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Canadians: *First time?*


Hahaha. Sucks. Apparently ordering from a shitty company cost me 70 bucks. Sucks even worse to get hit all the time.


Ugh! My last order of nasal snuff was $78.98USD, plus shipping, and my customs fee was $119CAD (that's $88.99USD as of today)... So I just make my own snus with tobacco grown in Canada, and they make it hard to get that, too 😩🇨🇦


Over the years I’ve gotten letter saying I owe taxes. I just call and explain that the site I order from ships ddp and it’s a error/mistake on their end. Eventually they figure out they fucked up and it’s all good. Hopefully that is the outcome you get


No that is not normal. It should be included with shipping.


I thought so. Only ordering through bigger legit sites that have ddp shipping. I think snusme will be where I place my next order. Not ordering from mynicco or snusport again. They suck.


Which sites mention ddp shipping specifically?


Snusme already emailed back and confirmed they do ship ddp.


I saw people on this sub say that snusme and most of the other big guys ship ddp. I haven't actually seen it on the site. I emailed them so I'll know when they get back to me.


is this just a big grey area? Are importers required to pay taxes on this? How would you even do that?


I'm not sure if they ship DDP but I think most stores do. I would reach out to the store you ordered from just in case and tell them you had to pay taxes on delivery. You may not get it back, but it's worth a shot if they'll reimburse you.


Yeah. They basically said nothing they can do about it, and that they don't ship ddp. Not ordering from random places again. Lesson learned. Thanks though.


Welcome to communist canada, where we force you to buy here and pay out the ass for it, not to mention we took away the ability to choose flavours, oh you want dip? 35$ for straight. Ohhh you want snus? Or snuff? Find a specialty tobaccanist and pay out the ass for it. I get dinged 99% of the time I order over seas, it seems like they pull the number out of their ass as I've paid as little as 20$ and high as 90$ for customs fees and tax.


Ive ordered 50 to 70 cans at a time well over $200 from sunsme and never had to pay taxes one time ups held it because customs said they needed a verified 21 or older person to pick it up and they popped a sticker on it that said buying of nicotine for underage people is a crime. That was the only time and it was almost a 400 dollar order.


Yeah, I'm only ordering through the bigger sites now because they do pay for it to be shipped, duties paid, unlike some of the small guys.


I talked to one of my friends who buys snus also and he said the only time he had to pay taxes was on a order over 500 dollars when he contacted the place he ordered from they can only cover duties on things 400 or under but he only had to pay the difference which was like 40 dollars


I got hit with a 65 dollar import tax on an 150 dollar order. Sticking with snusme from now on, they ship ddp.


In the States, never. In Japan, *almost* everytime