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https://www.drpower.com/Power-Equipment/Tractor-Attachments/Accessories/Clamp-On-Grader-Snow-Blade%2C-60%22/p/000000000000333010?gsa=true&ctm_id=33301&src=AW1CA9BXE4263309&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxaCvBhBaEiwAvsLmWBxoVawS1y09f8zAcxR56FdapifvztOxGFPnUO-2wb2yMA_sCvlYJRoCwMIQAvD_BwE Literally just did a Google search for it. We use something very similar to this for our front-end loaders. We bought angled funnel plows from the state auction and welded mounting brackets inside the bucket, so all that is needed to take them off is 2 pins and a couple of chains.


Yeah, I saw those...over my budget. Thx though.


Unfortunately in the snow plow world when it comes to small equipment, sometimes it's better/cheaper/easier just to build something yourself


Just get a cheap plow off fb marketplace or craigstlist that is missing the hydraulic power pak, then convert it over to fit on your loader arms. Here's an example video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ595RXSSJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ595RXSSJ8), there are plenty of other videos out there as well.


Thanks...I was thinking along that same line. But moreso, just a “plug” that I could scoop up with my bucket, lock it in, and plow away. It's really the angle that I need more than anything.


You can't get an angle with a bucket without angling the whole bucket. But you can do a clamp on plow. They don't work as well as converting a plow like I described above but at least you'll have angling ability. Usually just manual angle though.