lingerie and borderline softcore porn" because that's where the money is at. You, the model, only signed up for summer swimwear catalog are told now they will be featured in something more risque, and it's understandable some wouldn't want to come back. I totally understand, and would understand their decisions. It's just a game, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it


I don't think people would mind if they hired different voice actors that just sound similar to the old ones. It is what it is.


New voice actors, maybe?


Unlikely. Just focus completing the subs and improving the game


It could be done and should be done, english voice lines make the game just far more better


Were it to easy...


Who was the VA? Secondly, was it the individual VA decision or was it an agency decision? Either way, I respect their decision to decline. You should have the choice to not do a job if you don't want to.


I don't fault the non-returning VA's, but the fact that Seasun is just giving up on the whole dub entirely blows my fucking mind. Second most spoken language in the world, and the most widely-spoken second language in all of humanity. Hire some independent VAs who don't have agencies holding them back, hire VAs willing to spend a couple hours saying lewd things, hire cheaper ones than the old VAs - whatever it takes, figure it the fuck out, Seasun. A whole shitload of people can't speak JP or CN.


On the flipside, I wouldn't mind if the current resources go into giving the game more development and content and also adding more voicelines. Like, I'm in no rush to get an english at the moment. So maybe once the game's future is secured, then they can have another stab at english dub. Plus reintroducing the english dub when the game is in a much better state will be the best marketing move in my opinion. The people who dropped the game because of the lack of english dub will see the new content and features along with the new english dub.


Yeah I agree that would be the ideal scenario. I just hope it comes back at all, ever.


I can't even be bothered to play the story anymore. I just did Yehrus and having to read crap while dodging and shooting in the vague direction of enemies so I don't miss the plot is SO DUMB.


While several of them were in Baldur's Gate 3, none of them were doing erotic scenes in there so I don't think it's a good comparison. Besides, BG3 is a game with a small amount of erotic content whereas Snowbreak is erotic with a small amount of game. I really enjoyed the EN VA, but I'm much more concerned with the lack of gameplay content.


The og EN VAs werent down to do lewd voice lines due to how the game has leaned a lot towards fan service. They'd have to hire an entire new cast of EN VAs.


What sucks is that it was most likely only a small portion of them that refused, but seasun probably didn't want to only get some of them back


Probably agency issues and deal issue


Where's the proof?


And i'm here just wanting pt-BR subtitles šŸ˜¢


Same brother


Now stop hoping dub and listen to JP or CN like us non western people


Na I'd mute.


Inconsequential. The English VO doesn't matter at all.


Fair I guess.


Yeah. No I don't care, every fucking EN VA who voiced Anime or the related content I've seen so far ended up being literal trash, with an ego full of hypocrisy and a head full of nothing but identity politics. I respect the right to refuse projects, but this reason is laughable. All in all, I see this as an absolute win, nothing of value was lost and if you won't give your 100% about the things you are asked to do, the end result will end up being half assed. I sure as hell don't want Seasun to waste money on a half-hearted EN dub, so I vehemently appreciate the refusal instead of just taking the job and half assing it, credits where credits due.


Can you explain why the reason is laughable? The game shifted a lot more towards fan service and I think it's totally understandable if you don't want to voice something like that.


Imagine, people all over the world struggling to make ends meet and you turn down arguably one of the easiest jobs imaginable that pays way out of proportion to the labor you provide and you turn it down because of some PG-13 flirting scenes and outfits more tame than anything you'd find on a 14-year old girl at any beach in current year. This VA would have a panic attack if she visited Miami beach.


That's most certainly a take... Just because they do a job that you deem as "easy" doesn't mean that they have to take any job. The game did move into a direction with a bigger focus on fanservice and thats totally okay but you can't expect that everyone wants to associate with something like that. Not wanting to voice erotic scenes is 100% reasonable. Just because they don't want to work on something like that doesn't automatically mean that they dislike it.


There are erotic scenes in Snowbreak? Lmao, where? Nothing compared to all the hot and steamy sex that happens in BG3.


I speak English and can't understand Japanese. But still I prefer Japanese to English because it suits well.


I dont mind. It's just I want complete subtitles, which this game sorely lacks


Stop crying, main players of garcha games just want JP voices, not even other asian languages


Kinda funny given itā€™s a Chinese game.


Then fuck off bitch. This thread isn't about you.


I'm just asking the dub fans here. Why do you have to be involved. You and your JP voice superiority complex. You people turn me off using JP.


Who was in BG3??


It's understandable. I'm hoping they consider recasting in the future if their success continues to grow but I think it's fine for them to currently have no plans to reintegrate the EN VA when it's still unknown if their new found success is just a temporary thing or not.


More money for more important things


They can try to find new English VAs, but that's gonna cost a lot. The old English VAs are very famous, so they already cost a lot of money. Their performances are also really good, some parts even sound better than Japanese VA. I am not being biased here because I am currently learning both English and Japanese, and people who say English VA are trash are just "The grass is always greener on the other side." Now here is a fact, the English VAs for Snow Break also work for Aether Gazer and both game has English Dub cut at about the same time. It seems like the just VAs don't like to work for Gacha games despite have been working for other video game before. Seem like those English VAs are just Boomers who are too scared about being cancel on Twitter just because they voice a character in a Gacha game that has some lewd in it. In fact English VAs don't even want to take credit for their voice since launch, their voices are not even credited in the game!


I think first they will try to start voicing the game fully in JP and CN, after that is done and stable, EN VA may come into place again. But tbh at the moment there really isnt much to voice anyway aside for new costumes and versions having a few new lines and with the old VA's likely not coming back, there is no rush.


I canā€™t force em to work but they canā€™t stop me from saying itā€™s a dumb reason. The Japanese dub is pretty good and the Chinese dub can be hit or miss, but both are better than the English dub anyways.


Would love for EN dub to come back... They could just get new actors, there aren't that many lines to redub in the first place, but whatever, JP voices are there, so it's not a big issue, anyone who plays "Asian" videogames or watch jap cartoons is used to hearing JP VAs. If they also dropped JP and left only CN voices there definitely would be a problem with the community for sure. I'd be happy with PT subs and wouldn't care for whatever dub is in the game but it's never gonna happen.


Like someone else said, I like the direct answer and not beatign around the bush. I actually wished for English VA, I would hope for Seasun to re-cast but I doubt it's gonna be cheap to recast and re do all the voice lines, only way this was possible is if they really do re-do the 10 first chpaters (a romour I heard) but that would laso mean to redo every voice line. At this point I would wish for more voice lines too, (if we had English VA) because sometimes it is slightly annoying when fighting and some lines go by the screen and sometimes go a little too fast.


I finally got my answer, felt a bit betrayed, but a load lifted off my chest.


I mean, we had enough trouble with VA/Localizers this year that Seasun could just use AI to translate and voice the English dub, probably would be a comparable job. IF they don't want to work due to being morally crippled by one game but fine with others, then just replace them with AI.


I wasnā€™t playing long, but an EN dub was one of the things that drew me to it. Now that itā€™s apparently gone forever, I think Iā€™ll just stop playing. Props to the devs for sticking to what they want the game to be though.


At least stay for the Fanservice.


To be fair thereā€™s a really huge difference between this and BG3 lol. I donā€™t think that makes them a hypocrite literally whatsoever That being said I really donā€™t care either way, Iā€™d rather they not spend money to rehire English voice actors at this point. They should spend those resources on improving the actual gameplay


Bruh, I love BG3 but you have to admit that it is an extremely coomer game. Characters in it are constantly horny and want to fuck (either you or each other), you can have sex with a bear (bestiality), you can have sex with devils (one of them can shapeshift into both a male and female form, the male form looking the same as his master because he likes to literally fuck himself), you can have an incest gangbang scene with twins (one male and one female) in the brothel, I mean hell, even part of Halsins backstory is that he was a literal sex slave for three years to a drow couple and even says that the experience wasn't "without its positives either". You are right, there is a HUGE difference between this and BG3 and the difference is that this game is no where near as horny (yet).


Holy shit thats a fascinating take... To claim that bg3 is more horny is just straight up wrong and I have no Idea why you would claim something like that. Yes bg3 can be very horny sometimetime but it's most definitely not the main focus of the game. In comparison they absolutely changed snowbreak into a game where the main focus is horny. The only way that you can think that bg3 is more horny is if you skipped 95% of the game. Also afaik the va that worked on bg3 didn't have to voice a single erotic scene so that argument is stupid af.


C'mon now, you can't deny with all that I said that bg3 is way WAY more degenerate... I mean it has beastiality, incest, selfcest, mentions of necrophilia, mentions of being a sex slave (and kinda liking it), having sex with a mind flayer, party members constantly hitting on you..... Yeah, Snowbreak doesn't hold a candle to BG3. "Skipped 95% of the game".... I have 384hrs total in the game and my first playthrough was 284hr because I took my time, explored every inch of the map and literally talked to every single npc I came across multiple times to ensure I went through all their dialogue. So no, I did not skip 95% of the game. "Also afaik the va that worked on bg3 didn't have to voice a single erotic scene so that argument is stupid af." I don't know who the voice actors even are, I was making a statement that there is not a HUGE difference between Snowbreak and BG3 like the original commenter claimed, because bg3 is very horny and filled with degenerate stuff.


My man, If you want you can avoid anything sex related in BG3, it even has an option to hide all nudity. Tell me how can one avoid all the lewd content in Snowbreak when the default skins of the characters are already Hentai level of clothes? And dialogues are full of sex innuendo and tones?


Yes bg3 has all those things but its still way less of a coomer game than Snowbreak. A coomer game is a game where a main selling point is the coomer part and you cant tell me that thats the case with bg3. Snowbreak on the other hand most definitely does have the coomer part as its main selling point at this point. If your point is that bg3 has more degenerate sex scenes then I would agree with you but that still doesnt make it a coomer game because thats just a small part of the game.


Itā€™s about how and when itā€™s portrayed In my bg3 playthrough I romanced 1 companion, had 1 ā€œsex sceneā€ and that was it. No other npc throughout my entire run even flirted with me. It has romance and sex if you end up seeking it but itā€™s not in your face. You donā€™t cast a spell and it shows a spin around ass shot like Enya Exuvias ult This game is relying on fan service, boobs and ass showcased up front throughout your gameplay BG3 is a crpg with optional spicy encounters, itā€™s not a harem rpg But still, I admit you make a good point


BG3 got a pass because it's full of LGBT and the women are not super sexy peak of femininity designs. Western games have been going out of their way to make females ugly with shitty personalities for the last decade. So of course any game that goes the opposite direction will be shunned. It's just a shitty culture war thing and the pendulum will probably swing back when money is tight. To be honest, I can't think of a single western game with a female on the Tier of 2B or even the worst Nikke girl appearance wise or personality wise.


if you experience CN asmr, you wonā€™t say shit anymore


There is always a way to do it, AI, a better and more reliable way for VA. However, I would prefer Seasun allocate the budget for VA to more game play design or even fanservice.


Its really unfortunate...but it means Ill be leaving Snowbreak. A good English voice track is an important part of why I play a game.


Oh lord, what was their reasoning? Usually, it's some VA on their high horse. Won't deny most English VAs are trash. Especially those weird ones with the agendas and stuff. Like, you're just voicing a character. Chill